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A cross-sectional study was performed in eight companies, comprising 32 buildings without previously recognized indoor air problems. Engineers filled in a technical questionnaire on building characteristics, floor surface materials, ventilation, cleaning procedures, heating and cooling. A total of 3562 employees returned questionnaires on individual factors, workload, perceived physical work environment, allergy and symptoms. Frequent symptoms were feeling of fatigue or heavy-headedness, eye irritation, and dry facial skin. Women reported symptoms more frequently than men. Employees with allergy had a 1.8-2.5 times risk of reporting a high score for general, skin, or mucosal symptoms. The risk of a high symptom score increased with daily visual display unit (VDU) work time. Passive smoking and psychosocial load were also relatively strong predictors of symptoms. Weekly cleaning as compared with a frequency of cleaning two to four times a week increased the risk of symptoms. Adjusted odds ratio for a high general symptoms score from infrequent cleaning was 1.5 (95%CI 1.1-2.0). A high ventilation flow or central ventilation unit filter EU7 vs. EU8 seemed to be associated with an increased risk of general symptoms. Absence of local temperature control increased the risk of mucosal symptoms.  相似文献   

The prevalence of symptoms compatible with the Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) was measured in a questionnaire study among 4 943 office workers. An assessment of the relation between SBS symptoms and personal, physical and psychosocial exposure factors was made. In contrast to males, the majority of females were lower-grade staff Females reported annoyance from physical climate factors more often, both at work and at home. Males reported a better psychosocial situation than females. Female gender, asthmalrhinitis, paper and VDT work were related to an increased prevalence of SBS symptoms. The prevalence of facial skin symptoms increased markedly with the amount of VDT work. Psychosocial workload intensifid this relation. Inequalities in physical climate and psychosocial conditions associated with different positions held in the offices can be of importance for the increased occurrence of symptoms among females.  相似文献   

In two case-referent studies the associations between questionnaire symptom reports, expressed as SBS (Sick Building Syndrome) in office workers or facial skin symptoms among VDT-workers, and physical data from offices in 160 buildings were investigated. The results show that low outdoor airflow rate and presence of certain pollution sources, such as copying machines, tended to be associated with an elevated prevalence of SBS. Buildings built or remodeled between 1977 and 1986, low-rise buildings with a horizontal roof and a foundation of the type “concrete slab on the ground”, as well as rooms with flourescent tube lighting with metal shields were also associated with higher SBS risks. A number of factors were associated with an overrepresentation of skin symptoms among VDT-workers such as type of foundation (concrete slab on the ground and crawlspace), the frequency of floor cleaning and type of lighting (fluorescent tubes with glass/plastic shields). It has not been possible to establish conclusive explanations for these associations. The difference in associations between building factors and S B S, and between building factors and skin symptoms among VD Tworkers points to different etiologies.  相似文献   

The prevalence of irritative symptoms and the incidence of respiratory infections among children in a day-care center affected by mold were compared with those in a reference day-care center. A retrospective pilot study was made in the mold-problem day-care center. Analysis of absenteeism records and a one-year follow-up study were made in both day-care centers. In the pilot study, half of the exposed 41 children had prolonged or frequent symptoms and respiratory infections. In addition, the absenteeism in the mold-problem day-care center was nearly twice as high as in the reference day-care center. After cessation of the exposure, the occurrence of respiratory symptoms decreased and no lower respiratory tract infections appeared.  相似文献   

Abstract The aim was to study the respiratory symptoms among children exposed to indoor air molds in a day-care environment in Finland. Two day-care centers with a mold problem and two reference day-care centers were included in the study and the health data of the children were collected with a follow-up study of two periods. A total of 229 children 3-7 years old attended the day-care centers. During the first follow-up period, the children in the two day-care centers with mold problems had a significantly increased risk of sore throat, purulent and non-purulent nasal discharge, nasal congestion, hoarseness and common cold. During the second follow-up period, a significantly increased risk of purulent nasal discharge, nasal congestion, hoarseness and cough was observed. Upper respiratory tract symptoms, at least once during the study period, were more prevalent among the children attending mold-problem day-care centers. The mold-exposed children had such symptoms repeatedly or the symptoms were prolonged. In conclusion, in the mold-problem day-care centers, overall morbidity for respiratory symptoms and for common cold increased in comparison with the reference day-care centers.  相似文献   

公租房和城中村出租屋是中国城镇化进程中两种常见的廉租住房类型,它们为大量进城的农民工提供了在城市中的生息之所,在推动经济发展和维护社会稳定中起到了关键作用。选取分析重庆和深圳这两个城市的廉租住房社区在地理空间分布、空间结构形态、社会人群结构及商业配套服务四个方面的比较,从农民工的视角探讨了哪种居住模式更能有效促进农民工群体的城镇化和可持续发展,展示了对于廉租住房及其社区生活认知的多样性,以期为我国其他类型的廉租住房建设提供新的思考。  相似文献   

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