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The TPS1 gene from Candida albicans, which encodes trehalose-6-phosphate synthase, has been cloned by functional complementation of a tps1 mutant from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast with the wild-type strain, the double tps1/tps1 disruptant did not accumulate trehalose at stationary phase or after heat shock. Growth of the tps1/tps1 disruptant at 30 degreesC was indistinguishable from that of the wild type. However, at 42 degreesC it did not grow on glucose or fructose but grew normally on galactose or glycerol. At 37 degreesC, the yeast-hypha transition in the mutant in glucose-calf serum medium did not occur. During growth at 42 degreesC, the mutant did not form hyphae in galactose or in glycerol. Some of the growth defects observed may be traced to an unbalanced sugar metabolism that reduces the cellular content of ATP. Mice inoculated with 10(6) CFU of the tps1/tps1 mutant did not show visible symptoms of infection 16 days after inoculation, while those similarly inoculated with wild-type cells were dead 12 days after inoculation.  相似文献   

Glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase (glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase) catalyzes the first step of the hexosamine pathway required for the biosynthesis of cell wall precursors. The Candida albicans GFA1 gene was cloned by complementing a gfa1 mutation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (previously known as gcn1-1; W. L. Whelan and C. E. Ballou, J. Bacteriol. 124:1545-1557, 1975). GFA1 encodes a predicted protein of 713 amino acids and is homologous to the corresponding gene from S. cerevisiae (72% identity at the nucleotide sequence level) as well as to the genes encoding glucosamine-6-phosphate synthases in bacteria and vertebrates. In cell extracts, the C. albicans enzyme was 4-fold more sensitive than the S. cerevisiae enzyme to UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (an inhibitor of the mammalian enzyme) and 2.5-fold more sensitive to N3-(4-methoxyfumaroyl)-L-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid (a glutamine analog and specific inhibitor of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase). Cell extracts from the S. cerevisiae gfa1 strain transformed with the C. albicans GFA1 gene exhibited sensitivities to glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase inhibitors that were similar to those shown by the C. albicans enzyme. Southern hybridization indicated that a single GFA1 locus exists in the C. albicans genome. Quantitative Northern (RNA) analysis showed that the expression of GFA1 in C. albicans is regulated during growth: maximum mRNA levels were detected during early log phase. GFA1 mRNA levels increased following induction of the yeast-to-hyphal-form transition, but this was a response to fresh medium rather than to the morphological change.  相似文献   

An 1.7-kb Arabidopsis thaliana (At) cDNA was isolated by complementation of a bap1 mutation affecting the transport of branched-chain amino acids (aa) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The determination of the nucleotide (nt) sequence revealed an open reading frame of 1383 nt which may encode a protein of 461 aa with a predicted molecular mass of 51,038 Da. The deduced aa sequence exhibited strong similarities with mammalian 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A synthase (HMGS) sequences. Although former biochemical studies have suggested that acetoacetyl-coenzyme A thiolase (AACT) and HMGS activities were carried by a single protein in plants, complementation studies and measurements of enzymatic activities clearly showed that the At HMGS is devoid of AACT activity.  相似文献   

A 2274 bp Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA was isolated that encodes a protein 57% identical to cycloartenol synthase from the same organism. The expressed recombinant protein encodes lupeol synthase, which converts oxidosqualene to the triterpene lupeol as the major product. Lupeol synthase is a multifunctional enzyme that forms other triterpene alcohols, including beta-amyrin, as minor products. Sequence analysis suggests that lupeol synthase diverged from cycloartenol synthase after plants diverged from fungi and animals. This evolutionary order is the reason that fungi and animals do not make lupeol.  相似文献   

Diacylglycerol pyrophosphate (DGPP) is involved in a putative novel lipid signaling pathway. DGPP phosphatase (DGPP phosphohydrolase) is a membrane-associated 34-kDa enzyme from Saccharomyces cerevisiae which catalyzes the dephosphorylation of DGPP to yield phosphatidate (PA) and then catalyzes the dephosphorylation of PA to yield diacylglycerol. Amino acid sequence information derived from DGPP phosphatase was used to identify and isolate the DPP1 (diacylglycerol pyrophosphate phosphatase) gene encoding the enzyme. Multicopy plasmids containing the DPP1 gene directed a 10-fold overexpression of DGPP phosphatase activity in S. cerevisiae. The heterologous expression of the S. cerevisiae DPP1 gene in Sf-9 insect cells resulted in a 500-fold overexpression of DGPP phosphatase activity over that expressed in wild-type S. cerevisiae. DGPP phosphatase possesses a Mg2+-independent PA phosphatase activity, and its expression correlated with the overexpression of DGPP phosphatase activity in S. cerevisiae and in insect cells. DGPP phosphatase was predicted to be an integral membrane protein with six transmembrane-spanning domains. The enzyme contains a novel phosphatase sequence motif found in a superfamily of phosphatases. A dpp1Delta mutant was constructed by deletion of the chromosomal copy of the DPP1 gene. The dpp1Delta mutant was viable and did not exhibit any obvious growth defects. The mutant was devoid of DGPP phosphatase activity and accumulated (4-fold) DGPP. Analysis of the mutant showed that the DPP1 gene was not responsible for all of the Mg2+-independent PA phosphatase activity in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

A gene encoding an ATP-dependent fructokinase from Streptococcus mutans GS-5 was identified within a 2 kb DNA fragment immediately downstream from the scrA gene. The gene cloned in Escherichia coli also expressed mannokinase activity. Insertional inactivation of this gene in S. mutans markedly decreased both fructokinase and mannokinase activities. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the 2 kb fragment revealed an ORF starting 199 bp downstream from the scrA gene, preceded by potential ribosome-binding (Shine-Dalgarno) and promoter-like sequences. This ORF specified a putative protein of 293 amino acids with a calculated M(r) of 31,681. The deduced amino acid sequence of the fructokinase gene, scrK, from S. mutans exhibited no significant similarity to fructokinase genes from Klebsiella pneumoniae, E. coli plasmid pUR400 or Vibrio alginolyticus, but was similar to a comparable gene from Zymomonas mobilis.  相似文献   

We have isolated transposon insertions in the lacA gene encoding an endogenous beta-galactosidase of Bacillus subtilis. Upstream of the putative operon containing lacA is a negative regulator, lacR, which encodes a product related to a family of regulators that includes the lactose repressor, lacI, of Escherichia coli. New strains with insertions in the lacA gene should be of use in studies using lacZ fusions in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

myo-Inositol-1-phosphate synthase (EC from rat testis, Acer pseudoplatanus L. cell culture and Oryza sativa L. cell culture, converted D-[5-3H]glucose 6-phosphate to myo-[2-3H]inositol 1-phosphate at rates ranging from 0.21 to 0.48 that of unlabeled substrate. D-[3-3H]- and D-[4-3H]glucose 6-phosphate were converted at approximately the same rate as that of unlabeled substrate. In the case of testis enzyme, storage as a frozen solution further lowered the rate with D-[5-3H]glucose 6-phosphate as substrate. When the reaction was run in [3H]water, no 3H appeared in myo-inositol 1-phosphate but a small amount was recovered in substrate isolated from the final reaction mixture. These data support the involvement of carbon 5 of D-glucose 6-phosphate in the mechanism proposed for this conversion.  相似文献   

The full-length BIO2 cDNA from Arabidopsis thaliana was isolated using an expressed sequence tag that was homologous to the Escherichia coli biotin synthase gene (BioB). Comparisons of the deduced amino acid sequence from BIO2 with bacterial and yeast biotin synthase homologs revealed a high degree of sequence similarity. The amino terminus of the predicted BIO2 protein contains a stretch of hydrophobic residues similar in composition to transit peptide sequences. BIO2 is a single-copy nuclear gene in Arabidopsis that is expressed at high levels in the tissues of immature plants. Expression of BIO2 was higher in the light relative to dark and was induced 5-fold during biotin-limited conditions. These results demonstrate that expression of at least one gene in this pathway is regulated in response to developmental, environmental, and bio-chemical stimuli.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a monofunctional riboflavin synthase that catalyzes the formation of riboflavin from 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine. We have isolated the gene encoding this enzyme from a yeast genomic library by functional complementation of a mutant, rib5-10, lacking riboflavin synthase activity. Deletion of the chromosomal copy of RIB5 led to riboflavin auxotrophy and loss of enzyme activity. Intragenic complementation between point and deletion mutant alleles suggested that the encoded protein (Rib5p) assembles into a multimeric complex and predicted the existence of a discrete functional domain located at the N terminus. Nucleotide sequencing revealed a 714-base pair open reading frame encoding a 25-kDa protein. Rib5p was purified to apparent homogeneity by a simple procedure. The specific activity of the enzyme was enriched 8500-fold. The N-terminal sequence of the purified enzyme was identical to the sequence predicted from the nucleotide sequence of the RIB5 gene. Initial structural characterization of riboflavin synthase by gel filtration chromatography and both nondenaturing pore limit and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the enzyme forms a trimer of identical 25-kDa subunits. The derived amino acid sequence of RIB5 shows extensive homology to the sequences of the alpha subunits of riboflavin synthase from Bacillus subtilis and other prokaryotes. In addition, the sequence also shows internal homology between the N-terminal and the C-terminal halves of the protein. Taken together, these results suggest that the Rib5p subunit contains two structurally related (substrate-binding) but catalytically different (acceptor and donator) domains.  相似文献   

Plastoquinone and tocopherols are the two major quinone compounds in higher plant chloroplasts and are synthesized by a common pathway. In previous studies we characterized two loci in Arabidopsis defining key steps of this biosynthetic pathway. Mutation of the PDS1 locus disrupts the activity of p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPDase), the first committed step in the synthesis of both plastoquinone and tocopherols in plants. Although plants homozygous for the pds1 mutation could be rescued by growth in the presence of homogentisic acid, the product of HPPDase, we were unable to determine if the mutation directly or indirectly disrupted HPPDase activity. This paper reports the isolation of a cDNA, pHPPD, encoding Arabidopsis HPPDase and its functional characterization by expression in both plants and Escherichia coli. pHPPD encodes a 50-kD polypeptide with homology to previously identified HPPDases, including 37 highly conserved amino acid residues clustered in the carboxyl region of the protein. Expression of pHPPD in E. coli catalyzes the accumulation of homogentisic acid, indicating that it encodes a functional HPPDase enzyme. Mapping of pHPPD and co-segregation analysis of the pds1 mutation and the HPPD gene indicate tight linkage. Constitutive expression of pHPPD in a pds1 mutant background complements this mutation. Finally, comparison of the HPPD genomic sequences from wild type and pds1 identified a 17-bp deletion in the pds1 allele that results in deletion of the carboxyterminal 26 amino acids of the HPPDase protein. Together, these data conclusively demonstrate that pds1 is a mutation in the HPPDase structural gene.  相似文献   

A 1.64-kb cDNA encoding an Arabidopsis thaliana mevalonate kinase (MK) was cloned by complementation of the erg 12-1 mutation affecting MK in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. The longest open reading frame encodes a protein of 378 amino acids (aa) with a predicted molecular mass of 40,650 Da. A striking feature of the cDNA sequence is a long 5' untranslated region (322 bp). The deduced aa sequence reveals that the plant enzyme shows strong similarities to the yeast and mammalian enzymes, especially the strong hydrophobicity percentage and several conserved regions. Southern analysis suggests that probably only one locus exists in the A. thaliana genome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) is the major cause of morbidity and death after lung transplantation. Therapy has focused on augmented immunosuppression with a variety of agents. Although transient responses are often achieved, sustained remission has been unusual. The outcome of cytolytic therapy for BOS at our center has been analyzed and is reported. METHODS: Between July 1988 and July 1994, 233 patients underwent lung transplantation at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Among 207 recipients (88.8%) who survived more than 3 months, 81 recipients (39%) had development of BOS; 48 of these patients underwent 64 courses of treatment with a cytolytic agent (antilymphocyte globulin, antithymocyte globulin, or OKT3 monoclonal antibody). The cases of BOS were retrospectively analyzed to determine the impact of cytolytic therapy. RESULTS: The 4-year survival rate was significantly greater in recipients without BOS than in those with BOS (82.8% vs 46.0%; p < .05). Various clinical factors, including diagnosis, forced expiratory volume in 1 second at onset of BOS, presence or absence of pathologically proven bronchiolitis obliterans, type of transplant operation, cytomegalovirus serologic status, and cytomegalovirus pneumonia, were examined, but no significant predictor of survival after the development of BOS was discerned. The mean decrement in forced expiratory volume in 1 second was significantly reduced by cytolytic therapy (-23.5% +/- 2.3% in the 3 months before therapy vs -9.9% +/- 3.5% in the 3 months after the therapy; p < .002). Nevertheless, the stage of BOS progressed over time in spite of therapy in most cases, and only 4 recipients (4.9%) with BOS remained in a lower BOS stage 2 years after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Recipients with BOS had a significantly lower survival rate than recipients without BOS. No predictor of survival after the onset of BOS was identified. Although cytolytic therapy decreased the rate of decline in pulmonary function in the 3 months after treatment, the stage of BOS ultimately progressed in most patients.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis strain VTT E-68013 was chosen for purification and characterization of its excreted phytase. Purified enzyme had maximal phytase activity at pH 7 and 55 degrees C. Isolated enzyme required calcium for its activity and/or stability and was readily inhibited by EDTA. The enzyme proved to be highly specific since, of the substrates tested, only phytate, ADP, and ATP were hydrolyzed (100, 75, and 50% of the relative activity, respectively). The phytase gene (phyC) was cloned from the B. subtilis VTT E-68013 genomic library. The deduced amino acid sequence (383 residues) showed no homology to the sequences of other phytases nor to those of any known phosphatases. PhyC did not have the conserved RHGXRXP sequence found in the active site of known phytases, and therefore PhyC appears not to be a member of the phytase subfamily of histidine acid phosphatases but a novel enzyme having phytase activity. Due to its pH profile and optimum, it could be an interesting candidate for feed applications.  相似文献   

The physiological role of dihydroxyacetone synthase (DHAS) in Candida boidinii was evaluated at the molecular level. The DAS1 gene, encoding DHAS, was cloned from the host genome, and regulation of its expression by various carbon and nitrogen sources was analyzed. Western and Northern analyses revealed that DAS1 expression was regulated mainly at the mRNA level. The regulatory pattern of DHAS was similar to that of alcohol oxidase but distinct from that of two other enzymes in the formaldehyde dissimilation pathway, glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase. The DAS1 gene was disrupted in one step in the host genome (das1Delta strain), and the growth of the das1Delta strain in various carbon and nitrogen sources was compared with that of the wild-type strain. The das1Delta strain had completely lost the ability to grow on methanol, while the strain with a disruption of the formate dehydrogenase gene could survive (Y. Sakai et al., J. Bacteriol. 179:4480-4485, 1997). These and other experiments (e.g., those to determine the expression of the gene and the growth ability of the das1Delta strain on media containing methylamine or choline as a nitrogen source) suggested that DAS1 is involved in assimilation rather than dissimilation or detoxification of formaldehyde in the cells.  相似文献   

University students who were skilled or less-skilled readers were compared on tests of auditory information processing and immediate serial recall of auditory and visual digits. Reading skill was defined by performance on a pseudoword reading task. The good readers exhibited typical modality effects with higher recall of auditory than visual items from the last 3 serial positions. On the terminal list item, the less-skilled readers showed a modality effect comparable with that of the skilled readers, but on other list items the modality effect reversed and a visual superiority was obtained. Results were discussed in terms of C. G. Penney's (1989) separate-streams model of short-term verbal memory.  相似文献   

A cosmid carrying the orlA gene from Aspergillus nidulans was identified by complementation of an orlA1 mutant strain with DNA from the pKBY2 cosmid library. An orlA1 complementing fragment from the cosmid was sequenced. orlA encodes a predicted polypeptide of 227 amino acids (26360 Da) that is homologous to a 211-amino-acid domain from the polypeptide encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae TPS2 gene and to almost the entire Escherichia coli otsB-encoded polypeptide. TPS2 and otsB each specify a trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase, an enzyme that is necessary for trehalose synthesis. orlA disruptants accumulate trehalose-6-phosphate and have reduced trehalose-6-phosphatate phosphatase levels, indicating that the gene encodes a trehalose-6-phosphatate phosphatase. Disruptants have a nearly-wild-type morphology at 32 degrees C. When germinated at 42 degrees C, the conidia and hyphae from disruptants are chitin deficient, swell excessively, and lyse. The lysis is almost completely remedied by osmotic stabilizers and is partially remedied by N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). The activity of glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate amido-transferase (GFAT), the first enzyme unique to aminosugar synthesis, is reduced and is labile in orlA disruption strains. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that trehalose-6-phosphate reduces the temperature stability of GFAT and other enzymes of chitin metabolism at elevated temperatures. The results extend to filamentous organisms the observation that mutations in fungal trehalose synthesis are highly pleiotropic and affect aspects of carbohydrate metabolism that are not directly related to trehalose synthesis.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, NPR1 mediates the salicylic acid (SA)-induced expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes and systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Here, we report the identification of another component, CPR 6, that may function with NPR1 in regulating PR gene expression. The dominant CPR 6-1 mutant expresses the SA/NPR1-regulated PR genes (PR-1, BGL 2, and PR-5) and displays enhanced resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv maculicola ES4326 and Peronospora parasitica Noco2 in the absence of SAR induction. cpr 6-1-induced PR gene expression is not suppressed in the cpr 6-1 npr1-1 double mutant but is suppressed when SA is removed by salicylate hydroxylase. Thus, constitutive PR gene expression in cpr 6-1 requires SA but not NPR1. In addition, resistance to P. s. maculicola ES4326 is suppressed in the cpr 6-1 npr1-1 double mutant, despite expression of PR-1, BGL 2, and PR-5. Resistance to P. s. maculicola ES4326 must therefore be accomplished through unidentified antibacterial gene products that are regulated through NPR1. These results show that CPR 6 is an important regulator of multiple signal transduction pathways involved in plant defense.  相似文献   

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