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Amer Z. Salman 《国际水》2013,38(2):220-224

In the Jordan Valley of Jordan, the demand for water and ability to control its location, timing, quality, and quantity are becoming critical. The competition for water between the urban and agricultural sectors is increasing. There is a general trend in Jordan to reduce water allocated for agricultural use. Increasing the price of irrigation water or restricting the planted areas of water consuming crops, such as bananas, has been implemented during the recent growing season. The main objective of this paper is to highlight the impact of optimal allocation of irrigation water by building storage capacity on the economy of Jordan Valley. A linear programming technique is used, and the main results show that for proper management of water storage capacity, the suggested cropping pattern would generate $88.2 million, whereas the actual cropping pattern generated $74.4 million. The optimal water demand schedule is distributed according to the needs of the planted crops, and water demand has been allocated in an efficient way. In addition, appropriate management of storage capacity has solved the problem of water scarcity during the summer months, when peak production takes place. Storage-transfer system between locations played a significant role in reallocating irrigation water through the storage system. This compensates to a high degree in keeping the agricultural production more stable in physical and monetary units.  相似文献   

Vadim I. Sokolov 《国际水》2013,38(2):104-115

The Uzbek socio-economic structure is characterized by the transition from a centrally-planned to a market-orientated economy, with a shifting from agricultural production to industrial development. However, the agricultural sector continues to play a significant role in a general economy of the country. The major water sector strategy is to decrease the dependence of agricultural production on climate by introducing advanced irrigation techniques and water saving methods to achieve future sustainable socio-economic development and environmental protection. Water management policy should be flexible enough to adapt to new demands. The regulation of consumption through demand management tools, such as appropriate pricing policies, has recently received greater attention in Uzbekistan. The main thesis of this paper is that allocation of water resources cannot be separated from ecological and economic considerations. The establishment of development objectives and the identification of constraints are also discussed. In the coming years, special attention will need to be paid to the control of water pollution and land salinization, water resources conservation, and acknowledging that actions to increase water productivity are as important as finding additional sources of water.  相似文献   

日本水资源的管理和实施由多个政府部门和组织共同完成,"治水与用水分离,多龙管水"是日本水资源管理体制的最大特点。国土交通省负责制定水资源开发与管理政策、水供求计划、库区开发及与其他相关省厅局及机构间的综合政策协调;厚生劳动省负责居民生活用水供应管理;农林水产省负责农业用水供应;经济产业省负责工业供水和水力发电;环境省负责水质与环境保护。日本存在缺水、供水稳定性下降和饮用水安全等问题,其妥善应对水问题的策略包括促进健全水循环、中水回用、现有水利设施的高效利用、复兴与培养水文化、虚拟水战略等。今后日本将更加关注伴随气候变化、全球变暖而来的极端少雨、降雪减少及融雪提前等现象。  相似文献   


Jordan is a country plagued with water scarcity. The annual per capita share of water is currently estimated at 170 m3 and the figure is expected to drop to 90 m3 in the year 2020 as a result of the disproportional increase in population relative to water resources development. Moreover, about 70 percent of the country's water resources are consumed in irrigated agriculture. For most crops growing in all areas and seasons and managed with different production technologies, analysis of net return from unit volume of irrigation water showed, with few exceptions, low values pertaining to production under protected agriculture. Such a result indicated unjustified waste of water in the agricultural sector at the expense of the domestic sector. This paper reviews current challenges facing water management in the country and proposes short- and long-term alternative solutions.  相似文献   

浅论水资源需求管理中的经济措施   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文在探讨水资源需求管理的内涵和论证水资源需求管理的重要性和必要性的基础上,对水资源需求管理的经济措施进行了初步探讨。论证了建立合理水价形成机制的必要性,提出了建立合理水价形成机制的模式;研究了水费结构的设计方法,并对多种水费结构的优缺点进行了分析;对生活用水、工业用水和农业用水等分类用水的具体需求管理经济措施进行了探讨,提出了具体的实施方法。  相似文献   

中国水资源的现状与未来——21世纪水资源管理战略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据中国水资源总量丰富 ,相对量较少 ,时空、地域分布不均衡的情况 ,水污染态势难以遏制 ,水资源浪费普遍存在 ,水资源管理体制尚未纳入市场管理轨道等问题 ,从农业、工业、生活用水方面预测未来 5 0年我国水资源需求矛盾仍然十分突出 ,提出 2 1世纪我国水资源必须建立有权威的中央统一管理和以市场经济为核心的管理体制 ,全面落实节水方针 ,开展中国水资源“生态 -经济学”研究。  相似文献   

The Abu Dhabi Emirate is the largest of the seven emirates that compose the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Parallel to the growth of the country, the Abu Dhabi Emirate has witnessed remarkable development in many aspects of life over the past 35 years. This rapid development into a modern urban environment and the accompanying surge in population, caused by a major influx of foreign labor, have been imposing tremendous pressure on natural resources including water. The challenges of maintaining a sustainable freshwater supply in the Abu Dhabi Emirate are many. Conventional water resources are limited. Surface water is almost absent due to the scarcity of rainfall coupled with arid conditions. Groundwater is mostly brackish and nonrenewable. Over-pumping practices have resulted in a severe decline in groundwater levels and quality. The growing salinity in the ground water has impacted the increased salinity of agricultural land. In addition, water availability and demand are both subject to seasonal fluctuations, particularly during the hot and humid summer months. In the Abu Dhabi Emirate there is a high demand for freshwater used for irrigation of farmland, forests and landscaping; industrial and commercial uses; amenities and domestic use. A large portion of this demand is provided by desalinated water, which is expensive to produce. The need for rational water management is critical. Forecasting water demand is currently being used as the basis for the production expansion planning in order to meet the water demand for the emirate. With steady projected increases, the capacity to provide a continuous supply of freshwater is vital. Interruptions in the supply can be caused by emergencies and the minimum 1-year lead time needed for new desalination plant construction. Having an adequate storage system addresses some of the concerns related to establishing a freshwater supply. The Abu Dhabi Emirate needs long-term storage capacity equivalent to at least 1 year’s fresh water demand. One method of increasing this capacity is artificial recharge using excess produced desalinated water and treated wastewater. While there are currently pilot projects using this technique, more widespread use could be very beneficial. This paper describes the current water resources, water demands and techniques of storing water for future recovery in the emirate through artificial recharge techniques.  相似文献   

紫坪铺水利枢纽是都江堰灌区的主要水源调节工程,其主要功能是通过水库的调丰补枯和水库的滞洪作用,提高灌区的农业灌溉、城镇工业、生活及生态环境供水的保证率和下游岷江干流的防洪能力。对都江堰灌区国民经济可持续发展起着极其重要的作用。在岷江上游供水区域内的地位和作用是勿庸置疑的。  相似文献   


There is increasing recognition of the problems facing China in meeting the growing water demand in the Yellow River basin, the “cradle of Chinese Civilization” and a critically important agricultural and industrial region. Meaningful debate on the range and relative costs of options available to policy-makers in addressing the problem depend fundamentally on an accurate understanding of basin water resources. Unfortunately, the ability of outsiders to participate in the de bate and for Chinese, with their long history of water management, to contribute to similar discussions elsewhere in the world is hindered to some extent by a lack of understanding of differences in water accounting systems and concepts. This paper attempts to address this problem by describing the water accounting system used in the Yellow River basin and elsewhere in China. The paper shows that the primary difference between water accounting methodologies in the Yellow River and those typically applied elsewhere is related to supply accounting in general and groundwater accounting in particular. Although not currently included in its water accounting system, Chinese concepts of environmental water use, when included, will also differ substantially from those familiar to outside researchers. In terms of actual Yellow River balances, the paper highlights the apparent declining trend in basin rainfall and runoff and the dramatic growth in industrial and domestic water use. Together declining supply and rising demand will increasingly cause policy-makers to face hard choices in assessing their water planning options. These choices will only become more difficult as managers in the Yellow River, as elsewhere in the world, try to incorporate ecological needs in the water accounting equation.  相似文献   

加利福尼亚州多年平均降水量不足600mm,且降水时、空分布严重不均。降水量北部高、南部低,冬、春两季降水集中而夏、秋两季显著偏少。19世纪中期的第一次淘金热潮和二战结束后的第二次经济淘金热潮,为加州注入了大批世界各地的移民。由于人口的大量增加,城市化进程的速度大大加快,灌溉农业也因此得到快速发展。随着城市生活、工业和农业需水量的大幅度增加,加州南部及沿海地区的供水危机日趋紧张。为解决严重的水资源供需矛盾,合理地进行水资源优化配置。提高水资源的利用效率,自20世纪初开始,美国联邦政府、加州政府和加州地方政府(机构)分别主持。先后兴建了7项长距离调水工程,构建了一个较为合理和完整的加州水资源配置体系。阐述了加州水资源状况和调水工程体系建设的背景,并重点对调水工程建设的基本概况进行了系统介绍。  相似文献   

应用遥感监测ET技术实现北京市农业用水的可持续管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地表蒸腾蒸发值(ET)是北京市农业用水最主要的消耗量,利用遥感技术监测ET值不仅可以制定合理的区域灌溉用水定额,提高地表与地下水的监测与管理水平,而且可以对农业用水效率、灌溉管理、节水效果做出切合实际的评价,同时可为政府部门进行流域水资源管理和区域水资源利用规划提供决策依据。  相似文献   

针对水资源常规配置中供需分离、配置与调度结合不紧密,难以支撑流域水资源严格管理的问题,提出流域水资源供需双侧调控模型。在需水侧,通过建立供水量和效益函数关系,并考虑水土资源等约束条件,构建农业种植结构与灌溉制度优化模型;在供水侧,采用模拟与优化、配置与调度相结合的两阶段建模路径,构建多水源配置与水库群优化调度模型;通过来源于需水侧模型的"需水过程"与来源于供水侧模型的"可供水过程"的分解与耦合,实现供需双侧的联合调控,综合集成构建流域水资源供需双侧调控模型。将该模型应用于南四湖流域,提出了南四湖上级湖、下级湖等大型湖库工程的优化调度图与不同年型下农业种植结构和水资源配置方案,验证了模型的有效性。通过供需双侧协调优化,南四湖流域供需缺口缩小,农业种植效益增加,枯水年水分生产效益提高了0.70元/m3、平水年水分生产效益提高了0.63元/m3;生活和工业供水保证率稳定在95%,生态和农业供水保证率明显提升,分别由53%提高到71%、由67%提高到75%。  相似文献   


This paper present a shift in water planning in Jordan from supply-side water management to more integrated and demand-driven water management. Assessment of existing water supply and demand is presented and strategies are outlined. Potential available water resources and uses are presented. Strategies to meet unsatisfied water demand are presented. These include use of nonconventional water resources, privatization, efficiency enhancement in distribution systems, and demand management. Scenarios for sustainable water management are developed. Each scenario was based on combinations of the role of government in the water sector and the national financial situation. Comparisons among these scenarios were performed for the case of Jordan and a set of recommendations are stated.  相似文献   


This study presents an integrated water quantity and quality management method for the entire Yellow River system where the eco-environment has been deteriorating and water quantity is very scarce. The supply and demand of water resources has been investigated. The integration of the concepts of water resources functional capacity and water resources functional deficit have been put forward, and their characteristics have been analyzed. The results, based on 1997 to 1999 data, indicate that approximately 39 percent of the total river length was of excellent to good quality, 26 percent was moderate, and 35 percent was poor to very poor. The total natural runoffs of the river were 31.8, 43.9, and 43.4 billion m3, and about 94, 65, and 71 percent of them were withdrawn for agricultural, industrial, and domestic uses in 1997, 1998, and 1999, respectively. The total water resources availabilities were 21.1, 28.8, and 29.2 billion m3 occupying about 66, 66, and 67 percent of the total runoffs in 1997, 1998, and 1999, respectively. From 1997 to 1999, the river could provide only 53 percent (on average) of the total water resources demand for the uses and discharge to the Bohai Sea; about 57 percent of the water deficiency resulted from pollution and 43 percent from quantity deficit. For the main pollution parameter (COD Mn ), the averages of water resources functional capacity and deficit were 29,571.54 and 199.70 kg, respectively; for NH 4-N, the averages of water resources functional capacity and deficit were 3774.26 and 113.08 kg, respectively. These demonstrated that the influence of NH 4-N on water resources availability was more than that of COD Mn and that the functional capacity was much higher than functional deficit, suggesting that the actual water quality was mostly better than the required one for water supply functions.  相似文献   


There has been a noticeable increase in the amount of pollution in water resources in Turkey in recent years. Negative environmental developments, such as industrialization, increasing urbanization, improper pesticide and fertilizer applications in agricultural lands, and the drainage of domestic and industrial wastewater into water resources without any waste treatment applications, cause rapid pollution of both surface and groundwater resources. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate more attention to water resources monitoring and evaluation studies to prevent the pollution of water resources, and to reclaim these resources.  相似文献   


Water use assessments are a necessary prerequisite for sustainable water resources management and planning in river basins, federal states, or countries. For reasons of transparency, flexibility, ease of update, and the possibility to generate scenarios of future water use, such assessments are best carried out by applying a water use model. To support water resources planning in two federal states of semi-arid Northeastern Brazil, Ceará and Piauí, the regional-scale water use model NoWUM was developed. It computes withdrawal and consumptive water use for each of 332 municipalities, distinguishing five water use sectors: irrigation, livestock, households, industry, and tourism. The model is suited to simulate the impact of global change and of management measures on water demand. Using NoWUM, the present-day water use situation in Ceará and Piauí is assessed. In addition, the impact of inter-annual climate variability and long-term climate change on irrigation requirements is considered. Scarce and uncertain input data lead to a high level of uncertainty in the model results. It is likely that water use in the most important sector, irrigation, is underestimated, while industrial water use is possibly overestimated. With some modifications, NoWUM has the potential to be applied for water use assessments in other data-poor regions of the globe.  相似文献   

Within the Project – “Developing Strategies for Regulating and Managing Water Resources and Demand in Water Deficient Regions (WSM)” funded by the EU in fifth Research Framework Program, the Ribeiras do Algarve River Basin was chosen as a case study to develop a DSS for planning purposes. Located in the southern stretch of the Portuguese territory, crucial conflicts do exist between tourist and agricultural water uses within the river basin. Additionally, there are important deficiencies in urban secondary water supply. Also inadequate irrigation methods and poor quality of water existing in some areas urge the implementation of management measures. Different ways to improve the water management situation were analysed: (a) structural options, (b) demand management options and (c) socio-economic measures. These options were analysed using a range of combinations of extreme demand and availability scenarios and ranked based on indicators reflecting the perception of the local stakeholders towards economic development and social and environmental sustainability. On a second phase, the formulation of strategies using the available options was addressed and two different strategies, resulting from a tentative timeframe of water management options combination, were applied aiming to achieve goals defined with regional stakeholders, namely: (a) on a first stage, the optimization of the domestic and irrigation water demand coverage and aquifer’s groundwater exploitation use ratio; (b) on a second stage, the determination of the water pricing increase necessary to achieve economical sustainability, aiming at cost recovery goals in accordance with the Water Framework Directive compliance.  相似文献   

南阳市东大岗地区为重度资源型缺水地区,出现了工程性缺水、水土流失、区域地下水位下降并形成降落漏斗、地裂缝、水质变坏、水资源管理滞后等问题。为解决水资源问题,一是大力发展蓄水工程,二是大力发展节水农业技术、耕作技术,三是加强水资源管理,建立以供定用的水资源供需关系。根据水资源供需平衡分析,到2010年,平水年可利用水量为49387×104m3,在满足工业、生活和生态用水情况下,其余水量可灌溉土地面积8.48×104hm2,仍缺水15783×104m3;这必须从区外调水来解决。若采取节水措施,即使农业灌溉定额维持在1998年的标准,在2010年可节约农业用水7367×104m3,又可灌溉农田2.98×104hm2,使农业灌溉面积达到总耕地面积的86%。  相似文献   

介绍日本水资源以及其水资源开发利用历史,重点讨论日本近年来农业、工业、生活等方面的水资源利用状况和发展变化历程。最后借鉴日本的水资源管理体系和法律法规,结合当前我国的水资源开发形势,提出思考和建议。  相似文献   

通过调查研究,总结了滹沱河灌区水资源利用存在的问题:水资源利用率和灌溉保证率低、水的利用系数低、灌区内水资源管理不协调、流域水资源管理混乱等。经过分析论证,建议采取实现现有水源工程的高效利用、加快灌区的续建配套与节水改造步伐、提升水工程调配水平、强化基层水利工作、实行水资源的统一调配、积极调整农业生产结构等对策。研究成果为灌区水资源管理利用提供参考。  相似文献   

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