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Anthropogenic emissions of metals from sources such as smelters are an international problem, but there is limited published information on emissions from Australian smelters. The objective of this study was to investigate the regional distribution of heavy metals in soils in the vicinity of the industrial complex of Port Kembla, NSW, Australia, which comprises a copper smelter, steelworks and associated industries. Soil samples (n=25) were collected at the depths of 0-5 and 5-20 cm, air dried and sieved to <2 mm. Aqua regia extractable amounts of As, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Outliers were identified from background levels by statistical methods. Mean background levels at a depth of 0-5 cm were estimated at 3.2 mg/kg As, 12 mg/kg Cr, 49 mg/kg Cu, 20 mg/kg Pb and 42 mg/kg Zn. Outliers for elevated As and Cu values were mainly present within 4 km from the Port Kembla industrial complex, but high Pb at two sites and high Zn concentrations were found at six sites up to 23 km from Port Kembla. Chromium concentrations were not anomalous close to the industrial complex. There was no significant difference of metal concentrations at depths of 0-5 and 5-20 cm, except for Pb and Zn. Copper and As concentrations in the soils are probably related to the concentrations in the parent rock. From this investigation, the extent of the contamination emanating from the Port Kembla industrial complex is limited to 1-13 km, but most likely <4 km, depending on the element; the contamination at the greater distance may not originate from the industrial complex.  相似文献   

新英格兰造山带为东澳地区重要的矿产省之一,具有良好的金属矿产成矿潜力。文章在总结新英格兰造山带区域地质背景、构造演化特征及区域矿产分布特征的基础上,初步探讨了在澳洲流行的金矿成矿模式的理论构成,总结了其基本找矿思路,并据此举例分析了找矿方法技术的进展。希望借此能在某种程度上拓广国内地质找矿人员的思路,为国内地质队伍在澳洲或者国内实现类似矿产找矿突破提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

The theoretical pattern of ground movement observed in flat terrains was modified by surface topography and geological structures. In high relief areas, e.g. creeks and gullies, the observed pattern of movement was asymmetrical about the centre of the extraction panel. The lateral movement of both sides of the valley caused large compressive strains and a hump at the creek bed. The strains were three–four times those normally observed in flat or fairly gentle topographies. The hump was due to the rock mass in the creek bed being pushed up by the lateral forces from the valley sides. A major geological fault caused both sides of the valley to move laterally away from the fault plane. The magnitude of the maximum horizontal movement was as large as 40% of the observed vertical movement. Outside the goaf, the horizontal movements were generally larger than the corresponding vertical movements. However, the horizontal movements outside the goaf appeared to be rigid body type movements with small deformations which may only have insignificant surface consequences.  相似文献   

The contamination of the topsoil of 262 woody habitats around a former lead smelter in the North of France was assessed. In this urbanized and industrialized area, these kinds of habitats comprise of hedges, groves, small woods, anthropogenic creations and one large forest. Except for the latter, which is 3 km away, these woody habitat soils often present a high anthropization degree (a significant amount of pebbles and stones related to human activities) with a high metal contamination. In the studied woody habitat topsoils, Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations largely exceeded those of agricultural topsoils located in the same environmental context. Therefore, atmospheric emissions from the smelter are not the only cause of the high contamination of the woody habitat soils. This last one is related to the nature and the contamination level of deposit in relation with human activities (rubbles, slag, soils, etc).With regard to the results obtained with chemical extractions, the mobility of Cd, Pb and Zn in these soils is also greater than in agricultural soils. In the forest, pollutant solubility is increased by soil acidic pH.The variability of the physico-chemical parameters and the high metal contamination of the topsoils are the main characteristics of the woody habitats located around the former smelter. Although never taken into account during risk assessment, the disturbance of these environmental components could have important biogeochemical impacts (nutrients and metal cycles). Moreover, any modification of the soils' use could potentially cause mobilization and transfer of the pollutants to the biosphere. Six years after the closure of the smelter, and as social and economic pressures considerably increase in this area, the study of these peculiar ecosystems is necessary to understand and predict the bioavailability, transfer, bioaccumulation and effects of pollutants in food chains.  相似文献   

Popular interest in seasonal landscapes reflects the importance of ephemera in people's appreciation of landscapes. Landscape management tends to focus on long-term and reasonably permanent qualities, typically at annual and, especially, decadal time scales. However, human interest in shorter-term and ephemeral landscape qualities—such as seasonal qualities—allows people to use scales of direct human experience to identify and define landscapes. Brassley (1998 Brassley, P. 1998. On the unrecognized significance of the ephemeral landscape. Landscape Research, 23: pp.?119?–?132 [Google Scholar]), reviewing the ‘unrecognized significance of the ephemeral landscape’, notes that permanent components are managed through planning instruments; while ephemera may be crucial to landscape appearance, they are largely unprotected or not managed. Here a seasonal landscape of historic peanut farming that remains, in small pockets, in northern New South Wales, Australia, is examined with a view to identifying sustainable management of this landscape. The landscape becomes visually distinctive during the annual cycle of cropping when peanuts are placed in rows of stooks. Stooks are small circular stacks of harvested plants built around a tomato stake and capped by a sack, used to dry the peanuts immediately after harvesting; they appear to be unique. Following Brassley's observations regarding the lack of management of ephemera in landscapes, the long-term viability and conservation of this landscape are examined. The problem is further heightened by the fact that, while this landscape is visually distinctive, it also represents a social and agricultural activity that is in decline and unlikely to survive in the near future. This raises questions about the long-term sustainability of such a seasonal landscape—it is truly ephemeral both annually and in the long term—and options for the retention of at least some of the key landscape components within a contemporary landscape are explored.  相似文献   

The process of negotiation has long been recognized as central in plan creation and development assessment. Nevertheless, the appropriateness and willingness to engage in negotiated planning and development outcomes varies between planning systems, development locations and individuals. On one hand, negotiation is seen to facilitate responsive planning outcomes that recognize the unique institutional and development environment. Alternatively, the process of negotiation has been identified as one that delays plan making and development assessment, while simultaneously opening the door for corruption and regulatory capture. Drawing on the reflections and experiences of senior local council officers and private development actors, this article explores the process of negotiation in development assessment in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Within the context of neoliberal planning reform in NSW, the article explores the appropriateness and willingness of different types of councils and developers to pursue negotiated outcomes. The article also identifies the types of developments/developers councils are more likely to negotiate with, and explores how the process of planning reform constrains the scope for negotiated outcomes.  相似文献   

Brisbane Water is an estuary located at Gosford, 50 km north of Sydney on the east coast of Australia. It contains seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh habitat. As part of a more widespread trend along the southeast coast of Australia, between 1954 and 1995 saltmarsh habitat within the estuary declined by 78.2% while mangrove habitat fluctuated with initial decline, recovery and further decline to 1995 with an overall increase by 3.7% and exhibiting a marked migration of mangroves into saltmarsh areas.No single factor is responsible for the changes. A combination of both natural and human induced processes is responsible. The loss of diversity and the sustainability of mangroves and saltmarshes require a strategic planning approach towards their management. Such an approach needs to ensure that estuarine and catchment processes are considered in an integrated manner. The influence of human activities on natural processes, which affects the extent and distribution of estuarine wetlands, can also be managed through an integrated planning process.  相似文献   

The Aluminium Industry in the U.S.A. and Australia is making considerable efforts to develop treatment systems for certain solid wastes generated during the refining of aluminium. To date, there are few satisfactory long term alternatives to a secure landfill for disposal of these materials. Studies at Wallaroo in Australia have found anin situ Tertiary weathering profile in Permian rocks that has some useful characteristics for landfill disposal. Since Oligocene-Miocene times, the rocks have been strongly and deeply weathered to clay that has a low permeability. The clays are mainly kaolinite and iron minerals with lesser amounts of gibbsite, minor chlorite, interstratified mineral and montmorillonite. The minerals are in chemical equilibrium with the groundwaters found in the weathering profile. The effects of leachable fluoride and sodium and the high pH on the acidic clay have been studied in batch tests. Distribution coefficients and maximum adsorption capacities from batch and core tests have been measured. High concentrations of sodium and fluoride (important leachate component) have also been passed through a compacted clay core to study effects on permeability. Decreases in permeability and true flow velocity of the NaF water compared with deionized water have been observed. The results are related to internal swelling, dispersion and consolidation characteristics. The effects of the chemical processes on likely long-term permeability of clay liners and clay weathering products have been assessed. Leachate from potlining waste has been reacted with the clay and found to form a new mineral phase that is expected to further reduce permeability. No adverse effects have been observed.  相似文献   

Legislation and administration of waste disposal is primarily a State and Local Government responsibility in Australia. The legal and environmental principles that form the base of present and possibly future legislation and administration are described. Some problems are discussed and in particular that of legal retro-responsibility for wastes. New South Wales and Victoria have different legislative and administrative systems. Both are complex with many overlapping Acts. The role of the recently implemented Environment Planning and Assessment Act (1979) on siting waste facilities in N.S.W. in discussed. Control of disposal in Victoria is decentralized whereas in N.S.W. management is focussed in the Metropolitan Waste Disposal Authority.  相似文献   


The redevelopment of large social housing estates has emerged as a central policy response to address housing affordability and social housing crises in Australia. These projects, often done in partnership with the private sector, are seen as opportunities to leverage government land assets and increase densities to expand social and private housing stock. While extensive research has been conducted on the rationale and processes of estate renewal, less attention has been paid to tenant relocation practices. This is the focus of this article. In particular we explore the New South Wales Government’s use of a choice-based letting program called ‘My Property Choice’ (MPC) that involves tenants bidding via a ballot system for available social housing properties. We argue, despite policy rhetoric emphasising resident ‘choice’, MPC emerges as a chance-based process for tenants seeking to ‘win’ their desired relocation destinations.  相似文献   

Extreme weather is predicted to become more frequent and severe into the future. While our understanding of hospital infrastructure vulnerability to such events has advanced considerably in recent years, current approaches to healthcare facilities management treat hospitals in isolation from their surrounding governance infrastructure. However, recent research indicates that if hospital resilience is to be properly understood, health infrastructure must be managed holistically, as part of a much larger governance system of interdependent organizations. The inter-agency governance risks associated with this system are currently ignored in the facilities management literature. To explore these risks, an in-depth case study of 24 agencies in the state of New South Wales, Australia is presented. The results show that facilities managers are embedded in a highly complex and dynamic array of governance boundaries which are largely unresolved and misunderstood. A number of practical strategies are presented which could be adopted to significantly improve facilities manager’s integration into this system. These include: mapping hospital dependency on other agencies to build surge capacity; resolving overlapping operational boundaries with other agencies; proactive risk reduction for critical external support infrastructure; understanding potential conflicts with the objectives external agencies in responding to an extreme weather event.  相似文献   


Within a decade, Australia may experience a large decline in car usage, caused both by marked rises in petrol and other motoring costs, and a stagnation in income for lower-income households. The increases in public transport patronage already found in Melbourne are considered indicative of a long-term future trend.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the development of housing policy in Australia through a study of New South Wales. Throughout the 19th century the government became increasingly involved in housing. Its involvement was reluctant and not always welcomed. It was principally concerned with relationships between landlords and tenants and the quality of housing, and this paper examines the factors influencing the emerging pattern of intervention.  相似文献   

The Nepean River receives effluent containing phosphorus from a sewage treatment plant at Camden, N.S.W. Phosphorus concentration, suspended solids, sediments and aquatic plants downstream of the outfall, were examined to determine the rate and pathways of phosphorus loss from the waterway.The phosphorus added was found to follow first order kinetics in its removal from the waterway. Two reaction pathways were discernible with over 90% of the added phosphorus being removed from the water column in 11 days, and the remainder in a further 70 days. The process remained constant from summer to winter and could be modelled for dry weather flows representing 68% of river flows.Soluble phosphorus was first incorporated into particles before being removed from the water column. Evidence is presented to show that the particles were predominantly phytoplankton and they were largely removed from the water column by littoral zone filtration. The second pathway appears to be sedimentation of nutrient laden particles.  相似文献   

Halkyn Mountain, Clwyd, Wales is a limestone area containing lead and zinc ores which were mined until quite recently. A survey of agricultural soils has revealed extensive contamination by cadmium, lead and zinc and, to a lesser extent, by copper. Gardens in the area are also similarly contaminated and the composition of radish grown in the gardens reflects this metal enrichment. Soil levels for both total and plant-available cadmium and lead are unusually high and some radish samples exceeded the statutory limit for lead in food.  相似文献   

Housing affordability is arguably the most significant and debated aspect of Australia's urban environment. Increasingly, state and local government fees, charges and infrastructure levies have been identified as a central driver for the increasing cost of housing across Australia. Industry organisations claim that these fees are added on to the sales price of land and/or dwellings, making purchase increasingly difficult. Drawing on a series of detailed case studies, this article delves beneath these ambit industry views to explore the specific perspectives and experiences of a sample of 18 developers in relation to 26 projects across New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.  相似文献   


In the past, New South Wales cooperative housing societies made an important contribution to the financing of housing construction. In this paper the expansion and later contraction of the societies is explained. It is shown that, in recent times, not only have they suffered from a drying up of loan funding, but also a great number have operated at far below their possible level of efficiency.  相似文献   

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