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We have investigated genetic interactions between spontaneous mutations affecting abdominal and sternopleural bristle number that have accumulated in 12 long-term selection lines derived from an inbred strain, and mutations at 14 candidate bristle number quantitative trait loci. The quantitative test for complementation was to cross the selection lines to an inbred wild-type strain (the control cross) and to a derivative of the control strain into which the mutant allele at the candidate locus to be tested was substituted (the tester strain). Genetic interactions between spontaneous mutations affecting bristle number and the candidate locus mutations were common, and in several cases the interaction effects were different in males and females. Analyses of variance of the (tester- control) differences among and within groups of replicate lines selected in the same direction for the same trait showed significant group effects for several candidate loci. Genetically, the interactions could be caused by allelism of, and/ or epistasis between, spontaneous mutations in the selection lines and the candidate locus mutations. It is possible that much of the response to selection was from new mutations at candidate bristle number quantitative trait loci, and that for some of these loci, mutation rates were high.  相似文献   

The association between quantitative genetic variation in bristle number and molecular variation at a candidate neurogenic locus, scabrous, was examined in Drosophila melanogaster. Approximately 32 percent of the genetic variation in abdominal bristle number (21 percent for sternopleural bristle number) among 47 second chromosomes from a natural population was correlated with DNA sequence polymorphisms at this locus. Several polymorphic sites associated with large phenotypic effects occurred at intermediate frequency. Quantitative genetic variation in natural populations caused by alleles that have large effects at a few loci and that segregate at intermediate frequencies conflicts with the classical infinitesimal model of the genetic basis of quantitative variation.  相似文献   

The frequency of spontaneous mutations affecting viability was estimated in the chromosome II in LA strain of Drosophila melanogaster. The strain has been selected for low sexual activity for more than 180 generations and maintained by close inbreeding. Spontaneous mutation rate in LA strain has appeared to be extremely high--the frequency of lethal and semilethal mutations in the chromosome II in by an order higher than usual mutation frequencies. Most of the mutations originating are distributed between a limited number of loci in the b--c region.  相似文献   

A restriction enzyme survey of a 57-kb region including the gene Delta uncovered 53 polymorphic molecular markers in a sample of 55 naturally occurring chromosomes. A permutation test, which assesses the significance of the molecular marker with the largest effect on bristle variation in four genetic backgrounds relative to permuted data-sets, found two sites that were independently associated with variation in bristle number. A common site in the second intron of Delta affected only sternopleural bristle number, and another common site in the fifth intron affected only abdominal bristle number in females. Under an additive genetic model, the polymorphism in the second intron may account for 12% of the total genetic variation in sternopleural bristle number due to third chromosomes, and the site in the fifth intron may account for 6% of the total variation in female abdominal bristle number due to the third chromosomes. These results suggest the following: (1) models that incorporate balancing selection are more consistent with observations than deleterious mutation-selection equilibrium models, (2) mapped quantitative trait loci of large effect may not represent a single variable site at a genetic locus, and (3) linkage disequilibrium can be used as a tool for understanding the molecular basis of quantitative variation.  相似文献   

We have examined expression of the neurogenic gene, Delta (Dl), and the regulatory relationships between the Delta-Notch signalling pathway and the proneural gene, achaete, during microchaeta development in Drosophila. Delta is expressed in all microchaeta proneural cells and microchaeta sensory organ precursors (SOPs) and is expressed dynamically in SOP progeny. We find that Delta expression in microchaeta proneural cells is detected prior to the onset of achaete expression and arises normally in the absence of achaete/scute function, indicating that initial Delta expression in the notum is not dependent on proneural gene function. Activation of the Delta-Notch pathway results in loss of Delta protein accumulation, suggesting that Delta expression is regulated, in part, by Delta-Notch signalling activity. We find that Delta signalling is required for correct delineation of early proneural gene expression in developing nota. Within microchaeta proneural stripes, we demonstrate that Delta-Notch signalling prohibits adoption of the SOP fate by repressing expression of proneural genes.  相似文献   

We report isolating the Drosophila retinal degeneration E (rdgE) mutation. The hypomorphic rdgE1 allele causes rapid photoreceptor degeneration in light and a slower rate of degeneration when the flies are raised in constant darkness. The rdgE1 flies exhibited an electrophysiological light response that decreased with age, coinciding with the degeneration. This suggests that degeneration caused the loss of the light response. We determined that the ninaE (rhodopsin) mutation, but not norpA [phospholipase C (PLC)], slowed the rdgE-dependent degeneration. This was consistent with the light-enhanced degeneration, but revealed that the degeneration is independent of the PLC-mediated phototransduction cascade. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that rdgE1 photoreceptors exhibited a number of vesicular transport defects including unpacking/vesiculation of rhabdomeres, endocytosis of novel vesicles by photoreceptors, a buildup of very large multivesicular bodies, and an increased amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum. We determined that the rdgE null phenotype is a late embryonic lethality. Therefore, rdgE+ is required in cells outside of the retina, quite possibly in a large number of neurons. Thus, rdgE may define a mutational class that exhibits both light-enhanced retinal degeneration and a recessive null lethality by perturbing neuronal membrane biosynthesis and/or recycling.  相似文献   

Polygenic mutations were induced by treating Drosophila melanogaster adult males with 2.5 mM EMS. The treated second chromosomes, along with untreated controls, were then made homozygous, and five life history, two behavioral, and two morphological traits were measured. EMS mutagenesis led to reduced performance for life history traits. Changes in means and increments in genetic variance were relatively much higher for life history than for morphological traits, implying large differences in mutational target size. Maximum likelihood was used to estimate mutation rates and parameters of distributions of mutation effects, but parameters were strongly confounded with one another. Several traits showed evidence of leptokurtic distributions of effects and mean effects smaller than a few percent of trait means. Distributions of effects for all traits were strongly asymmetrical, and most mutations were deleterious. Correlations between life history mutation effects were positive. Mutation parameters for one generation of spontaneous mutation were predicted by scaling parameter estimates from the EMS experiment, extrapolated to the whole genome. Predicted mutational coefficients of variation were in good agreement with published estimates. Predicted changes in means were up to 0.14% or 0.6% for life history traits, depending on the model of scaling assumed.  相似文献   

Genetic models with genotype effect (G) and genotype x environment interaction effect (GE) are proposed for analyzing generation means of seed quantitative traits in crops. The total genetic effect (G) is partitioned into seed direct genetic effect (G0), cytoplasm genetic of effect (C), and maternal plant genetic effect (Gm). Seed direct genetic effect (G0) can be further partitioned into direct additive (A) and direct dominance (D) genetic components. Maternal genetic effect (Gm) can also be partitioned into maternal additive (Am) and maternal dominance (Dm) genetic components. The total genotype x environment interaction effect (GE) can also be partitioned into direct genetic by environment interaction effect (G0E), cytoplasm genetic by environment interaction effect (CE), and maternal genetic by environment interaction effect (GmE). G0E can be partitioned into direct additive by environment interaction (AE) and direct dominance by environment interaction (DE) genetic components. GmE can also be partitioned into maternal additive by environment interaction (AmE) and maternal dominance by environment interaction (DmE) genetic components. Partitions of genetic components are listed for parent, F1, F2 and backcrosses. A set of parents, their reciprocal F1 and F2 seeds is applicable for efficient analysis of seed quantitative traits. MINQUE(0/1) method can be used for estimating variance and covariance components. Unbiased estimation for covariance components between two traits can also be obtained by the MINQUE(0/1) method. Random genetic effects in seed models are predictable by the Adjusted Unbiased Prediction (AUP) approach with MINQUE(0/1) method. The jackknife procedure is suggested for estimation of sampling variances of estimated variance and covariance components and of predicted genetic effects, which can be further used in a t-test for parameter. Unbiasedness and efficiency for estimating variance components and predicting genetic effects are tested by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Hearing is one of the last sensory modalities to be subjected to genetic analysis in Drosophila melanogaster. We describe a behavioral assay for auditory function involving courtship among groups of males triggered by the pulse component of the courtship song. In a mutagenesis screen for mutations that disrupt the auditory response, we have recovered 15 mutations that either reduce or abolish this response. Mutant audiograms indicate that seven mutants reduced the amplitude of the response at all intensities. Another seven abolished the response altogether. The other mutant, 5L3, responded only at high sound intensities, indicating that the threshold was shifted in this mutant. Six mutants were characterized in greater detail. 5L3 had a general courtship defect; courtship of females by 5L3 males also was affected strongly. 5P1 males courted females normally but had reduced success at copulation. 5P1 and 5N18 showed a significant decrement in olfactory response, indicating that the defects in these mutations are not specific to the auditory pathway. Two other mutants, 5M8 and 5N30, produced amotile sperm although in 5N30 this phenotype was genetically separable from the auditory phenotype. Finally, a new adult circling behavior phenotype, the pirouette phenotype, associated with massive neurodegeneration in the brain, was discovered in two mutants, 5G10 and 5N18. This study provides the basis for a genetic and molecular dissection of auditory mechanosensation and auditory behavior.  相似文献   

Within recent years, microsatellite have become one of the most powerful genetic markers in biology. For several mammalian species, microsatellite mutation rates have been estimated on the order of 10(-3)-10(-5). A recent study, however, demonstrated mutation rates in Drosophila melanogaster of at least one order of magnitude lower than those in mammals. To further test this result, we examined mutation rates of different microsatellite loci using a larger sample size. We screened 24 microsatellite loci in 119 D. melanogaster lines maintained for approximately 250 generations and detected 9 microsatellite mutations. The average mutation rate of 6.3 x 10(-6) is identical to the mutation rate from a previous study. Most interestingly, all nine mutations occurred at the same allele of one locus (DROYANETSB). This hypermutable allele has 28 dinucleotide repeats and is among the longest microsatellite reported in D. melanogaster. The allele-specific mutation rate of 3.0 x 10(-4) per generation is within the range of mammalian mutation rates. Future microsatellite analyses will have to account for the dramatic differences in allele-specific mutation rates.  相似文献   

In a recent study, we reported that the combined average mutation rate of 10 di-, 6 tri-, and 8 tetranucleotide repeats in Drosophila melanogaster was 6.3 x 10(-6) mutations per locus per generation, a rate substantially below that of microsatellite repeat units in mammals studied to date (range = 10(-2)-10(-5) per locus per generation). To obtain a more precise estimate of mutation rate for dinucleotide repeat motifs alone, we assayed 39 new dinucleotide repeat microsatellite loci in the mutation accumulation lines from our earlier study. Our estimate of mutation rate for a total of 49 dinucleotide repeats is 9.3 x 10(-6) per locus per generation, only slightly higher than the estimate from our earlier study. We also estimated the relative difference in microsatellite mutation rate among di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide repeats in the genome of D. melanogaster using a method based on population variation, and we found that tri- and tetranucleotide repeats mutate at rates 6.4 and 8.4 times slower than that of dinucleotide repeats, respectively. The slower mutation rates of tri- and tetranucleotide repeats appear to be associated with a relatively short repeat unit length of these repeat motifs in the genome of D. melanogaster. A positive correlation between repeat unit length and allelic variation suggests that mutation rate increases as the repeat unit lengths of microsatellites increase.  相似文献   

The empirical distributions of the average viability and fitness of mutation accumulation lines of Drosophila melanogaster were analyzed using minimum distance estimation. Data come from two different experimental designs where mutations were allowed to accumulate: 1) in copies of chromosome II protected from natural selection and recombination (viability: Mukai et al., 1972; Ohnishi, 1977; fitness: Houle et al., 1992), 2) in inbred lines derived from the same isogenic stock (viability: Fernández & López-Fanjul, 1996; fitness: this paper). Information from all data sets converged, indicating that the mutational rates were small, about 1% for viability and 3% for fitness. For both traits, the rate of mutational decline appears to be smaller than suggested by previous studies (about one-fifth of the latter), the average mutational effect was neither severe nor very slight, ranging from -0.1 to -0.3, and the distribution of mutant effects was, at most, slightly leptokurtic. Therefore, the mutational load in natural populations is one to two orders of magnitude smaller than previously thought (as based upon analyses conditional to estimates of the mutational decline of viability or fitness that appear to be biased upward). Over 95% of the mutational variance of each trait was contributed by non-slightly deleterious mutations (absolute homozygous effect larger than 0.03 or 0.1, depending on the data set considered) occurring at a rate not higher than 0.025 per haploid genome and generation. Our data suggest that most deleterious mutations affecting fitness act mainly through a single component-trait.  相似文献   

New genes for male accessory gland proteins in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The accessory gland of male insects produces components of the seminal fluid that alter the behavior, physiology and life span of the mated female, and contribute to her efficient storage and utilization of sperm. As a step towards understanding how this occurs, we have isolated genes encoding 12 previously unreported accessory gland-specific mRNAs from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We report here the restriction maps of the new genes, the chromosome positions--which are all autosomal--of the 11 non-repetitive genes, their expression patterns, and the sequences of the accessory gland proteins (Acps) encoded by nine of the genes. Eight of the proteins predicted from these sequences begin with putative secretion signals. Following their signal sequences, three of the predicted molecules are peptides and the other five are larger polypeptides with characteristics of cleavable prohormones. The ninth molecule, which has an N-terminal hydrophobic region but no consensus signal peptide cleavage site, is predicted to be a 716 amino acid glycoprotein. Of the nine proteins, two have intriguing similarities to sequences in protein databases. Acp76A is a 388 amino acid pro-protein which contains a signature sequence for the serpin class of protease inhibitors. The 115 amino acid Acp62F has a 28 amino acid region of high sequence similarity to a neurotoxin of the Brazilian armed spider Phoneutria nigriventer. Models are discussed in which Acp76A plays a role in the observed regulation of Acp proteolysis and/or in the coagulation of seminal fluid to form a mating plug, and in which Acp62F contributes to the reported toxicity of Drosophila seminal fluid.  相似文献   

Exposure of the Chinese hamster ovarian AuxB1 cell line in vitro to fractionated X-irradiation generated sublines designated DXR-10, which proved resistant to multiple drugs and overexpressed P-glycoprotein (Pgp), as judged by Western blotting using the C219 monoclonal antibody. Further characterization of these irradiated DXR-10 sublines has provided evidence for: (i) the expression of cross-resistance to gramacidin D, taxol, puromycin and Navelbine, but not to daunomycin or mitoxantrone; (ii) overexpression of the class I Pgp, as judged by Western blotting using the C494 monoclonal antibody; (iii) decreased accumulation of 3H-vincristine, which could be enhanced by verapamil addition; (iv) unaltered accumulation and subcellular distribution of adriamycin; (v) significantly increased rhodamine 123 accumulation in the presence of verapamil; (vi) plasma-membrane ultrastructural modifications resulting in a significantly increased surface area; (vii) numerous clonal karyotypic alterations, with abnormalities involving the long arm of chromosome 1 being consistently identified; (viii) a lack of overexpression of sorcin; (ix) increased total glutathione levels and overexpression of glutathione S-transferase pi. The fact that only certain of these features are considered characteristic of the 'classic' multidrug-resistant CHRC5 cell line supports our earlier proposal that exposure to fractionated X-irradiation results in the expression of a unique drug-resistance phenotype.  相似文献   

The production of female germline chimeras is invaluable for analyzing the tissue specificity of recessive female sterile mutations as well as detecting the maternal effect of recessive zygotic lethal mutations. Previously, we developed the "FLP-DFS" technique to efficiently generate germline clones. This technique uses the X-linked germline-dependent dominant female sterile mutation ovoD1 as a selection for the detection of germline recombination events, and the FLP-FRT recombination system to promote site-specific chromosomal exchange. This method allows the efficient production of germline mosaics only on the X chromosome. In this paper we have built chromosomes that allow the use of this technique to the autosomes. We describe the various steps involved in the development of this technique as well as the properties of the chromosomes utilized.  相似文献   

We have studied spontaneous mutagenesis in five hprt cDNA genes integrated at five different genomic positions in a human lymphoblastoid cell line (TK6). The spectra of 40 mutants from each position were combined to obtain a mutation spectrum of the overall genome. This collection of mutants was used to assess the contribution of several mutagenic processes to spontaneous mutagenesis. Deletions and single base pair changes account for the majority of the mutants and arise in approximately equal amounts (43 and 41%, respectively). The majority of the deletions and insertions are < 5 bp and are likely to be caused by template-directed misalignment (slippage) during replication. To account for frameshifts at non-iterated sites we propose a slightly different template-directed replication error model. A considerable amount of the observed base pair changes can also be explained by this last model, but several other processes leading to base pair changes such as depurination, deamination or spontaneously arising DNA damage are likely to contribute as well. We have compared this spectrum with mutation spectra in the endogenous hprt genes using published mutation data. It is shown that in the endogenous genes the contribution of base pair substitutions is much larger (71%) than in the hprt cDNA integrates and that deletions are less frequently observed (20%). The mutation rates of the integrated hprt cDNA genes show a mean increase of 30-fold as compared with the endogenous hprt gene. This results in a 60-fold increase of the absolute rate of deletion in the hprt cDNA genes and in a 15-fold increase of the base pair substitution rate. Replication errors such as slippage or the mechanism proposed in this study probably account to a large extent for this increase.  相似文献   

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