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本文介绍了电子设备中干扰的特点及印制电路板可靠性设计的常见方法。  相似文献   

在电子工程技术不断发展的今天,印制电路板及抗干扰技术的设计在集成度的要求上越来越高.本文分析了印制电路板的含义及分类,通过讨论其设计,得出了印制电路板抗干扰性设计的原则,为同行提供参考.  相似文献   

随着电子技术的迅速发展,各类电子产品的种类和数量不断增多,功能也越来越齐全,印制电路板(PCB)的集成度也逐渐提高,凸显出了电磁兼容性的问题,要想让电子电路运行达到最佳效果,对电磁兼容设计进行深入考虑十分必要。本文基于上述背景,对PCB板的电磁兼容设计进行了研究,希望能为设计人员提供借鉴。  相似文献   

印制电路板设计是电子产品制作的重要环节,直接影响到产品的质量与电气性能。随着电子工业的发展,各种类型印制板需求量越来越大,要求设计制造印制电路的周期越短越好。传统的手工设计已满足不了生产上的需要,印制电路板的计算机辅助设计(CAD)日趋为人们所重视。现代计算机的发展为电路原理图和印制电路板图的CAD设计提供了强有力的手段。文中介绍了印制电路板CAD设计的内容、方法和步骤。  相似文献   

印制电路板的物理设计三要素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印制板电路是通信设备的重要组成单元,现代高科技电子战对印是电路板提出了更高的要求,而且环境越来越恶劣,需要解决很多关键技术,而其中的电磁兼容性设计、热设计、防振动抗冲击设计则构成物理设计三要素,妥善合理地解决好这个设计三要素对实现印刷 制电路板的高性能、高可靠性有着深远的意义。  相似文献   

主要从元器件在PCB上的布局、PCB上导带的布置两个方面阐述了印制电路板在设计时应遵循的原则,并进行了分析。  相似文献   

印制电路板设计是印制电路板整个生产过程中一项重要的系统性工作。结合国家质量认证体系新规则,主要对印制电路板的安全性能、电磁兼容和环保节能三个方面的设计工作进行了相关探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过长期从事科研实践和产品开发及生产所积累的经验,提出印制电路板设计中有关可靠性、电磁兼容性、抗噪声等设计方面一些值得考虑的问题,并给出了一些设计原则,供实际中具体应用,以示设计对产品质量的影响。  相似文献   

Computer aids have been used for both the design and verification of electronic systems for many years. The recent explosion in the complexity of electronic systems that the advent of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) has allowed, has made the use of sophisticated computer-aided design tools indispensable. Computer aids will soon also provide key proprietary advantages as semiconductor and system design houses vie for the promising Application-Specific IC (ASIC) market of the next decade. This paper focusses on the techniques critical to both custom and ASIC design, the directions of present research and development for these areas, and future trends. In particular, recent developments in tools for the automated design of combinational logic are reviewed. These techniques include both algorithmic and rule-based approaches.  相似文献   

Joshua Israelsohn 《电子设计技术》2004,11(2):66-68,70,72,74
作为EDN杂志的编辑,我们一直在聆听设计师们谈论他们的工作性质、工作性质不断变化的情况以及促使工作性质发生变化的压力.  相似文献   

Murphy  E.E. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1990,27(2):34-36
Developments in design tools over the past year are examined. Progress was more incremental than in the past, consisting of refinement rather than innovation. Logic synthesis gained acceptance, while behavioral-level synthesis moved a step closer to reality. Testability became a design parameter, hardware accelerators got even faster, and work continued on developing frameworks that will allow one tool to retrieve information from another and display it in a uniform manner  相似文献   

Intevac是商用和军用光电子产品的主要开发者。本文阐述了为NightVista——一种紧凑的高性能超低亮度照相机开发嵌入电子系统的经历。该照相机最初的开发采用了流行的DSP处理、几块ASSP和外部存储器件的模式。可编程逻辑所具备的可配置处理器内核让开发团队另辟蹊径,它将这些分立部件和DSP功能集成到单个FPGA中,从而缩短了开发时间,降低了成本,减小了尺寸并降低了功耗。  相似文献   

A case study in low-power system-level design is presented. We detail the design of a low-power embedded system, a touchscreen interface device for a personal computer. This device is designed to operate on excess power provided by unused RS232 communication lines. We focus on the design and measurement procedures used to reduce the power requirements of this system to less than 50 mW. Additionally, we highlight opportunities to use system-level design and analysis tools for low-power design and the obstacles that prevented using such tools in this design.  相似文献   

Virtual prototyping environments are emerging as a new generation of EDA tools. Such a tool will allow the designer to test interactively complex electronic systems on an enhanced-reality virtual workbench, by concurrently running multidomain (mechanical, electrical, thermal, etc.) what-if experiments. Virtual prototyping will shorten the design cycle, improve the product quality, and reduce the time to market. Advanced computational techniques are needed to reduce the execution time, especially for the field (EM and thermal) models used in these virtual prototyping environments. This article shows how neural networks could be used efficiently for 3D EM field modeling. Neural network models have much better real-time performance than classical numerical EM-field modeling methods, and this is particularly important when the field analysis is coupled with system optimization  相似文献   

New nonlinear design tools for self-oscillating mixers are presented here, with the aim to increase the designer's control over their behavior. The new tools enable fixing the self-oscillation frequency and selecting the optimum self-oscillation amplitude for maximum conversion gain. They can also be applied for the optimized design of harmonic self-oscillating mixers. Using bifurcation-theory concepts, it has been possible to increase the input-power range with self-oscillating-mixer operation. A self-oscillating mixer with 5.5 GHz input frequency has been designed and simulated obtaining very good agreement with the experimental results  相似文献   

New nonlinear analysis tools for harmonic-injection dividers are presented based on bifurcation concepts. The advantage of these tools is their application simplicity and efficiency, which has enabled their use for actual circuit design and optimization. The tools allow control over the divided frequency and output power and predict the variation of the synchronization bands versus the circuit element values, which facilitates design correction. They have been extended to the analysis and optimization of phase-locked harmonic-injection dividers, which contain a low-frequency feedback loop. The use of this loop, together with the accuracy of the analysis, has enabled the implementation of novel frequency-division functions, such as the division of variable order, versus a circuit parameter, or the division by fractional order. The output noise of the frequency dividers is analyzed through the conversion-matrix approach, studying the noise variation along the division bands. The new techniques have been applied to the design of a frequency divider by order 4 and 5, with 18-GHz input frequency, and excellent agreement with experimental results has been obtained.  相似文献   

Space-time convolutional codes have shown considerable promise for providing improved performance for wireless communication through combined diversity and coding gain. An efficient design procedure is presented for optimizing the coding and diversity gain measures proposed in the first papers on space-time codes. The procedure is based on some simple lower and upper bounds on coding gain. The same calculations needed to compute these bounds can be used to check either necessary or sufficient conditions on space-time codes which achieve maximum diversity gain. A new simple, but useful, measure of code performance is also suggested which augments existing measures. The use of the design procedure is illustrated and new codes are provided. These codes are shown to outperform the space-time convolutional codes provided in the initial papers introducing space-time codes.  相似文献   

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