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Although several approaches have been proposed to specify multi-agent commitment-based protocols that capture flexible and rich interactions among autonomous and heterogeneous agents, very few of them synthesize their formal specification and automatic verification in an integrated framework. In this paper, we present a new logic-based language to specify commitment-based protocols, which is derived from ACTL1c, a logic extending CTL1 with modalities to represent and reason about social commitments and their actions. We present a reduction technique that formally transforms the problem of model checking ACTL1c to the problem of model checking GCTL1 (an extension of CTL1 with action formulae). We prove that the reduction technique is sound and we fully implement it on top of the CWB-NC model checker to automatically verify the NetBill protocol, a motivated and specified example in the proposed specification language. We also apply the proposed technique to check the compliance of another protocol: the Contract Net protocol with given properties and report and discuss the obtained results. We finally develop a new symbolic algorithm to perform model checking dedicated to the proposed logic.  相似文献   

Model-Driven Engineering promotes the use of models to conduct the different phases of the software development. In this way, models are transformed between different languages and notations until code is generated for the final application. Hence, the construction of correct Model-to-Model (M2M) transformations becomes a crucial aspect in this approach. Even though many languages and tools have been proposed to build and execute M2M transformations, there is scarce support to specify correctness requirements for such transformations in an implementation-independent way, i.e., irrespective of the actual transformation language used. In this paper we fill this gap by proposing a declarative language for the specification of visual contracts, enabling the verification of transformations defined with any transformation language. The verification is performed by compiling the contracts into QVT to detect disconformities of transformation results with respect to the contracts. As a proof of concept, we also report on a graphical modeling environment for the specification of contracts, and on its use for the verification of transformations in several case studies.  相似文献   

The paradigm of service-oriented computing revolutionized the field of software engineering. According to this paradigm, new systems are composed of existing stand-alone services to support complex cross-organizational business processes. Correct communication of these services is not possible without a proper coordination mechanism. The Reo coordination language is a channel-based modeling language that introduces various types of channels and their composition rules. By composing Reo channels, one can specify Reo connectors that realize arbitrary complex behavioral protocols. Several formalisms have been introduced to give semantics to Reo. In their most basic form, they reflect service synchronization and dataflow constraints imposed by connectors. To ensure that the composed system behaves as intended, we need a wide range of automated verification tools to assist service composition designers. In this paper, we present our framework for the verification of Reo using the mCRL2{{\tt mCRL2}} toolset. We unify our previous work on mapping various semantic models for Reo, namely, constraint automata, timed constraint automata, coloring semantics and the newly developed action constraint automata, to the process algebraic specification language of mCRL2{{\tt mCRL2}}, address the correctness of this mapping, discuss tool support, and present a detailed example that illustrates the use of Reo empowered with mCRL2{{\tt mCRL2}} for the analysis of dataflow in service-based process models.  相似文献   

In order to specify databases completely at the conceptual level, conceptual database specification languages should contain a data definition (sub)language (DDL), for specifying data structures (+constraints), a data retrieval (sub)language (DRL), for specifying queries, as well as a (declarative) data manipulation (sub)language (DML), for specifying transactions.Object Role Modeling (ORM) is a powerful method for designing and querying database models at the conceptual level. By means of verbalization the application is also described in natural language as used by domain experts, for communication and validation purposes. ORM currently comprises a DDL and a DRL (ConQuer). However, the ORM-method does not yet contain an expressive DML for specifying transactions at the conceptual level.In an earlier paper we designed a syntactic extension of the ORM-method with a DML for specifying transactions at the conceptual level in a purely declarative way. For all transactions we proposed syntaxes, verbalizations, and diagrams. However, we did not give a formal semantics then.The purpose of this paper is to add a clear, formal and purely declarative semantics to the proposed ORM-transactions. The paper also formally defines rollbacks and illustrates everything with examples (including a solution to a well-known transaction specification problem). The extension of ORM with an expressive set of completely declaratively specified transactions makes ORM complete as a database specification method at the conceptual level.  相似文献   

A semantic framework for metamodel-based languages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the model-based development context, metamodel-based languages are increasingly being defined and adopted either for general purposes or for specific domains of interest. However, meta-languages such as the MOF (Meta Object Facility)—combined with the OCL (Object Constraint Language) for expressing constraints—used to specify metamodels focus on structural and static semantics but have no built-in support for specifying behavioral semantics. This paper introduces a formal semantic framework for the definition of the semantics of metamodel-based languages. Using metamodelling principles, we propose several techniques, some based on the translational approach while others based on the weaving approach, all showing how the Abstract State Machine formal method can be integrated with current metamodel engineering environments to endow language metamodels with precise and executable semantics. We exemplify the use of our semantic framework by applying the proposed techniques to the OMG metamodelling framework for the behaviour specification of the Finite State Machines provided in terms of a metamodel.  相似文献   

Data Flow Diagram (DFD) has been widely used in Software Engineering as means of requirement analysis and system specification.However,one defect of DFD approach remains untackled:the lack of formal semantics has brought about a lot of problems.In this paper,we model Data Flow Diagram as networks of concurrent processes.With the use of temporal logic language XYZ/E,the formal basis of the semantic specification of DFD can be ensured,and the system properties such as safety and liveness can be easily characterized.The main part of this paper is devoted to the study of the hierarchical decomposition of semantic specification and its correctness.A verification methodology is proposed and several examples are analyzed.The implementation of the tools which can support the formal specification,verification and simulation of DFD are also briefly described.  相似文献   

We propose a domain-specific aspect language to prevent denial of service caused by resource management. Our aspects specify availability policies by enforcing time limits in the allocation of resources. In our language, aspects can be seen as formal timed properties on execution traces. Programs and aspects are specified as timed automata and the weaving process as an automata product. The benefit of this formal approach is two-fold: the user keeps the semantic impact of weaving under control and (s)he can use a model-checker to optimize the woven program and verify availability properties. This article presents the main approach (programs, aspects, weaving) formally using timed safety automata. The specification of resources, optimizations and verification are sketched in a more intuitive fashion. Even if a concrete implementation remains as future work, we address some high-level implementation issues and illustrate the approach by small examples and a case study.  相似文献   

We present functional dependencies, a convenient, formal, but high-level, specification format for a piece of procedural software (function). Functional dependencies specify the set of memory locations, which may be modified by the function, and for each modified location, the set of memory locations that influence its final value. Verifying that a function respects pre-defined functional dependencies can be tricky: the embedded world uses C and Ada, which have arrays and pointers. Existing systems we know of that manipulate functional dependencies, Caveat and SPARK, are restricted to pointer-free subsets of these languages. This article deals with the functional dependencies in a programming language with full aliasing. We show how to use a weakest pre-condition calculus to generate a verification condition for pre-existing functional dependencies requirements. This verification condition can then be checked using automated theorem provers or proof assistants. With our approach, it is possible to verify the specification as it was written beforehand. We assume little about the implementation of the verification condition generator itself. Our study takes place inside the C analysis framework Frama-C, where an experimental implementation of the technique described here has been implemented on top of the WP plug-in in the development version of the tool.  相似文献   

基于Object-Z的形式化验证方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
定理证明是一种形式化验证技术,也是形式化方法的重要组成部分,它能从形式规格说明中推理出应具备的性质与属性,从而可以对规格说明进行形式验证。Obiect-Z是形式规格说明语言Z的面向对象扩充,基于集合论与数理逻辑,具有严密的逻辑性,适合精确地描述大型软件系统,并且可以对其形式规格说明进行推理。本文首先给出了基于Object—Z规格说明的定理证明验证方法,接着用Object-Z描述了一个电梯操作系统的实例,在此基础上给出了其形式规格说明的定理证明方法来进行形式化验证。  相似文献   

In a literature review on the last 20 years of automated analysis of feature models, the formalization of analysis operations was identified as the most relevant challenge in the field. This formalization could provide very valuable assets for tool developers such as a precise definition of the analysis operations and, what is more, a reference implementation, i.e., a trustworthy, not necessarily efficient implementation to compare different tools outputs. In this article, we present the FLAME framework as the result of facing this challenge. FLAME is a formal framework that can be used to formally specify not only feature models, but other variability modeling languages (VML s) as well. This reusability is achieved by its two-layered architecture. The abstract foundation layer is the bottom layer in which all VML-independent analysis operations and concepts are specified. On top of the foundation layer, a family of characteristic model layers—one for each VML to be formally specified—can be developed by redefining some abstract types and relations. The verification and validation of FLAME has followed a process in which formal verification has been performed traditionally by manual theorem proving, but validation has been performed by integrating our experience on metamorphic testing of variability analysis tools, something that has shown to be much more effective than manually designed test cases. To follow this automated, test-based validation approach, the specification of FLAME, written in Z, was translated into Prolog and 20,000 random tests were automatically generated and executed. Tests results helped to discover some inconsistencies not only in the formal specification, but also in the previous informal definitions of the analysis operations and in current analysis tools. After this process, the Prolog implementation of FLAME is being used as a reference implementation for some tool developers, some analysis operations have been formally specified for the first time with more generic semantics, and more VML s are being formally specified using FLAME.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a method to formally verify activity-based specifications such as EBSDL. Starting from EBSDL-like specifications that specify engineering activities in terms of input and output behaviors, we derive programs in an asynchronous language CSP-R. CSP-R programs are then verified by the Maxpar method by composing them with the programs abstracting their environment. EBSDL-like specification and its verification using our method, is illustrated through the example of a fragment of LAPD protocol. The derivation of programs from the specification of activities of the underlying protocols through EBSDL-like specifications provides an important useful tool for formal verification of real-time protocols. We shall also discuss a translation of EBSDL-like specifications to synchronous languages such as Esterel. In the method proposed, it is possible for the user to choose asynchronous or synchronous formalisms depending upon the requirements of verification vis-a-vis logical specification.  相似文献   


Model-driven engineering (MDE) promotes the use of models throughout the software development cycle in order to increase abstraction and reduce software complexity. It favors the definition of domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) thanks to frameworks dedicated to meta-modeling and code generation like EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework). The standard semantics of meta-models allows interoperability between tools such as language analysers (e.g., XText), code generators (e.g., Acceleo), and also model transformation tools (e.g., ATL). However, a major limitation of MDE is the lack of formal reasoning tools allowing to ensure the correctness of models. Indeed, most of the verification activities offered by MDE tools are based on the verification of OCL constraints on instances of meta-models. However, these constraints mainly deal with structural properties of the model and often miss out its behavioral semantics. In this work, we propose to bridge the gap between MDE and the rigorous world of formal methods in order to guarantee the correctness of both structural and behavioral properties of the model. Our approach translates EMF meta-models into an equivalent formal B specification and then injects models into this specification. The equivalence between the resulting B specification and the original EMF model is kept by proven design steps leading to a rigorous MDE technique. The AtelierB prover is used to guarantee the correctness of the model’s behavior with respect to its invariant properties, and the ProB model-checker is used to animate underlying execution scenarios which are translated back to the initial EMF model. Besides the use of these automatic reasoning tools in MDE, proved B refinements are also investigated in this paper in order to gradually translate abstract EMF models to concrete models which can then be automatically compiled into a programming language.


应云辉  张民 《软件学报》2018,29(6):1595-1606
时钟约束语言CCSL是一种用于描述实时嵌入式系统中事件之间约束的形式化语言.它是UML针对实时嵌入式系统建模的扩展包MARTE (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems)中用于对时间建模的一个子语言.给定一组由CCSL定义的时钟约束条件,需要判断是否存在某种调度策略满足约束,是否所有满足这些约束的行为都不会导致系统死锁等分析.针对CCSL的形式化分析目前已经有一定的研究工作,如基于状态迁移系统与时间自动机的方法等.但这些方法要么只针对某种特定的分析,要么只适用于部分CCSL约束,要么分析效率较低.本文提出一种基于SMT的统一且高效的CCSL形式化分析方法.统一性体现在其可用于有效性证明、迹分析、死锁检测、LTL模型检测等方面的验证与分析.基于该方法开发了原型工具同时支持上述四种验证功能.工具集成了当前最高效的SMT求解器Z3和CVC4.得益于SMT求解器的高效性,实验中大部分的验证可以在短时间内完成.  相似文献   

Graph transformation has recently become more and more popular as a general, rule-based visual specification paradigm to formally capture (a) requirements or behavior of user models (on the model-level), and (b) the operational semantics of modeling languages (on the meta-level) as demonstrated by benchmark applications around the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The current paper focuses on the model checking-based automated formal verification of graph transformation systems used either on the model-level or meta-level. We present a general translation that inputs (i) a metamodel of an arbitrary visual modeling language, (ii) a set of graph transformation rules that defines a formal operational semantics for the language, and (iii) an arbitrary well-formed model instance of the language and generates a transitions system (TS) that serve as the underlying mathematical specification formalism of various model checker tools. The main theoretical benefit of our approach is an optimization technique that projects only the dynamic parts of the graph transformation system into the target transition system, which results in a drastical reduction in the state space. The main practical benefit is the use of existing back-end model checker tools, which directly provides formal verification facilities (without additional efforts required to implement an analysis tool) for many practical applications captured in a very high-level visual notation. The practical feasibility of the approach is demonstrated by modeling and analyzing the well-known verification benchmark of dining philosophers both on the model and meta-level.  相似文献   

In a pre and postcondition-style specification, it is difficult to specify the allowed sequences of method calls, referred to as protocols. The protocols are essential properties of reusable object-oriented classes and application frameworks, and the approaches based on the pre and postconditions, such as design by contracts (DBC) and formal behavioral interface specification languages (BISL), are being accepted as a practical and effective tool for describing precise interfaces of (reusable) program modules. We propose a simple extension to the Java Modeling Language (JML), a BISL for Java, to specify protocol properties in an intuitive and concise manner. The key idea of our approach is to separate protocol properties from functional properties written in pre and post-conditions and to specify them in a regular expression-like notation. The semantics of our extension is formally defined and provides a foundation for implementing runtime checks. Case studies have been performed to show the effectiveness our approach. We believe that our approach can be adopted by other BISLs.
Ashaveena PerumandlaEmail:

The redefinition of a method in subclasses can completely change the semantics of the superclass method unless there are effective mechanisms that enforce the preservation of behavioral properties. Several approaches to behavioral subtyping—exact pre-post match, plug-in match, relaxed plug-in match among others—exist that enforce the preservation of behavioral properties.To maintain or weaken pre-conditions and to maintain or enforce post-conditions when redefining methods in extended classes—plug-in match—is the solution that is adopted, by construction, in the Eiffel language, among other assertion languages. This approach forbids the specification of a class of legitimate programs from which we present an example. We claim that relaxed plug-in match should be enforced instead, in order to accommodate these examples. Other approaches exist, as is the case of case analysis in JML and OCL, that allow the specification of those programs, but they do it at the cost of decreasing software extension.We propose a new way of building contracts that identify and express, in a natural and elegant way, the several contributions that method redefinition can bring, and that are expressive enough to specify extensible contracts for the above mentioned class of programs. These contracts ensure, by construction, that redefinition preserves behavioral properties.  相似文献   

Service-oriented computing is playing an important role in several domains. Today the biggest shift in mainstream design and programming is toward service-oriented applications. However, the service paradigm raises a bundle of problems that did not exist in traditional component-based development where abstraction, encapsulation, and modularity were the only main concerns. Due to their distributed, dynamic, and heterogeneous nature, service-oriented software applications require us to discover, document, and share new design patterns at the service- and architecture-level. Moreover, service-oriented applications are hard to design and validate, and demand for new foundational theories, modeling notations and analysis techniques.In line to such a vision, this article presents a framework, called SCA-PatternBox, to design and prototype service-oriented applications with design patterns. The framework relies on the OASIS standard Service Component Architecture (SCA) and on SCA component implementation types, such as SCA-Java, for supporting an “implementation-oriented” approach to service-oriented architecture modeling and to the definition and instantiation of design patterns. Moreover, in order to provide formally verified design patterns, SCA-PatternBox allows the formal specification and analysis of the functional behavioral aspects of a design pattern using a formal service specification language called SCA-ASM (Service Component Architecture-Abstract State Machine). As major evaluation of the framework, two case studies and lessons learned are presented. A final comparison of existing design pattern languages is also reported.  相似文献   

The KeY tool   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
KeY is a tool that provides facilities for formal specification and verification of programs within a commercial platform for UML based software development. Using the KeY tool, formal methods and object-oriented development techniques are applied in an integrated manner. Formal specification is performed using the Object Constraint Language (OCL), which is part of the UML standard. KeY provides support for the authoring and formal analysis of OCL constraints. The target language of KeY based development is Java Card DL, a proper subset of Java for smart card applications and embedded systems. KeY uses a dynamic logic for Java Card DL to express proof obligations, and provides a state-of-the-art theorem prover for interactive and automated verification. Apart from its integration into UML based software development, a characteristic feature of KeY is that formal specification and verification can be introduced incrementally.  相似文献   

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a flexible approach to access control, which has generated great interest in the security community. The principal motivation behind RBAC is to simplify the complexity of administrative tasks. Several formal models of RBAC have been introduced. However, there are a few works specifying RBAC in a way which system developers or software engineers can easily understand and adopt to develop role-based systems. And there still exists a demand to have a practical representation of well-known access control models for system developers who work on secure system development. In this paper we represent a well-known RBAC model with software engineering tools such as Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Object Constraints Language (OCL) to reduce a gap between security models and system developments. The UML is a general-purpose visual modeling language in which we can specify, visualize, and document the components of a software system. And OCL is part of the UML and has been used for object-oriented analysis and design as a de facto constraints specification language in software engineering arena. Our representation is based on a standard model for RBAC proposed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. We specify this RBAC model with UML including three views: static view, functional view, and dynamic view. We also describe how OCL can specify RBAC constraints that is one of important aspects to constrain what components in RBAC are allowed to do. In addition, we briefly discuss future directions of this work.  相似文献   

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