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20世纪,美国的现代大众文化对其他国家的发展产生了巨大的影响,德国便是其中具有代表性的国家,二战后,美国文化在德国得到了广泛的传播,但是德国文化并没有因为这种"美国化"而发生改变.本文对德国文化的"美国化"趋势进行了阐述.  相似文献   

林语堂一直被誉为中西文化之问的游者,林语堂凭借其精湛的中西语言功底和对中西文化的通晓,将中国古典文化译介到西方社会,促进西方社会对中国文化的认识和接受.因此将在异质文化融合的视角下,以林语堂的小品文翻译为个案研究对象,探讨林语堂在东学西渐过程中发挥的积极的文化传播作用.  相似文献   

在全球化进程加速的新世纪国际趋势下,针对频繁出现的文化负载词,原文作者与译文读者的双向心理愈发趋向一致:让译文读者感受纯正的异域风情并获得与原文读者一样的阅读体验.译者应以此为依据,打破传统译法的局限性,更新翻译意识,选择顺应双向需求的最佳翻译策略,优先运用直接明示或双重表达的译法推介文化负载词.  相似文献   

学术界对亚洲开发银行已经进行了一定程度的研究,但是从组织文化视角的研究并不多见.从组织文化视角对亚洲开发银行进行研究在学理上和个案贡献上都具有重要价值.通过对亚洲开发银行组织文化的分析,我们可以对亚行的价值理念、行为规范、决策机制等有更深的了解,而通过对上述问题研究的介绍.我们也可以找到亚行研究的新路径.开拓亚行研究的学术空间.  相似文献   

性别文化是社会文化的重要组成部分,受几千年传统文化的影响,男权文化观念深深根植在国人心中,尽管今天的性别歧视和男女不平等的现象有所改善,但在我们生活各个层面,显性或隐形的反映着性别文化的差异。这种差异同样也会在人类文化的载体与传承工具的地理教材上有所反映,本文通过对现行地理教材从不同角度进行分析,发现蕴含在其中的性别文化特征。  相似文献   

20世纪30年代,日本帝国主义强占了我国的东北地区,扶植清朝末代皇帝溥仪作为傀儡,成立了伪"满洲国",实行残酷的殖民统治.在此期间,先后有数百名日本作家来到当时的"满洲",创办杂志和报刊,创作了大量的小说、诗歌等与伪"满洲国"有关的文学作品.这些所谓的"满洲文学",大多以"建国精神"为中心思想进行创作,自觉地为日本帝国主义的殖民统治服务,充当了日本向伪"满洲"进行思想控制和文化渗透的工具.伪"满洲"文学最具代表性的日本作家有北村谦次郎、山田清三郎和长谷川溶等,他们有的煽动日本人吞并"满洲"的狂热,有的鼓吹"满洲建国"的侵略行为,有的为伪"满洲国"涂脂抹粉,有的杜撰"五族协和"与"日满协和"的神话等,其作品带有明显的日本殖民主义、军国主义的文化歧视与种族偏见.  相似文献   

<新月集>作为泰戈尔伟大的诗歌成就的代表作之一,集中体现了诗人的哲学和美学思想以及从容驾驭诗歌语言的笔力.本文欲在总结前人对于"陌生化"理论的论述和阐发的基础土.以"陌生化"的角度切入<新月集>,探究诗集抒情视角的"陌生化"艺术.具体表现为:1.儿童视角的新奇性--天真,对人事的初觉;2、母爱视角的纯粹性--角色身份的单一,情感的非社会性、无功利化;3、全知视角的超脱性--非客观无情化,而是身兼孩子母亲更是超然的神的身份.  相似文献   

在上世纪90年代.冶金行业就开风气之先.在工业系统最早进行对标挖潜活动。1995年,钢铁行业正处于不景气的状况,全行业利润急剧下降,  相似文献   

"政治文化"作为介于"政治"与"文化"之间的元素,有效地植入整个"十七年"文学,是"政治"与"十七年"关系在实践方面的具体呈现.而"革命历史叙事"作为"十七年"文学的主要构成要素,与"政治文化"催生的"浪漫性",则更值得研究."革命"的"胜利"指向."历史"讲述的权威性,都使叙述"革命历史"呈现出"浪漫"--理想化特质.本文主要以"政治文化"为切入点,试图对"十七年"革命历史叙事所流露出的"整体"的"浪漫性"作一番"全景式"考察.  相似文献   

宣钢9号高炉通过增加小焦比、烟煤比,对降低生铁成本起到了积极作用;通过合理安排料序、改善软融带透气透液性,有效缓解了原燃料结构变化对炉况的不利影响。  相似文献   

In this column, the author discusses psychological research. The author believes that too much research is published. The question explored here is, can one raise publication standards without freezing a modal conformity and excluding the spark of novelty and dissent? Two suggestions are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The functional expression of Fas-ligand on tumor cells reported in a variety of neoplasms has been proposed by several groups as a mechanism of tumor escape from immunological detection. To better support this hypothesis, we have evaluated and quantified for the first time the presence of the Fas(CD95)-R molecule on tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and on matched peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) of renal cell cancer patients. By two-color flow cytometry we have detected a significant increase in the Fas(CD95)-R expression on tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes compared with matched patient and normal volunteer PBLs. We also observed a decreased expression of the Fas(CD95)-R expression on PBLs from renal cell cancer patients compared with normal healthy controls. The Fas(CD95)-R expression was observed predominantly on the CD4+ subset in all three groups. These different distributions of the Fas(CD95)-R molecule support the hypothesis that the Fas(CD95)-R/Fas(CD95)-L pathway and tumor microenvironment play a major role in the modulation of T-cell function and differentiation to either memory and activation or apoptosis.  相似文献   

Workforce population trends have increased the numbers and kinds of culturally diverse people who work together. Researchers in organizational behavior have often examined culture through values; however, cultural values can be based on collections of people other than traditional nation states. A cultural mosaic is presented as a framework to identify demographic, geographic, and associative features underlying culture. An individual's unique collage of multiple cultural identities yields a complex picture of the cultural influences on that person. Developments in chaos and complexity theories are proposed as a theoretical base for study on the complexity of culture at the individual level. Additional developments in network theory serve as a theoretical base for cultural research at the group level. The cultural mosaic is described as a complex system with localized structures, linking cultural tiles in ordered and chaotic ways. Research propositions examining multiple cultural identities at individual and group levels are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"体验经济"概念提出后,很快成为全球热点.受其影响,我国旅游学术界和业界也开始了对"旅游体验"的关注.但由于长期受"经济产业"思路的局限,我国的"旅游体验"研究还缺乏系统性和较深层次的思考.旅游作为人类社会的一种精神文化活动,从本质上决定了文化因素是"旅游体验"成败的关键,而文化往往是通过一些符号或物质载体体现出来的,这就涉及到"真实性"的问题.因此,"旅游体验"问题还应结合人类学相关理论从"文化真实"及"主客关系"等方面进行深入分析."旅游体验"的研究还需把握真实性、社区参与及文化涵化三个重要概念.同时,旅游体验的"虚拟真实性"应作为一个全新的概念被提出和界定.  相似文献   

The strain growth phenomenon is an unsolved fundamental problem in the dynamic elastic response of containment vessels subjected to internal blast loading, which may seriously influence the design of multiple-use containment vessels. Because strain growth may cause increased local structural deformation in multiple-use containment vessels, it is important to consider this phenomenon when designing multiple-use containment vessels. In this paper, the mechanisms of strain growth, its influencing factors, and control methods are presented. Based on the understanding of the strain growth phenomenon, the guidelines and procedures for the design of multiple-use containment vessels are proposed. Employing the design guidelines, application examples are presented to demonstrate how to control strain growth in containment vessels. Because the strain growth phenomenon has not been considered in the design method or design code for multiple-use explosion containment vessels, understanding of the strain growth mechanisms and the proposed design guidelines may contribute to the safe design of containment vessels.  相似文献   

在王国维的"意境论"中,对于"无我之境"的辨析一直是一个争论不休的话题.到底什么是"无我之境",这个问题总是和"有我之境"纠叶结在-起的.此处目的不在于辨别出"无我之境"的确切含义,而是通过对两种境界的比较,讨论"无我之境"中所呈现出的那种忘我、透明的审美境界.  相似文献   

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