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油菜是经济价值高、发展潜力大的油料作物,也是蛋白质、饲料、蜜源和能源作物,油菜籽的干燥和储存联系油菜高产栽培和油脂深加工综合利用。本文在分析油菜籽干燥特点和主要干燥技术的基础上,综述了油菜籽热风干燥传热传质与优化的研究进展,以期为油菜籽热风干燥装置设计、干燥工艺、参数和过程优化等的研究提供依据。目前,有关油菜籽热风干燥传热传质与优化的研究多限于实验层面,不具有广泛适用性。传统干燥理论和模型大多以Luikov理论和Whitaker理论为基础,对其适当简化或修正,由于假设多孔介质为均匀分布连续介质,无法揭示局部和整体之间的本质联系。将分形理论与孔道网络模型相结合是多孔介质干燥尺度综合的有效方法。数值研究有宏观、多尺度和微观三个层面,借助CFD技术可以有效获悉干燥速率、能量消耗和湿分分布等信息,以优化干燥装置和过程控制。油菜籽热风干燥实验研究主要集中在干燥特性、干燥品质及其测量技术等方面,为获得良好的干燥品质,应注意干燥工艺、参数和过程优化。 相似文献
文章通过对盘工干燥器主要承压部件-加热盘的受力分析,建立了加热盘上,下板的力学模型,并推出了板的挠曲线方程式和应力计算公式,由此得到了板厚度的计算方法。 相似文献
应用数学分析方法对升华干燥的基本条件和必要条件及其传热传质过程进行了分析计算,为研究和应用升华干燥技术提供了理论依据。 相似文献
文章通过对盘式干燥器主要承压部件──加热盘的受力分析,建立了加热盘上、下板的力学模型,并推出了板的挠曲线方程式和应力计算公式,由此得到了板厚度的计算方法。 相似文献
[目的]探明热风干燥过程中铁棍山药片的传质情况,以及干燥空间和山药片的传热情况。[方法]选用 7种薄层干燥数学模型对山药片热风干燥曲线进行拟合,找出最适传质动力学模型;测定不同温度下山药的导热系数和比热容,在此基础上利用 ANSYS 软件模拟热风干燥过程中干燥空间温度场变化和山药片温度变化。[结果]Modified Page 模型能准确预测不同热风温度条件下山药片的水分变化情况 (R2为0.998 96~0.999 86)。热风干燥过程中干燥室空间温度总体呈水平面上距进出风口近处温度高,远处温度稍低,竖直面上呈上高下低的状态,但温差均不大。热风干燥过程中山药片中心处温度最低,外表面温度最高,内外层温差逐渐缩小,前期温度变化较快而后期缓慢,实测值与模拟值间的温差最大达 7.75 ℃,最小仅为 0.07 ℃,说明模拟结果准确度较高。[结论]Modified Page 模型和 ANSYS 软件能够准确模拟热风干燥过程中山药片的传热传质。 相似文献
目的:提高规模化生产的哈密瓜品质,缩短干燥周期。方法:以不同漂烫时间(0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5 min)、浸渍液(0.1%,0.2%,0.3%,0.4%,0.5%柠檬酸溶液)预处理哈密瓜切片,并分别研究不同热风温度(35,45,55,65,75℃)、热风速度(0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5 m/s)和切片厚度(2,4,6,8,10 mm)条件下的哈密瓜切片热风干燥特性和水分扩散系数,拟合不同薄层干燥数学模型。结果:0.4%柠檬酸预处理后得到品质最优的干制产品,热风温度和切片厚度对切片干燥影响较为显著,哈密瓜切片无恒速干燥阶段,有效水分扩散系数为1.1348×10-7~4.9080×10-7 m2/s,活化能为28.15 kJ/mol。结论:哈密瓜切片的最佳热风干燥工艺为热风温度55℃、热风速度2.0 m/s、切片厚度6 mm,Page模型具有最高的R2值和最小的均方根误差,更适于评估和预测哈密瓜热风干燥的水分去除规律。 相似文献
以甘蔗皮为试材,研究不同甘蔗皮长度、热风温度及热风速度下甘蔗皮的热风对流干燥特性,利用Origin2018软件对实验数据进行数学模型拟合,得到甘蔗皮的热风薄层干燥模型。结果表明:热风温度升高,甘蔗皮干燥速率增大;热风干燥温度超过100℃,甘蔗皮不但成品色泽变暗,而且干燥过程中还散发刺鼻焦糊气味。增大风速,可以缩短甘蔗皮干燥周期;但是,风速超过4 m/s,进一步增大风速对提升甘蔗皮干燥速率不明显。甘蔗皮长度过短、过长都不利于提升甘蔗皮干燥速率,25 cm甘蔗皮干燥速率最大。甘蔗皮热风干燥下(温度为70~120℃)的有效水分扩散系数为(9.221×10~(-9)~2.626 2×10~(-8))m~2/s,活化能E_a=13.58 kJ/mol。对9种不同数学模型进行拟合,发现Page模型具有最高的R~2值和最低的均方根误差RMSE,更适于评估甘蔗皮热风干燥的水分脱除规律。 相似文献
为探究甘薯片在热风干燥过程中的温度和水分分布,建立数值模型来模拟不同恒定干燥温度(50,60,70,80 ℃)的传热、传质过程。由于物料在热风干燥过程中会发生较为明显的收缩效应,其有效水分扩散系数会发生改变,对模拟的精准度产生影响,因此对比了依赖温度、收缩相关扩散系数两种方式的传热、传质过程。结果表明,基于收缩相关的有效水分扩散系数能准确地描述甘薯片的热风干燥过程,其中依赖收缩的水分比以及温度的模拟值与试验值的决定系数(R2)在 0.976~0.994和0.961~0.981之间。为了分析不同热风温度对甘薯片干燥后质量的影响,从色差、复水率及感官评分方面分析,得出60 ℃为甘薯片热风干燥的最佳温度。模拟试验结果表明,有效水分扩散系数随热风温度的升高而上升,传热、传质系数对甘薯片温度变化以及干燥过程的影响十分显著。所开发的模型可为不同干燥温度下模拟研究其它农作物的干燥过程提供借鉴。 相似文献
探讨不同干燥温度和不同切片厚度条件下番木瓜的热风干燥特性。通过9种数学模型对番木瓜热风干燥试验数据进行拟合,结果表明:同大多数农产品干燥一样,番木瓜热风干燥主要为降速过程。不同干燥温度和物料厚度番木瓜热风干燥的水分有效扩散系数Deff的变化范围分别是1.798 4×10-8~3.323 3×10-8,0.579 3×10-8~2.852 2×10-8 m2/s,由此可以看出番木瓜热风干燥的水分有效扩散系数随着干燥温度和物料厚度的增大而增大;Page模型是番木瓜热风干燥过程的最适模型,平均R2值、SSE值、RMSE值和X2值分别为0.998 1,0.003 3,0.012 4,0.000 2。经回归分析,得到温度、厚度与有效水分扩散系数Deff的关系表达式。研究结果可以为生产实践中预测番木瓜热风干燥的水分变化提供参考。 相似文献
Susana Simal Angel Berna Antonio Mulet Carmen Rossell 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》1993,63(3):365-367
A method for the determination of the heat transfer coefficient was proposed for the first falling drying period of potato cubes. During this period, heat and mass transfer were considered as coupled phenomena. Temperature calculation inside the sample was performed using the macroscopic heat transfer balance. The heat transfer coefficient was computed by means of parametric identification, using the Gauss–Newton method. The figure obtained for the heat transfer coefficient shows good agreement with other sources. 相似文献
一种热管式CPU芯片散热器的原理结构设计 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6
对该热管式CPU散热器的传热机理、传热路线和各传热阶段的热阻进行了定性分析和定量分析。设计了原理结构,建立了传热模型,导出了总传热系数的计算式,并给出了该热管散热器的设计计算实例。 相似文献
A proposed mathematical model, based on physical and transport properties and mass and energy balances, was developed for unsteady transport of momentum, heat and mass in granular beds of agricultural products (fruits and vegetables) under convective drying conditions. The model utilized water sorption isotherm equations and the change in solid density due to shrinkage. The unsteady-state differential equations for temperature and moisture profiles within the product were numerically solved using a central finite difference scheme. Experimental data on drying conditions and product drying rates agreed with the calculated results. A design and operation parameters optimization scheme, tested for grapes, resulted in minimized drying time and high quality dried product. 相似文献
Zachary Welsh Matthew J. Simpson Md Imran H. Khan M. A. Karim 《Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety》2018,17(5):1293-1308
Plant‐based food materials are mostly porous in nature and heterogeneous in structure with huge diversity in cellular orientation. Different cellular environments of plant‐based food materials, such as intercellular, intracellular, and cell wall environments, hold different proportions of water with different characteristics. Due to this structural heterogeneity, it is very difficult to understand the drying process and associated morphological changes during drying. Transport processes and morphological changes that take place during drying are mainly governed by the characteristics of and the changes in the cells. Therefore, to predict the actual heat and mass transfer process that occurs in the drying process and associated morphological changes, development of multiscale modeling is crucial. Multiscale modeling is a powerful approach with the ability to incorporate this cellular structural heterogeneity with microscale heat and mass transfer during drying. However, due to the huge complexity involved in developing such a model for plant‐based food materials, the studies regarding this issue are very limited. Therefore, we aim in this article to develop a critical conceptual understanding of multiscale modeling frameworks for heterogeneous food materials through an extensive literature review. We present a critical review on the multiscale model formulation and solution techniques with their spatial and temporal coupling options. Food structure, scale definition, and the current status of multiscale modeling are also presented, along with other key factors that are critical to understanding and developing an accurate multiscale framework. We conclude by presenting the main challenges for developing an accurate multiscale modeling framework for food drying. 相似文献
Mohammad U. H. Joardder Chandan Kumar 《Critical reviews in food science and nutrition》2017,57(6):1190-1205
Food materials are complex in nature as it has heterogeneous, amorphous, hygroscopic and porous properties. During processing, microstructure of food materials changes which significantly affects other properties of food. An appropriate understanding of the microstructure of the raw food material and its evolution during processing is critical in order to understand and accurately describe dehydration processes and quality anticipation. This review critically assesses the factors that influence the modification of microstructure in the course of drying of fruits and vegetables. The effect of simultaneous heat and mass transfer on microstructure in various drying methods is investigated. Effects of changes in microstructure on other functional properties of dried foods are discussed. After an extensive review of the literature, it is found that development of food structure significantly depends on fresh food properties and process parameters. Also, modification of microstructure influences the other properties of final product. An enhanced understanding of the relationships between food microstructure, drying process parameters and final product quality will facilitate the energy efficient optimum design of the food processor in order to achieve high-quality food. 相似文献
烟叶在叶片复烤机内的干燥包含传热和传质两个过程.通过对传热传质过程的分析,建立干燥过程的数学模型,分别总结出烟叶在恒速干燥阶段和降速干燥阶段的能量平衡方程,推导出烟叶温度、水分随热空气的温度以及干燥时间的变化关系,对于优化控制设备的工艺参数、指导烟叶复烤生产、节约能耗有着重要的作用. 相似文献
烟叶在复烤机干燥过程中的传热传质研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
烟叶在叶片复烤机内的干燥包含传热和传质2个过程。通过对传热传质过程的分析,建立了干燥过程的数学模型,分别总结出烟叶在恒速干燥阶段和降速干燥阶段的能量平衡方程,推导出烟叶温度、水分随热空气的温度以及干燥时间的变化关系,对于优化控制设备的工艺参数、指导烟叶复烤生产、节约能耗有着重要的作用。 相似文献