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杨占荣 《中国水利》2005,(11):27-28
随着农业种植结构的调整和水利工程管理体制的改革,甘肃省疏勒河流域灌区围绕改善农业生产基本条件、调整农业结构、减轻农民负担、增加农民收入的目标,进行了灌区管理机制的改革,积极推广农民用水户参与式灌溉管理.通过3年的实践,健全了协会的管理职能,明确了协会和用水户的责任、权利、义务,避免了搭车收费现象,促进了节约用水.  相似文献   

This paper examines the recent emerging informal Water Users Groups (WUGs) on the Ferghana Valley for managing of the water at the former collective farm level and potential for strengthening of the weak Water Users Associations (WUAs) through replication of WUGs formation. Due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Central Asian states have introduced reforms in different sectors including the water resources sectors. As a part of the water resources management reforms, Water Users Associations (WUAs) formation has implemented to manage water resources infrastructure and water distribution. WUGs have been emerging because WUAs have not been very efficient and effective due to their top-down implementation approach. In future, WUGs are very effective institutional mechanism of water resources management, and a useful support instrument to WUAs.  相似文献   

Vadim Sokolov 《国际水》2013,38(1):59-70

The Soviet period of the command system left a legacy of under-funded multilevel bureaucratic structure of water administration and planning for the Central Asia and Caucasus countries. The existing administrative system of water management is unable to cope with inter-sector, dynamic, and versatile character of current water management problems. Therefore, the situation calls for principles of integrated water resources management (IWRM) in the region. This paper presents some ideas about institutional reforms in water sector started in Central Asia and Caucasus regions. It describes the key IWRM principles and how these principles are being implemented into practice.  相似文献   

This paper finds productivity-enhancing effects of watercourse-level water users’ associations for farms at the tail of a watercourse and for those that rely exclusively on groundwater – two groups that are marginalized from surface water use and more likely to rely increasingly on groundwater. Yet, heavy reliance on groundwater consumes vast energy resources and leads to environmental degradation through overdraft and groundwater salinization. Improving the management of surface water through functioning watercourse-level institutions can increase use efficiency across water, energy and land resources through increasing agricultural productivity of those now least able to access fresh surface water resources.  相似文献   

Egypt has valuable experience with water user associations in irrigated agriculture. Internationally funded irrigation improvement projects aiming to increase irrigation efficiency have introduced water user associations at the branch-canal level alongside improvements to the infrastructure in the Central Delta of Egypt. In this article we review those water management practices in which these associations are expected to participate. Our main finding is that their role in these areas is minimal and that they are generally weak organizations. Either such organizations should be genuinely strengthened legally and politically, and given real responsibilities and resources, or the entire idea of participation should be abandoned.  相似文献   

A “policy as process” perspective is adopted to analyze the early period of water users associations (WUAs) in Uzbekistan (2000–2006). The article is based on extensive fieldwork (in 2005–2006) and analysis of policy and other relevant documents. It is shown that WUAs have a role and logic beyond water management and are used by the state as instruments with which to monitor and regulate “state-ordered” agricultural production. Through a state-centric policy process with room for local experimentation, the WUA was fit into the socio-political landscape of continued state control and the increased role of individualized risks and benefits.  相似文献   

Kai Wegerich 《国际水》2013,38(2):130-137

The paper addresses problems of water resource management on the district and provincial level in the Khorezm province, Uzbekistan. The district water organizations are responsible for equitable water distribution to the agricultural users. These organizations do not have the necessary logistical capacities to manage the water resources nor to control water utilization at the local level. Over-extraction and the lack of control are leading to common pool resource problems at the district level. Furthermore, the concept of administrational management of water resources at the district level, instead of hydrological management increases the problems of equitable water distribution on the provincial, national, and international level.  相似文献   

Setting up water users' associations (WUAs) and involving them in the management of delivery systems is an important innovation in improving the performance of public irrigation systems. Most Indian states are in a great hurry to turn over management of “below-the outlet” systems to WUAs. Yet the crucial link between the work done by the institutional organizers who set up these WUAs, the efficacy of the WUAs and the eventual performance of the irrigation systems remains unexplored. This paper attempts to explore this link. It shows that overdrive in the formation of WUAs may reduce their institutional sustainability.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, Irrigation Management Transfer has been considered the world over to be a policy aimed at rolling back state influence in water management according to a neo-liberal approach. The initiative was endorsed by international organizations as a way of reforming the water sector in developing countries. Reflecting on this process, the role of hydraulic bureaucracies in driving reforms oriented towards IMT has often been neglected in academic debate. This article discusses the logic of IMT implementation and the establishment of Water Users' Associations (WUAs) in Uzbekistan, specifically in Samarkand province. These dynamics have been analysed over the last 10 years showing different trajectories within Uzbekistan. Data were collected through extensive fieldwork in three districts in Samarkand province. The evidence acquired shows that, on the one hand, WUAs were established to be a new structure for state control over water and agriculture, in conflict with IMT rationale, and, on the other, that WUAs were created in the province as a result of a local initiative promoted by the hydraulic bureaucracy and accepted by the national authorities due to influential power relations.  相似文献   

跨流域调水工程的管理与运营包含了技术、经济、环境、社会等多行业和多学科的许多复杂问题,如何进行合理运行、科学调度和有效管理,是实现跨流域调水工程项目最终规划目标和获得最大综合效益的重要因素。本文介绍了国内外对跨流域调水工程管理体制的一些做法和探索性研究,分析了国内外调水工程的成功经验和存在的问题,并针对南水北调中线水源工程调水管理提出研究思路,供借鉴。  相似文献   

农民用水协会是近些年来在农村兴起的一种非营利性群众用水合作组织,其产生使得广大用水户能切身参与到灌溉管理事业中来,并带来了不可忽视的效益。但是当下的农民用水协会在实际运行及管理中仍存在许多问题。本文在对陕西关中五大灌区的七个农民用水协会开展实地社会调查的基础上,分析研究了灌区末级渠系管理体制改革的成效及存在的问题,并对农民用水协会今后可持续发展的问题提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the use of transboundary water resources management principles in two key regional water-related agreements in Central Asia: the Agreement on Cooperation in Joint Management, Use and Protection of Interstate Sources of Water Resources (1992) and the Statute of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia (2008). These agreements incorporate several internationally recognized transboundary water resources management principles, though there are also some weaknesses. The presence of such principles in these regional agreements offers plenty of hope for the promotion of sustainable water resources management in Central Asia.  相似文献   

加强水资源综合管理推动可持续发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郭培章 《中国水利》2002,(11):23-24
水资源是我国可持续发展的重要方面、水资源管理问题十分复杂。针对目前我国水资源管理主要存在的三大问题,提出三个方面建议:一是加强流域统一管理;二是合理划分中央与地方的事权;三是合理区分水的公益性与经营性,发挥计划和市场两种手段的作用,通过加强水资源的综合管理,推动我国的可持续发展.  相似文献   

借鉴国外成熟经验、总结国内成功经验,利用市场机制优化配置水资源,缓解我国水资源供需矛盾,逐步实现水资源可持续利用和经济社会可持续发展,已经成为大家的共识。我国及部分省份的有关水法规中也已明确规定:兴建建设项目,对其它用水户取水产生不利影响的,建设单位应当采取补救措施或者予以补偿。但新建项目取水影响其它用水户权益的补偿方案的具体制订还是一个崭新的课题,也是我国近阶段迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

对灌区加强需水管理的几点认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灌区加强需水管理是实行最严格水资源管理制度、缓解我国主要灌溉用水矛盾的有效手段.从需水管理的基本要求出发,结合灌区用水实际,分析了灌区需水管理的内涵及面临的挑战,构建了以判断灌区水安全态势,调整供水者供水行为,调整用水者用水行为为流程的灌区需水管理理论框架,提出了建立以公益效益为主、兼顾经营效益的灌区水管单位、完善灌区水价体系和水价政策、建立和完善用水协会的管理机制、建立健全以用水者为交易主体并在政府宏观调控下的水权交易制度等政策建议.  相似文献   

孙国胜 《中国水利》2012,(12):12-15
水利水电工程项目的成功来自于对项目有创建性的科学化管理。结合云南龙江水电站枢纽工程和宁夏沙坡头水利枢纽公司目标管理的实践,阐述了水利水电工程项目目标管理的关键因素和对策,以及对目标管理在水利水电工程项目管理中不适应部分和没有考虑到的问题进行了分析探讨,以加深目标管理方法在水利水电项目中应用的领会和理解,为我国今后的水利水电工程项目管理从方法和手段上提供有益的借鉴和启发。  相似文献   

针对淮河重点水利工程水利信息化建设存在的问题,建立统一的信息管理平台,构建水利工程信息监控系统.系统构建在地理信息、视频监控技术和自动控制平台基础上,将工程建设、实时工情、实时监控视频和水雨情数据等信息进行发布和分析,向用户提供可靠的信息展现.水利工程信息监控系统为淮河水利防洪减灾等工作,提供美观、通俗人性化的操作系统,?满足淮委防汛调度、闸坝及河道堤防管理等技术层面的需求.  相似文献   

丹河流域是晋城市经济发达区,也是水资源短缺区,水的供需矛盾突出.其水资源可持续利用的途径是:全面开发中寒武水,提回郭壁水,回灌涵养中奥水,充分利用浅中层水,实施污水资源化,实行分质供水,建设骨干管网,开展节水型社会建设,建立水务一体化管理体制.  相似文献   

本文介绍了菏泽市水资源利用现状,通过分析缺水原因,菏泽市水行政主管部门实施了最严格的水资源管理措施,不断加强水利工程建设、水资源管理机构建设和水政执法监督,增强水资源利用率,严格落实水资源论证与取用水制度,实施最严格的水资源管理考核制度。  相似文献   

建立水资源管理责任和考核制度是落实2011年中央1号文件、实行最严格水资源管理制度的重要保障.最严格土地管理责任和考核制度实行过程中,积累了丰富的做法经验,可为建立水资源管理责任和考核制度提供借鉴参考.介绍了最严格土地管理责任和考核制度的经验做法,在此基础上总结了最严格土地管理责任和考核制度对水资源管理的启示.  相似文献   

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