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In this paper, we present the results of a study of the temporal 3D characteristics of earthquake ground motion at a single point, which are a completely different set from the frequently used spatial 3D characteristics. A ground motion trajectory from the 1995 Kobe earthquake is analyzed, based on the concept of temporal curvature and torsion. Kinematic turning and twisting of the ground motion are found to have occurred in the form of temporal curvature and torsion pulses. These pulses have typical durations of 100 or 20 ms, respectively. These two types of pulses offer some detailed characterization of the ground acceleration behaviors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the implications of ground motion spatial variability on the seismic response of an extended highway bridge. An existing 59-span, 2,164-meter bridge with several bearing types and irregularity features was selected as a reference structure. The bridge is located in the New Madrid Seismic Zone and supported on thick layers of soil deposits. Site-specific bedrock input ground motions were selected based on a refined probabilistic seismic hazard analysis of the bridge site. Wave passage and ground motion incoherency effects were accounted for after propagating the bedrock records to the ground surface. The results obtained from inelastic response-history analyses confirm the significant impact of wave passage and ground motion incoherency on the seismic behavior of the bridge. The amplification in seismic demands exceeds 150%, whereas the maximum suppression of these demands is less than 50%. The irregular and unpredictable changes in structural response owing to asynchronous earthquake records necessitate in-depth seismic assessment of major highway bridges with advanced modeling techniques to realistically capture their complex seismic response.  相似文献   

The response spectrum method of analysis for suspension bridges subjected to multicomponent, partially correlated stationary ground motion is presented. The analysis is based on the relationship between the power spectral density function and the response spectrum of the input ground motion and fundamentals of the frequency domain spectral analysis. The analysis duly takes into account the spatial correlation of ground motions between the supports, the quasi-static component of the response, and the modal correlation between different modes of vibration. A suspension bridge is analyzed under a set of important parametric variations in order to (1) compare between the responses obtained by the response spectrum method of analysis and the frequency domain spectral analysis; and (2) investigate the behavior of suspension bridges under seismic excitation. The parameters include the spatial correlation of ground motion, the angle of incidence of the earthquake, the ratio between the three components of ground motion, the number and nature of modes considered in the analysis, and the nature of the power spectral density function of ground motion. It is shown that the response spectrum method of analysis provides a fair estimate of responses under parametric variations considered in the study.  相似文献   

This paper describes a continued study on three-dimensional temporal characteristics of earthquake ground motions at a single point. Based on an instantaneous tangential and normal acceleration decomposition of ground acceleration trajectory, a ground motion can be partitioned into a finite sequence of staggered time intervals of acceleration and deceleration. A formulation is developed to estimate speed and angular changes over a partitioned interval in terms of rates of positive and negative tangential and normal acceleration. Based on these concepts, general ground motion properties, peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and peak ground displacement are examined. Several Northridge earthquake records are studied in detail. It is found that the highest peak of ground acceleration in these records corresponds to a high peak of deceleration, and a velocity maximum often precedes the peak of acceleration.  相似文献   

Soil constitutive models are frequently calibrated from laboratory tests that utilize global boundary measurements, which necessarily relegate soil response to that of a homogenized equivalent medium. This paper demonstrates the applicability of advanced experimental technologies to enhance the state of model-based predictions in soil mechanics by taking into account the possibility of material heterogeneity during model calibration. By utilizing the full-field displacement measurement technique of three-dimensional digital image correlation, displacements of the surfaces of deforming triaxial sand specimens are measured throughout deformation. These displacements are assimilated into finite-element (FE) models of the test specimen through solution of an inverse problem. During optimization, in which the difference between measured and predicted displacements across the specimen surface form the basis for the objective function, model parameters are allowed to vary spatially throughout the specimen volume. FE models allowing three different levels of spatial variability are tested. Results indicate that accommodating consideration of material heterogeneity during calibration leads to more accurate predictions of global stress-strain behavior that are more faithful to observed full-field response.  相似文献   

Earth Dam with Toe Drain on an Impervious Base   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The required height of a toe drain for a homogeneous earth dam on an impervious base has been determined considering reservoir water level, capillary rise for the embankment soil, free board, top width of the earth dam, embankment slopes, and tail-water position, such that the surface of seepage does not develop on the downstream sloping face of the earth dam and capillary saturation above phreatic line is contained well within the downstream sloping face. Using Kozeny’s analytic function, exact solution to the unconfined flow through an earth dam having parabolic equipotential boundaries on either side has been obtained. For straight toe drain face, and for various positions of tailwater, approximate toe drain heights and heights of surface of seepage have been determined using the Kozeny’s function and the method of fragments. It has been found that for an earth dam with 1/2 upstream slope, ?1/3 downstream slope, no tailwater, and 2?m capillary rise, capillary saturation is contained within the earth dam and the phreatic line is prevented from emerging on the downstream sloping face by providing a toe drain of height equal to 1/3 of the height of water level in the reservoir.  相似文献   

The undrained stress–deformation behavior of clays is significantly affected by the loading rate. Based on the observed experimental response, it is possible to model the strain rate response of clays as an apparent overconsolidated clay response. In this work, we have quantitatively determined the change in the overconsolidation ratio (OCR) due to a change in the strain rate. Our results show that the shear strength response and the excess pore water pressure response at the peak stress provide quantitatively similar magnitudes of change in the OCR with increasing strain rate. This finding holds true for both normally and overconsolidated clays. This suggests that the relationship between strain rate and change in the OCR can be considered as an inherent material characteristic and is quantifiable. A relationship between the change in the OCR and change in the strain rate is described.  相似文献   

Predicting the Behavior of an Earth and Rockfill Dam under Construction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an application of a coupled hydromechanical formulation for compacted and rockfill materials to simulate the construction and impoundment of a zoned earth dam. The constitutive relation used to model the mechanical behavior of the shoulder, filter and core materials is the Barcelona Basic Model for unsaturated materials. The hydraulic behavior of dam materials requires the specification of their water retention characteristics and their permeabilities, which will be expressed as a function of porosity and degree of saturation. The model was used in the design stage of Lechago’s dam (Teruel, Spain), currently under construction. Soil parameters were obtained by laboratory tests performed on materials to be used in the dam. The step-by-step construction (following the sequence construction of nine horizontal layers, besides the downstream preloading layers) and subsequent impounding of the reservoir was simulated in a prediction exercise, which will be hopefully confronted with actual construction measurements in the near future. A parametric study was also performed to evaluate the effects of the compaction water content of the core material on the behavior of the dam.  相似文献   

Traditional sensors, such as accelerometers and displacement transducers, are widely used in laboratory and field experiments in earthquake engineering to measure the motions of both structural and nonstructural components. Such sensors, however, must be physically attached to the structure and require cumbersome cabling and configurations and substantial time for setup. For reduced-scale experiments, these conventional sensors may substantially alter the dynamic properties of the system by changing the mass, stiffness, and damping properties of the specimen. Moreover, it is very difficult with traditional sensors to capture the three-dimensional motions of light or oddly shaped components such as microscopes, computers,?or other building contents. In this paper, the methodology of light-based motion tracking is applied to the measurement of the three-dimensional motions of various types of equipment and building contents commonly found in biological and chemical science laboratories. The system is comprised of six high-speed, high-resolution charge-coupled-device (CCD) cameras outfitted with a cluster of red-light emitting diodes (LEDs). Retroreflective (passive) spherical markers discretely located in a scene are tracked in time and used to describe the behavior of various types of equipment and contents subjected to a range of earthquake motions. Results from this study show that the nonintrusive, light-based approach is extremely promising in terms of its ability to capture relative displacements in three orthogonal directions and complementary rotations.  相似文献   

The physical uncertainty associated with fiber-reinforced polymer composites has to be quantified and dealt with for their widespread use to be reliable. Developing probabilistic models based on experimental studies form an important part of this task. In the present paper, such models are developed for glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites based on an experimental study on panels obtained from Mondial House, a 32?year old building demolished in 2006 in London. Having an average size of 1.5?m×1.7?m and made of chopped strand mat composites, these panels have been exposed to varying ambient conditions, protected only by a fire retardant gel coat for self-cleaning. Tensile and compressive tests are performed to quantify the variability in stiffness and strength properties of these panels. Intra- and interpanel effects and correlations between random variables are studied using statistical methods. A range of probability distributions is tested and suggestions are made with regard to their suitability for modeling different mechanical and geometric properties.  相似文献   

地震引起的深层地下水位异常具有多样性和复杂性的特点.为了进一步探索深层地下水位动态与地震作用过程之间的联系机制,发挥深层地下水位对地震活动的指示作用,以2008年汶川Ms8.0地震和2007年苏门答腊Ms8.5地震为研究背景,对川、滇、陕、甘、渝地区井水位对两次地震的响应特征进行了比较.研究发现:地下水位远震响应形态主要以振荡型和阶变型为主,异常出现的时间较晚;地下水位近震响应形态比较复杂,以阶变型、脉冲型以及振荡型为主,异常出现的时间几乎与地震的发生同步.根据深层地下水位对地壳应力的响应机理,分析了各典型井水位对远震和近震不同响应的原因.结果表明:地下水位对远震的响应主要是由于含水层介质受到地震波应力的作用;对近震异常响应原因比较复杂,主要是含水层介质受到区城构造应力和地震波应力的共同作用的结果,震中距越小,含水层受到震源构造应力场的控制作用越大.  相似文献   

In this study, the seismic response of a scale-model, base-isolated, multistory structure is numerically investigated. At the isolation level, the structure is equipped with isolation bearings combined with adaptive (semiactive) fluid dampers. The behavior of the dampers is controlled according to an H∞ optimal feedback control algorithm which utilizes a fuzzy logic approach to establish weighting functions. Numerical simulations are performed to evaluate the dynamic response of the isolated test structure when different damping mechanisms (passive, semiactive, or active) are incorporated within the isolation system. The numerical simulations indicate that, in comparison to an isolation system with high passive damping, an isolation system with semiactive damping can be effective in simultaneously controlling the response of the structure while limiting the isolation system response.  相似文献   

The problem of calculating the second moment characteristics of the response of a general class of nonconservative linear distributed parameter systems with stochastically varying surface roughness, excited by a moving concentrated load, is investigated. The surface roughness is modeled as spatial Gaussian, stationary colored noise. The resulting initial/boundary value problem is transformed by eigenfunction expansion into the modal state space, where the second moment characteristics of the response are determined by direct integration using a Runge-Kutta method.  相似文献   

This study examines the rationale of Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) for analyzing dynamic and earthquake motion recordings in studies of seismology and engineering. In particular, this paper first provides the fundamentals of the HHT method, which consist of the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and the Hilbert spectral analysis. It then uses the HHT to analyze recordings of hypothetical and real wave motion, the results of which are compared with the results obtained by the Fourier data processing technique. The analysis of the two recordings indicates that the HHT method is able to extract some motion characteristics useful in studies of seismology and engineering, which might not be exposed effectively and efficiently by Fourier data processing technique. Specifically, the study indicates that the decomposed components in EMD of HHT, namely, the intrinsic mode function (IMF) components, contain observable, physical information inherent to the original data. It also shows that the grouped IMF components, namely, the EMD-based low- and high-frequency components, can faithfully capture low-frequency pulse-like as well as high-frequency wave signals. Finally, the study illustrates that the HHT-based Hilbert spectra are able to reveal the temporal-frequency energy distribution for motion recordings precisely and clearly.  相似文献   

A minor slide occurred in the downstream face of an earth dam. Initial observations and limited optical survey data suggested the failure was shallow, but continued measurements from inclinometers in the embankment and survey monuments, as well as visual observations of deformation patterns, revealed a more extensive and severe failure located in the underlying weathered claystone foundation. Deep inclinometers were installed, and inclinometer readings indicated that approximately 1 cm per day of movement was occurring along a very discrete zone in the foundation. Horizontal survey measurements confirmed this displacement, and an emergency soil buttress was constructed at the toe of the dam to reduce movement. The residual strength along the slip surface was estimated by back analysis of the sliding block, assuming a safety factor of 1.0 and incorporating end restraint to assess the lower-bound residual strength. The remediation scheme included installation of an internal drainage system and a soil buttress. Postconstruction monitoring shows that the dam is continuing to move at a decreasing rate and is apparently approaching static equilibrium.  相似文献   

Based on observed damage patterns from previous earthquakes and a rich history of analytical studies, asynchronous input motion has been identified as a major source of unfavorable response for long-span structures, such as bridges. This study is aimed at quantifying the effect of geometric incoherence and wave arrival delay on complex straight and curved bridges using state-of-the-art methodologies and tools. Using fully parametrized computer codes combining expert geotechnical and earthquake structural engineering knowledge, suites of asynchronous accelerograms are produced for use in inelastic dynamic analysis of the bridge model. Two multi-degree-of-freedom analytical models are analyzed using 2,000 unique synthetic accelerograms with results showing significant response amplification due to asynchronous input motion, demonstrating the importance of considering asynchronous seismic input in complex, irregular bridge design. The paper, Part 1 of a two-paper investigation, presents the development of the input motion sets and the modeling and analysis approach employed, concluding with sample results. Detailed results and implications on seismic assessment are presented in the companion paper: Effect of Asynchronous Motion on Complex Bridges. Part II: Results and Implications on Assessment.  相似文献   

A major element in the design and construction of tunnels and braced excavations in urban areas is the control of ground movements and protection of adjacent or overlying structures, which are often constructed with masonry and set on shallow foundations. Initial evaluation of potential building damage is obtained by assuming that building distortion is compliant with the imposed ground movements. Further investigations take into consideration the reduction in building distortion that occurs as a result of building stiffness. Presented in this paper are the results of numerical analyses for evaluating the equivalent bending and shear stiffness of masonry structures taking into account the anisotropy of the masonry units and the percentage of window openings. The distinct element code, UDEC, has been used to model each masonry block and the mortar between blocks for masonry walls in plane stress conditions. Parametric studies, conducted for a range of window opening percentage and brick/mortar joint stiffness, show that the equivalent shear stiffness for buildings with windows are low, typically in the range of 1/10–1/20 of the equivalent bending stiffness. Thus, for most masonry buildings, the shear deformation is dominant for a building subjected to excavation-induced ground movements. Equivalent bending and shear stiffness evaluated by the numerical analyses is compared with field data and analytical calculations, which may be available only for the case of no window openings.  相似文献   

A two-story, steel moment frame building that was severely damaged during the Northridge earthquake (1994) is studied in detail. Immediately following the earthquake, the building was judged unsafe for occupancy due to a residual displacement of 7.6 cm (3 in.) in the first story. Opening of the exterior facade revealed severe cracking in the moment connections. All connections contained cracks that started in the weld at the bottom flange of the beam and propagated across the column flange and into the column panel zone. Four welded, beam-to-column, moment connections were taken from the building for additional cyclic testing under controlled conditions in the laboratory to evaluate their residual strength and deformation capacity. Results indicate that the badly damaged specimens still have significant residual strength and deformation capacity. All damaged specimens were tested to 3% rotation.  相似文献   

A computational method is derived to characterize the energy in inelastic structures and the transfer among various energy forms over the duration of an earthquake. This computational method is based on the force analogy method, which uses a change in displacement field to represent the inelastic behavior of structure instead of the traditional method of changing stiffness. The evaluation of plastic energy due to inelastic deformation in the structure becomes very simple using the force analogy method, where the accumulation of plastic energy due to plastic rotations is exactly equal to the elastic moment multiplied by the change in plastic rotations. In addition, this plastic energy formula can be used for any material with predefined stress–strain relationship, and therefore the transfer of energy among various forms can be calculated at any specific time. Once the energy equation is derived, numerical analyses are performed on a single degree of freedom system to study the characteristics of energy transfer. This is then extended to study the transfer of energy among various forms in a multidegree of freedom system. These two studies show that the analytically derived equation for plastic energy is accurate in studying the structural energy response due to earthquake excitations.  相似文献   

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