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A three‐strand tundish belonging to a billet caster was water modelled and plant trials were performed to compare the performance of a pouring box and a turbulence inhibitor in terms of melt flow parameters and steel cleanliness. A tailor made turbulence inhibitor for this tundish is useful to accomplish with flow control of fluid turbulence and even melt redirection to all strands. The turbulence inhibitor helps to decrease nitrogen pickup during ladle changes and to float out inclusions towards the covering slag. As a consequence, rod operations to take of alumina deposits from nozzle walls are considerably decreased using a turbulence inhibitor.  相似文献   

摘要:设计了一种顶旋型湍流抑制器,使钢液产生旋转流场,降低钢/渣界面速度,促进夹杂物的去除,达到净化钢液的目的,并利用数值模拟的方法,对单流板坯中间包在稳态和非稳态时的流场进行研究。结果表明:使用新型抑制器相较于不使用和使用普通抑制器,对中间包稳态浇注流场有明显的改善,死区体积明显减小。拉速和中间包容量改变时,新型抑制器比普通抑制器对中间包液面波动的抑制效果更好。当拉速为1.15、1.55和1.85m/min时,使用新型抑制器的中间包自由液面的平均速度分别为0.040、0.053和0.062m/s,相较于普通抑制器分别降低了21.6%、24.3%和26.2%。当中间包容量为40、30和25t时,使用新型抑制器相比于普通抑制器,自由液面的湍动能分别减少了20.9%、25.0%和26.3%。  相似文献   

通过水力学模拟实验,研究了湍流控制器结构对中问包内流体流动特性的影响.结果表明:湍流控制器的结构埘巾间包流体流动特性有较大的影响.湍流控制器内腔形状为槽形,顶缘长度为30mm且其底部形状为平底时,流体在中间包内的斤始响应和平均停留时间最长,死区体积分数最小,活塞流与死区体积的比值最大,而且最有利于中问包内的夹杂物上浮去除.同时,相对于湍流控制器的内腔形状和底部形状,其顶缘长度对中间包内的流场影响最大.  相似文献   

控制中间包内钢液的合理流动对夹杂物的去除十分重要,因此采用数值模拟手段研究了四流连铸中间包内钢液流动情况,考察了圆型湍流控制器高度,半径及顶缘厚度对中间包钢液流动和夹杂物去除的影响。结果表明:当在四流中间包内设置高度300mm,半径170mm,顶缘厚度20mm的圆型湍流控制器时,粒径小于80μm夹杂物的上浮去除率提高近20%。  相似文献   

根据相似原理,建立1∶3的物理模拟模型,通过正交试验考察了挡渣堰、导流坝组合控流装置对中间包流场的影响。研究结果表明,堰坝间距是影响流场的主要因素,优化控流组合方案为:挡渣堰距注入流中心线距离1 200 mm,挡渣堰下沿距包底距离500 mm,导流坝高度360 mm,堰坝间距300 mm.优化后中间包流场趋于合理,钢液在中间包内的停留时间延长,活塞流体积增大,死区体积减小.  相似文献   

板坯连铸中间包内控流装置结构的优化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
曹娜  朱苗勇 《材料与冶金学报》2007,6(2):109-112,121
以国内某钢厂板坯连铸中间包为原型,进行控流装置的物理和数值模拟优化,提出优化方案.对比物理模拟和数值模拟结果发现,对于不使用抑湍器的控流方案,数值计算获得的结论与实验模拟结果较一致;而对于使用抑湍器的方案,数值模拟可以减少示踪剂和流体的分离流动对停留时间分布曲线的影响,更准确地反映实际流场.  相似文献   


In the continuous casting process, the tundish acts as a continuous molten steel distribution vessel. The importance of the tundish during the molten steel delivery becomes more significant when it supplies liquid steel to more than one mould. In the present work, a water model of a six strand billet caster tundish has been used to study the effect of strand blockage on the residence time distribution (RTD) characteristics at the strands. All the experiments were performed under steady state conditions. Potassium chloride was used as a tracer for the study. The effects of blockage on the strand dissimilarity among the open strands were also studied. Both single and dual strand blockage experiments were performed. Blockage of strands deteriorated the RTD characteristics at the open strands. The results reveal the most preferred options for strand blockage when the plant operation needs to do so.  相似文献   

单流板坯连铸中间包流体流动控制与效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过物理模拟实验,研究了南钢板坯连铸不同结构中间包的流动特性,优化了中间包结构.中间包结构优化后,最小停留时间提高120%,浓度峰值时间提高97%,死区体积分率降低72%.实验结果表明,开发的异型边结构的湍流控制器可以更好地改善单流中间包的流体流动特性.现场实际应用的结果表明,中间包结构优化后,铸坯夹杂物面积比下降了32%.  相似文献   


Shop floor problems like strand breakout, mechanical or electrical failure in the strand or inadequate availability of molten steel from coming ladle sometimes lead to closing one/two strand in a continuous casting unit. Closing any of the outlets affects the flow distribution inside the tundish and so it is important to study which of the outlets should be closed to have proper results in terms of residence time distribution (RTD) and thermal behaviour of the tundish. The present study aims at finding the effect of closing one or two outlets on flow behaviour and heat transfer in a multistrand tundish. Navier–Stokes equation has been solved using standard K? turbulence model with the help of educational version of computational fluid dynamics software PHOENICS to find the steady state velocity field inside the tundish. Furthermore, tracer dispersion study was carried out using pulse input technique of the tracer to find the RTD curve of the tundish. Mixing parameters, namely ratio of actual to theoretical mean residence time and ratio of mixed volume to dead volume have been found out for different cases when either all the outlets are open or one/two outlets are closed. It was found that closing the near outlet increases the mixing capability of the tundish the most as compared with far or middle outlet. A larger recirculation zone created in the half of the tundish results in better mixing when near outlet is closed. Numerical code was validated against the experimental observation by performing the tracer dispersion study inside a multistrand tundish and reasonably good match between the experimental and numerical results in terms of RTD curves is observed.

Des problèmes d’atelier comme la percée du cordon, la défaillance mécanique ou électrique du cordon ou la disponibilité inadéquate de l’acier fondu de la poche d’arrivée mènent quelquefois à la fermeture d’un ou deux cordons d’une unité de coulée en continu. La fermeture de n’importe laquelle des orifices de sortie affecte la distribution de l’écoulement dans le panier de coulée. Il est donc important de déterminer lequel des orifices de sortie devrait être fermé pour avoir des résultats appropriés par rapport au RTD et au comportement thermique du panier de coulée. La présente étude vise à trouver l’effet de la fermeture d‘un ou deux orifices de sortie sur le comportement de l’écoulement et sur le transfert de chaleur dans un panier de coulée à plusieurs lignes. On a résolu l’équation de Navier-Stokes en utilisant le modèle normal de turbulence K-?, avec l’aide de la version éducationnelle du logiciel de CFD PHOENICS, afin de trouver le champ de vitesse à régime constant à l’intérieur du panier de coulée. En plus, on a effectué une étude de dispersion de traceur en utilisant une technique d’entrée de l’impulsion du traceur afin de trouver la courbe de Distribution du Temps de Séjour (RTD) du panier de coulée. On a trouvé le paramètre de mélange, soit le rapport du temps de séjour moyen actuel à théorique et le rapport de volume mélangé à volume mort, pour différents cas où soit que toutes les sorties étaient ouvertes, soit qu’une ou deux sorties étaient fermées. On a trouvé que la fermeture de la sortie la plus proche augmentait davantage la capacité de mélange du panier de coulée par rapport à la sortie la plus éloignée ou à celle du milieu. Une plus grande zone de re-circulation créée dans la moitié du panier de coulée avait pour résultat un meilleur mélange lorsque la sortie la plus proche était fermée. On a validé le code numérique contre l’observation expérimentale en effectuant l’étude de dispersion du traceur à l’intérieur d’un panier de coulée à plusieurs lignes. On a observé une correspondance raisonnable entre les résultats expérimentaux et numériques par rapport aux courbes de la RTD.  相似文献   

采用水模型和工业验证的方法针对40 t单流中间包的控流装置进行优化配置研究.通过对单独湍流抑制器控流装置、湍流抑制器+下挡墙组合控流装置、湍流抑制器+下挡墙+上挡墙组合控流装置的研究表明,下挡墙在改善钢液流动形态和减少中间包内死区方面所起的作用大于上挡墙.平均停留时间随下挡墙与长水口的距离增加呈先增大后减小的趋势.确定了单流中间包以湍流抑制器+下挡墙的优化组合形式,死区比例由原来的25.9%降低到了13.6%.通过系统取样分析发现优化后中间包内T.O和N含量大幅降低,正常坯中的大型夹杂物质量分数也由原来的8.4×10-7降低到3.2×10-7.  相似文献   

摘要:连铸中间包内部结构复杂,钢液流动状态多样,详尽准确的钢液流场信息是中间包控制和优化的前提。数值模拟方法已广泛应用于中间包内钢液流场研究,钢液流场的精确数值模拟离不开合适的湍流模型及相应的边界条件。基于CFD开源代码包OpenFOAM v8,分别应用标准k-ε模型、RNG k-ε模型、SST k-ω模型3种湍流模型,对称面边界、自由滑移边界2种液面边界条件,对中间包流场进行了数值模拟。通过与文献中实验结果比较,发现采用SST k-ω模型可以成功预测RTD曲线的“双峰”,且响应时间、峰值时间与实验结果较为接近;应用SST k-ω模型时,将液面边界类型由自由滑移改为对称面,获得的示踪剂响应时间的误差由93.89%降低至8.35%以下,峰值时间的误差由100.78%降低至12.32%左右。因此,SST k-ω模型、对称面液面边界可以较好地描述中间包内钢液流动过程。  相似文献   

The internal structure of continuous casting tundish is complex, and the flow state of molten steel is diverse. Detailed and accurate information of molten steel flow field is the premise of tundish control and optimization. Numerical simulation method has been widely used in the study of molten steel flow field in tundish. The accurate numerical simulation of molten steel flow field is inseparable from the appropriate turbulence model and the corresponding boundary conditions. Based on the CFD open source code OpenFOAM v8, three different types of turbulence models (standard k-ε model, RNG k-ε model, and SST k-ω model) were applied to simulate the molten steel flow in the tundish. Additionally, two boundary conditions of symmetry plane and the free slip were also applied. Comparing the simulation results to the experimental data, it shows the RTD curve obtained by the simulation with the SST k-ω model can successfully predict the "double peaks" that appeared in the experiment. Besides, the response time and peak value time are closest to that of experimental results. For SST k-ω, when changing the type of liquid surface boundary from free slip to symmetrical plane, the error of tracer response time obtained is reduced from 93.89% to less than 8.35%, and the error of peak time is reduced from 100.78% to about 12.32%. It can be concluded that the SST k-ω model and the symmetry boundary are applicable for the simulation of molten steel flow in the tundish.  相似文献   

国内某钢厂使用的两流板坯连铸中间包因受固定位置排渣口的限制,包内控流装置采用左右不对称布置。生产实践发现,排渣口侧的水口对应铸坯大型夹杂物含量高、热轧卷探伤合格率低,疑与中间包流场的一致性有关。为此,采用1∶3.5的水模型对中间包流场进行了模拟研究,并基于流体动力学原理对其控流效果进行了优化。结果表明,原型中间包两个水口的滞止时间差高达36 s,钢液在排渣口侧的1号水口形成短路流,因而导致两流铸坯洁净度的差异。经水模优化后,方案F1下两流平均停留时间标准差和滞止时间标准差分别可降到0.12和0.35 s,明显改善了中间包内两流浇铸流动特性的一致性,且死区比例较原型降低8.87%、平均停留时间延长了30 s。  相似文献   

采用CFD软件Fluent对漩流中间包内的流场进行了数值模拟,分析了漩流中间包内的流场特征,以及漩流室的加入,中间包内的流动形态.模拟结果表明,由于漩流室的加入使湍动能耗散主要集中在漩流室内部,有利于夹杂物的聚合长大;漩流室的加入可改善钢液的流动状态,利于夹杂物的上浮.由于入口位置的非对称布置,造成了漩流中间包内的流场在入口区呈明显的非对称分布,这些结果为进一步优化漩流中间包内漩流室的位置和中间包挡墙参数提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

采用物理模拟的方法对某厂七流中间包进行了结构优化。研究结果表明,无控流装置中间包各流流动特性一致性很差,原型控流装置起到了一定的导流作用,但1流、2流与3流、4流差异较大,死区比例为22.68%;优化后的控流装置可减小各流之间的差异,延长平均停留时间到520.2s,减小死区比例至16.75%,有利于生产顺行和铸坯质量的提高。  相似文献   


An optimal single element flow control device (SEFCD) is proposed in the present study for a small capacity twin strand tundish, to produce steel billet with the desired cleanliness, designed by means of numerical experimentation. To achieve this goal, a mathematical model based on the SOLA-SURF technique and the k-? (where k is the kinetic energy of the fluid and ? is its dissipation) two equation turbulence model has been developed to simulate the fluid flow phenomena of molten steel, as well as the mass transfer phenomena of tracer during steady state operation in the tundish. The accuracy of the mathematical model has also been verified by water model experiments, which indicate that the mathematical model is sufficiently accurate and suitable as a tool to develop an optimal SEFCD as required in the present study. Several SEFCD designs have then been evaluated using the mathematical model. The simulated results show that a billet tundish with a high, long, trough shaped pouring pad arrangement has the highest residence time, which promotes inclusion removal, and is thus considered the optimal SEFCD design for the billet tundish.  相似文献   

In continuous casting, molten steel often contains non-metallic inclusions that have a very high melting temperature and thus remain suspended in the molten flow. Given the lower density of these substances compared to the melt, they can be filtered in the form of top slag by proper use of buoyancy forces. Thus, providing a desirable flow pattern, reduced flow turbulence, and adequate residence time for inclusions in the tundish will improve the inclusion separation performance and therefore the product quality. In this study, a reduced-scale water model of a tundish was used to evaluate the effect of melt level in the tundish on the flow pattern and inclusion separation performance. Then, the flow control devices are added to this simple tundish model to examine the effect of them on the flow behaviour and inclusion separation. Experimental investigation showed that raising the water level in the model tundish has desirable effects on inclusion separation and the use of the dam at the inlet with tall dam improves the flow pattern and inclusion separation almost 20% in the form of top slag.  相似文献   

通过中间包物理模拟的试验方法对某钢厂四流中间包进行控流装置优化,优化试验分为挡墙类型优化和挡墙结构优化。结果表明,原型方案流体流动状态很差,导流孔孔径过大易导致短路流现象的发生,死区比例也高达34.16%。优化后的最优方案中Y3死区比例降幅高达33.14%,流体平均停留时间由原型的761.2延长至900.7 s,滞止时间则由32.2延长至76.7 s,优化效果显著,说明最优方案可以显著地提高中间包体积利用率,并改善钢液的流动状态,有利于冶金质量的提高。  相似文献   

板坯连铸单流中间包控流装置优化模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用水力学模型试验,对太钢不锈钢板坯连铸单流中间包流场进行了模拟研究,并通过数值模拟进行验证,研究结果表明:该钢厂原型中间包流场存在严重问题,中间包内存在明显短路流现象,死区比例较大,钢液混匀效果差;通过正交优化试验得出最佳坝堰因素水平组合方案,使中间包流场得到改善;采用中间包气幕挡墙代替坝优化方案,使中间包流场得到进一步改善.根据水力学模型试验和数值模拟计算结果,结合钢厂实际情况,建议单流连铸中间包采用气幕挡墙代替坝的技术工艺,对于太钢不锈钢板坯中间包气幕挡墙最佳工艺参数:距离堰1 150 mm附近,底吹气量控制在120 L/min左右.  相似文献   

Numerical calculation of fluid flow in a continuous casting tundish   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The deposition of deoxidation and reoxidation products in continuous casting tundish nozzles results in poor surface quality of the cast product and in extreme cases, disruption of the operating schedule. Since the flow of steel in the tundish is central to the behavior of nonmetallic inclusions in the tundish, the details of the flow field are determined numerically by appropriate solutions of the equations of change. The effects of the changes of the internal configuration of the tundish and various casting parameters on the computed velocity fields, particle trajectories, and particle residence times are investigated. The conclusions drawn from the computed results are compared with the results of various independent water model studies. Formerly with The Pennsylvania State University, is now with the United States Navy assigned to the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company  相似文献   

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