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The paper deals with the mechatronic means for the accuracy improvement of metal cutting machines, co-ordinate measuring machines, robots, etc. The mechatronic correction means of raster scales, encoders errors and final 3-D position correction of a cutting instrument or touch probe are presented. The technical solutions are given with the application of active materials for smart probes and piezoactuators. A case of calculations for piezoactive raster plates is described together with volumetric control diagrams and the examples of practical implementation. 相似文献
The stability, steady-state error analysis, damping factor, and setting time of discrete data drives for computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools are analyzed to obtain the necessary information for the design of a practical system. The stability of the drive is reviewed using Jury's test and the Mitrovic criterion. The variation of damping factor and settling time with respect to system parameters are presented based on the Mitrovic criterion 相似文献
The tool portfolio of a plant refers to the makeup, in quantity and type, of processing machines in the plant. It is determined by taking into consideration the future trends of process and machine technologies and the forecasts of product evolution and product demands. Portfolio planning is also a multicriteria decision-making task involving tradeoffs among, investment cost, throughput, cycle time, and risk. Tool portfolio planning is a complex task that has strong bearing on manufacturing efficiency. In the first part of this paper, a multicriteria economic decision model is presented for optimal configuration. of the portfolio and to determine the optimal factory loading. The second and third parts of the paper contain applications of the model. If plants are closely located or have a twin-plant design, portfolio planning at multiple plants can be integrated to enhance the overall effectiveness of portfolios. In the second part, a novel methodology for arbitrating capacity backup between plants is described. Because the economic model is constructed upon a valuation of both cycle time and throughput, it is a suitable method for the evaluation of cycle time reduction projects. The application procedure is outlined in the third part. 相似文献
Yong Chen Jionghua Jin 《Reliability, IEEE Transactions on》2005,54(3):475-488
System reliability of a manufacturing process should address effects of both the manufacturing system (MS) component reliability, and the product quality. In a multi-station manufacturing process (MMP), the degradation of MS components at an upstream station can cause the deterioration of the downstream product quality. At the same time, the system component reliability can be affected by the deterioration of the incoming product quality of upstream stations. This kind of quality & reliability interaction characteristics can be observed in many manufacturing processes such as machining, assembly, and stamping. However, there is no available model to describe this complex relationship between product quality, and MS component reliability. This paper, considering the unique complex characteristics of MMP, proposes a new concept of quality & reliability chain (QR-Chain) effect to describe the complex propagation relationship of the interaction between MS component reliability, and product quality across all stations. Based on this, a general QR-chain model for MMP is proposed to integrate the product quality with the MS component reliability information for system reliability analysis. For evaluation of system reliability, both the exact analytic solution, and a simpler upper bound solution are provided. The upper bound is proved to be equal to the exact solution if the product quality does not have self-improvement, which is generally true in many MMP. Therefore, the developed QR-chain model, and its upper bound solution can be applied to many MMP. 相似文献
1 VSB -SCM -AM光纤系统的噪声特性VSB -SCM -AM光纤传输中的主要噪声源如图 1所示。图 1 AM光纤传输中的主要噪声源分析整个系统的噪声特性 ,首先从PD的灵敏度和信噪比入手。当入射一个光子时 ,理想情况是它的能量hf能使一个电子跃迁入导带而成为载流子。但实际情况并非如此 ,产生电子数和入射的光子数的比例就是量子效率 ,用 η表示 ,则PD的输出电流可由下式给出 :I0 =eηphf (1)(1)式还没有考虑到光被调制的情况 ,如果用调制度为m的正弦波对光的功率进行调制时 ,信号电流的有效值由下式给定 :I=mep… 相似文献
《Optical Fiber Technology》2014,20(4):414-421
In this study, our main goal is to investigate the performance optimization conditions for WDM networks. We introduce a network architecture of passive star topology that uses a Multi-channel Control Architecture (MCA) to avoid both the data channels and the receiver collisions. Especially, we propose a synchronous access scheme that exploits the propagation delay parameter in order to assign the data channels to the stations for successful data packet transmission. Thus, we achieve effective bandwidth utilization. An approximate analysis based on Poisson statistics is developed in order to explore the performance measures optimization. Finally, extensive comparative study is given for various stations populations and number of MCA channels. 相似文献
本文的重点是使用上限分析法解决在机器学习系统开发中无法判断哪部分最值得优化的问题,以便于做出最佳的优化决策.以一个简单的图像文字识别系统为实例,对其的文字侦测、字符分割、字符识别三个部分使用上限分析法进行模拟,得出各个部分的潜在上升空间,然后比较对3个部分分别进行优化对最终预测结果的影响,从而了解该系统中已经达到"最高水平"的部分,做出最佳的优化决策,避免开发中资源的浪费. 相似文献
Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff Carlos Ortiz-de-Solórzano 《IEEE transactions on image processing》2005,14(9):1300-1313
Spatial events largely determine the biology of cells, tissues, and organs. In this paper, we present a tool for the quantitative spatial analysis of heterogeneous cell populations, and we show experimental validation of this tool using both artificial and real (mammary gland tissue) data, in two and three dimensions. We present the refined relative neighborhood graph as a means to establish neighborhood between cells in an image while modeling the topology of the tissue. Then, we introduce the M function as a method to quantitatively evaluate the existence of spatial patterns within one cell population or the relationship between the spatial distributions of multiple cell populations. Finally, we show a number of examples that demonstrate the feasibility of our approach. 相似文献
以某数控机床传动系统为研究对象,分析了该数控机床传动系统的动态特性。为进一步提高数控系统的可靠性,文章对机床轴系振动信号进行处理分析,研究了该数控机床的多轴同步性、动态传动链误差的测量、分析与溯源。 相似文献
Rares Stanciu Paul Y. Oh 《Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on》2007,12(1):41-52
Platforms like gantries, booms, aircrafts, and submersibles are often used in the broadcasting industry. To avoid collisions and occlusions, such mechatronic platforms often possess redundant degrees-of-freedom (DOFs). As a result, manual manipulating of such platforms demands much skill. This paper describes the implementation of several controllers that, by using computer vision, attempts to reduce the number of manually manipulated DOFs. Experiments were performed to assess the performance of each controller. A model for such a system was developed and validated. To determine how the visual servoing can improve the tracking, a novice operator and an expert were asked to manually track a moving target with the assistance of visual servoing. The results of these tests were analyzed and compared 相似文献
Cuttino J.F. Miller A.C. Jr. Schinstock D.E. 《Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on》1999,4(2):169-179
This paper describes a new, fast tool servo system designed for fabrication of nonrotationally symmetric components using single-point diamond turning machines. A prototype device, designed for flexible interfacing to typical machine tool controllers, is described, along with performance testing data of tilted flat and off-axis conic sections. Techniques for controlling the piezoelectric actuator to less than 1% error are discussed. The performance of a standard integral controller shows a significant error due to hysteresis in the actuator. The effects of the hysteresis were reduced by implementing two control schemes, an optimized PID controller and a technique that utilizes a dynamic compensator module in conjunction with the linear controller. The compensator samples the hysteretic voltage/displacement relationship in real time and modifies the effective gain accordingly. Experimental implementation results in an 80% reduction in the motion error caused by hysteresis, but peak-to-valley errors are limited by side effects from the compensation 相似文献
A. I. Chizhov 《Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics》2007,52(4):406-410
A method for generalized analysis of the transmission coefficients of symmetric matched two-ports is proposed. The method allows fast determination of the values of active and reactive components of input admittances of intrinsic one-ports for even-and odd-mode excitation of the two-port’s ports. The concept of an intrinsic coefficient of a symmetric two-port is introduced. The variation intervals of this coefficient are determined for dissipative, reactive, and dissipative-reactive two-ports. 相似文献
Previous publications regarding the project Gentelligent Components for Machine Tools of the Collaborative Research Center 653 presented the design of a new sensory z-slide for a 5-axis machining center. Equipped with several strain sensors, the new slide is able to feel the machining process by measuring the process forces and vibrations. Here, a challenge is the detection of mechanical strains in the slide without degrading its high global stiffness. The application of micro strain gages in small notches on the slide represents a promising approach for the improvement of the sensitivity as well as the integration of sensors into the slide. This paper presents the utilization of the sensing axis-slide in a manufacturing environment. For this purpose, a first prototype of the slide is build and integrated into a milling center DMG HSC 55 linear. In this test machine, the dynamic characteristics of the integrated slide are identified with frequency response function measurements. Based on force measurements with a dynamometer, force calibration matrices are computed to calculate the forces in the machine coordinate system at the tool center point from the measured strain signals during milling processes. The force sensing with the slide allows furthermore the identification of tool characteristics such as the static tool stiffness. This parameter is estimated from the ratio of the measured contact forces and the set collision distance when moving the tool smoothly into the work piece. The known tool stiffness enables the detection of the static tool deflection from the force signals during a milling process. To compare the detected tool deflection with the real tool deflection, reference measurements on the work piece are performed using a perthometer. For further monitoring applications of the tool deflection in more complex 2.5D milling an approach to transform the measured forces from the stationary machine coordinate system into the moving tool coordinate system is presented. 相似文献
A concurrent, integrated, and multicriteria methodology is presented for the conceptual design of mechatronic systems. It uses an evaluation model called mechatronic design quotient (MDQ) to facilitate decision-making in the design process. A nonlinear fuzzy integral is used for the aggregation of criteria in MDQ, thereby accommodating possible correlations among them. The performance of the developed methodology is validated by applying it to an industrial fish cutting machine called Iron Butcher-an electromechanical system that falls into the class of mixed or multidomain systems 相似文献
Single-wafer cluster tool performance: an analysis of throughput 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Perkinson T.L. McLarty P.K. Gyurcsik R.S. Cavin R.K. III 《Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on》1994,7(3):369-373
Cluster tools gained greater acceptance over the past several years, although concerns still exist over the throughput these tools can achieve. This paper presents an analysis of the relationship between process times, transport times, and maximum throughput in an individual cluster tool. Theoretical models which quantify the time required to process both an individual wafer and a lot in a cluster tool are developed. Three techniques for increasing throughput, based on these models, are also presented. These modifications require minimal modification of many existing designs and can yield significant increases in performance 相似文献
This paper presents pragmatic techniques for mechatronic design and injection speed control of an ultra high-speed plastic injection molding machine. Practical rules are proposed to select specifications of key mechatronic components in the hydraulic servo system, in order to efficiently construct an industry-level machine. With reasonable assumptions, a mathematical model of the injection speed control system is established and open-loop experimental data are then employed to validate the system model. By the model, a gain-scheduling PI controller and a fuzzy PI controller are presented, compared and then implemented into a digital signal processor (DSP) using standard C programming techniques. Experimental results are conducted to show that the two proposed controllers are capable of achieving satisfactory speed tracking performance. These developed techniques may provide useful references for engineers and practitioners attempting to design pragmatic, low-cost but high-performance ultra high-injection speed controllers. 相似文献
Antenna selection for multiple-antenna transmission systems: performance analysis and code construction 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Bahceci I. Duman T.M. Altunbasak Y. 《IEEE transactions on information theory / Professional Technical Group on Information Theory》2003,49(10):2669-2681
This correspondence studies antenna selection for wireless communications systems that employ multiple transmit and receive antennas. We assume that (1) the channel is characterized by quasi-static Rayleigh flat fading, and the subchannels fade independently, (2) the channel state information (CSI) is exactly known at the receiver, (3) the selection is available only at the receiver, and it is based on the instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at each receive antenna, and (4) space-time codes are used at the transmitter. We analyze the performance of such systems by deriving explicit upper bounds on the pairwise error probability (PEP). This performance analysis shows that (1) by selecting the set of antennas that observe the largest instantaneous SNR, one can achieve the same diversity gain as the one obtained by using all the receive antennas, provided that the underlying space-time code has full spatial diversity, and (2) in the case of rank-deficient space-time codes, the diversity gain may be dramatically reduced when antenna selection is used. However, we emphasize that in both cases the coding gain is reduced with antenna selection compared to the full complexity system. Based on the upper bounds derived, we describe code design principles suitable for antenna selection. Specifically, for systems with two transmit antennas, we design space-time codes that perform better than the known ones when antenna selection is employed. Finally, we present numerical examples and simulation results that validate our analysis and code design principles. 相似文献