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袁周华 《机械制造》1999,37(6):26-27
制造高质量的圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆副时,在工艺上必须解决蜗杆齿面的磨削。由于砂轮必须是被磨削蜗杆螺旋面的包络曲面,而实际设计计算时,其砂轮曲面求解相当繁杂,不但周期长,甚至人工无法求解。故传统工艺常采用近似磨削法,从而影响到加工精度。针对这一情况,我们应用空间啮合理论,对圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆磨削过程进行新的、严密的理论推导,得出了啮合方程和砂轮轴向廓线的数学模型,并借助电脑辅助设计,解决了其工艺关键:砂轮曲面求解及靠模设计,实现了圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆齿面的精确磨削。  相似文献   

朱辉平 《机械制造》1995,(11):17-18
蜗杆珩磨轮珩齿工艺是八十年代中末期在国内兴起的热处理后精加工齿面工艺。对于中硬齿面的珩磨,已有几家工厂成功应用,但对于硬齿面的珩磨,特别是外径定心花键孔硬齿面齿轮的珩磨加工。还未曾见过介绍。我厂针对用户对齿轮精度要求日益提高的趋势,为寻求稳定加工,按GB10095—88规定的8级精度齿轮的高效、经济加工途径,选择蜗杆珩齿工艺对热处理后硬齿面加工。经过几年的实践,取得良好成效。 一、工艺流程 硬齿面齿轮材料多为20CrMnTi,渗碳淬火达到表面硬度HRC58~64。对于外径定心花键孔齿轮,且有拨叉槽的,如图1所示。由于其截面的变化较大,使孔变形也较大。虽采用稀土碳共渗、碳氮共渗、微氮中温渗碳及栏具定置保护等热处理手段,变形仍不可避免。  相似文献   

采用直读光谱仪、显微硬度计、光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜等手段对蜗杆齿面磨削后产生开裂的原因进行了分析。结果表明:开裂蜗杆磨削后蜗齿表面渗碳层的显微组织和硬度发生了明显变化,齿面裂纹呈放射状沿晶扩展,开裂方向与磨削痕迹大致垂直,裂纹深度在0.42 mm以内;蜗杆齿面上的裂纹为磨削操作不当引起的磨削裂纹;对蜗杆齿面的磨削工艺进行改进后再未出现开裂现象。  相似文献   

蜗杆振动珩硬齿的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在滚齿机上附加的蜗杆振动珩齿装置,对淬硬齿轮进行珩齿加工,对珩齿过程中降低齿轮齿面上的轴向进给波纹的高度进行了理论分析,并做出了珩齿表面粗糙度和精度正交试验,为该工艺进一步研究与推广奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文结合a=457.2mm双头尼曼蜗杆试验课题,详细介绍了尼曼蜗杆副的传动特点、参数计算及试验方法。  相似文献   

针对面齿轮硬齿面磨削加工中存在的困难,提出用蜗杆砂轮磨削的双参数法来磨削面齿轮。借助一个渐开线斜齿圆柱齿轮的刀具齿面推导出蜗杆砂轮齿面,由蜗杆砂轮齿面经双参数包络生成斜齿面齿轮齿面。确定了刀具轴与蜗杆砂轮轴夹角大小,分析了双参数包络的形成及包络过程,并用计算机形成了可视化结果,获得了理想的面齿轮齿面。  相似文献   

为解决球形蜗杆砂轮磨削大模数内齿圈时使用上的局限性,基于椭球形蜗杆螺旋面理论,提出了椭球形蜗杆砂轮。通过对椭球面螺旋线形成过程的分析,推导出椭球形砂轮螺旋升角和其他参数的计算式。阐述了椭球形砂轮理论上存在法向周节误差和法向齿形误差,给出了通过调整数控机床运动参数来实现法向等值齿距的有效方法。分析了椭球形砂轮法剖面圆度误差产生的机理,探讨了控制法剖面圆度误差的方法。  相似文献   

通过对高效传动蜗杆的参数分析,结合实际加工中容易出现的问题,分析尼曼蜗杆在实际生产中粗加工的切削方法以及精加工时加工装备的调整参数。最终获得高效快捷的加工方案,为高效传动机构的应用提供可靠的数据依据。  相似文献   

针对中淬透性合金渗碳钢小模数硬齿面齿轮,通过磨削试验的方法,对磨齿工艺、参数与磨齿烧伤的关系进行了研究,分析了齿轮成型磨原理和影响烧伤的因素以及磨齿烧伤的检测方法,总结出在严格控制热处理后磨削余量的前提下,使用大气孔陶瓷氧化铝砂轮,采用小切深高速快冲程的方法磨削,有效修整砂轮、改进冷却方式,可减少和避免此类材料的磨齿烧伤,得到的数据可为工程中合金渗碳钢磨削工艺的选择提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆副蜗轮齿的有限元分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李云堂 《机械设计》2004,21(4):59-61
采用有限元法对圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆副蜗轮轮齿进行静态分析,得出了轮齿的应力等值分布图。为GB9147-88圆弧圆柱蜗杆减速器试生产提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

Highly accurate worm gears can be effectively used as an angle standard. Wildhaber worm gearing is a kind of hourglass worm gearing, which owing to its geometrical simplicity, can have its worm and worm wheel easily finished and accurately measured. This study describes a precision grinding method of the Wildhaber worm. A hobbing machine can cut hourglass worms, but cannot give them higher accuracy than the master worm gears. To overcome this limitation, a special grinding device has been made. The main features of this grinding device are as follows: the linear motion of the ball screw gives a very accurate circular feed to the grinding spindle, and the device has no mechanical connection between that circular feed and the rotation of the workpiece. In the first place, the working accuracy of the device was measured. The rotational accuracy of the rotary table relative to the worm was 1 second of arc. The accuracy of the ground worm using this device was 1.2 second of arc.  相似文献   

针对变齿厚渐开线齿轮包络环面蜗杆齿面的变齿形、变齿厚、变齿距等复杂螺旋面特征,探究包络环面蜗杆齿面的精密铣削加工工艺,提出了包络环面蜗杆齿面误差拓扑图检测方法,分析了基于齿轮测量中心的环面蜗杆齿面检测与数据处理方法,并研制了环面蜗杆样件,进行了齿面精度检测.结果表明:蜗杆左齿面最大偏差为24.7 pm,平均偏差为12 μn;环面蜗杆右齿面最大偏差为17.2 μm,平均偏差为9.3 μm;蜗杆右侧齿面的精度高于左侧齿面.研究结果为后续传动副样机的传动精度和性能试验提供了试验支撑.  相似文献   

介绍圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆副齿廓啮合原理,齿形车削加工方法,建立起GB9147—88圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆副蜗轮、蜗杆的有限元计算模型。分析蜗轮蜗杆啮合过程中2个特殊承载位置应力与位移的变化,用动力学理论计算出蜗杆传动固有频率、临界转速,为试制GB9147—88圆弧圆柱蜗杆减速器提供合理而可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

针对高性能锥齿轮在进行磨削加工后齿面磨削烧伤检测问题,研制了锥齿轮齿面磨削烧伤自动检测装置,该装置由机械结构、巴克豪森噪声检测模块和检测软件组成。检测装置完全依靠锥齿轮试验机自身的机械系统与电气系统以实现自动检测;其机械结构与被测锥齿轮共用夹具,通过引入柔性轴的设计,可满足多种锥齿轮的检测要求,并可将弧齿锥齿轮的检测过程由六轴联动简化为四轴联动;采用AST公司的Roll Scan350磁弹仪采集被测锥齿轮的巴克豪森噪声信号,经由上位机检测软件分析处理,对其烧伤情况作出评定。实验结果验证了该检测装置具有较高的重复性,对于齿轮生产中的质量控制有重要意义。  相似文献   

平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动齿面接触线上载荷分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张有忱  孟惠荣 《机械设计》1999,16(11):21-23
本文推导出蜗杆传动齿面的磨损平衡方程,并用此方程推导了平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动沿接触线上载荷分布的计算公式,并求解了齿面上的载荷分布。  相似文献   

This paper presents the basis of loaded tooth contact analysis and predicts the influence of assembly errors on localised contact stress distribution in single enveloping (cylindrical) worm gearing during a meshing cycle. A method for loaded tooth contact analysis, geometry and kinematics of such gear pairs is developed. The method accounts for the effects of tooth composite deflection caused by bending, shearing, foundation, tooth contact deformation and initial profile separation due to assembly errors. The method includes the determination of contact lines, load and stress distribution due to assembly errors. Because of the complex geometry of worm gear teeth, the tooth bending stiffness is calculated using the slicing technique developed earlier by the authors. Classical Hertz theory is used for calculating contact stress and deformation. A computer program based on the presented method has been developed and used to study the influence of errors on mating teeth contact. It is shown that the governing factors in loaded gears with assembly error are the mesh stiffness and the amount of error which is linked to load sharing between adjacent tooth pairs. A numerical example is presented to further clarify the outlined method.  相似文献   

采用CAD三维造型技术与数值计算相结合的方法计算分析了各种加工误差及装配误差对TI蜗杆传动齿面接触的影响。其结果对有效提高TI蜗杆副的制造精度有指导意义。  相似文献   

The obtained results confirmed the influence of surface layer structure on the boundary layer durability of oil in concentrated contact. The advantageous effect of increased concentration of hydrogen in surface layer on the quality of lubrication as well as its significant contribution to tribological process was validated. The results of boundary friction for different structures of surface layer will be presented taking into consideration or not the influence of hydrogen on their durability. The experimental methods were based on the measurements of relative time when the short circuit was present in lubricated frictional nodes, chromatography and low-temperature diffraction measurements. The physico-chemical model of interaction between lubricant (oil base and motor oil) and hardened elements varied from chemical and structural point of view has been proposed. The model is based on the specific interactions of protons with aliphatic chains of lubricant.  相似文献   

In this study, the surface equations of recess action (RA) worm gears with double-depth teeth, generated by a ZN worm-type hob cutter, are proposed. Based on the generation mechanism and the theory of gearing, a mathematical model of a series of worm gears, semi RA, full RA and standard proportional tooth types, with double-depth teeth is developed as the function of design parameters of the ZN worm-type hob cutter. According to the derived tooth surface equations, computer graphs of a series of worm gears with double-depth teeth are plotted. Tooth surface variations of the generated RA worm gears due to the varying pitch line, pressure angle and tooth height of the hob cutter are also investigated.  相似文献   

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