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The satisfaction of water demands in semi-arid regions could be affected as a consequence of climate change. In this study, the impact due to future climate scenarios in the Chira and Piura basins located in northern Peru was evaluated. Two indicators, the demand satisfaction index (I1) and the demand reliability index (I2p), were used to analyze water scarcity problems. An analysis of the basins by region highlighted the importance of regulation infrastructure in minimizing the effects of climate change to meet water demands.  相似文献   


The growing populations of most developing countries occur disproportionally in urban areas. This places considerable pressure on already overburdened budgets to increase the water supply and wastewater infrastructure. Moreover, little or no resources are left to supply, let alone, improve rural water supplies. To add to the problems, money has been spent on studies that have never been implemented. Projects have been constructed that have not fulfilled their purpose. This paper examines some of these problems, emphasizing groundwater, and suggests ways to prevent them in the future  相似文献   

关于缓解北方地区水供需矛盾方略的认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
缓解北方地区水供需矛盾要从社会,经济活动方式与资源条件协调来考虑,同时要提高人们对节水的认识,建立节约用水,提高用水效率的有效机制,《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》提出,要“要采取多种方式缓解北方地区缺水矛盾,加紧南水北调工程的前期工作,尽早开发建设”,是非常及时的,正确的,但南水北调工程中的许多问题仍然值得认真研究。  相似文献   

讨论南水北调西线工程可调水量问题,不应忽视工程对洪水的调蓄利用。目前规划的调水规模不会“毁了西南”。170亿m^3的调水量是根据紧邻调水枢纽以下河段的生态安全的阈值确定的,并已接近于生态安全的边缘。然而,局部的河道生态安全并不可靠,为实现西线调水,可先行实施一期工程,摸索经验。在调水河流兴建生态治理工程,提高生态安全阈值,实现调出区与调入区两利。  相似文献   

介绍了韩江近年来的水质情况,分析了潮州供水枢纽面临的工业废水、生活污水、养殖业、船舶运输和上游闸坝调试运行不当等造成的水污染威胁,提出了解决这些问题的措施。  相似文献   

Ziad A. Mimi  Amer Marei 《国际水》2013,38(2):219-224

The present problems that are related to water and sanitation in Palestine are many and varied, and the disparity between water supply and demand is growing with time due to the rapid population growth and aridity. Desalination has the potential to supply unlimited quantities of high-quality freshwater to Palestinian Communities. On the other hand, the situation of the sewerage system in the cities is extremely critical, and there are no sewerage systems in the rural areas. There is an urgent need for substantial improvements and extensions to the sewerage systems and treatment plants. The available funds for the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) and other municipalities to implement wastewater and desalination projects are limited. As a result, it is important to fully explore the use of public-private partnerships that utilize sector resources to finance such projects. The objective of this study is to understand incentives for privatization of water supply and sanitation services, with more emphasis on the households' Affordability and Willingness-to-Pay (AWTP) for improved water and sanitation services. The results show that people in Palestine bear the burden of high water supply and sanitation costs. Privatization of the water and sanitation sector will guarantee sustainable development of these sectors under limited financial resources and dependency on external funds.  相似文献   

南水北调中线水源区生态环境保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据调查资料和南水北调中线工程水源区生态环境发展的现状,指出水源区生态环境发展存在的主要问题是水土流失和水体污染,并分析了形成这种现象的原因,在此基础上提出南水北调中线水源区生态环境建设的有关政策法规、生态、经济和环境监测的一些建议。  相似文献   

通过对现状,2000年,2010年和2020年四个水平年进行多方案的水资源供需平衡计算,分析了黄河水对经济各部门需水的可能满足程度及供水效益,得到了关于黄河水资源利用问题的一些认识,提出了黄河供水能力可基本满足2010年水平黄河地区各部门低限用水要求的观点及解决水资源不足问题的对策,为黄河水资源优化配置提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

海水淡化是实现水资源利用的开源增蛳技术,可以增加淡水总量,而蓄水、调水、开采地下水等方式,只能实现水资源的时空位移,总量并没有增加.河北省属资源性缺水省份,但位于渤海湾西岸及北岸,海岸线总长487km,海水资源丰富,同时,国内外海水淡化技术日趋成熟,成本逐渐降低,这些均为我省实施海水淡化产业化奠定了坚实基础.另外,海水淡化及其设备制造还可形成新的产业和经济增长点.因此,海水淡化产业化,是解决河北省沿海地区水资源短缺的有效途径,同时也是河北省未来充满生机、颇具潜力的朝阳产业.  相似文献   

In developing countries, water distribution systems are designed for continuous water supply (CWS) with peak factor between 2.0 and 3.0. While in practice, water is supplied for restricted hours in the morning and evening hours for various reasons. One of the assumption is that under intermittent water supply (IWS), water consumption in residential areas is less compared to CWS. A study was conducted in four Indian cities to evaluate influence of IWS and CWS on domestic water consumption. The selected water distribution system (WDS) represents specific situation in each city. Water consumption data was repeatedly collected through water meter readings in all the cities. The same WDS was switched over to CWS for few months with prior information to the residents. Water consumption was again measured under CWS mode of operation. Statistical analysis of water consumption was done for all the four cities under both modes of operation. The study indicates that domestic water consumption depends on adequacy of water supply, under IWS mode of operation. Water consumption do not change appreciably under CWS, if consumers water demand is satisfied under IWS.  相似文献   

如何当好珠江河流代言人,建设绿色珠江,需要研究和确定一系列“绿色”指标,其内涵十分丰富。从生态需水指标的角度出发,探讨一些基本概念和基本研究方法,并以西江三条重要支流为实例进行研究。  相似文献   

Jerome C. Muys 《国际水》2013,38(4):526-533

The water allocations made to the lower Colorado River Basin under the 1922 Colorado River Compact. as well as the later contractual allocations made by the Secretary of the Interior under the Boulder Canyon Project Act to the States of Arizona, California, and Nevada, and water agencies in those states, were based on significant overestimates offuture water supply. Based on the priority system in each state, the burden of the current shortages has fallen principally on municipal water users. This paper reviews the steps they have taken through innovative conservation measures, water transfers and water banking to deal with the shortage situation. It also briefly discusses the status of native-American rights in the lower Colorado River Basin in such efforts and the possibility of fixed term leases of water from Upper Basin States or users to Lower Basin municipal users.  相似文献   

海口市水资源供需平衡分析及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海口市的水资源极为丰富,但是由于缺乏水资源配置工程,部分地区在非汛期出现了水资源供不应求的局面。本文对海口市2010、2020及2030年的需水量进行了预测,对海口市不同典型年可利用水资源量和可控水资源量进行了研究,根据全市水资源供需情况和行政区域(不包含南渡江流域)水资源供需情况的具体分析,得出海口市工程性缺水的结论;并提出了以修建南渡江下游拦蓄工程为主要工程性措施以缓解和解决海口市长远水资源供需矛盾的建议。  相似文献   

晋中市地处黄土高原非重点治理区,在国家投资少的情况下,水土保持取得了很大的成绩,也积累了许多经验。当前及今后一段时期水土保持生态建设首先是调整工作思路,转变观念,用新的理念探索水保工作新方法。目前主要是抓好生态恢复建设、退耕还林、淤地坝建设、重点治理项目、监督监测等。  相似文献   

南水北调西线工程是支撑我国西北发展的重大战略性水资源工程。本文以南水北调西线工程调出区为研究对象,应用水资源动态模拟优化配置模型对不同规划水平年的各种情景进行全方位、多方案的水资源优化配置,给出了各方案长系列定量配置结果;经过综合分析比较,提出了水资源优化配置推荐方案;通过有无对比分析,论证了西线调水工程对直接影响区和间接影响区水资源供需平衡的影响。根据优化配置结果,从国家角度对直接影响区的补偿问题及研究区的水资源配置问题提出了针对性建议。  相似文献   

莫莫格国家级自然保护区水环境问题和措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了莫莫格国家级自然保护区地表水的水环境现状,指出在水利工程和近期持续干旱的双重影响下,莫莫格自然保护区的地表水环境状态发生了改变,来水减少,水资源匮乏;同时由于石油开采和旅游开发,引起了水环境污染。针对上述问题,为了当地的可持续发展,提出了具体的解决措施。  相似文献   


At the end of 1998 a training workshop was organized by the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre in The Hague, The Netherlands, with the aim of establishing Information Focal Points (IFPs) within a number of organizations. The partner organizations were NETWAS International in Nairobi, Kenya, WASEP in Gilgit, Northern Areas of Pakistan, CINARA in Cali, Colombia, and the Mvula Trust in Johannesburg, South Africa. The IFP initiative was a sub-project of a much larger project, called the Manage Dissemination Project that aimed to disseminate the results of an earlier four-year participatory action research project undertaken by IRC on community management of rural water supplies. Unlike many other water information initiatives, which often have the catchment as their point of departure, IFPs had the ambitious goal of wanting to access and document water information at a much lower level, namely that of the community. Inherent to this approach was that community-based water information would become institutionalized in the partner organizations, so that even after the research project came to an end, the IFPs would be able to continue their work. This article describes the objectives and outcomes of the above workshop and provides thumbnail sketches of the partner organizations involved in the sub-project. It also discusses the plans that partner organizations developed for implementing IFPs within their own organizations. The challenges that may confront both the partner organizations themselves, and IRC in its role as a supportive institution, are also discussed. The article ends by trying to look ahead on how the IFP initiative may evolve in the future.  相似文献   

In this paper, domestic water saving potential in the case of Manisa, Turkey has been investigated. Firstly, domestic water use forms are analyzed in an attempt to estimate how much water is used by a particular use in total domestic use. Then, the water conservation measures for each water practice are examined and some easy-to-apply measures proposed. Finally, an experimental study was conducted to determine if the domestic water conservation measures proposed were applicable for the city considered. For this purpose, a questionnaire was developed and 200 respondents were asked to fill it in. The respondents were chosen from different people based on education level, financial status and size of the family to represent the society living in the city. Based on the results of the study, it is shown that the measures proposed are quite applicable and around 27% saving is manageable if the proposed measures are publicized adequately and applied effectively.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheSouth -to -NorthWaterTransferisageneralstrategicmeasurethatthewaterwillbetransferredfromtheChangjiangRivertothenorthwestandthenorthofChina.Itconsistsof 3routes,theeast,themiddleandthewest,whichhavebeenstudiedforyears.The 3routespossessth…  相似文献   

河道治理工程水土保持设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河道治理工程的实施会对工程区域内的自然生态环境和水土保持带来负面影响。以独流减河左堤治理工程为例 ,分析工程建设中可能造成的水土流失影响 ,从工程和生物两方面提出水土保持的防治措施 ,并对其投资进行了初步估算。  相似文献   

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