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F.F. LANGE 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1986,69(3):240-242
The average grain size of ZrO2 (+Y, o,) materials sintered at 1400°C was observed to depend significantly on the Y2 O3 content. The average grain size decreased by a factor of 4 to 5 for Y2 O3 contents between 0.8 and 1.4 mol% and increased at Y2 O3 contents of 6.6 mol%. Grain growth control by a second phase is the concept used to interpret these data; compositions with a small grain size lie within the two-phase tetragonal + cubic phase field, and the size of the tetragonal grains is believed to be controlled by the cubic grains. This interpretation suggests that the Y2 O3 -rich boundary of the two-phase field lies between 0.8 and 1.4 mol% Y2 O3 . Transformation toughened materials fabricated in this binary system must have a composition that lies within the two-phase field to obtain the small grain size required, in part, to retain the tetragonal toughening agent. 相似文献
TAKAKI MASAKI 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1986,69(8):638-640
Tetragonal zirconia polycrystals were produced from high-purity powders containing 1.5 to 5.0 mol% Y2 O3 by cold isostatic pressing and sintering, hot-pressing, and hot isostatic pressing. The mechanical properties and microstructures of these resulting materials were examined, with emphasis on the relation between strength and fracture toughness. 相似文献
Strength and fracture toughness results are presented for ZrO2 single crystals stabilized with Y2 O3 . The crystals (2 cm in diameter by 5 cm long) were prepared by skull melting. The partially stabilized compositions with 4 to 6 wt% Y2 O3 showed a dramatic improvement in mechanical properties over the fully stabilized samples containing 20 wt% Y2 O3 , i.e. a strength exceeding 1000 MPa and a fracture toughness of 8 Mpa,.m 1/2 were achieved compared to 200 MPa and 2 Mpa.m1/2 , respectively, for fully stabilized ZrO2 single crystals. 相似文献
The phase diagram for the system ZrO2 -Y2 O3 was redetermined. The extent of the fluorite-type ZrO2 -Yz O3 solid solution field was determined with a high-temperature X-ray furnace, precise lattice parameter measurements, and a hydrothermal technique. Long range ordering occurred at 40 mol% Y2 O3 and the corresponding ordered phase was Zr3 Y4 OL12 . The compound has rhombohedra1 symmetry (space group R 3), is isostructural with UY6 Ol2 and decomposes above 1250±50°C. The results indicate that the eutectoid may occur at a temperature <400°C at a composition between 20 and 30 mol% Y2 O3 Determination of the liquidus line indicated a eutectic at 83± 1 mol% Y2 O3 and a peritectic at 76 ± 1 mol% Y2 O3 . 相似文献
The tetragonal ( t ) and cubic ( c ) ZrO2 solid solutions in two-phase ZrO2 -8 wt% Y2 O3 ceramics have low and high solute content, respectively. Annealing samples sintered at 1600°C between 700° and 1400°C requires a change in the volume fraction of the coexisting phases, as well as their equilibrium Y2 O3 content. The enrichment in Y2 O3 content of the c -ZrO2 grains is accomplished by liquid-film migration involving the ubiquitous silicate grain-boundary phase, while the volume fraction of t -ZrO2 increases by the nucleation and growth of cap-shaped t -ZrO2 lenses. The interfaces between the c -ZrO2 matrix and the growing t -ZrO2 lenses are semicoherent. 相似文献
The subsolidus phase relations in the entire system ZrO2 -Y2 O3 were established using DTA, expansion measurements, and room- and high-temperature X-ray diffraction. Three eutectoid reactions were found in the system: ( a ) tetragonal zirconia solid solution→monoclinic zirconia solid solution+cubic zirconia solid solution at 4.5 mol% Y2 O3 and ∼490°C, ( b ) cubic zirconia solid solutiow→δ-phase Y4 Zr3 O12 +hexagonalphase Y6 ZrO11 at 45 mol% Y2 O3 and ∼1325°±25°C, and ( c ) yttria C -type solid solution→wcubic zirconia solid solution+ hexagonal phase Y6 ZrO11 at ∼72 mol% Y2 O3 and 1650°±50°C. Two ordered phases were also found in the system, one at 40 mol% Y2 O3 with ideal formula Y4 Zr3 O12 , and another, a new hexagonal phase, at 75 mol% Y2 O3 with formula Y6 ZrO11 . They decompose at 1375° and >1750°C into cubic zirconia solid solution and yttria C -type solid solution, respectively. The extent of the cubic zirconia and yttria C -type solid solution fields was also redetermined. By incorporating the known tetragonal-cubic zirconia transition temperature and the liquidus temperatures in the system, a new tentative phase diagram is given for the system ZrO2 -Y2 O3 . 相似文献
Masahiro Yoshimura Manikpurage Jayaratna Shigeyuki Smiya 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1982,65(10):c166-c168
The pseudoternary system ZrO2 -Y2 O3 -Cr2 O3 was studied at 1600°C in air by the quenching method. Only one intermediate compound, YCrO3 , was observed on the Y2 O3 −Cr2 O3 join. ZrO2 and Y2 O3 formed solid solutions with solubility limits of 47 and 38 mol%, respectively. The apex of the compatibility triangle for the cubic ZrO2 , Cr2 O3 , and YCrO3 three-phase region was located at =17 mol% Y2 O3 (83 mol% ZrO2 ). Below 17 mol% Y2 O3 , ZrO2 solid solution coexisted with Cr2 O3 . Cr2 O3 appears to be slightly soluble in ZrO2 (ss). 相似文献
The crystallography of diffusion-induced and diffusionless cubic-to-tetragonal phase transformations in the ZrO2 -Y2 O3 system is examined on the basis of the phenomenological crystallographic theory by adopting the lsqb;011rsqb; (0 1 1) twinning system as the lattice invariant deformation system. Numerical calculation indicates that the principal axes of the cubic phase are not exactly parallel to those of the tetragonal phase and that the habit plane orientation is sensitive to the lattice parameters of the cubic and tetragonal phases. The calculated results are compared with the observed crystallography of the tetragonal precipitates formed by diffusion and of the metastable tetragonal phase formed in a diffusionless manner. In many aspects, the present results were in good agreement with experimental observations. In particular, the crystallography and morphology of the so-called "herringbone" structure are very well explained by the present analysis. 相似文献
The thermodynamics and kinetics of cubic → tetragonal phase transformations in ZrO2 -Y2 O3 alloys were investigated by using thermodynamic stability analysis and kinetic computer simulations to explore the possibility of a spinodal mechanism during decomposition. Based on a simple free energy model, it is shown that, depending on the alloy composition, a cubic phase aged within the t + c two-phase field may result in three different sequences of phase transformations: (1) direct nucleation and growth of the equilibrium t-phase from the c-phase matrix; (2) formation of a metastable t'-phase followed by nucleation and growth of the equilibrium c- and t-phases; and (3) formation of a transient t'-phase followed by its spinodal decomposition into two tetragonal phases with one of the tetragonal phases eventually transforming to the equilibrium c-phase. The temporal microstructure evolutions for different compositions were studied by using computer simulations based on the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) model which incorporates the long-range elastic interactions. 相似文献
Lior Miller Amir Avishai Wayne D. Kaplan 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2006,89(1):350-353
The solubility of Mg in alumina was measured using wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy mounted on a scanning electron microscope. Careful calibration of the microscope's working conditions was performed in order to optimize the detection limit and accuracy. Measurements were conducted on water-quenched and furnace-cooled samples, without any thermal or chemical etching to avoid alteration of the bulk concentration. The results indicate the solubility limit of Mg in alumina to be 132±11 ppm at 1600°C. 相似文献
Zn2 SnO4 , an inverse spinel, and ZnFe2 O4 , a normal spinel, form a complete series of solid solutions in the system ZnO-Fe2 O3 3nO2 . The variation of cell dimensions with composition varies from 0.8439 nm (ZnS2 nO4 ) to 0.8660 nm (ZnS2 nO4 ) and exhibits a positive deviation from a linear relationship. Mg2 SnO4 and MgFe2 O4 , both predominantly inverse in nature, have only an incomplete series. 相似文献
A diffusionless cubic (c)→metastable tetragonal (t') phase transformation occurs in certain alloys in the ZrO2 -Y2 O3 system on quenching from elevated temperatures. Microstructural features due to this phase transformation, principally anti-phase domain boundaries (APB's) and mechanical accommodation twins, have been characterized using transmission electron microscopy. Certain differences between our interpretation and those of other workers are discussed. 相似文献
B. L. FLETCHER J. R. STEVENSON† A. WHITAKER 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1970,53(2):95-97
Phase equilibria in the system CaO-MgO-B2 O3 were investigated at 900°C using X-ray powder diffraction techniques. With the exception of MgO-B2 O3 , the binary phases reported previously were confirmed, but no ternary phases were found. Solid solution effects were investigated for the binary phases by comparison of patterns, whereas for CaO and MgO, accurate lattice parameters were compared. No solid solutions were detected. As a result, the isothermal equilibrium diagram at 900°C reduces to three phase triangles. X-ray powder diffraction data for the calcium berates are included. 相似文献
Elena R. Andrievskaya Lidia M. Lopato Vasily P. Smirnov 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1996,79(3):714-720
A mathematical model of the liquidus surface based on a reduced polynomial method was proposed for the system HfO2 -Y2 O3 -Er2 O3 . The results of calculations according to this model agree fairly well with the experimental data. Phase equilibria in the system HfO2 -Y2 O3 -Er2 O3 were studied on melted (as-cast) and annealed samples using X-ray diffraction (at room and high temperatures) and micro-structural and petrographic analyses. The crystallization paths in the system HfO2 -Y2 O3 -Er2 O3 were established. The system HfO2 -Y2 O3 -Er2 O3 is characterized by the formation of extended solid solutions based on the fluorite-type (F) form of HfO2 and cubic (C) and hexagonal (H) forms of Y2 O3 and Er2 O3 . The boundary curves of these solid solutions have the minima at 2370°C (15. 5 mol% HfO2 , 49. 5 mol% Y2 O3 ) and 2360°C (10. 5 mol% HfO2 , 45. 5 mol% Y2 O3 ). No compounds were found to exist in the system investigated. 相似文献
Zirconia-rich subsolidus phase relationships in the ZrO2 –Sc2 O3 and ZrO2 –In2 O3 systems were investigated. Phase inconsistencies in the ZrO2 –Sc2 O3 system resulted from a diffusionless cubic-to-tetragonal ( t' ) phase transformation not being recognized in the past. Through three different measuring techniques, along with microstructural observations, the solubility limits of the tetragonal and cubic phases were determined. 相似文献
The 1600° and 1700°C. liquidus lines in the CaO·2Al2 O3 and A12 O3 stability fields of the system CaO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 are determined from the chemical analyses of saturated slags at these temperatures. 相似文献