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Predicates that preserve their values on a larger (extended) body of data are called equitone. An algebra of such predicates is constructed, a system of its generators is specified, and a complete system of transformations of identities is defined. The results obtained are used for construction and investigation of complete classes of compositions of various types and levels of abstractions that are used in logics of partial predicates.  相似文献   

We study the effectiveness of Kandola et al.’s von Neumann kernels as a link analysis measure. We show that von Neumann kernels subsume Kleinberg’s HITS importance at the limit of their parameter range. Because they reduce to co-citation relatedness at the other end of the parameter, von Neumann kernels give us a spectrum of link analysis measures between the two established measures of importance and relatedness. Hence the relative merit of a vertex can be evaluated in terms of varying trade-offs between the global importance and the local relatedness within a single parametric framework. As a generalization of HITS, von Neumann kernels inherit the problem of topic drift. When a graph consists of multiple communities each representing a different topic, HITS is known to rank vertices in the most dominant community higher regardless of the query term. This problem persists in von Neumann kernels; when the parameter is biased towards the direction of global importance, they tend to rank vertices in the dominant community uniformly higher irrespective of the community of the seed vertex relative to which the ranking is computed. To alleviate topic drift, we propose to use of a PLSI-based technique in combination with von Neumann kernels. Experimental results on a citation network of scientific papers demonstrate the characteristics and effectiveness of von Neumann kernels. This work was carried out while T. Ito was a Ph.D. student at Nara Institute of Science and Technology.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new quantum inspired feature fusion method based on relative von Neumann entropy. The motivation is to more effectively reduce data redundancy and further improve the completeness and conciseness of the existing feature data. Regarding this, we quantise the source dataset into the collection of basic quantum states and constructed a weighted linking network to calculate the relative von Neumann entropies between feature samples. Thus, the detection and fusion of the duplicate feature samples in a subset is turned to the computation of the average relative von Neumann entropy and the measurement probabilities of the quantised feature samples. In parallel, the classical feature fusion method based on relative Shannon entropy is also proposed following similar idea. The experimental results show that the proposed feature fusion methods perform better in their completeness, conciseness, and stability.  相似文献   

One mission of feature fusion is to obtain a complete yet concise presentation of all existing feature data by detecting and fusing the duplicate feature data. In contrast to the already developed feature fusion methods which have shown their limitations, this paper applies the theories of quantum information to feature fusion. Further, a novel and effective step-wise quantum inspired feature fusion method, which detects the duplicate feature data based on maximum von Neumann mutual information and fuses the duplicate feature data using the operations on quantum state, is developed. This same idea is also used for feature dimensionality reduction, and the corresponding models are investigated. For comparison, another quantum inspired feature fusion method based on average quantum phase is presented here. The experimental results show that the quantum inspired feature fusion method based on von Neumann entropy gives better results on completeness and conciseness than the method based on average quantum phase.  相似文献   

通过使用软件方法集成虚拟试验仪器和它们的类同功能,达到了便于操作、集中统一管理和方便维护的目的,提高了实验的效率.  相似文献   

Today, both fundamental and applied research relies heavily on computers. We recall that the numerical study of nonlinear models by means of these machines depends on programs, for the associative property of the multiplicative operator is lost. TheN-body problem is used to display the sensitivity to numerical accuracy.  相似文献   

针对传统测试设备功能专、研制周期长及造价高等缺点,设计并实现了基于通用仪器如示波器、信号源等的集成测试系统;系统突出通用性特点,根据不同的测试指标,分析了系统的总线选型、精度分析和可靠性,并给出了系统总体硬件设计和软件设计的方法;结合理论研究成果对实际项目进行了应用开发,实际应用结果表明:该系统能够满足某型空空导弹的舵机性能测试要求,与以往仅利用集成板卡组建的测试系统相比具有更高的测试精度,并且具备了通用性特点,提高了设备可复用性.  相似文献   

随着国际互联网技术的日益成熟,网络营销在我国市场经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。该文主要分析了网络营销在当代市场经济中的作用,探讨了网络营销所面临的两类安全问题,并分别对症下药,提出相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

高等学校完美师生关系是指教师和学生之间的关系达到了完美的境界,从而表现出和谐、个性、自由、超越等特征的师生关系.完美的师生关系可以激发学生的学习积极性、提高学生的学习效率,陶冶学生的情操、引导学生走向正确的生活方向,促进完美人格的形成.目前,高等学校存在师生关系日趋淡漠.学生没有敬畏感,教师没有神圣感等问题.因此,教师必须具有广博的科学知识、崇高的道德境界和高尚的情操,以此感染学生,陶冶学生的审美情操.完美的师生关系最重要的特征是和谐,是一种真诚的理解和信任的师生关系,依赖于一种和谐安全的课堂氛围.教师要努力为学生建立一种和谐民主的课堂氛围,使每个学生置身其中都能感到轻松和自然.  相似文献   

New Dirichlet and Neumann boundary-value problems for elliptic equations with conjugation conditions are considered and existence and uniqueness of their solutions are studied. High-precision discretization algorithms are constucted based on the classes of discontinuous admissible functions.  相似文献   

The performance of current automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems often deteriorates radically when the input speech is corrupted by various kinds of noise sources. Several methods have been proposed to improve ASR robustness over the last few decades. The related literature can be generally classified into two categories according to whether the methods are directly based on the feature domain or consider some specific statistical feature characteristics. In this paper, we present a polynomial regression approach that has the merit of directly characterizing the relationship between speech features and their corresponding distribution characteristics to compensate for noise interference. The proposed approach and a variant were thoroughly investigated and compared with a few existing noise robustness approaches. All experiments were conducted using the Aurora-2 database and task. The results show that our approaches achieve considerable word error rate reductions over the baseline system and are comparable to most of the conventional robustness approaches discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

电子商务中推荐系统存在的问题及其对策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
许敏  邱玉辉 《计算机科学》2001,28(4):122-124
0 引言电子商务系统随着Internet和WWW的发展而蓬勃兴起,1997年零售业的在线交易是20多亿美元,而预计到2001年有望达到170亿美元。电子商务的发展对推荐系统也提出了更高的要求,用于电子商务网站的推荐系统能实时地向顾客提供商品推荐服务,而推荐何种商品则往往取决于该商品的购买率、人口统计  相似文献   

FireWire决线或称IEEE-1394总线是一种新型的数字接口,它具有高速度、高性能、低价格等优点,将成为未来计算机、消费类电子产品及测试仪器的总线标准。本文介绍了FireWire总线及其特点,论述了其在测试仪器中的应用和前景。  相似文献   

利用脉冲YAG激光微加工方法,在三氧化二铝陶瓷基片上一面集成了RuO2加热器,另一面集成了四单元电极制备了纳米气敏传感器阵列.对阵列的加热特性、热响应、温度分布及气敏性能作了深入的探讨.阵列单元平均能耗低于500 mW、热响应速度小于20 s、平面温度梯度小于5℃/mm、能充分拾取气敏材料的气敏信息,阵列气敏性能稳定性、重现性好.研究表明激光微加工方法制作纳米气敏传感器阵列是一种可控性好、灵活、方便、廉价的制作方法.  相似文献   

大田抽样检测结果表明,山东花生田Cd含量为0.011~0.056mgkg-1,平均0.029mgkg-1,未超出农业部绿色食品产地土壤环境的质量标准。鲁西高于鲁东和鲁南,粘土高于壤土;烟台地区花生籽仁Cd含量为0.027~0.280mgkg-1,平均值(0.1048mgkg-1)超过了农业部对绿色食品花生籽仁的卫生要求。被测田块中超标的田块占37.5%,产品存在一定程度的Cd污染;砂壤土生产的花生Cd含量高于粘土,同一类型土壤花生籽仁中的Cd含量与土壤中的Cd含量无明显相关性,表明花生Cd污染受多种因素的影响;单项试验表明,在花生常用无机肥料中,花生籽仁Cd含量在一定范围内随施肥所带进土壤中Cd的增加而增加。  相似文献   

吕宙  陈国顺 《微计算机信息》2006,22(31):219-221
基于ActiveX的网络化虚拟仪器主要是针对基于B/S架构的网络化测试系统.通过将客户端封装在ActiveX组件中,使用时被客户端下载到本地运行,使得网络负载得到有效控制,解决了B/S架构的网络化测试系统测试实时性差的问题。  相似文献   

包得海 《电脑学习》2012,2(1):71-72,75
对近期的铁路旅客列车互联网售票系统出现故障的原因,从事务处理、数据库、数据接口与软件架构等方面进行了技术层面的分析,并且针对这些原因,对铁路旅客列车互联网售票系统进行优化提出了几点考虑,最后,总结了在软件开发过程中应该需要综合注意的一些因素。  相似文献   

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