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Ammonia loss from surface-applied urea occurs because urea hydrolysis increases the pH of the placement site microenvironment. Addition of Ca-salts with urea will control or reduce the microsite pH, thus reducing NH3 losses. The degree of Ca-saturation of the cation exchange sites may influence the ratio of calcium:urea required to control ammonia loss. A laboratory study was conducted to determine if adsorbed Ca or CaCO3 additions (acid soils only) had a measureable impact on Ca control of NH3 loss from surface applied urea at various Ca:urea ratios.With urea alone applied to the soil surface varying the adsorbed Ca content of the treatment soil did not influence NH3 loss. The addition of CaCl2 with urea on the same pretreated soils generally resulted in NH3 losses reflecting the initial pH of the soil. The Ca-saturated acid soils and those acid soils receiving CaCO3 had higher NH3 losses than untreated soils in the presence of urea with soluble CaCl2. It was noted that increasing the calcium:urea ratios progressively depressed the NH3 loss from all soils. Increasing the percent Na-saturation of the calcareous Harkey soil to 25 and 50% (ESP) reduced Ca control of NH3 loss due to Ca being exchanged for Na on the cation exchange sites.Inclusion of CaCl2 with the urea mixture on the surface of the pretreated acid soils resulted in stepwise differences in NH3 loss concuring with the increases in pretreatment soil pH values (differing exchangeable Ca content). Other parameters that influence the amount of NH3 loss, such as acidic buffer capacity and CEC, appeared more important than anticipated for control of NH3 loss with the calcium:urea mixture. On Ca enriched soils the calcium:urea mixture was only slightly less effective in its ability to control NH3 losses than on untreated soils.Contribution from the Texas Agric. Exp. Sta., Texas A&M University System, College Station, TX 77843, USA  相似文献   

In a field experiment ammonia volatilization and yield response were measured when calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), urea or urea plus 0.5% w/w N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (U + NBPT) were surface-applied to an established perennial ryegrass sward. NBPT lowered cumulative NH3 loss from ventilated enclosures over 13 days from 8.1% of the urea N applied to 1.9% and delayed, by approximately 5 days, the time at which maximum loss occurred. Ammonia volatilization from CAN was low being less than 0.1% of the N applied. However, actual NH3 volatilization loss rates were probably underestimated due to the low air exchange rates used in the ventilated enclosures.The relative efficiency of urea compared to CAN was 91.2% in terms of dry matter yield. Recovery of N by difference was 57.2% for urea compared with 68.7% for CAN. NBPT improved the yield performance of urea making the amended fertilizer comparable to that of CAN.  相似文献   

Urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) solution fertilizers are subject to N loss through ammonia (NH3) volatilization. This loss may be reduced by manipulation of the proportion of urea and by use of additives to reduce urea hydrolysis or increase fertilizer solution acidity. This research was design to study the effect of urea proportion in UAN solutions, added ammonium thiosulfate (ATS), and aquechem liquor (an industry by-product) on NH3 loss from N solutions surface-applied to a range of agricultural soils.NH3 volatilization from urea (U), ammonium nitrate (AN), and UAN solutions surface-applied on six eastern Canadian soils was investigated. Ammonia loss from urea solutions ranged from 23 to 55% of the applied N. Increased AN-N in UAN solutions caused a reduction of NH3 loss greater than the reduction in urea. Less volatilization was observed with N solutions of higher acidity. This effect was more pronounced on a sandy soil than on clay soil.When ATS was added to UAN solution, a further reduction of NH3 losses was observed. This reduction ranged from 12 to 23.5% in Dalhousie clay and Ste. Sophie sand soils, respectively. Addition of aquachem liquor (AqL) to the UAN solution did not consistently reduce NH3 loss.Supported by a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and Nitrochem Inc., Canada.  相似文献   

Volatile losses of NH3 from surface-applied urea are known to decrease in the presence of soluble Ca-salts or with a decrease in easily decomposable organic matter content (EDOM), both of which influence urease activity. How these factors interact to affect NH3 losses is not fully understood. Studies were conducted to determine the effect CaCl2 in sand with varying rates of EDOM on NH3 losses from surface applied urea. The same effects were examined on agricultural soils containing partially decomposed native organic matter (NOM). Determinations were made in the laboratory on field soils, sand free of organic matter and sand with known amounts of grass clippings (GC, EDOM). Low levels of GC in sand with low amounts of added urea resulted in little NH3 loss. Ammonia loss increased as more N was applied at the low levels of GC. The loss was independent of urea application rates at high levels of GC. Ammonia losses were reduced more effectively at low EDOM and NOM in the presence of Ca. Incubation of sand with GC at low rates prior to urea addition increased NH3 losses relative to high levels of non-incubated GC. For the above situation incubation for as high as 24 days resulted in equivalent NH3 losses. The amount and state of decomposition of existing organic matter affected the degree of NH3 loss from surface placed urea and its control by added Ca-salts. Microbial decomposition of EDOM, such as might occur in the spring prior to urea addition, led to greater NH3 losses. Greater loss of NH3 from urea might be an indication of a larger ureolytic microbial population leading to increased urease production.  相似文献   

Urea can be an inefficient N source due to rapid hydrolysis by soil urease leading to NH3 volatilization. The current study investigated the effect of the urease inhibitor phenylphosphorodiamidate (PPD) incorporated at two concentrations (0.5% and 1% w/w) within the fertilizer granule on NH3 volatilization from surface applied urea. The daily rates of NH3 loss from 20 soils of widely differing properties from Northern Ireland were measured over 14 days using ventilated enclosures under simulated spring conditions. Cumulative loss rates were calculated and fitted to a logistic model from which total NH3 loss (Amax) and the time to maximum rate of loss (Tmax) were determined. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis related the effectiveness of PPD in reducing NH3 volatilization from urea to soil properties.The total cumulative loss of ammonia from unamended urea varied from 0.37 to 29.2% depending on soil type. Ammonia volatilization appeared to be greatest on a soil with a high pH (R2 = 0.65), a low titratable acidity (TA) (R2 = 0.63) and a soil that was drying out (R2 = 0.50). Soil pH was negatively correlated with TA (r = –0.826, P < 0.001) suggesting that soils with a low TA may have received recent lime. Including cation exchange capacity (CEC) and % N as well as pH-KCl in the multiple linear regression equation explained 86% of the variance.The effectiveness of PPD in reducing Amax varied between 0% to 91% depending on soil type, the average over all 20 soils being 30 and 36% for 0.5% and 1% PPD respectively. The most important soil properties influencing the effectiveness of the urease inhibitor were soil pH-H2O and TA accounting for 33% and 29% of the variance respectively. PPD was less effective on a soil with a high pH and low TA. These were the soil conditions that led to high NH3 volatilization from unamended urea and may explain why PPD had limited success in reducing ammonia loss on these soils. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that 75% of the variation in the % inhibition of NH3 loss by PPD could be significantly accounted for by pH-H2O, initial soil NO 3 - -N concentration, % moisture content and % moisture loss.The delay in Tmax by PPD ranged from 0.19 to 7.93 days, the average over all 20 soils being 2.5 and 2.8 days for 0.5% and 1% PPD respectively. TA, % moisture content, urease activity and CEC were soil properties that significantly explained 83% of the variation in the % delay in Tmax by PPD in multiple linear regression analysis. However, none of these soil properties were significant on their own. As urea hydrolysis occurs rapidly in soil, delaying Tmax under field conditions would increase the chance of rain falling to move the urea below the soil surface and reduce NH3 volatilization. A urease inhibitor should be more effective than PPD on soils with a high pH and low TA to be successful in reducing high NH3 losses.  相似文献   

The upland fertilization practice in Africa of placing N fertilizer below the soil surface near the plant might be facilitated through use of urea supergranules (USG). Since little is known about N losses from point-placed urea on light-textured African soils, laboratory studies were conducted in a forced-draft system to determine (a) the influence of soil properties on ammonia loss from USG and (b) to compare N loss from USG with that from broadcast N sources. Ammonia loss from 1.1 g USG placed at a 4-cm soil depth ranged from 2.9 to 62% of the added N on six light-textured soils. Ammonia loss was correlated with soil clay content (r = –0.93**) but not with pH. A more detailed study on a soil from Niger revealed significantly less ammonia loss from either surfaced applied urea (18%) or surface-applied calcium ammonium nitrate (7%) than from USG placed at a 4-cm depth (67%). Amendment of surface-applied urea with 1.7% phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPD), a urease inhibitor, essentially eliminated ammonia loss (1.9%). An15N balance confirmed that ammonia volatilization was the major loss mechanism for all N sources. The results suggest that point-placed urea may be prone to ammonia volatilization loss on light-textured African soils moistened by frequent light rainfall. In such cases, broadcast application of urea, CAN, or urea amended with PPD may be less prone to N loss.  相似文献   

Phosphorus compounds frequently are mixed with urea containing materials for economy in fertilizer operations. There is little published information on NH3 losses from surface application of these mixtures. However, there is evidence that P can react and precipitate with adsorbed and added Ca and increase the potential for NH3 loss. This paper compares NH3 losses from surface applied urea plus KCl or CaCl2 in the presence of 5 common P sources. The N, with Ca, K, and P salts, was surface-applied to a calcareous (Harkey) and an acid soil (Cuthbert) in a laboratory and the NH3 losses determined by passage of the exhaust air through a 2% boric acid solution. Ammonia losses were increased with (in the presence of KCl or CaCl2) KH2PO4 (KP) (calcareous soil only) and K2HPO4 (K2P), unaffected by Na5P3O10 (PP) but decreased with Ca(H2PO4)2 (CaP) and H3PO4 (HP) (No HP or PP applied to the acid soil). Urea which hydrolyses in environments with lower soluble and desorbable Ca levels is susceptible to higher NH3 losses. The effectiveness of KCl for control of NH3 loss depended on the existence of desorbable Ca to react with the decomposing urea. Therefore the deleterious impact of P on NH3 loss was greater with KCl than with CaCl2. Adding Ca directly with the urea made additional Ca available for reaction with P and urea. Monocalcium phosphate (CaP) alone with urea, in a calcareous soil, did not reduce NH3 loss; however, NH3 loss was reduced in the acid soil. The addition of CaCl2 with urea + CaP reduced NH3 loss more than CaCl2 with urea. The HP reaction with CaCO3 was more rapid and complete than occurred with the acidic CaP. Sodium tripolyphosphate (PP) with urea had little impact on NH3 loss over that produced by the KCl or CaCl2 salts alone. The HP and CaP chemicals did not appear to function strictly as acid sources (calcareous soil). The Harkey soil has 8% CaCO3 which would appear adequate to neutralize any acidity introduced by the P fertilizers. The explanation may lie in double salt formation between the Ca-urea-P materials. Contribution from the Texas Agric. Expt. Sta., Texas A&M Univ. System, College Station, TX 77843, USA  相似文献   

Fertilizer was applied as urea alone or as a mixture of urea and magnesium sulphate (MgSO4·1H2O) to study the effect on ammonia volatilization under laboratory conditions in relation to soil texture, N:Mg ratio, air flow rate, fertilizer form (solid or liquid) and organic material. When the mixture of urea and magnesium sulphate (UMM) was applied at a ratio of 1:0.21, significantly lower NH3-N losses than from urea were found in 2 of 6 soils, and 4 soils showed a similar tendency. Increasing the N:Mg ratio to 1:0.5 resulted in significantly lower NH3-N loss. Lower air flow rates reduced ammonia loss from UMM more than from urea alone. The effectiveness of UMM over urea was not improved in the liquid form. Increase of organic material had no influence on NH3-N loss from urea alone or UMM.  相似文献   

Fertilizers containing urea can suffer from nitrogen (N) loss through ammonia volatilization, resulting in reduced effectiveness of the fertilizers. The loss of N may be reduced by use of organic or inorganic additives.Laboratory experiments were conducted on surface soil samples (0–15 cm) from two agricultural soils (St. Bernard and Ste. Sophie) to determine the impact of ammonium thiosulfate (ATS), boric acid, and a humic substance from leonardite, on NH3 losses from surface-applied urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) solutions. Experiments were carried out using moist soil samples in closed containers. Evolved NH3 was carried out of the containers and trapped in boric acid solution using an ammonia-free humidified air flow.Total NH3 losses in these experiments ranged from 12.1 to 21.3% of the N applied. The reduction in NH3 volatilization (expressed as % of added N) due to additives ranged from 13.6 to 38.5% and 3 to 36.3% in St. Bernard and Ste. Sophie soils, respectively. More NH3 volatilized from the boric acid or humic treated UAN solutions than from ATS-UAN solutions.Boric acid, ATS, and the humic substance, all significantly reduced urea hydrolysis in both soils in comparison to the untreated UAN solution. Further, the humic substance and boric acid treatment induced significant reduction in NO3-formation. The results suggest that humic substance and to a lesser extent boric acid may function as urease and/or nitrification inhibitors. ATS treatment, particularly at higher levels increased NO3-formation in both soils. The reason for this increase in nitrate formation is not clear.  相似文献   

A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to gain a better understanding of N transformations which occur near large urea granules in soil and the effects of dicyandiamide (DCD), nitrifier activity and liming. Soil cores containing a layer of urea were used to provide a one-dimensional approach and to facilitate sampling. A uniform layer of 2 g urea or urea + DCD was placed in the centre of a 20 cm-long soil core within PVC tubing. DCD was mixed with urea powder at 50 mg kg–1 urea and enrichment of soil with nitrifiers was accomplished by preincubating Conestogo silt loam with 50 mg NH 4 + -N kg–1 soil. Brookston clay (pH 5.7) was limited with CaCO3 to increase the pH to 7.3. The cores were incubated at 15°C and, after periods of 10, 20, 35 and 45 days, were separated into 1-cm sections. The distribution of N species was similar on each side of the urea layer at each sampling. The pH and NH 4 + (NH3) concentration were very high near the urea layer but decreased sharply with distance from it. DCD did not influence urea hydrolysis significantly. Liming of Brookston clay increased urea hydrolysis. The rate of urea hydrolysis was greater in Conestogo silt loam than limed Brookston clay. Nitrite accumulate was relatively small with all the treatments and occurred near the urea layer (0–4 cm) where pH and NH 4 + (NH3) concentration were high. The nitrification occurred in the zone where NH 4 + (NH3) concentration was below 1000µgN g–1 and soil pH was below 8.0 and 8.7 in Brookston and Conestogo soils, respectively. DCD reduced the nitrifier activity (NA) in soil thereby markedly inhibiting nitrification of NH 4 + . Nitrification was increased significantly with liming of the Brookston soil or nitrifier enrichment of the Conestogo soil. There was a significant increase in NA during the nitrification of urea-N. The (NO 2 + NO 3 )-N concentration peaks coincided with the NA peaks in the soil cores.A practical implication of this work is that large urea granules will not necessarily result in NO 2 phytotoxicity when applied near plants. A placement depth of about 5 cm below the soil surface may preclude NH3 loss from large urea granules. DCD is a potential nitrification inhibitor for use with large urea granules or small urea granules placed in nests.  相似文献   

The movement and transformations in the mineral N pool below the hill and furrow were studied when different N fertilisers were applied in the irrigation water on three occasions during the growth of two maize crops. They included anhydrous ammonia, ammonium sulphate, potassium nitrate and urea. These were compared with anhydrous ammonia injected below the hill before the crop was sown. The ammonium-forming fertilisers increased the mineral-N in the surface of the furrow in both seasons. However no differential adsorption of NH4 near the surface of the furrow was observed. We have postulated that NH4 showed preferential movement through the voids in these cracking soils and was not adsorbed at the surface as occurs on soils with discontinuous voids. The proportion of NO3 in the profile was higher after urea application than with NH4 sources and was consistent with urea moving further into the peds than NH4. Nitrification of the anhydrous ammonia band below the hill was rapid in these soils. The proportion of NO3-N in the mineral N pool below both the hill and furrow declined with time in those locations where the air-filled porosity was generally below 10%. The implications of applying various N sources in the irrigation water on the potential loss processes taking place in the soil are discussed.  相似文献   

Compaction of metal salt-urea complexes with triple superphosphate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been the experience of the fertilizer industry that urea should not be cogranulated or blended with superphosphate because urea reacts with monocalcium phosphate monohydrate (MCP·H2O) in superphosphate to form an adduct. This reaction releases the water of hydration and causes the product to become wet and sticky or severely caked during storage. The objectives of this study were [1] to test the feasibility of preventing or retarding the reaction by complexing the urea with various salt hydrates and [2] to measure ammonia volatilization from metal salt-urea complexes on the soil surface.Three metal salt-urea complexes — Al(urea)6(NO3)3, Fe(urea)6(NO3)3, and Mn(urea)4Cl2 — were prepared and cogranulated by compaction with pure MCP·H2O or triple superphosphate (TSP) at a mole ratio of MCP:urea as 1:2. These materials were then compared with the same material without metal salts in terms of changes in free water content during a storage period of 6 weeks. Without metal salts a rapid and significant increase in free water content of the cogranulated MCP·H2O + urea or TSP + urea was observed. The increases in free water content were found to range from 1.5% to 1.8%, corresponding to approximately 63% and 78% of the added MCP·H2O that reacted with urea in the cogranulated products. On the other hand, little change or only a slight increase (less than 0.5%) in free water content was observed with the cogranulated metal salt-urea complexes.Ammonia volatilization losses from urea on the soil surface were measured in a period up to 14 d with two soils: Windthorst (pH 7.6) and Savannah (pH 7.0). The fertilizer materials used were granular. In Windthorst soil, the amounts of NH3-N lost were 25% for prilled urea, 11% for Mn(urea)4Cl2, and essentially none for Mn(urea)4Cl2 compacted with TSP at a mole ratio of MCP:urea as 1:1 or 1:2. In Savannah soil, the amounts of NH3-N lost were 39% for prilled urea, 24% for Mn(urea)4Cl2, 15% for Fe(urea)6(NO3)3, and less than 6% for each of the two metal salt-urea complexes compacted with TSP. The acidity that resulted from metal complexing of urea reduced NH3 volatilization from hydrolyzed urea in soils, and additional acidity produced from hydrolysis of MCP·H2O further reduced NH3 losses when materials were applied as multicomponent granules (metal salt + urea + TSP).  相似文献   

Applying urea with acidic phosphate fertlizer increases urea fertilizer efficiency by reducing ammonia volatilization and toxicity to crop from urea hydrolysis. However, urea and triple superphosphate (TSP) are not recommended to be cogranulated because blends might become wet and sticky. Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) is a less acidic P source than TSP, but is compatible with urea. The objective of this study was to evaluate compound NP fertilizer products made from MAP and TSP combinations as P sources with urea. Fertilizer mixtures were pelletized from commercial urea, TSP and MAP with different N:P2O5 ratios and MAP/TSP combinations. Moisture changes during storage, pH of fertilizer solutions, and ammonia volatilization from surface applied fertilizer pellets were measured. Using MAP with TSP in urea-P mixtures reduced moisture increases during storage. Increasing MAP in urea-TSP-MAP combinations increased fertilizer solution pH by over 1 unit as the MAP/TSP-P2O5 ratio increased from 0/100 to 100/0. Adding MAP as 50% of P in urea-MAP-TSP mixtures at 3:1 and 1.5: (N:P2O5) ratios reduced ammonia loss from urea 50% to 60% compared to urea alone; and ammonia loss was similar to that of urea-TSP combinations. A urea-TSP-MAP fertilizer combination could make efficient use of urea-N by crops by reducing ammonia loss from urea hydrolysis.  相似文献   

A comparing of urea hydrolysis and NH3 volatilization from urea supergranules and urea calcium nitrate (UCN, a new fertilizer produced by Norsk Hydro A/S, Norway) was made on two different flooded soil types, a high-CEC clay loam (Ås) and an intermediate-CEC clay loam (Kinn).Nitrogen loss by ammonia volatilization was reduced from 17% by surface application of urea supergranules (USG) on flooded Ås soil to 3% and 6% by UCN briquettes at either the same urea or nitrogen concentration as USG. A significant reduction was even found with the surface application of prilled UCN, 12% and 18% N-loss for prilled UCN and urea, respectively. The floodwater pH and NH 4 + content was lower with UCN than urea, which reduced the potential for ammonia volatilization.NH3-loss (5%) was significantly less when USG was surface applied on Kinn soil, while NH3-loss from UCN briquettes was independent of soil type. The reduction in NH3-loss from USG on Kinn soil was due to a decrease in the pH and NH 4 + content of the floodwater caused by a reduced rate of urea hydrolysis.The rate of urea hydrolysis was lower with UCN than USG in both soils, but the difference between UCN and USG was greater in the Ås soil than in the Kinn soil. Three days after deep placement (10 cm), 18% of UCN urea and 52% of USG urea were hydrolyzed in Ås soil, while only 12% UCN and 17% USG were hydrolyzed in the Kinn soil.The surface application of USG on flooded soil reduced the rate of urea hydrolysis as compared to deep placement. 30% and 17% of USG urea was hydrolyzed after four days on Ås and Kinn soil, respectively. During the first few days the rate of hydrolysis of UCN was more affected by the soil type than the application method. Four days after surface application 32% and 13% UCN urea was hydrolyzed on Ås and Kinn soil, respectively. The rate of urea hydrolysis exhibited a zero-order reaction when USG and UCN-briquettes were point placed in flooded soils.  相似文献   

The possible effect of urea hydrolysis on the availability of phosphorus (P) from phosphate rock (PR) was evaluated in two greenhouse experiments with maize, using two sources of PR — Pesca (Colombia) and Bayovar (Peru) — representing low and high chemical reactivity, respectively.In Experiment I, on a neutral Josephine silty clay loam (pH 6.2) (Typic Haplozerult), Bayovar PR compacted with urea (Bayovar PR + urea) performed better than Bayovar PR compacted with NH4Cl (Bayovar PR + NH4Cl) in increasing dry-matter yield at a rate of 100 mg P kg–1 but not at rates of 50 and 200 mg P kg–1. It was also found that the dry-matter yield obtained with compacted Bayovar PR products was significantly higher when the N ratios of urea: NH4Cl were 1:1 or higher than when the ratios were below 1:1. Although Bray I–P can overestimate available P from PR with respect to that from TSP, a good relationship was observed between Bray I–P and dry-matter yield from various compacted Bayover PR products with a small particle size (–0.43 + 0.15 mm).In Experiment II an acid Bladen sandy loam (pH 4.5) (Typic Albaquult) was used. Finely ground Bayovar PR (– 0.07 mm) was about 66% as effective as TSP in increasing dry-matter yield, whereas Pesca PR was ineffective. When Pesca PR was partially acidulated with H3PO4 at 20% level (PAPR), it became 70% as effective as TSP. Granulated PAPR and Pesca PR compacted with TSP (Pesca PR + TSP) were found to be equally effective in increasing dry-matter yield when both products had the same particle size and the same water-soluble and citrate-soluble P as percent of total P, and when prilled urea was used as the N source. However, when urea was compacted with Pesca PR and TSP, the product's effectiveness was further increased by 30% and to the same level as TSP.In summary, the results tend to support the suggestion that urea hydrolysis can be beneficial in increasing the availability of P from PR to plants in soils having medium to high organic matter contents.  相似文献   

Urease activity and inhibition in flooded soil systems   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Ammonia volatilization is an important mechanism of N loss from flooded rice soils. Inhibition of urease may delay the formation of conditions favorable to NH3 volatilization in the floodwater, thus giving the soil and plant a better chance to compete with the atmosphere as a sink for N. The experiments reported here were designed to identify the site of urea hydrolysis in flooded soils and to attempt selective urease inhibition with some of the inhibitors reported in the literature.Studies with three flooded soils using15N-labeled urea showed that 50–60% of the urea was found in the floodwater, despite incorporation. This floodwater urea is hydrolyzed largely at the soil—floodwater interface and subsequently returns to the floodwater (> 80%) or is retained by the soil (< 20%). Of the following urease inhibitors (K-ethyl-xanthate; 3 amino-1-H-1, 2, 4-triazole; phenylphosphorodiamidate) added at 2% (w/w of urea), only the latter was able to delay the appearance of NH3 (aq) in the flood-water and thus delay NH3 volatilization. Use of an algicide addition to the floodwater depressed NH3 (aq) levels during the entire period studied, but in the presence of PPD the algicide had little additional effect.  相似文献   

Cattle and pig dung and poultry excreta were used in laboratory experiments to study the effect of different solid manure treatments concerning NH3 losses during storage and after application to soil. Aerobic decomposition (composting) during incubation (storage) resulted in drastically higher NH3 emissions compared with anaerobic decomposition conditions. Application of the aerobically treated materials to soil resulted in low NH3 losses, as NH4-N concentrations were low in these materials. Anaerobically treated materials and non-decomposed poultry excreta gave rise to significant NH3-N emissions as a result of highly increased ammoniacal N concentrations in soil, if applied on the soil surface. Rates of NH3-N volatilization from soil surface-applied manures were closely related to the pH changes taking place on the surface. Maximum pH values attained explained 79% of the variance in the extent of NH3 volatilization. Incorporation of animal dung into soil to 5 cm depth or below reduced ammonia volatilization by 80% compared with surface application.Ammonia emissions of both events were combined. Total losses of NH3-N from animal manures were low throughout if anaerobically stored and thereafter incorporated into soil. The largest reduction in NH3 losses from poultry excreta was achieved if the excreta were dried prior to storage and incorporated into soil. In contrast aerobic decomposition or composting of animal manures caused much higher NH3 emissions. Composting of animal wastes should be restricted to those that need to be hygienized.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of experiments to determine whether ammonia (NH3) loss can be reduced and nitrogen (N) use efficiency improved by using two relatively new commercial urea formulations rather than granular urea and urea ammonium nitrate. Four nitrogen treatments were applied at a rate of 40 kg N ha?1: granular urea, ‘Green Urea? 14’ [containing 45.8 % N as urea and ‘Agrotain®’ (N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide) @ 5 L t?1 of urea as a urease inhibitor], ‘Nhance’, a fine particle spray [containing 46 % N as urea, ‘Agrotain’ @ 1 L t?1 of urea and gibberellic acid (applied at a rate of 10 g ha?1)] and urea ammonium nitrate in solution (UAN) surface applied. Ammonia loss was determined in autumn and spring using a micrometeorological method. In autumn, use of the Green Urea and Nhance reduced NH3 loss from the 30 % of applied N lost from the granular urea to 9 and 23 % respectively. Loss from all treatments in spring was very small (<2 % of applied N), because 4 mm of rain fell within 24 h of application onto an already wet site. The use of the Nhance and Green Urea instead of granular urea did not result in increased agronomic efficiency or recovery efficiency of the applied N, and this is most likely due to the presence of sufficient available N from both fertiliser application and the soil. A 15N study recovered 72.8 % of the applied N in the plants and soil, and showed that 30 % of the total N taken up by the plant was derived from the fertiliser, and 70 % from the soil.  相似文献   

Severe losses of NH3 by volatilization are often reported when urea is surface applied to calcareous soils. Applications on wet soils may increase these losses. This study with N rates of 0, 20, 40, 80, 160, and 320 kg ha?1 estimates the efficiency of urea application and predicts NH3-volatilization losses when urea is surface applied on a wet calcareous soil. Placements consisted of three different methods of applying urea on or in the dry soil just prior to irrigation and a surface-broadcast treatment following irrigation. There were no significant yield differences between dry-soil placements, but all dry-soil placements gave significantly higher yields than did broadcast placement of urea on the wet soil. Thus, a second-order regression equation relating N rate and yield for dry-soil placements and another for wet-soil placement were used to determine the efficiency of wet- vs dry-soil applications of urea and to predict NH3-volatilization losses from the wet soil. The efficiency was determined by three different procedures. The first compared the amount of N needed for wet- vs dry-soil conditions to produce discrete yields. The second compared the slope of the yield curves at discrete yield levels to determine the ratio of the amount of N needed to produce one additional increment of yield under wet- vs dry-soil conditions. The third was an estimation of the availability coefficient according to a method recently developed by HR Tejeda and others. Predicted NH3 -volatilization losses were calculated from the efficiency values because loss of NH3 from urea applied on or in dry soil followed very shortly by an irrigation should be almost nil. The efficiency factors averaged 55% for the first procedure and 51% for the second while the availability coefficient was 59%. Thus, the average estimate for efficiency of urea on wet vs dry soil was 55% and predicted losses of N by NH3 volatilization averaged 45% when urea was applied to the wet surface of this calcareous soil.  相似文献   

Losses of nitrogen were investigated after applications of ammonium bicarbonate and urea to flooded rice at transplanting. Ammonia (NH3) volatilization was determined by direct micrometeorological methods, and total loss of fertilizer nitrogen (N) was measured by15N balance. All the loss appeared to be in gaseous forms, since there was no evidence of leaching and runoff was prevented. The difference between N loss and NH3 loss was thus assumed to be denitrification loss.Both NH3 volatilization and denitrification losses were large, being 39% and 33%, respectively, of the ammonium bicarbonate N, and 30% and 33%, respectively, of the urea N applied by farmers' methods.Ammonia fluxes from the field fertilized with ammonium bicarbonate were very high for two days, and then declined rapidly as the NH3 source in the floodwater diminished. Moderate fluxes from the field fertilized with urea continued over 6 days, but calculations showed that NH3 transfer from floodwater to atmosphere was retarded during the middle period of the experiment, particularly on day 2 when a thick algal scum appeared on the water surface. The results indicate that this algal mass obstructed the transport of NH3 across the water-air interface until the scum was dispersed by wind action. Nevertheless, the prolonged NH3 losses on the urea treatment were due primarily to high floodwater pH values promoted by the strong algal growth during the daylight hours.Nitrogen-15 balance studies showed that incorporation of fertilizer into drained soil substantially increased recoveries of fertilizer N in rice plants and soil compared with incorporation of fertilizer in the presence of standing floodwater. Ammonia loss measurements on these treatments when urea was applied suggested that the improvement in fertilizer N efficiency was due mainly to reductions in NH3 loss.  相似文献   

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