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崇明岛水系改造对水资源的影响初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
索明岛是我国第三大岛,也是上海21世纪可持续发展的重要战略空间。崇明岛生态型水系改造将进一步提高水资源综合调控能力,促进水资源优化配置,提高全岛淡水资源保证率,减轻成潮入侵威胁,改善岛内河网水质,为建设崇明生态岛奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

Mathematical models are tools that can facilitate the instrumentation of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The first basin models to be developed were completely hydrological; today, due to the urgent need to plan the sustainable use of water resources, new models are needed that in addition to hydrology also incorporate social, economic, legal, environmental and other aspects. The objective of this work was to identify the characteristics that mathematical basin models must have in order to satisfy the requirements of IWRM. To achieve this, the conclusions of the main international conferences on water and the environment were analyzed; these were conferences in which IWRM was promoted as a strategy to face the challenges of both sectors. IWRM considers social participation as a key element in the decision-making process; consequently, the models must be accepted and applied, and their results interpreted, by those who participate in the process even if they are not modelling experts. This requires a change of perspective in the scientific community for the development of new IWRM models, in government institutions regarding their role as water administrators, and in water stakeholders regarding their role as decision-makers. The results of the analysis indicate that models for IWRM must be accessible to non-expert users, integrate different viewpoints, representing adequately the problem to be solved, in addition be flexible and have a structure focused on practical solutions.  相似文献   

A modeling system was developed to evaluate the sustainability of water resources management strategies in the two major basins of Thessaly Region in Greece, namely the Pinios River and the Lake Karla basins. The intense and extensive agriculture of water demanding crops, such as cotton, and the absence of reasonable water resources management have lead to a remarkable water demand increase, which is usually fulfilled by the over-exploitation of groundwater resources. This unsustainable practice has deteriorated the already disturbed water balance and accelerated water resources degradation. The modeling system consists of a hydrological model, a reservoir operation model and methods for the estimation of water demands. The study area was sub-divided into sub-basins and water balance analyses were performed for each sub-basin and each control node of the system for a number of water resources management strategies. Four strategies of hydro-technical project development were coupled with two strategies of groundwater withdrawal and three water demand strategies. In total, more than 24 water management strategies were evaluated. The results showed that, under the existing water resources management, the water deficit of the Pinios River and Lake Karla basins is very large. However, the development of proposed hydro-technical projects in the Pinios River basin coupled with water demand management measures, like improvement of existing water distribution systems, change of irrigation methods, and changes of crop cultivation could alleviate the problem and lead to sustainable and ecological use of water resources in the study area.  相似文献   

The Conchos basin is the largest tributary to the lower part of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo basin. During recent years a severe drought has affected México’s ability to deliver water from the Conchos basin as required by the 1944 Treaty. In addition, it has generated not only economic problems in the USA and México but also political frictions between these two countries. The Mexican Conchos river has historically contributed with the highest amount of water to USA as established on the water treaty. A Decision Support System (DSS) was developed for the Conchos basin in order to gain a better understanding of the water resources management process in the basin, and to identify the alternatives to improve the cited process. The DSS is a semi-distributed model, based on System Dynamics, and developed using Powersim software. The DSS has been used to evaluate 25 long and short tem water resources allocation alternatives for the two main basin’s users: Irrigation Districts and Water Treaty. Some of the most important factors being tested on the 25 water management alternatives include National Commission of Water’s yearly water allocation policy, reservoir operation rules, improvement on water distribution efficiencies, etc. The DSS model shows that the historic water resources allocation implemented by the Federal government produces adequate results as compared with the other tested water management alternatives. However, for short term drought scenarios, it is showed that there could be other management alternatives that could perform better than the current water management allocation. In general, the DSS shows what we already expect of dynamic models of systems to provide that understanding the effects of multiple interacting variables in necessary to develop good natural resource management policies.  相似文献   

The Use of System Dynamics Simulation in Water Resources Management   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
In this paper we discuss the use of system dynamics as a methodology with which to address dynamically complex problems in water resources management. Problems in regional planning and river basin management, urban water management, flooding and irrigation exhibit important short-term and long-term effects, and are often contentious issues with high potential for conflict. We argue that system dynamics combined with stakeholder involvement provides an appropriate methodology to address these issues effectively. We trace the theoretical and practical evolution of system dynamics in these areas over the past 50 years. From this review of the literature and selected case studies we identify and discuss a number of best practices and common pitfalls in applications of system dynamics simulation.  相似文献   

Most provinces in Indonesia will be facing water scarcity problems in the next decades due to increasing water demands resulting from population growth, urbanization and economic and industrial developments. As a consequence, they will also be facing a number of problems with regards water resource management, such as a lack of data and information needed to evaluate the real status of water resources, the unsystematic development of relevant infrastructure and economic instruments, inadequate human resources for the operation and maintenance of water resources, and a lack of interest in improving research and development activities. This paper examines the application of data and information management for improved water resources management in Indonesia through “one door data service system” linked among the related institutions from different sectors and levels both at the central and regional government agencies. One of the key solutions to help solve water resource problems would therefore be to obtain supporting data and information by developing an information system and water resources data centre (WRDC). Rapid developments in information and communication technology (ICT) could be used to support data communication and management requests in order to build capacity of the water resources sector, and as a prerequisite for an integrated water resources management program. Improved efficiency and effectiveness could be achieved by making relevant data and information available, as well by establishing a communication system among related institutions. Further, provinces should also prioritize developing human and social capital through education, service delivery and career development, as well as training for water resources development and management. Data and information such as the hydrological and water quality data, information of water resources potential, irrigation areas, population and economic growth as well as the others related data need to store in both the tabular and spatial formats. The water resources data management and warehouse system is a web-enabled application that permits spatial data to be stored with tabular data in a standard database management system. This system permits a dynamic generation of output from the tabular and spatial data and enables users to generate answers to their queries online, rather than simply presenting static maps and tables from the database. The WRDC applications were developed and chosen by gathering the ideas suggested by users at the ministerial, provincial and river basin levels. Within the resulting inventory system, information was grouped into irrigation scheme system; water resources potential; natural disaster; hydrological data and station networks; and other information. For the users at the ministerial level access the system by using local area network (LAN) connections and other users at the provincial and river basin levels or elsewhere in the world can use the internet for connections and regular browser software for system operation.  相似文献   

In this paper, domestic water saving potential in the case of Manisa, Turkey has been investigated. Firstly, domestic water use forms are analyzed in an attempt to estimate how much water is used by a particular use in total domestic use. Then, the water conservation measures for each water practice are examined and some easy-to-apply measures proposed. Finally, an experimental study was conducted to determine if the domestic water conservation measures proposed were applicable for the city considered. For this purpose, a questionnaire was developed and 200 respondents were asked to fill it in. The respondents were chosen from different people based on education level, financial status and size of the family to represent the society living in the city. Based on the results of the study, it is shown that the measures proposed are quite applicable and around 27% saving is manageable if the proposed measures are publicized adequately and applied effectively.  相似文献   

Uneven precipitation in space and time together with mismanagement and lack of knowledge about existing water resources, have caused water shortage problems for water supply to large cities and irrigation in many regions of China. There is an urgent need for the efficient use and regional planning of water resources. For these purposes, the monthly variation of discharges should be made available. In this paper, a simple water balance modelling approach was applied to seven catchments (385–20002) for water resources assessment. Six catchments were chosen from the humid region in southern China and one catchment from the semi-arid and semi-humid region in northern China. The results are satisfactory. It is suggested that the proposed modelling approach provides a valuable tool in the hands of planners and designers of water resources.  相似文献   

水是生命的源泉,是不可替代的宝贵资源。2011年中央明确实行最严格水资源管理,确立水资源开发利用的"三条红线"。通过对2007—2011年浦东新区水资源量的分析,研究现有水资源量的特点,对水资源开发利用和保护提出建议,促进浦东新区水资源利用的可持续发展。  相似文献   


Potential assessment of water resources development (PAWRD) is very important for regional water management, water allocation, water transfer, and economic planning, especially for today's China, which is under a rapid economic growth, a continued expansion of population, and an increasingly deteriorating eco-environment. In this work, the southern part of Hathe River (SPHR) is selected as the representative area of the North China Region for a case study based on considerations such as available data, geographic characteristics, administrative boundaries, and the state of water shortage. A growth pattern of regional water resources development is presented. A fuzzy assessment model is established and applied to determine the growth stage, an indicator for water resources development potential. Seven assessment factors, selected based on the conditions of supply, demand, and use efficiency of water subjected to the regional physical, social, and economic settings, include irrigation rate of arable land, exploitation rate of water resources, the water-saving level, a water supply and demand modulus, the water supply per capita, and the ratio of eco-environmental water use. These factors are integrated into the fuzzy assessment model, which is shown to be capable and effective for potential assessment. The assessment results demonstrate the potential of water resources development is little in SPHR and are substantiated by the necessity of the middle route of the South-North Water Transfer (SNWT) in the long run. It is also suggested at present that promoting water saving and strengthening water demand controls would be the most feasible and effective solution to mitigate water shortage stress of SPHR before the SNWT scheme is implemented. PAWRD provides a scientific tool for water-demand management and water-saving improvement, as well as a necessary basis for decision-making for economy planning and water transfer design.  相似文献   

水资源监控管理系统为实行最严格的水资源管理制度提供数据支撑,通过对青海水资源管理特点、水资源监控体系的现状分析,结合水资源监控能力建设项目的实施,提出从监测体系、网络环境、资源整合、运维体系等方面建设完善监控管理系统,保障监控目标的实现。  相似文献   

GEF海河流域水资源与水环境综合管理知识管理系统是GEF海河项目的核心内容之一,是海河流域水资源和水环境管理信息的存储、管理和共享交换中心;利用先进的3S(GIS/RS/GPS)和IT技术,建设流域水资源与水环境知识共享平台,实现海河流域水利与环保部门之间的信息交流与共享;以遥感监测ET为管理措施、水功能区为管理单元、水权为管理核心、模型为支撑工具、取水许可与排污许可为控制手段,构建海河流域水资源与水环境综合业务管理系统;该系统的建设为加强海河流域水资源与水环境综合管理,促进各级水行政管理部门间的协调合作,改善海河流域水资源与水环境状况提供了重要的技术手段和成功经验。  相似文献   

介绍了澳大利亚北澳地区的水资源开发利用现状,通过和河北省水资源开发利用与管理的对比分析,总结了北澳在水资源的权属、规划、水量分配、开发利用与保护及管理体制等方面和河北省的差异,提出了河北省水资源管理可以借鉴的经验和做法,对河北省实现水资源可持续利用,保护好有限的水资源,改善水生态与环境,具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

黄河断流及水资源变化特点   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
依据黄河多年的水文资料,分析黄河断流的状况、原因及其影响.认为黄河断流的成因主要是水资源供需失衡和对水量的调控能力不足,不能充分发挥水利工程的以丰补枯作用.造成黄河径流变化的原因:一是近期水量偏少,使黄河处于枯水期;二是人类用水的需求及对流域产汇流的影响.从可持续利用黄河水资源角度出发,提出加强黄河水量实时调控,加强水资源的统一管理和调度,坚持“开源节流,节流为主”的综合治理开发原则.  相似文献   

松辽水利委员会(以下简称松辽委)信息化工作在"十一五"期间,取得了一定成绩。特别是随着松辽委国家防汛抗旱指挥系统一期工程、松辽委电子政务(一期)工程项目、嫩江右侧水情自动测报系统、亚行贷款项目松花江洪水管理系统等方面建设的完成,在水利信息采集、收集、传输、存储、决策等方面,实现信息资源管理自动化和共享,提高了工作质量和效率,为各级领导提供决策支持,为松辽委行使流域水资源统一管理职能提供现代化的技术支撑,促进了流域管理现代化,使流域水行政管理水平产生质的飞跃。详细阐述了松辽委信息化的建设进展和已经实现的信息资源整合,并对松辽委下一步的信息化工作进行展望。  相似文献   

河流可供水资源影子价格研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文在分析了影子价格概念、基本计算方法的基础上,运用机会成本的原理,对河流可供水资源的影子价格的测算途径进行了研究,并对黄河各河段可供水资源的影子价格进行了测算。  相似文献   

As water has become the shortest resources in arid, semi-arid and rapid urbanization areas when the water resources utilization has approached or exceeded its threshold, water resources system slows down the socio-economic growth rate and destroys the projected targets to eradicate poverty and realize sustainable development. We put forward the concept of Water Resources Constraint Force (WRCF) and constructed a conceptual framework on it. Conceptual models on the interactions and feedbacks between water resources and socio-economic systems in water scarce regions or river basins indicate that, if the socio-economic system always aims at sustainable development, WRCF will vary with a normal distribution curve. Rational water resources management plays an important role on this optimistic variation law. Specifically, Water Demand Management (WDM) and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) are considered as an important perspective and approach to alleviate WRCF. A case study in the Hexi Corridor of NW China indicates that, water resources management has great impact on WRCF both in Zhangye and Wuwei Region, and also the river basins where they are located. The drastic transformation of water resources management pattern and the experimental project – Building Water-saving Society in Zhangye Region alleviated the WRCF to some extent. However, from a water resources management view, WRCF in Zhangye Region still belongs to the severe constraint type. It will soon step into the very severe constraint type. In order to shorten the periods from the very severe constraint type finally to the slight constraint type, WDM and IWRM in the Hei River Basin should be improved as soon as possible. However, in the Shiyang River Basin, WRCF belongs to the very severe constraint type at present due to poor water resources management in the past. Though the socio-economic system adapted itself and alleviated the WRCF to some extent, the Shiyang River Basin had to transform the water supply management pattern to WDM, and seek IWRM in recent years. It is concluded that WDM and IWRM is a natural selection to alleviate the WRCF on the socio-economic system and realize sustainable development.  相似文献   

西北诸河地域广大,不同地区水资源及其开发利用情况差异明显。针对西北诸河各地区各流域特点,在对河流水资源情况、开发利用状况、承载能力分析的基础上,按照水资源三次平衡的分析方法,基于深入挖潜节水、多渠道开源、适时调水的总体思路进行水资源供需分析和合理配置。通过水资源合理配置,可基本实现水资源的供需平衡,支撑区域经济社会的快速发展和生态环境的良性维持。  相似文献   

西北诸河水资源开发利用调查评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对西北诸河地区1980—2008年的用水水平和效率、水资源开发利用程度,以及供水量、用水量的结构变化进行了分析。西北诸河地区水资源开发利用存在的主要问题:水资源先天不足,部分地区水资源利用超过其承载能力;生态环境脆弱,不合理的经济社会活动导致区域生态环境恶化;用水效率较低,不适应水资源可持续利用的要求等。今后应以流域为单元,加强水资源统一规划和管理;以节水为中心,提高水资源利用效率;加强生态环境保护,协调好经济社会发展用水与生态环境用水之间的关系。  相似文献   

Hafez Q. Shaheen 《国际水》2013,38(2):201-208

The increase in demand for the limited raw water resources in the Palestinian Territories has led to the proposals for use of treated wastewater as one alternative for alleviating water shortages and for optimizing the use of water resources. Wastewater reuse is a multi-discipline and important element of water resources development. Wastewater usage releases high quality water for drinking and other purposes. Quantitative, economic, and social aspects related to wastewater reuse in the West Bank are discussed. Through analyses of the estimated cost and expected water quantities, the paper investigates the economic feasibility of wastewater reuse. Social acceptance is elicited by means of questionnaires, which have been applied to farmers and inhabitants in different areas of the West Bank. Wastewater reuse can compensate for about 10 percent of irrigated agriculture, which contributes 35 percent of the total value of the Palestinian agricultural sector. The paper presents an analysis of the main aspects of wastewater reuse and defines an approach to the beneficial use of wastewater as a component that should be considered in the strategy for the overall management of water resources in the Palestinian Territories.  相似文献   

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