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Features of software for metrological purposes are noted. Standard documents for international and regional organizations and national standard documents for certification of measurement provision software are analysed. The main stages and results of certification are considered. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 4. pp. 12–17, April, 2007.  相似文献   

The problems and current status of the metrological support and certification of sensors are reviewed.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 11, pp. 3–8, November, 1993.  相似文献   

6月10日,中国信息安全认证中心向国家信息中心等18家从事风险评估的企事业单位颁发了一、二级资质认证证书。据悉,这是我国首次在信息安全风险评估领域开展服务资质认证工作。近年来,随着我国信息化程度的不断提高,政府部门、企事业单位对信息系统的依赖程度日益增强,信息安全风  相似文献   

This paper defines the potential contribution of quality assurance activities in the context of companies' economic needs, which were derived through managers' opinions regarding possible ways for increasing the operating profit of their companies. From it emerges a desired expansion of the traditional quality tasks towards an integrative economically oriented system. This idealized approach, providing an economic link between the quality of design and the quality of conformance is illustrated by many Japanese industries. The data was based on the sample of Israeli electric and electronic industries described in Part 1.  相似文献   

经过两年多的努力, "国家重点领域认证认可推进工程"设置的"信息安全产品认证关键技术研究"课题,研究了信息安全产品和服务能力认证关键技术及国内外目前信息安全认证实施制度,完成了安全隔离与信息交换产品和数据备份与恢复产品两种产品、信息安全系统集成和信息安全应急响应服务两种服务的服务能力认证和评价方法研究,形成了6份研究报告和6份调研支撑报告,研究制定了5项国家标准草案建议(正式颁布1项,获立项3项),开发了4套认证基准库、1套信息安全产品认证管理工具和1套信息安全服务认证管理工具,发表研究论文6篇,圆满完成了课题预期研究目标,本文主要针对信息安全认证实施策略、信息安全产品与服务能力认证关键技术、认证基准库与管理工具系统等研究成果进行阐述.  相似文献   

The article considers a methodology for application of the mathematical theory of experiments to the design of multifactor tests for mathematical and metrological certification of software for statistical data processing.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 6, pp. 9–13, June, 1995.  相似文献   

晶体硅光伏组件的失效通常分为三类:早期失效、随机失效、耗损失效。光伏组件认证测试所评定的失效是早期失效,通常情况下,该失效概率在组件制成后最大,以后随着时间的推移逐步减小。光伏组件早期失效中耐候性测试失败的比例较高,其中:湿-热试验,约占到总失效次数的42%;热循环试验  相似文献   

Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 3, pp. 26–29, March, 1990.  相似文献   

Gone are the days of exclusive access to esoteric patent information databases or rummaging through a classification box of patent publications in order to identify prior art. Patent information is now widely and freely available to all. Although the availability of patent information will likely facilitate future innovation, the access is resulting in a wide range of skills and competencies among those who search and interpret patent information. The time has come to standardise these skills and to devise a certification scheme so that the art of patent searching and analysis is entrenched as a profession for many years to come. This article reviews the progress towards such a scheme, and explains the current PIUG proposal, a key element of which is a three tiered examination structure.  相似文献   

肖文 《认证技术》2010,(2):26-26
近日,"信息安全认证认可发展战略报告会暨特邀顾问聘书颁发仪式"在北京举行,国家认监委主任孙大伟出席会议并向担任顾问的专家颁发聘书。此次受聘担任国家信息安全认证特邀顾问的有国务院参事、中国工程院院士、知名学者和管理专家共16人,均是我国信息安全界、认证认可界的权威人士。这支专家顾问队伍的建立,将为我国信息安全认证的科学决策提供重要的智力  相似文献   

Questions related to metrological assurance of tests of hydrocarbon gas products in the Russian Federation are considered. Drawbacks in the existing system of metrological assurance, in particular, the lack of a differential approach to types of hydrocarbon gases that differ in terms of composition, expressed both in regulatory documents as well as in the existing base of standard samples of composition, are noted.  相似文献   

国家信息安全产品认证是信息安全产品领域的国家级产品认证,2008年1月,国家质检总局和国家认监委联合发布了《关于部分信息安全产品实施强制性认证的公告》,规定从2009年5月1日起,对8大类、13种信息安全产品实行强制性认证。2009年4月27日,财政部、国家质检总局和国家认监  相似文献   

A mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem is formulated to address the flexible manufacturing system (FMS) batching, loading, and tool configuration problems concurrently. This model results in a great many variables, making its mathematical solution impractical. We introduce a four-pass approach using submodels of the original MIP problem. The approach assumes that the need for batching is primarily that of tool magazine capacity constraints, with balancing and maximizing flexibility as secondary objectives.  相似文献   

Electrodeposition and electropolymerization have emerged as versatile tools for the fabrication of chemical and biosensors. The literature in this area, published since 2017, is the main focus of this review. Electropolymerization has played a particularly prominent role in sensor development since its discovery in 1980 by Diaz at IBM. The ability to entrain receptors such as antibodies, engineered virus particles, and metal chelating agents into a conductive polymer sensing element during electropolymerization has proven to be a powerful means of preparing chemiresistors for a variety of analyses. Electrodeposition has also been used to prepare nanostructured metal indicator microelectrodes, enabling of a new modality for transducing biosensors. Electrodeposited metal nanowires have formed the basis for rapid and sensitive sensors for hydrogen gas. Electrodeposition has also been exploited as a powerful means for amplifying weak biosensor signals, extending their dynamic range. Opportunities for the application of electrodeposition and electropolymerization for chemical and biological sensor fabrication and function are discussed.  相似文献   

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