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It is well known that the air-void structure of hardened concrete has substantial effects on the mechanical properties and durability of concrete. In this study, laboratory evaluations were conducted to quantify the effects of air-entraining agent (AEA) and silica fume on the air-void characteristics of wet-mix shotcrete (WMS) before and after shotcreting process. For this purpose, a high-resolution image analyzer capturing elaborate graphical layouts of air-void structure using the linear transverse method was employed. Also, this study examined the effects of air-void characteristics, such as air content and spacing factor, on the strength and permeability of WMS. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that: (1) shotcreting process considerably reduces overall air contents in WMS; (2) incorporating AEA with a 4.5% silica fume replacement ensures both satisfactory spacing factor and good retention of small entrained air bubbles even after shotcreting, which may improve the freeze-thaw and scaling resistance; (3) the compressive and flexural strengths of WMS were reduced as the air content increased and average spacing factor decreased; and (4) the air content affected the permeability of WMS, but no consistent correlation was found between spacing factor and permeability.  相似文献   

研究了硅灰替代量(质量分数)为0%、5%、10%的复合硅酸盐胶凝体系浸泡在弱碱环境下,10%(质量分数)Na_2SO_4溶液中侵蚀210d时的侵蚀产物和含量。利用XRD、SEM、EDS对侵蚀产物进行了表征,通过K值法定量计算了硅灰复合硅酸盐胶凝体系中石膏的含量,通过分光光度法对硅灰复合硅酸盐胶凝体系中自由硫酸根离子以及总硫酸根离子含量进行了测定。结果表明,在弱碱环境下,10%Na_2SO_4溶液中硅灰复合硅酸盐胶凝体系的主要侵蚀产物是石膏和钙矾石,侵蚀产物的形成引起膨胀开裂,且随硅灰掺量的增加,硅灰复合硅酸盐胶凝体系中的自由硫酸根离子及总硫酸根离子含量和侵蚀产物明显减少,膨胀率也随硅灰掺量的增加而减小,硅灰对复合硅酸盐胶凝体系的膨胀有一定的改善作用。  相似文献   

High strength concrete containing natural pozzolan and silica fume   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Various combinations of a local natural pozzolan and silica fume were used to produce workable high to very high strength mortars and concretes with a compressive strength in the range of 69–110 MPa. The mixtures were tested for workability, density, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity. The results of this study suggest that certain natural pozzolan–silica fume combinations can improve the compressive and splitting tensile strengths, workability, and elastic modulus of concretes, more than natural pozzolan and silica fume alone. Furthermore, the use of silica fume at 15% of the weight of cement was able to produce relatively the highest strength increase in the presence of about 15% pozzolan than without pozzolan. This study recommends the use of natural pozzolan in combination with silica fume in the production of high strength concrete, and for providing technical and economical advantages in specific local uses in the concrete industry.  相似文献   

Growing demands on the engineering properties of cement based materials and the urgency to decrease unsuitable ecologic impact of Portland cement manufacturing represent significant motivation for the development of new cement corresponding to these aspects. One category represents prospective alkali activated cements. A significant factor influencing their properties is alkali activator used. In this paper we present a new high effective alkali activator prepared from silica fume and its effectiveness. According to the results obtained this activator seems to be more effective than currently used activators like natrium hydroxide, natrium carbonate, and water glass.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a research study conducted to evaluate the effect of curing methods on the mechanical properties of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and Silica Fume Cement (SFC) concretes. Slab and beam specimens were prepared and cured by covering them with wet burlap or applying a curing compound under field conditions. Four types of curing compounds, namely water-, acrylic-, and bitumen-based and coal tar epoxy, were applied on the concrete specimens. The curing compounds were applied immediately after casting or after an initial period of burlap curing. The effect of the selected curing regime on the properties of OPC and SFC concrete specimens was evaluated by measuring compressive strength, water-absorption and chloride permeability. The strength and durability characteristics of both OPC and SFC concrete specimens cured by applying the selected curing compounds were similar or better than that of concrete specimens cured by covering with wet burlap. Though no significant change in strength could be noted due to the curing methodology; however, its effect was noticeable on the durability. The best performance was shown by concrete specimens cured by applying the bitumen-based curing compound followed by those cured by applying coal tar epoxy, acrylic-based or water-based curing compound. The initial period of water curing, prior to the application of the curing compound, was also noted to be beneficial in increasing the durability of concrete.  相似文献   

Electrical resistivity is an important characteristic of concrete because it allows evaluation of the accessibility of aggressive agents prior to the beginning of the corrosive process and estimation of the corrosion propagation. This study investigated the apparent electrical resistivity of concrete mixes with white Portland cement and with and without blast-furnace slag using Wenner’s four-electrode method. The compressive strength of concrete cylinders and the electrical conductivity of the pore solution were tested. Examined slag contents were 50% and 70% by mass and the results were compared to reference mixtures of 100% white Portland cement and 100% grey Portland cement, as well as to mixtures with equal percentages of slag and grey Portland cement. Larger amounts of slag resulted in increased electrical resistivity and decreases in the electrical conductivity of the pore solution, when compared to the reference concretes. The mixture made of 50% slag and 50% white Portland cement showed, on average, compressive resistance levels between 35 MPa and 60 MPa, electrical resistivity values that were approximately five times greater, costs that were 14.6% less per m3, and whiteness similar to the reference concrete. These results indicate that white Portland cement can be partially substituted by blast-furnace slag.  相似文献   

The study presented herein has been carried out in order to investigate the strength development and chloride permeability characteristics of plain and rubberized concretes with and without silica fume. For this purpose, two types of tire rubber, namely crumb rubber and tire chips, were used as fine and coarse aggregate, respectively, in the production of rubberized concrete mixtures which were obtained by partially replacing the aggregate with rubber. Two water-cementitious material (w/cm) ratios (0.60 and 0.40), three moist curing periods (3, 7, and 28 days), four designated rubber contents (0, 5, 15, and 25 by total aggregate volume), two silica fume content (0 and 10% by weight of cement), and five different testing ages (3, 7, 28, 56, and 90 days) were considered as experimental parameters. The results indicated that for a given w/cm ratio and moist curing period, the use of rubber significantly aggravated the chloride ion penetration through concrete but the degree of the rate of the increment of the chloride permeability depended on the amount of the rubber used. When the curing period was extended from 3 to 28 days, the reduction in the magnitude of chloride penetration depth was notably higher for the rubberized concretes, even at a rubber content of as high as 25%. It was also observed that silica fume may be considered as a remedy to enhance the chloride penetration resistance of the rubberized concretes.  相似文献   

This investigation studies the influence of two mineral admixtures, silica fume (SF) and high-reactivity metakaolin (HRM), on the chemistry of alkali–silica reaction (ASR) products. Four different mortar bar mixes containing different combinations of high-alkali cement, alkali–inert dolomitic limestone, reactive Beltane opal, HRM, and SF were prepared and stored in a 1 N NaOH solution at 80°C (ASTM C 1260) for 21 days. Expansion of bar specimens was measured, and chemical analysis was performed at different ages using X-ray spectra and maps. Test results confirmed that HRM and SF significantly reduce expansion due to ASR. In addition, X-ray microanalysis showed that calcium content increases with time in ASR products. Furthermore, it was found that as ASR proceeded the calcium content of reaction products increased proportionally as the silica content decreased.  相似文献   

The silica fume (SF) is used in civil engineering, in particular for the manufacture of high performance concrete.In order to better understand the gain in strength of the concretes containing SF, the microstructural aspect has been examined.Mixtures of SF–Lime pastes present a hydraulic setting which is due to the formation of a C–S–H phase (calcium silicate hydrate). The latter is semi-crystallized. It is characterized by the lines of X-ray diffraction, hk0 such as: 3,06 Å (220), 2,80 Å (400) and 1,83 Å (040).The mix design SF–Lime paste is thus a simplified approach of that of the mixtures SF–OPC in which the main reaction is the fixation, by the SF, of lime coming from the hydration of C3S in the form of C–S–H.Tests have been carried out on two varieties of SF resulting from the same furnace with the presence of lime or Portland cement. The results show that the presence of certain impurities, by their actions on the solubility of silica plays a significant role on the evolution of the hydration of the principal components of Portland cements and the kinetics of lime fixation by the SF.Among the impurities contained in the SF, carbon delays considerably the hydration of the principal components of Portland cement (C3S and C3A) as well as the pozzolanic reactivity of the silica fume without removing it.  相似文献   

The effect on porosity (including absorption and sorpitivity) of cement paste and mortar/concrete, of limestone addition to Portland cement is assessed. Based on globally sourced literature published in English since 1993, consisting of 171 publications from 35 countries. The data analysed were from wide ranging tests. The effect on pore structure was also examined in terms of type of Portland cement and limestone, cement fineness and method of producing it, curing, maturity and water-cement ratio, as well as the cement composites with fly ash, slag (GGBS), silica fume and metakaolin and related to strength. Overall, it is suggested that though the use of limestone up to 25% with Portland cement should not impair the pore structure, limit on limestone content for its effect on strength is likely to be about 15%. This should be considered where higher proportion of limestone content is allowed in the Standards.  相似文献   

注浆成型-常温常压干燥制备隔热块体材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以二氧化硅气凝胶为基体,二氧化钛为红外遮光剂,E玻纤为骨架制备出有一定压缩强度的隔热块体材料;分别测样品的压缩强度R、热导率λ和常温(25℃)体积电阻率ρ.结果表明:pH=8~9时,含水料浆的分散情况较好;经过730℃处理0.5h的样品,与美国材料与试验协会的标准ASTM C533-85比较,R值0.41MPa符合,密...  相似文献   

The influence of high-calcium fly ash and silica fume as a binary and ternary blended cement on compressive strength and chloride resistance of self-compacting concrete (SCC) were investigated in this study. High-calcium fly ash (40–70%) and silica fume (0–10%) were used to replace part of cement at 50, 60 and 70 wt.%. Compressive strength, density, volume of permeable pore space (voids) and water absorption of SCC were investigated. The total charge passed in coulombs was assessed in order to determine chloride resistance of SCC. The results show that binary blended cement with high level fly ash generally reduced the compressive strength of SCC at all test ages (3, 7, 28 and 90 days). However, ternary blended cement with fly ash and silica fume gained higher compressive strength after 7 days when compared to binary blended fly ash cement at the same replacement level. The compressive strength more than 60 MPa (high strength concrete) can be obtained when using high-calcium fly ash and silica fume as ternary blended cement. Fly ash decreased the charge passed of SCC and tends to decrease with increasing fly ash content, although the volume of permeable pore space (voids) and water absorption of SCC were increased. In addition when compared to binary blended cement at the same replacement level, the charge passed of SCC that containing ternary blended cement was lower than binary blended cement with fly ash only. This indicated that fly ash and silica fume can improve chloride resistance of SCC at high volume content of Portland cement replacement.  相似文献   

This study investigates the rheological behaviour of ultra-high performance cementitious composite mortars containing 15–25 % of silica fume. The utilization of two Portland cements with different mineralogical compositions and their influence on yield stress of mortar was monitored. The coaxial rheometer was used for determination of flow curves of tested samples. It was found that besides the relation between flow and water-to-binder ratio, there is also a substantial relationship with the mortar composition, in particular with the content of silica fume. The yield stress can be described by an exponential function of volume content of solids in the mortar. Such a function can describe not only the influence of granulometry but also the impact of structure formation on early age Portland cement hydration. It was found that the estimation of yield stress can be done even by a simple modular in-field technique such as a spread flow test.  相似文献   

Silica fume (SF) is a kind of solid waste that produced in the process of industrial silicon smelting. The disposal of SF for environmental problem is of great urgency. Here, a facile and novel one-step approach of high silica microporous materials SSZ-13 (SF-SSZ-13) were hydrothermally synthesized using silica fume (SF) as silica source. This method requires significantly shorter reaction times (48?h) compared to conventional SSZ-13. The as-synthesized SF-SSZ-13 exhibited high purity structure, popcorn-like morphology, and a large BET surface area of 545.74?m2?g?1. Additionally, on the basis of controlled growth under different hydrothermal times, the formation mechanism of the SF-SSZ-13 outlined for further extension to other materials. The results on time- and energy-efficient of SF-based preparation of SSZ-13 pave the way for the reducing the cost of production of raw materials and decreasing environment load of solid waste, and also extend the application of silica fume.  相似文献   

The production of reactivated cementitious materials is an option for the recycling of hydrated-cement-rich fines discarded during recycled aggregate production. Reactivation is based on a thermal process where calcium silicate hydrates present in the fines decompose forming new hydraulic compounds. In the reported study, materials reactivated at temperatures between 660 °C and 940 °C were characterized using X-Ray diffraction and particle size analysis, and evaluated as binders using a central composite experiment to model the effects of reactivation temperature and reactivated material substitution level on the flowability, compressive strength and expansion of mortar mixtures. Reactivation temperature effects correlated with the relative concentration of reactive phases, particularly a stabilized form of alpha'-C2S identified in the materials. Substitution effects depended on the supplementary material tested, and lacked significant interaction with reactivation temperature. In the region explored, mortars based on materials produced at 800 °C, 40% substituted by silica fume, achieved highest strength but lowest flowability.  相似文献   

研究了水泥砂浆的抗压强度、抗折强度以及劈裂抗拉强度在固定硅灰掺量的条件下随着碳酸钙晶须掺量的变化关系,并以试验结果和微观形貌观察为基础探讨了碳酸钙晶须对水泥砂浆的增强增韧机理。  相似文献   

Apatite and Portland/apatite composite cements containing steelwork dusts have been prepared using a low temperature hydrothermal method (200 degrees C, 48h). The produced solids were characterized by means of XRD, IR, and SEM-EDX, and the remaining liquid was analyzed by ICP. The results clearly show the capability of these cements to inertise the heavy metals contained in steelwork dusts, that is Fe, Pb, Mo, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Zn. In the case of apatitic cements, Fe, Mg, Cr, Mn, and Pb coming from steel dust replaced Ca in the divalent cation position of the apatite structure, while Si and Mo replaced P in tetrahedral position. The average crystal size of the apatite-containing dust is smaller than in pure apatite synthesized using the same procedure, which is related to the magnesium content of the dust, since magnesium seems to inhibit the crystal growth. XRD diagrams of composite cements show only peaks corresponding to phases observed in the single cements, and in that no new phases are found. However, EDX analysis reveals the introduction of cations coming from Portland cement into the apatite structure. From the results of water analysis it could be concluded that the capability of retention is higher in composite matrices than in the pure apatite one. In conclusion, the obtained data allow stating that the proposed method, the hydrothermal synthesis of steelwork dust containing cement, is a reliable one for immobilization of toxic residues containing heavy leachable cations.  相似文献   

A large number of non-biodegradable powdery silica fume waste produced in industry increase the severity of environmental problems due to their potential harmfulness. The synthesis of geopolymers or zeolitic materials using powdery silica fume as silicon source has become an attractive sustainable solution to remedy this crisis. In this paper, a cost-effective porous ferrierite was synthesized by a facile hydrothermal strategy using silica fume-based geopolymer as precursor and applied to methyl dimethyl ether reaction (MTD). The specific surface area of geopolymer increased from 30.5 to 258.4 m2/g of ferrierite, and the methanol conversion rate correspondingly improved from 16.04 % to 78.5 %. Moreover, rare earth (RE) metal ions were introduced to optimize the performance, and the maximum conversions of RE-modified ferrierite were higher than 90 %. The superior catalytic performance of RE-modified ferrierite was related to the synergy of abundant porosity, acidic active sites and metal functions, which could be realized by regulating the crystallization degrees and ion exchange concentrations. Moreover, the abundant active amorphous silica in silica fume is conducive to the preparation of eco-friendly geopolymers and the further development of zeolite materials, realizing the high value-added utilization of solid wastes.  相似文献   

我国高岭土资源丰富,偏高岭土应用于混凝土有将会很大前景。本文对比研究了复掺偏高岭土对混凝土抗压强度的影响。研究表明在水胶比为0.31下,偏高岭土与粉煤灰总掺量为35%(偏高岭土掺量为8%)时更能充分发挥偏高岭土的活性。合理的偏高岭土掺入对掺粉煤灰混凝土早期抗压强度有提高明显,抗压强度提高可达47%。  相似文献   

《Advanced Powder Technology》2014,25(5):1571-1577
Current methods of colloidal nanosilica production are relatively energy-intensive and in some cases not environmentally friendly and therefore essential needs are felt to develop new low cost environmentally friendly methods. This study is devoted to the synthesis and characterization of colloidal silica nanoparticles prepared from silica fume using ultrasound. Colloidal nanosilica has been synthesized via dissolution-precipitation process followed by applying ultrasonic waves with the power and frequency of 30 W and 20 kHz, respectively. The produced colloidal nanosilica was characterized via dynamic light scattering (DLS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and measurements of its zeta potential and specific surface area. DLS results show that minimum particle size, average diameter and maximum particle size of the produced colloidal nanosilica decrease sharply from 28.21, 54.92 and 164.20 nm to 18.17, 38.72 and 141.80 nm, respectively, during the first 15 s of sonication. No significant changes have been observed in applying continued sonication up to 60 min. Measurements of zeta potential confirmed a relatively good stability of the produced colloidal nanosilica.  相似文献   

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