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灌区灌溉用水管理决策支持系统总体设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析灌溉用水管理主要内容和决策流程以及确定的系统开发原则基础上,提出了具有系统结构合理、软件设计先进、实用性强、扩充性能好、适应实时决策要求的灌溉用水管理决策支持系统总体设计方案以数据库和知识库作为信息基础,以模型库作为管理决策的重要支撑手段,针对以上三库相互之间在概念和结构上存在交叉,在运行中存在数据流交换的特点,建立总控系统。通过多组件之间的接口集成整个决策支持系统,实现信息查询、灌水预报、水量分配等功能。该系统界面友好、直观,操作灵活、方便。  相似文献   

引水工程是我国水资源战略调配的重要举措,在我国水资源调配已经或将发挥重要作用,引水工程的信息化建设将促进和提高引水工程运行管理水平。在分析引水工程特点及其运行管理需求的基础上,应用先进的信息采集、通信网络、空间和计算机控制处理技术,对引水工程运行调度管理决策支持系统进行分析设计,以吉林省引嫩入白引水工程为例,进行应用实践。通过应用表明,该系统运行稳定,界面友好,提升了引水工程水利信息化水平,充分发挥了引水工程的效益。  相似文献   

This paper presents a procedure for decision analysis in water use conflicts among irrigators. It seeks feasible compromise term among decision makers by using optimal results for different proposals of solutions. The process is developed by applying the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution. The case study is the existing conflict among Coqueiros canal water users. This 45 km canal belongs to a complex irrigation and drainage canal network and it is located at Campos dos Goytacazes municipality, in the northern region of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Its basin has a potential irrigable area of approximately 14,000 ha. Six hypothetical scenarios have been built, each one corresponding to different alternatives to the conflict solution. In addition, two different tendencies were adopted by the Management Institution (MI) in order to take care of the conflict. The first tendency takes into account that the MI has no explicit preferences for any of its actions. As for the second one, the MI shows explicit preferences for the scenarios which provide more income taxes. Some scenarios that reached the state of equilibrium were analyzed to provide solutions to the conflict.  相似文献   

应用支撑平台是应用架构的基础和载体,给出了一种基于J2EE,SOA的水利应用支撑平台设计思想和系统方案,该平台可为水利应用系统的建设提供统一的技术架构、标准与环境,提供基于软件复用等先进技术的业务应用开发与运行支撑平台,形成可供复用的软件资源,最大限度地减少软件的重复开发,为业务应用建设、信息资源整合及信息交换与业务协同提供各类公共服务。目前该平台已通过大量的应用检验,并已在一些水利应用系统中逐步使用和推广。  相似文献   

力求通过建立完全信息动态博弈模型求解水资源冲突分析问题.博弈模型主要针对一条河流上、下游为了分享水资源,从各自要求出发,提出的解决方案与流域管理机构进行协调之间的用水冲突问题,力求通过流域管理机构的水资源费率和宏观调控的水权交易价格,求解水资源可持续发展情况下的市场均衡模型.以此达到有水资源费率和水权交易两种调控手段的情况下各决策者追求自身利益的结果.  相似文献   

建设项目水资源论证工作中几个问题的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设项目水资源论证是为取水许可制度服务的一项新工作,由于开展时间不长,许多问题仍存在模糊认识。现根据实践经验和体会对建设项目水资源论证工作中遇到的几个主要问题进行了分析和讨论,最后给出了结论和建议。  相似文献   

The Role of Model Interfaces for Participation in Water Management   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Despite the increasing complexity in water management decision processes the actual use of models in those processes is not very common. Particularly in participatory water management the potential participants do not seem to find access to models used or usable for decision-making. The article discusses up to which degree computer- and Internet-based tools and complementary instruments can help to
•  present information to the public,
•  allow interactive access to data and creating own results,
•  allow the public to exchange views and raise objections and ideas.
A focus lies on the role of (‘human’ and technical) interfaces in this context. Among the introduced solutions are Internet participation platforms or interfaces adapted to the needs of participants with simplified versions of models. The increasing use of the Internet and free software products as well as the implementation of new conventions and EU directives will lead to a better access to data by the general public. But it also becomes clear that more than better technical solutions are needed. For the potential participants the importance of participation as well as the limits of their impact on the final decision has to be made clear. Facilitators (‘human interfaces’) to help people make use of tools and models would be a great advantage. The article is based on results of a discussion group at the HarmoniCA Workshop in Osnabrück 4th to 6th October 2004. Members of the group were: M. Hare, T. Horlitz, B. Sárváryné-Szentkatolnay, J. Sendzimir; D. Tabara; H. Thieding.  相似文献   

从广域网、局域网网络设计和网络安全设计等方面探讨南水北调工程中计算机网络设计需要考虑的带宽、可靠和安全等技术问题,同时从与现有网络融合的角度对南水北调的计算机网络建设的可操作性做了分析,探讨兼顾可靠性、安全性和流量的网络体系架构。  相似文献   

During drought situations, it is sometimes necessary to deviate from normal strategic operating policies because conditions may be more severe than those under which the policies were designed. Whilst droughts are not a frequent event, it is essential for the effective management of the system that techniques are available to advise water supply managers as to the most appropriate action to be taken as an incipient drought situation develops.  相似文献   

崇明岛水系改造对水资源的影响初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
索明岛是我国第三大岛,也是上海21世纪可持续发展的重要战略空间。崇明岛生态型水系改造将进一步提高水资源综合调控能力,促进水资源优化配置,提高全岛淡水资源保证率,减轻成潮入侵威胁,改善岛内河网水质,为建设崇明生态岛奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

从地域环境着眼,客观地分析某项节水技术及措施的有效性,比较软技术和硬(工程)措施的优缺点,从而提出避免背水一战因水致宜发展适应农业,节水软技术应优先发展,坚持按自然、市场、经济和社会等四个基本规律办事的工程技术投资原则以及实施抗旱与灌溉分区等观点。  相似文献   

论述了复合系统协调分析的主要理论与方法,以系统科学与可持续发展理论为基础,以生态学和经济学原理为指导,分析了西北地区水资源生态经济系统的概念、特点、特征、组成、结构、功能和作用机制及水资源生态经济系统的相互作用模式。在此基础上又对系统之间的冲突与协调关系进行了深入分析,总结了水资源生态经济系统主要冲突与协调,并从水资源利用与生态环境系统的相互作用关系角度探讨了实现水资源持续利用的协调和控制。  相似文献   

在总结柘溪电站早期建设的决策支持系统经验的基础上,从分析电站特点和业务需求出发,遵循实用性、稳健性、先进性等原则进行了柘溪水库调度决策支持系统的设计和开发。现场实际运行效果表明系统具有较大的实用价值和较强的推广意义。最后总结了系统的特点并分析了综合利用水库调度决策支持系统的发展趋势。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法和GIS技术的灌溉决策支持系统   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过先进的科技手段提高灌溉管理水平是现代农业发展的必然趋势,本介绍了一个基于遗传算法优化模型和GIS技术的灌溉决策支持系统。该系统由灌区信息管理模块,田间灌溉模拟模块,优化配水模块和GIS模块等组成,具有一定的智能性,通用性和可扩展性,界面友好,易于操作,为提高灌溉用水效率和灌溉管理水平,发展节水农业和精确农业,实现农业的可持续发展提供了一个可行的途径。  相似文献   

面向水利信息化的中间件技术及其支持服务平台   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
水利信息化已在水利事业中占据了重要位置.中间件是近10年发展起来的软件技术,发展迅速.可成长性、适应性、可管理性、高可信性等特点使其具有了广泛的应用前景.把中间件技术作为水利应用的首选,是水利信息化发展的需要.在信息共享、应用整合及决策支持服务上,通过平台建设,把基础中间件平台与行业应用特点相互对接将会实现创新和跨越式发展.  相似文献   


Rapid population growth and a rising public awareness concerning environmental issues over the last few decades have caused a demand for improved performance in water resources management. These demands will likely grow and evolve into increasingly severe constraints for managers throughout the 21st century. Unfortunately, decision makers will be less able to rely on previous experiences in adapting to these new constraints. Research efforts have demonstrated that optimization can be a valuable component of improving performance, but it has not been widely accepted in practice. This paper explains the foreseen evolution of optimization as we progress into the next century and discusses methods to overcome the apparent gap between theoretical developments in optimization and implementation for solving real problems. These methods are based on encouraging transfer of a combined optimization-simulation technique into practice, providing improved graphical user interfaces, and improving the relationship between model developers and key decision-makers through interactive communications  相似文献   

孙健 《中国水利》2007,(15):47-49
洪金灌区管理决策支持系统(IMDSS)主要包括信息系统、模拟系统、决策分析系统等。整个系统分为软件与硬件控制两大部分,软件部分包括灌区信息管理、地理信息查询、配水方案优化决策、水情查询分析和灌区设计辅助计算五个部分;硬件部分包括自动监测、视频监控和语音查询四个部分。该系统的开发与运用为灌区优化调度灌溉用水提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

在简要介绍防洪决策支持系统研究现状的基础上 ,充分考虑了洪灾风险管理的特点和目标 ,提出了具有系统结构合理、扩充性好和适应实时要求特点的洪灾风险管理决策支持系统 ,确定了系统开发的原则 ,拟定了系统的组成结构及主要框架构成 ,设计了友好、直观并且操作灵活方便的界面  相似文献   

提高水资源承载能力途径的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据水资源承载能力的内涵,现阐述了水资源承载能力的基本概念和影响因素,并着重从水资源承载能力的主体、客体以及主客体之间耦合三个方面系统研究了提高水资源承载能力的途径,而且对这些途径进行了分析.同时在海河流域进行了实例研究,提出了提高海河流域水资源承载能力的途径.最后,文章指出,为找出技术可行、经济合理、最有效的提高途径,需从区域的特殊情况出发,在定量研究的基础上,将各种提高水资源承载能力的途径与承载能力的结果分析有效结合起来,并与本地区的水资源承载能力相适应.  相似文献   

给水度的计算很多,在水资源评价中,选择单一的方法难以保证精度。本文结合潜水动态试验。对几种计算方法进行分析,力求找到有代表性的给水度推求方法,提高水资源计算的精度。  相似文献   

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