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Hydrological models have been used in many places of the world in order to support practitioners with respect to watershed management actions. The goal of this research was to apply the Lavras Simulation of Hydrology (LASH model) to a Brazilian tropical watershed dominated by Oxisols, to estimate maximum, minimum and mean stream flows for both current land-use (“scenario 1”) and other regional trend land-use scenarios (“scenario 2”—pasture into eucalyptus; and “scenario 3”—eucalyptus into pasture). This model is a continuous, distributed and semi-conceptual model for simulation of different hydrological components on a daily basis. The model had a good performance with respect to the “scenario 1”, resulting in Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients equal to 0.81, 0.82 and 0.98 for minimum, maximum and mean discharges, respectively. When “scenario 2” was simulated, it was found that minimum, mean and maximum stream flows had their values reduced in average by 7.39 %, 13.84 % and 20.38 %, respectively. On the contrary, it was observed in “scenario 3” an increase in average by 0.23 %, 0.44 % and 1.19 % for minimum, mean and maximum stream flows, respectively. With respect to water yield, scenario 2 resulted in a mean reduction of 119 mm, whereas for scenario 3 the difference was not so pronounced in relation to the current land use. Results obtained in scenario 2 are troublesome since this watershed drains into an important regional Hydroelectric Power Plant Reservoir and this approach needs to be considered by the Minas Gerais State electric energy company for its planning strategies for the future.  相似文献   

采用黄土丘陵沟壑区耤河流域1962—2008年逐日水文气象数据,基于GIS空间分析功能建立空间和属性数据库,利用SWAT模型对该流域过去47 a的径流变化过程进行了模拟与验证。结果表明:对于年、月尺度径流的校准与验证,模拟值和实测值变化趋势保持一致,但模拟值总体上均偏大;校准期年均流量模拟值的相对误差、与实测值的复相关系数、效率系数分别为15.3%、0.638、0.720,验证期分别为26.0%、0.569、0.511,可见验证期的模拟效果不如校准期的;月均流量也有类似的模拟效果,但不如年均流量模拟效果好。  相似文献   

为了分析上下游区域水量分布特征,以临沂流域为研究区,结合流域水量平衡分析理论,构建了临沂流域分布式水文模型SWAT,进行了临沂流域产水模拟.在此基础上,给出临沂流域上下游区域水量时空分布图,并结合临沂上下游流域经济发展及用水情况,分析了临沂流域上下游区域的水资源分布及供需状况.研究结果表明:对于半干旱区中尺度流域采用多站点多时段多要素的率定方法,能够提高SWAT模型的模拟效率;临沂流域上下游水资源均较丰富,能够满足工农业生产和人们生活需要;临沂流域水量在时空分布上极不均匀,容易发生旱涝灾害,应加强水利设施建设.  相似文献   

Already declining water availability in Huaihe River, the 6th largest river in China, is further stressed by climate change and intense human activities. There is a pressing need for a watershed model to better understand the interaction between land use activities and hydrologic processes and to support sustainable water use planning. In this study, we evaluated the performance of SWAT for hydrologic modeling in the Xixian River Basin, located at the headwaters of the Huaihe River, and compared its performance with the Xinanjiang (XAJ) model that has been widely used in China. Due to the lack of publicly available data, emphasis has been put on geospatial data collection and processing, especially on developing land use-land cover maps for the study area based on ground-truth information sampling. Ten-year daily runoff data (1987?C1996) from four stream stations were used to calibrate SWAT and XAJ. Daily runoff data from the same four stations were applied to validate model performance from 1997 to 2005. The results show that both SWAT and XAJ perform well in the Xixian River Basin, with percentage of bias (PBIAS) less than 15%, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) larger than 0.69 and coefficient of determination (R2) larger than 0.72 for both calibration and validation periods at the four stream stations. Both SWAT and XAJ can reasonably simulate surface runoff and baseflow contributions. Comparison between SWAT and XAJ shows that model performances are comparable for hydrologic modeling. For the purposes of flood forecasting and runoff simulation, XAJ requires minimum input data preparation and is preferred to SWAT. The complex, processes-based SWAT can simultaneously simulate water quantity and quality and evaluate the effects of land use change and human activities, which makes it preferable for sustainable water resource management in the Xixian watershed where agricultural activities are intensive.  相似文献   

SWAT模型在流域LUCC水文效应研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)的水文效应是GLP研究的热点。分布式水文模型SWAT是目前被广泛应用于LUCC水文效应研究的水文模型之一。论文首先概述了SWAT模型的发展历程和最新版本SWAT 2005的功能,其次就模型在不同土地覆被条件下水文效应应用中的几个方面进行了总结和分析:流域径流模拟,区域水量平衡分析和非点源污染的模拟及其对BMP评价研究的贡献。最后,归纳探讨模型应用中存在的一些问题,通过合理的情境设计以及关键参数的实测等方法,可以实现模型在流域LUCC水文效应研究中的高效应用。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖导致森林火险天气增加,森林火灾的发生机率有上升的趋势,因此,森林流域的防灾减灾与灾后重建问题的研究值得重视。森林火灾通过影响植被、地表枯落物、土壤及生态环境等影响流域水文过程的各个环节,森林火灾的水文效应受到国内外学者的广泛关注。文章从森林火灾对降水截留、土壤水文特性、流域蒸散发和径流量等方面分析了森林火灾对流域水循环影响的国内外研究进展。同时指出,由于森林火灾的空间异质性导致火烧对流域水循环各分量的影响程度不同,未来分析森林火灾对流域水文过程的影响时应考虑植被类型、火的类型及火烧的严重程度等因素。  相似文献   

Land use and land cover (LULC) change within a watershed is recognized as an important factor affecting hydrological processes and water resources. Modeling the hydrological effects of land-use change is important not only for after-the-fact analyses, but also for understanding and predicting the potential hydrological consequences of existing land-use practices. The main aim of the study is to understand and quantify the hydrological processes in a rapid urbanization region. The SWAT model and the Qinhuai River basin, one of the most rapidly urbanizing regions in China were selected to perform the study. In the study, a varied parameterization strategy was developed by establishing regression equations with selected SWAT parameters as dependent variables and catchment impermeable area as independent variable. The performance of the newly developed varied parameterization approach was compared with the conventional fixed parameterization approach in simulating the hydrological processes under LULC changes. The results showed that the model simulation with varied parameterization approach has a large improvement over the conventional fixed parameterization approach in terms of both long-term water balance and flood events simulations. The proposed modeling approach could provide an essential reference for the study of assessing the impact of LULC changes on hydrology in other regions.  相似文献   

栅格型分布式流域水文模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于地貌形成理论,充分考虑了流域内地形、植被、土壤、土壤水分等因素对流域蓄水容量空间分布的影响,提出了蓄水容量空间分布模型及建模方法,在此基础上,结合垂直混合产流机制,建立了概念性分布式流域水文模型。项目研究应用RS和GIS,是对传统水文模型改进的创新尝试,同时指出建立基于RS和GIS的耦合水文模型是未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

针对新疆叶尔羌河山区融雪径流的产汇流特点,运用分布式水文模型SWAT对其径流进行研究,结合遥感信息数据获取研究区的冰雪覆盖信息,收集研究区分辨率为1 km×1 km土地利用数据、DEM数据以及土壤数据并建立模型地理信息数据库,基于叶尔羌河卡群站1998—2012年月气象、水文观测数据,建立适合于研究区的SWAT分布式融雪径流模型,模拟了研究区1998—2012年的月径流,进而基于径流模拟结果,通过设定不同气候变化情景(假定气温±2℃,降水量变化±10%),定量分析不同气候变化情景下对研究区融雪径流的影响。结果表明:模型适合于研究区的融雪径流模拟,模型参数率定期和验证期年径流模拟相对误差均在10%以内,确定性系数均达到0.8,满足研究区的融雪径流模拟精度要求;气温升高2℃,融雪径流受积雪融化变化影响,将有所增加;降水量的增加(减少)将直接导致融雪径流量的增加(减少)。  相似文献   

分布式流域水文模型研究中的几个问题   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
指出数值计算、GIS、雷达测雨和卫星云图等技术的进步为分布式流域水文模型的发展及实际应用提供了条件 .论述分布式流域水文模型的结构有概念性和具有物理基础之分 ,也有耦合式和非耦合式之分 .为了确定分布式流域水文模型的参数 ,对现有几种建立产汇流参数与自然地理因子之间的理论关系的途径进行了初步分析 .  相似文献   

基于 HSPF 的东江分布式水文模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对东江流域,在基于 HSPF 水文模型的基础上,构建了东江流域分布式水文模型。详细介绍了 HSPF 分布式水文模型构建的原理、模型数据准备、模型构建以及模型验证过程。从气象分布变异的角度出发,将东江流域划分成 51 个子流域,从物理分布变异的角度出发,将东江流域的土地利用类型与土壤类型和坡向重新叠置成 29 种特征类型的下垫面。通过模型的模拟效果来看,两校准站(河源站和博罗站)的相对误差均小于 15% ,NASH 系数都在 0.9 以上,模拟效果良好。  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Calibration is one of the most important steps of hydrological modeling and applications. Observed data availability and model parameterization are two important...  相似文献   

Gan  Rong  Chen  Changzheng  Tao  Jie  Shi  Yongqiang 《Water Resources Management》2021,35(6):1817-1835
Water Resources Management - The construction and operation of sluices and dams inevitably change the natural state of river hydrology and have an impact on river ecosystems. Therefore, simulating...  相似文献   

怀沙河是北台上水库入库河流,作为北京市应急水源,其水文情势对首都供水保障有重要影响。运用NAM模型构建了怀沙河降雨-径流过程模型,对模型参数进行了率定,模拟结果和实测流量过程能够较好的吻合,模拟精度纳西效率系数为0.642。利用该模型对怀沙河流域局地暴雨洪水过程及洪水的淹没分布情况进行分析后认为,流域出口处的最大流量是30.8m3/s,与西沟水文站观测的最大流量31.0m3/s比较接近。  相似文献   

Inapplicability of state of the art hydrological models due to scarce data motivates the need for a modeling approach that can be well constrained to available data and still model the dominant processes. Such an approach requires embedded model relationships to be simple and parsimonious in parameters for robust model selection. Simplicity in functional relationship is also important from water management point of view if these models are to be coupled with economic system models for meaningful policy assessment. We propose a similar approach, but rather than selecting (through calibration) processes from a set of processes predefined in terms of functionalities or modules, we model already known dominant processes in dryland areas (evaporation, Hortonian overland flows, transmission loses and subsurface flows) in a simple manner by explicitly programming them as constraints and obtain parameters by minimizing a performance based objective function. Such use of mathematical programming allows flexible model calibration and simulation in terms of available data and constraints. The model results of the approach are however not perfect given its infancy. Nonetheless its imperfections can guide us to further improvements, in particular with regards to model structure improvement.  相似文献   

山美水库集水区植被恢复效应的SWAT模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
库区流域水土流失是水库淤积的主要因素.应用基于SWAT构建的晋江东溪流域产流产沙模型,在对东溪上游山美水库集水区内的土壤侵蚀空间分布,以及不同土地利用方式的水土流失状况进行分析的基础上,模拟了库区不同植被恢复情景下的水文效应.结果表明,山美水库泥沙主要来自桃溪,研究区土壤侵蚀以微度和轻度侵蚀为主,耕地的土壤侵蚀最为严重;退耕还林还草减沙效果明显.  相似文献   

A real-time autoregressive updating model is proposed in this study to forecast the flow in a watershed. The model has two components: (1) Finite Element-Event based distributed rainfall runoff model for runoff simulation and (2) Autoregressive model for updating the error forecast. The efficiency of the runoff updating model depends on the accuracy of the rainfall. Forecasting plays a major role in view of the lead time. In the present study, forecasting is carried out with a lead period of 1 to 3 h. The performance of the integrated model is tested using Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (E) and correlation coefficient (r). The integrated model is applied for Banha, Harsul and Khadakohol watersheds in India. From the results, it can be concluded that the developed model is efficient in flow forecasting on real-time basis in the watersheds.  相似文献   

Distributed hydrological models should pass through a careful calibration procedure backed by sensitivity, uncertainty and predictive analysis before they are utilized as a decision making aid in watershed management and scenario studies. This paper examines whether the uncertainty of the parameters of the spatially distributed hydrologic model WetSpa causes significant uncertainty in the model predictions. The WetSpa model is applied to the Torysa river basin, a rather large catchment located in Slovakia. Parameter estimation, sensitivity and predictive analysis of the model parameters are performed using a model-independent parameter estimator, PEST. It is found that the correction factor for measured evaporation data has the highest relative sensitivity. Parameter uncertainty and predictive analysis give an insight of a proper parameter set and parameter uncertainty intervals and prove that the parameter uncertainty of the model does not result in a significant level of predictive uncertainty.  相似文献   

SWAT模型在白莲河流域径流模拟中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合GIS与RS技术的分布式水文模型已成为当今水文界研究的重点。从气象与水文水资源学科交叉的角度对SWAT分布式水文模型进行研究,并将其应用于白莲河流域,以此探讨该模型在中小流域的适用性。模拟结果表明,SWAT模型能够较好地模拟白莲河流域日径流过程,具有一定适用性。  相似文献   

流域水文模型的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了产汇流理论及流域水文模型的发展历程.简要介绍了流域水文模型的分类和分布式流域水文模型的思路及优点.对现有模型在模型结构、资料需求及水文时空尺度等方面的不足进行了分析总结,对流域水文模型的未来发展作出展望:分布式水文物理模型将成为水文模型发展的新趋势,在模型建立的物理基础、资料获取技术等方面的研究会有新的进展.  相似文献   

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