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On the Quality and Contamination of Fish Oil Capsules All medicinal fish oil capsules available in German market, viz. 27 products, were examined w.r.t. their cholesterol- and lipophilic vitamine contents as well as oxidised and polymer fractions. Moreover, the possible contamination of the fish oils with organochloric pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyles (PCB), heavy metals and polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's) was also examined. Our objective was to answer the enquires made to us by many physicians regarding the content of fish oil capsules w.r.t. cholesterol, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E. At the same time we also ascertained, the extent to which these therapeutic products, conformed to the existing food legislation, the guidelines of Codex-Alimentarius and those of the fat processing industry. We found that, most of these products had a degree of oxidation amounting to abt. 20%, a 2 – 3.5% polymeric triglyceride content and a cholesterol content between 0.3 – 0.6%. The capsules contained, with very small exceptions, no vitamin A. Contrary to this, the vitamin E concentration of most products were between abt. 600 to abt. 7000 μg/g and 15 to abt. 100 IU/g vitamin D respectively. The contamination of the capsules with organochlorine pesticides, PCB and heavy metals was in line with normal level of such pollutants in fish oil, i.e. most products conformed to legal guidelines and only a few exceeded the limits. However, the PAH-contamination of most capsules, particularly with benzo(a)pyrene, did not conform with the guidelines.  相似文献   

Application of ICP-AES for the Determination of Trace Elements in the Oil- and Fat-Processing Industry The determination of trace elements, also in the oil and fat processing industry, has gained more and more importance during the last years. An analytical method suitable for a high sample throughout as well as the possibility of multi-element analyses is the Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES). By using the ICP-AES). By using the ICP-AES it is possible to determine immediately elements even in tracts in oils, fats and fatty acids after dissolution with an organic solvent. The obtainable detection limits are always below 1 mg/kg. The linear measurement range is 103 to 105 above the detection limit. The relative standard deviations are 1–3%, for several elements below 1%. By extraction of the metals with nitric acid from the samples, the detection limit is distinctly improved. The direct determination of phosphorous and sulfur in oils using the ICP-AES is possible.  相似文献   

Steam Ejectors in Oil and Fat Industry: Energy Consumption and Waste Water Technology Steam ejectors convey gases and vapours from distillation and deodorization columns via intermediate condensers to atmospheric pressure. Inspite of utmost care taken for the separation of liquid or solid particles at the point of suction, some of these particles are carried over into the vacuum lines and are deposited at the cold surfaces of the vacuum system. Measures to prevent this carry over by scrubbing, freezing or heating need additional energy. Minimizing such energy requirements is one of the tasks of the processing engineer, plant manufacturer and plant operator. In the presented work, the influences of suction pressure, intermediate pressure, boosting steam pressure, cooling water temperature and temperature of the surroundings were correlated. Different possibilities of connection are shown, which can be chosen depending upon local requirements in order to minimize environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Productivity and Quality of Oil and Protein of six Soybean Varieties in Cultivation Studies at two German Locations The studies were carried out primarily on the yield performance of different varieties at two locations with distinctly different soil and climatic conditions. The influence of factors, related to location, and annual climatic changes on the content and composition of oil and protein was investigated. Although the protein content varied distinctly, the oil content was almost constant. However, the variation of the fatty acid composition due to environmental factors was greater than the variation in amino acid composition of the protein.  相似文献   

Effects of Locations and Year on Yield and Quality of Linseed – Results of a Biennial Model Trial A Model-trial on cultivation of oil-linseed (Linum usitatissimum) has been carried out in the Federal Republic of Germany in the years 1987 and 1988; the trial was financially supported by the Federal Ministery of Agriculture. This country-wide trial yielded very valuable experiences and results regarding the optimum practices and the economy of linseed cultivation for industrial purposes. In particular, it became obvious that the average seed yield of 12.9 (1987) and 14.3 (1988) dt/ha is still far below the possible yield potential of modern linseed cultivars, e.g. “Antarès” or “Atalante”. It is evident, however, that linseed yield can be enhanced by breeding or more stable (e.g. more lodging resistant) varieties and by further improvement of cultivation practise. Thereby, an economic production of linseed-oil should be feasible at longer turn. This is also supported by the fact that linseed cultivation under moderate Central European conditions can additionally benefit from particularly high contents of oil with high proportions of poly-unsaturated C18-fatty acids. Correlations determined between seed-yield and quality characteristics indicate that high seed yield can be combined with high oil content and at the same time high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the oil. Therewith, demands of farmers and oleochemistry could be fulfilled simultaneously.  相似文献   

Vibration grinding of high-molecular pectic acid results in preparations of nearly constant composition and decreased average molecular weight in dependence of grinding time. By using this favourable procedure it is generally possible to produce standardized pectic acid preparations with better and more reproducible solubility properties. Such preparations are required, e.g., for comparative enzymatic investigations. For evaluating polygalacturonase activity it is proposed to use pectic acid preparations with the following properties: viscosity number [η] (intrinsic viscosity) in the range of 50–100 ml/g, mineral content lower than 1 %, and anhydrogalacturonic acid content in the ash-free dry substance minimum 80 %.  相似文献   

Processing of Waste Water in Edible Fat and Fat-Processing Industry Fat-containing waste waters belong to the category of moderately difficult to degrade waste waters, depending on the concentration and quality of the fat, either emulsified or unemulsified. Of great importance is an optimum mechanical clarification, which may be carried out in several steps depending upon the composition of the water. These processing steps involve sieving for the coarse separation, use of fat separator, and/or floatation. The process of floatation accomplishes a highly effective clarification if, in a prior stage, the waste water is treated with electrolytes to break the emulsion. The operation of floatation plants requires careful consideration of specific criteria. Waste water, after preliminary clarification, is generally subjected to biological purification. Various processes can be applied, depending on the type of waste water. Thus, trickling filters, especially those filled with plastics, can be of advantage, yet, due to their effectivity and simplicity activated sludge processes are popular. Characteristic features of activated sludge processes are discussed and a process for optimization of biological degradation is described. An integral part of the biological plant is the final clarification. The important parameters for operation and layout of final clarification units are given. Treatment of the sludge is gaining importance. Sludge and sludge residues having good utility are obtained from previously clarified waste waters described here. Suitable use of the excess sludge should be attempted.  相似文献   

Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Comparison of the Autoxidation Process of Oleic and Elaidic Acid The autoxidation process of cis-9-octadecenoic and trans-9-octadecenoic acid was studied using thin-layer chromatography, gasliquid chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and infra-red spectroscopy. On the basis of results obtained and by comparison with the “classical methods”, such as the course of peroxide value, and changes in acid value and iodine value, a scheme has been proposed to characterize the initial phase of the autoxidation process of oleic and elaidic acids.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the Quality of Protein Concentrates and Protein Isolates from the Oil Cake of Lupinus mutabilis The seeds of Lupinus mutabilis contain rather high concentrations of protein amounting to 40%. Their relative high fat content of about 18% made their use as oil seeds possible. The lupine oil was extracted using a process of extraction and manufacturing of the soya oil. The oil cake was debittered with aqueous ethanol (80% ethanol) to a protein concentrate (> 60% protein) from which a protein isolate (> 90% protein) was prepared using an acidic sedimentation. The preparation of both products led to an increase of the protein concentrations (? N × 6.25). In both preparations the S-containing amino acids remained the limiting factor of the protein quality. The alkaloid content decreased from 3.3% in the seeds to 0.06% in concentrates and to 0.02% in the isolate. The protein isolate was free from HCN, trypsin inhibiting factors and haemagglutinins. The evaluation of the protein quality with feeding experiments with rats (PER test) showed that the quality of protein concentrate was about 39% of that of casein (0.9/2.5). While acidifying the debitterning medium to pH 5 did not affect the protein quality, changing the medium to pH 9 led to a concentrate, the protein of which was not available to the rats. Adding 0.2 g DL-Methionine to 100 g diet improved its protein quality to about 84%. The preparation of the protein isolate affected the bioavailability of the S-amino acids, which could not be recognized with the chemical analysis. The quality of the protein isolate amounted to only 19% of that of casein. The supplementation with 0.2% DL-Methionine in the diet improved it to 89%. The digestibility of lupine protein amounted to 83%. In mixtures of wheat protein with lupine protein concentrates (90/10) the limiting amino acids of both proteins could mostly be compensated; the calculated PER-value was 2.3 (78% of that of casein). This result shows that protein concentrates from lupine oil cake could be successfully added to bread and bakery products.  相似文献   

Synthesis, Reactivity and 1H-NMR-Spectroscopy of 14,15-Methylene Derivatives of the Androstane and Estratriene Series Under the activating and syn-directing effect of the 17-hydroxy group the Simmons Smith cyclopropanation of 14,15-unsaturated 17-hydroxy steroids of the androstane and estratriene series 1a, 5 and 9 affords the 14,15-methylene steroids 2a, 6 and 10 with cis position of the 14,15-methylene and 17-hydroxy groups in a stereospecific reaction. Oxidation of these compounds yields the 17-keto derivatives 3, 7 and 11 , which were reduced to the compounds 4a, 8 and 12 with trans position of the 14,15-methylene and 17-hydroxy groups by complex hydrides or diborane. In a phase transfer catalyzed reaction dichloro- or dibromocarbene was added to 3β, 17β-diacetoxy-5α-androst-14-ene 1b forming the 14β, 15β-dihalogenmethylene steroids 13 and 14 . The 17-keto steroids 7 and 11 were transformed into 17-methyl and 17-ethynyl derivatives 15–20 . Cleavage of the cyclopropane ring of 2a, 2b and 3 by catalytic hydrogenation affords the 14β-methyl derivatives 21–23 , the acid catalyzed ring opening with hydrogen chloride yields the 14β-chloro, 15β-methyl derivatives 24–29 . Structure elucidation has been established by 1H n.m.r. and mass spectroscopy. The configuration at C17, C14 and C15 was also determined by means of 1H n.m.r. spectroscopy, using the chemical shifts of the 18-protons, the coupling constants and the chemical shifts of the 17-protons. The configuration of the 17-disubstituted steroids was established with the aid of an europium shift reagent.  相似文献   

Analytical Methods for Quality Traits in Plant Breeding In plant breeding programs selection for quality traits usually requires two kinds of methods, accurate quantitative methods for precise determination and rapid screening methods for mass selection. The demands on all methods are acceptable sensitivity and precision besides low costs and short times per analysis. In screening programs for fat and protein content NMR and NIR analysis are methods of choice. By own experiences, pyrolysis gaschromatography is a very useful tool for the determination of protein content. Rapid analysis of crude fibre content is still an unsolved problem, although there are many improvements of corresponding laboratory equipment. Paperchromatography is a common rapid method for fatty acid analysis. For quantitative determination gaschromatographic methods are very useful, especially in combination with automatic sample injection techniques. Some unsolved difficulties still exists with the analysis of glucosinolates. Screening-methods are based either on the colour formation of intact GSL molecules with palladium reagent or on the determination of enzymatically released glucose following myrosinase degradation of intact glucosinolates. Hitherto, quantitative determination of glucosinolates is based on gaschromatography as well. Unfortunately, these methods lack in determination of indole glucosinolates, due to their thermal instability. HPLC determination is well suited for the detection of both compounds, simultaneously. This is of great importance, because most of the breeding material low in total glucosinolate content shows remarkably increased indole glucosinolate proportions. For practical purposes, photometrical methods as well as X-ray fluorescence-spectrometry seems to be useful and rapid tools for the determination of total glucosinolate content.  相似文献   

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