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题名奋发努力刻苦钻研 记抚顺挖掘机厂技术员孙祖良 同志刻苦钻研业务的事迹期号期号 基础理论试谈双履带行走装置的转弯理 论和功率计算1页次(11)沙、声之引叫,人 r‘、1 13 16 17 2630nJ CO nO4月任4、、.尹‘、产46了‘、了‘、jl工,几、,/、且尹92119自了r、了f、冲匕尸O、少‘、产‘、产‘、产、、产‘、产、、少‘、产内了,1 OJ工勺6 IA玉O口了叮、了、了.、了‘、了气、了理、了.、了‘、1占2 20白2 4A﹃4、.了、、产、.产八匕自︸八卜9︺00,上Z‘、了‘、Z‘、51匕乃O、、声、.了︸n川noJ.土﹃11了‘、、了、、44、、.2、I产…  相似文献   

邯郸文化艺术中心在施工阶段采取了节能、节地、节水、节材以及环保等方面的有效措施,最大限度地节约了资源、保护了环境、减少了污染、缩短了工期并确保了施工质量,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

科学技术的日新月异发展,多媒体技术已经应用于学科教学之中,实现了教学内容的展示方式、教学方式、师生互动方式的变革,教学的表现形式形象化、多样化、可视化。多媒体技术和初中数学的整合与应用,促进了教学质量的提升:激发了兴趣、呈现了过程、揭示了规律、拓展了内容、扩充了信息、增加了容量、提高了效率。教师必须将多媒体技术应用于数学教学,实现多媒体技术与数学教学的有机整合。然而,多媒体技术不是灵丹妙药,有不足的地方。本文试就初中数学教学中多媒体技术应用的利与弊进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文鑫 《山东消防》2003,(10):48-48
8月25日至26日,公安部消防局在黑龙江省召开了部分省、区、市农村消防宣传教育现场观摩会议,东北三省和西北五省区及6个试点省区的有关负责人参加了会议。黑龙江省副省长王东华到会并讲了话。 会议听取了黑龙江、宁夏、浙江、贵州、广西、山东六省区的经验介绍,观看了汇报片光碟,实地参观了黑龙江绥化市闽江小区、双发村、和平村的农村消防工作、灭火演练及消防宣传进社区的文艺演出。会议同时召集了部分省、区、市总队负责人对农村防火工作进行了座谈调研,参观了黑龙江省科技馆的消防展区。 公安部消防局李世雄副局长对会议进行了总…  相似文献   

一、实行了以承包为核心的多种形式的经营责任制。二、实行了招标、投标制,初步改变了按行政系统分配施工任务的老办法。三、实行了固定工、合同工、临时工相结合的用工制度和按效益浮动的工资奖励制度,改变了单一用工制和按人头核定工资总额的办法。四、发展和扩大了集体所有制施工队伍,形成了全民、城填集体、农村建筑队三股力量并存的格局。  相似文献   

本文介绍了东莞百安中心设计方案,探讨了总平面布局、空间环境、造型等几个方面。重点从传统中国文化、民俗习惯等方面进行了阐述,剖析了造型节点、饰面装饰、转角入口等视觉中心,整合了构思、功能、空间、材料等诸多要素。  相似文献   

周永明 《山西建筑》2009,35(23):327-328
对沿线地质、自然、人文、环境进行了分析,从结构受力、经济、景观、施工方式等方面进行了论述,提出了长大干线桥式选择的比较方法,尤其对方案的可行性进行了研究,达到了预期的效果,解决了长大干线桥式选择的问题。  相似文献   

近年来,交通行业通过工业化改革,建立了内容完整、流程相对标准的铁路桥梁工程生产制造产业链条,形成了针对项目立项、启动、策划、设计、采购、施工、运维各环节的全过程管理体系,提高了管理效率、扩增了管理效用。目前,铁路桥梁工程进入到了高质量发展阶段,需要进一步提升全要素生产率。本文以此为出发点,概述了铁路桥梁工程高质量管理内涵,剖析了更新管理理念、升级管理技术、建设管理队伍的需求,并以此为基础提出了几点有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

在今时今日。女人们为了男色,已经发展到了口枪舌箭,甚有人打出手之势,典范如我们的杨二老师和柯老师。十足越来越女性化、敏感化、脆弱化、小鸟依人化的小男人们开始罩不住了。他们迷惘啊,因为他们不知道自己是该高兴还是忧伤,该嚣张还是彷徨……想昔日,面相再娇美都换不来大米的男人,终于开始被女人重视了、欣赏了、争抢了,他们也可以靠色相来平步青云、富贵发达了,他们也可以撒娇了、哀怨了,却又在一时间颓了、拧巴了、失落了,犹如丢了要命的传家宝。于是,他们迅速向长舌、鸡婆变异了。[编者按]  相似文献   

北京射击馆工程建设过程中,通过对绿色建筑施工的策划、实施,减少了场地干扰,保护了周边环境,节约了大量资源,实现了工程质量、安全、文明、效益、环境综合目标;通过对人、机、料、法、环的控制,实现了环境与建筑的和谐,建筑与人的和谐,人与社会的和谐,取得了显著的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

Results from the Swedish control programme regarding organochlorines in food were used to determine time trends of organochlorine concentrations in adipose tissues from swine (4-8 months old) and bovines (non-dairy, 12-36 months) slaughtered between 1991 and 1997. Moreover, possible regional differences in concentrations were studied, as well as differences in concentrations depending on sex and age of the slaughtered animals. Multiple linear regression indicated that the concentrations of PCB, p,p'-DDE, HCB and alpha-HCH decreased by 4-17% per year, suggesting that the decline in organochlorine concentrations in the Swedish environment and biota reported during the 1970s-1990s also has occurred in meat-producing animals during the 1990s. The concentrations of PCB, DDE and HCB in bovines and PCB and DDE in swine were 1.4-3.8-fold higher in the southern parts of Sweden than in the northern parts of the country, indicating a regional difference in exposure of the animals. The organochlorine concentrations were higher in bovines than in swine, and declined faster in swine than in bovines. Moreover, the concentrations of CB 153 and p,p'-DDE were similar in bovines, but in swine the average concentrations of the two compounds differed two-fold. Apart from possible species differences in metabolism of organochlorines, this may be due to differences in the age at slaughter between swine and bovines, and differences in husbandry of the animals. In the latter case, swine are generally kept inside during their whole life span, whereas bovines are kept outside grazing during the summer period. Finally, a sex-dependent difference in concentrations was indicated in swine, but not in bovines. Our study shows that a lot of information can be 'extracted' from control program results.  相似文献   

A circumpolar survey of heavy metals in willow ptarmigan liver and kidney revealed considerable variations in Cd content in Canada and Scandinavia. The Cd content in central Canada was comparable with that in Scandinavia and Russia, at least for kidney. However, in both liver and kidney the median for Canada as a whole was much higher than in the other countries. Some Canadian locations had exceptionally high levels, several birds having >50 mg kg(-1) in liver and >400 mg kg(-1) in kidney. In Norway, the Cd content was highest in central mountain areas in south Norway and inland locations in the two northernmost counties. Five locations in central and north Norway showed mean Cd levels in kidney above 100 mg kg(-1). It is difficult to evaluate regional differences in Sweden, but most locations had the same Cd level as moderately contaminated locations in Norway. Cd levels in Russia were comparable to moderately contaminated locations in the other countries. Due to a high intake of willow, naturally rich in Cd, direct comparison of the Cd level in willow ptarmigan from different locations cannot reveal the effects of long-range pollution. The Pb concentration in willow ptarmigan kidney and liver varied significantly in Norway and Canada, but not in Sweden and Russia. Levels in Sweden and Russia were comparable to those in Canada and low levels in Norway. The highest median value from all locations within countries was found in Norway, both in liver and kidney. The highest Pb content was found in south Norway, indicating an effect of long-range pollution in willow ptarmigan. The level in western Canada was significantly higher than in central Canada. The Hg content in liver varied significantly from one location to another in all the countries and in kidney everywhere except Sweden. In Scandinavia, there is no distinct regional pattern. Canada had a significantly higher Hg level in central than western regions in both tissues the opposite of that found for Cd and Pb. Cu and Zn showed significant variations from one location to another in liver and kidney in Canada and Norway, but only in kidney in samples from Sweden. Comparison between western and central Canada revealed a significant difference for Cu in liver, samples from central Canada having more. There are no significant differences from one country to another, but some localities in Canada seem to have higher Cu concentrations in kidney than are found in Scandinavia and Russia.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected from Midwestern streams in 1994-1995 and 1998 as part of a study to help determine if changes in herbicide use resulted in changes in herbicide concentrations since a previous reconnaissance study in 1989-1990. Sites were sampled during the first significant runoff period after the application of pre-emergent herbicides in 1989-1990, 1994-1995, and 1998. Samples were analyzed for selected herbicides, two atrazine metabolites, three cyanazine metabolites, and one alachlor metabolite. In the Midwestern USA, alachlor use was much greater in 1989 than in 1995, whereas acetochlor was not used in 1989 but was commonly used in 1995. The use of atrazine, cyanazine, and metolachlor was approximately the same in 1989 and 1995. The median concentrations of atrazine, alachlor, cyanazine, and metolachlor were substantially higher in 1989-1990 than in 1994-1995 or 1998. The median acetochlor concentration was higher in 1998 than in 1994 or 1995.  相似文献   

改善寒地高层住宅适居性的设计策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高层住宅在寒地的建设现状从规划、建设、环境等方面总结并分析其特有的适居问题 ,进而提出改善寒地高层住宅适居性的设计策略 :规划设计合理化、景观设计适宜化、交通设计室内化、构造设计节能化、套型设计精密化、装饰设计人性化。  相似文献   

岩石爆炸动力学的若干进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
 论述岩石爆炸动力学原理及其工程应用研究近年来的若干进展,主要内容包括爆炸空腔范围以及各类破坏区范围的理论确定方法,地下爆炸近区的“短波”和“弱波”理论,爆炸远区——弹性区的运动和力学参数以及地下爆炸时岩石破碎等理论研究成果。同时还介绍了实验室条件下均匀介质中爆炸效应的规律和地应力、裂隙、浅埋时等不均匀、不连续性影响因素的实验室模拟爆炸试验研究。在相关研究的基础上,给出实际岩体中的爆炸效应试验,包括近区破坏效应、远区地震效应、不可逆变形区以及地下爆炸和浅埋(抛掷和定向)爆炸中相似关系的最新成果。此外,简要介绍岩石爆炸动力学在不同领域中的工程应用,并就今后岩石爆炸动力学研究的展望阐述一点认识。  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺癌雌性激素受体(etrogen receptor,ER)、孕激素受体(pogesterone receptor,PgR)及人类表皮生长因子受体2(human epidermal growth factor receptor-2,HER-2)的表达与化疗疗效的关系。方法 46例女性晚期乳腺癌患者中,ER阴性(-)者(ER阴性组)14例,ER弱阳性(+)者8例、ER阳性(++)者5例、ER强阳性(+++)者5例(ER弱阳性+阳性+强阳性组),ER不详者(ER不详组)14例。PgR阴性(-)者(PgR阴性组)9例,PgR弱阳性(+)者10例、PgR阳性(++)者9例、PgR强阳性(+++)者4例(PgR弱阳性+阳性+强阳性组),PgR不详者(PgR不详组)14例。HER-2阴性(-)者(HER-2阴性组)8例,HER-2弱阳性者(+)6例、HER-2阳性(++)者9例、HER-2强阳性(+++)者6例(HER-2弱阳性+阳性+强阳性组),HER-2不详者(HER-2不详组)17例。46例患者分别采用泰素联合吡柔比星、多西他赛联合吡柔比星和多西他赛联合顺铂化疗。观察46例患者治疗后临床疗效及不良反应等情况。结果有43例可评价疗效者中,完全缓解(CR)4例,部分缓解(PR)21例,稳定SD(12)例,进展(PD)6例。ER弱阳性+阳性+强阳性组病例的有效率为55.6%,ER阴性组病例的有效率为41.7%;PgR弱阳性+阳性+强阳性组病例的有效率为50.0%,PgR阴性组病例的有效率为50.0%;HER-2弱阳性+阳性+强阳性组病例的有效率为50.0%,HER-2阴性组病例的有效率为42.9%。各弱阳性+阳性+强阳性组有效率与阴性组比较差异均无统计学意义(均P〉0.05)。Ⅲ-Ⅳ度的不良反应有:白细胞下降Ⅲ度5例,Ⅳ度3例;脱发Ⅲ度12例;恶心呕吐Ⅲ度9例。结论乳腺癌ER、PgR及HER-2不同表达的化疗疗效无明显差异。  相似文献   

樊帆  肖旦  王佑辉 《建筑经济》2016,(10):86-91
运用主成分分析法,对上海、芜湖和重庆2000~2013年的集体建设用地流转驱动因素进行分析,找出东、中、西部地区集体建设用地流转的驱动力差异:(1)相较于东部地区,城镇化率、固定资产投资、房地产投资对中西部地区的集体建设用地流转促进作用更大;(2)非农就业率对西部地区的集体建设用地流转促进作用最强,对东部地区较强,对中部地区相对较弱;(3)农民人均纯收入对东部地区的集体建设用地流转促进作用最强,对中部地区较强,对西部地区相对较弱。  相似文献   

Nineteen elements (Al, B, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sr, Ti, V and Zn) were analyzed in excavated bone (rib) of the Edo era (a Japanese historical era, 300-120 BP (before present] from different burial conditions in Tokyo, and in contemporary Japanese bone (rib) obtained from autopsy cases. The elemental composition of the excavated bones varied according to their burial conditions. The concentration of soil-related elements such as Fe, Mn, Co and Ti in the bone was lowest in the samples in the "wooden coffin in a stone room", next lowest in the "funeral urn with mud", and highest in the "wooden coffin full of mud". The Pb concentration was higher in excavated bones than in contemporary bones and much higher, by as much as several tens micrograms/g, in the bones in the "wooden coffin in a stone room" and in the "funeral urn with mud". These results strongly support the notion that Japanese in the city of Edo were highly polluted by environmental lead.  相似文献   

李晓芬  徐荣春 《矿产勘查》2011,(8):70-72,F0003
目的分析影像学检查对动脉瘤样骨囊肿的综合诊断价值。方法对32例经病理证实的动脉瘤样骨囊肿的影像学表现进行回顾性分析。32例均摄X线片,26例做CT扫描检查,8例做MRI检查。结果 26例发生在长管状骨,脊柱4例,扁骨2例。32例动脉瘤样骨囊肿主要表现为:1)膨胀性囊样骨质破坏:平片26例,CT 17例,MRI 8例;2)病灶周围骨硬化:平片15例,CT8例,MRI 2例;3)病灶内骨嵴:平片22例,CT 6例,MRI 4例;4)骨膜反应:平片2例;5)液-液平面:CT 7例,MRI 5例。结论动脉瘤样骨囊肿有一定特征性影像学表现,MRI及CT对本病诊断较平片有优势,综合影像学检查才能提高诊断符合率。  相似文献   

目的全面、客观地了解江西省市级健康教育所卫生服务能力水平,为卫生行政部门制定健康教育发展有关政策提供科学依据。方法采用普查方法。并对江西省8所市级健康教育所采用自制的调查问卷表进行调查;对各市级健康教育所卫生人力、房屋、设备装备、服务功能及收支情况等方面的相关数据先进行指标筛选,然后将指标指数化,计算分比。结合五类一级指标的经验权重系数,确定各指标权重,求得江西省8所市级健康教育所的加权秩和比,最后进行最佳分档归类。结果江西省8所市级健康教育所各指标综合指数最高的分别为南昌市X9、九江市和宜春市X7、上饶市X17、赣州市X13、萍乡市X1、新余市X20、鹰潭市X14。21项二级指标中X3指标得分最高,其分比值、权重系数也最高。秩次和加权秩和比结果显示:鹰潭市得分最高,RSRW为0.708;萍乡市得分最低,RSRW为0.311。归档结果显示:九江市和鹰潭市健康教育所卫生服务效果为优,南昌市、上饶市、宜春市、赣州市、新余市健康教育所卫生服务效果为良,萍乡市健康教育所卫生服务效果为差。结论运用加权秩和比法能够较为全面、科学地反映健康教育所卫生服务水平。  相似文献   

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