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In this paper, a computationally efficient method is proposed for automated design of the prefilters for multivariable systems. In quantitative feedback theory (QFT) method, proposed by Horowitz, the prefilter is designed to achieve the desired tracking specifications. In the proposed approach, we pose the prefilter design problem as an interval constraint satisfaction problem and solve it using the well-established interval constraint satisfaction techniques. The proposed method finds optimal values of the parameters of fixed structure prefilter within the initial search domain. An approach based on prefilter synthesis for single-input single-output is already developed. The purpose of this paper is to extend this approach to QFT prefilter design for general multivariable systems. To validate the above design approach, we applied the method to a laboratory setup of magnetic levitation system.  相似文献   

Architectural floor plan layout design is what architects and designers do when they conceptually combine design units, such as rooms or compartments. At the end of this activity, they deliver precise geometric schemas as solutions to particular problems. More research on this topic is needed to develop productive tools. The authors propose orthogonal compartment placement (OCP) as a new approach to this activity. OCP includes a problem formulation and a solution method in which qualitative and quantitative knowledge are combined. Topological knowledge underlies human spatial reasoning. Computers can adequately perform repetitive topological reasoning. We believe that OCP is the first approach in CAAD to incorporate a full relational algebra to generate floor plan layouts. Based on block algebra (BA) and constraint satisfaction (CS), OCP can generate candidate solutions that correspond to distinct topological options. The analysis of a case study using a prototype tool is included.  相似文献   

Matti Nyk  nen 《Artificial Intelligence》2004,160(1-2):173-190
The first-order logical theory of dense linear order has long been known to admit quantifier elimination. This paper develops an explicit algorithm that yields an equivalent quantifier free form of its input formula. This algorithm performs existential quantifier elimination via constraint propagation. The result is computed incrementally using functional programming techniques. This approach may be of interest in implementing query languages for constraint databases.  相似文献   

In this paper, the robust fault detection problem for non-linear systems considering both bounded parametric modelling errors and measurement noises is addressed. The non-linear system is monitored by using a state estimator with bounded modelling uncertainty and bounded process and measurement noises. Additionally, time-variant and time-invariant system models are taken into account. Fault detection is formulated as a set-membership state estimation problem, which is implemented by means of constraint satisfaction techniques. Two solutions are presented: the first one solves the general case while the second solves the time-variant case, being this latter a relaxed solution of the first one. The performance of the time-variant approach is tested in two applications: the well-known quadruple-tank benchmark and the dynamic model of a representative portion of the Barcelona's sewer network. In both applications, different scenarios are presented: a faultless situation and some faulty situations. All considered scenarios are intended to show the effectiveness of the presented approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies the control of constrained systems whose dynamics and constraints switch between a finite set of modes over time according to an exogenous input signal. We define a new type of control invariant sets for switched constrained systems, called switch–robust control invariant (switch‐RCI) sets, that are robust to unknown mode switching and exploit available information on minimum dwell‐time and admissible mode transitions. These switch‐RCI sets are used to derive novel necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a control‐law that guarantees constraint satisfaction in the presence of unknown mode switching with known minimum dwell‐time. The switch‐RCI sets are also used to design a recursively feasible model predictive controller (MPC) that enforces closed‐loop constraint satisfaction for switched constrained systems. We show that our controller is nonconservative in the sense that it enforces constraints on the largest possible domain, ie, constraints can be recursively satisfied if and only if our controller is feasible. The MPC and switch‐RCI sets are demonstrated on a vehicle lane‐changing case study.  相似文献   

李飞龙  赵春艳  范如梦 《计算机应用》2019,39(12):3584-3589
为了求解具有增长取值域的随机约束满足问题(CSP),提出了一种基于禁忌搜索并与模拟退火相结合的算法。首先,利用禁忌搜索得到一组启发式的初始赋值,即由一个随机初始化的可行解通过邻域构造一组候选解,再利用禁忌表使候选解向最小化目标函数值的方向移动;如果得到的最优赋值不是问题的解,就把它作为启发式的初始赋值,再执行模拟退火对这组赋值进行修正直到得到全局最优解。数值实验结果表明,所提算法在接近问题的理论相变阈值时仍然能有效地找到问题的解,与其他局部搜索算法相比,表现出了显著的优越性,可用于随机CSP的算法设计。  相似文献   

入库堆垛问题普遍存在于堆场作业管理中,是在货物数目和出库顺序已知的前提下,要求较长(重)的货物置于较短(轻)的货物下方,目标是实现占用垛位数最少。通过问题分析,将其归结为一类带顺序约束的A形装箱问题,并建立了约束满足模型,设计了嵌入经典装箱启发式的约束满足求解算法。实验表明,该算法对于求解复杂约束下的大规模堆场问题较现有的装箱启发式有一定程度的改善。  相似文献   

基于约束满足的热轧批量计划模型与算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
将热轧批量计划问题作为一个约束满足问题处理,建立不确定计划数的VRPSTw约束满足模型.在求解过程中.先用约束满足的一致性技术过滤变量的值域,收缩搜索空间;然后用变量选择和值选择构造轧制计划的解.为变量赋值之后,实施约束传播,保证每块板坯只被访问一次并动态禁止子回路.在已有的解的基础上,应用基于禁忌的k-opt互换改进解的质量.数据实验证明模型和算法是有效的.  相似文献   

一种基于变量熵求解约束满足问题的置信传播算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在置信传播(belief propagation,BP)算法中,提出一种基于变量熵来挑选变量从而固定变量赋值的策略,用于求解一类具有增长定义域的随机约束满足问题.RB模型是一个具有增长定义域的随机约束满足问题的典型代表,已经严格证明它不仅存在精确的可满足性相变现象,而且可以生成难解实例.在RB模型上选取两组不同的参数进行数值实验.结果表明:在接近可满足性相变点时,BP引导的消去算法仍然可以非常有效地找到随机实例的解;不断增加问题的规模,算法的运行时间呈指数级增长;并且当控制参数(约束紧度)增加时,变量的平均自由度逐渐降低.  相似文献   

侯东亮  李铁克 《计算机应用》2012,32(12):3553-3557
针对转炉出钢延迟的炼钢连铸重调度问题,以开工时间、加工时间以及加工机器的差异度和同一炉次相邻设备间的等待时间的差异化最小为目标建立了动态约束满足模型,提出了基于约束满足和断浇修复的重调度算法。算法通过变量和值选择规则依次对变量赋值,利用冲突识别与解消规则识别赋值过程中产生的冲突并予以解消冲突;在形成的准可行调度中,利用断浇修复启发式规则修复连铸机的断浇现象。仿真实验模拟了3组均匀分布随机产生的延迟时间量,所得目标值分别为0.15,0.28和0.51。结果表明延迟时间量的大小对目标函数值有一定影响,所提算法能够最大限度地满足生产的实时性和稳定性的需求。  相似文献   

Geometric constraint satisfaction using optimization methods   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The numerical approach to solving geometric constraint problems is indispensable for building a practical CAD system. The most commonly-used numerical method is the Newton–Raphson method. It is fast, but has the instability problem: the method requires good initial values. To overcome this problem, recently the homotopy method has been proposed and experimented with. According to the report, the homotopy method generally works much better in terms of stability. In this paper we use the numerical optimization method to deal with the geometric constraint solving problem. The experimental results based on our implementation of the method show that this method is also much less sensitive to the initial value. Further, a distinctive advantage of the method is that under- and over-constrained problems can be handled naturally and efficiently. We also give many instructive examples to illustrate the above advantages.  相似文献   

Reliability-based robust design optimization (RBRDO) is one of the most important tools developed in recent years to improve both quality and reliability of the products at an early design stage. This paper presents a comparative study of different formulation approaches of RBRDO models and their performances. The paper also proposes an evolutionary multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) to one of the promising hybrid quality loss functions (HQLF)-based RBRDO model. The enhanced effectiveness of the HQLF-based RBRDO model is demonstrated by optimizing suitable examples.  相似文献   

针对一个典型的具有可变取值域的随机约束满足问题,提出了利用度启发式策略和最少约束值启发式策略来选择变量进行赋值的不完备回溯算法。该算法首先通过度启发式来确定待赋值变量的顺序,然后利用最少约束值启发式对选择的变量进行赋值,最后在有限时间内通过回溯得到变量的一组取值。用此算法对由RB模型生成的随机实例进行求解,实验结果表明,与经典的回溯算法相比,该算法具有显著的优越性。在控制参数(即约束紧度)进入相变区域时,该算法能在较短的时间内有效地找到实例的解。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new passive robust fault detection scheme using non-linear models that include parameter uncertainty. The non-linear model considered here is described by a group method of data handling (GMDH) neural network. The problem of passive robust fault detection using models including parameter uncertainty has been mainly addressed by checking if the measured behaviour is inside the region of possible behaviours based on the so-called forward test since it bounds the direct image of an interval function. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a new backward test, based on the inverse image of an interval function, that allows checking if there exists a parameter in the uncertain parameter set that is consistent with the measured system behaviour. This test is implemented using interval constraint satisfaction algorithms which can perform efficiently in deciding if the measured system state is consistent with the GMDH model and its associated uncertainty. Finally, this approach is tested on the servoactuator being a FDI benchmark in the European Project DAMADICS.  相似文献   

针对不确定性机械系统,提出了一种新的最优鲁棒控制方法.本文用模糊法去描述机械系统中的不确定性.机械系统的性能要求是确定的(保证最低要求),同时也是模糊的(成本控制里用到).所提出的控制方法是确定的,而不是基于假设的规则.经过严格的理论证明,控制系统最终可达到理想的性能指标.基于模糊信息,本文设计了一个性能指标(综合成本,包括系统的平均模糊性能和控制成本).通过最小化此性能指标,可解决控制的最优设计问题.这种最优设计方法可得到唯一的解析形式的最优解.总的来说,这种最优鲁棒控制方法较为系统,能够保证确定的系统性能得以实现,同时控制成本最小.最后,本文选了一个机械系统作为例子.  相似文献   

针对一个具有精确可满足性相变现象的大值域随机约束满足问题,提出了两种启发式动态回溯算法,即基于动态度的ddeg-MAC(dynamic degree-maintaining arc consistency)回溯算法和基于值域与动态度比值的dom/ddeg-MAC(dom/dynamic degree-maintaining arc consistency)回溯算法。这两种算法分别基于ddeg和dom/ddeg挑选变量,利用维持弧相容(MAC)技术为挑选的变量进行赋值。当赋值无法进行时,再执行动态回溯修正变量的赋值。数值实验结果表明:在控制参数非常接近理论相变点时,算法仍然能够有效地找到问题的解。与经典回溯算法相比,这两种启发式动态回溯算法具有显著的优越性。  相似文献   

Decentralized robust control of mechanical systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For mechanical systems described by Euler-Lagrange equations and involving high-order interconnections, this paper proposes a decentralized control, which guarantees the uniform ultimate stability when the control objective is tracking a smooth desired trajectory. The controller design is based on some physical properties of such systems and Lyapunov design methodology. The application of the proposed controller to robot manipulators is presented, and experiment results are included to illustrate the performance of the proposed control algorithm  相似文献   

We combine the concept of evolutionary search with the systematic search concepts of arc revision and hill climbing to form a hybrid system that quickly finds solutions to static and dynamic constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). Furthermore, we present the results of two experiments. In the first experiment, we show that our evolutionary hybrid outperforms a well-known hill climber, the iterative descent method (IDM), on a test suite of 750 randomly generated static CSPs. These results show the existence of a “mushy region” which contains a phase transition between CSPs that are based on constraint networks that have one or more solutions and those based on networks that have no solution. In the second experiment, we use a test suite of 250 additional randomly generated CSPs to compare two approaches for solving CSPs. In the first method, all the constraints of a CSP are known by the hybrid at run-time. We refer to this method as the static method for solving CSPs. In the second method, only half of the constraints of a CSPs are known at run-time. Each time that our hybrid system discovers a solution that satisfies all of the constraints of the current network, one additional constraint is added. This process of incrementally adding constraints is continued until all the constraints of a CSP are known by the algorithm or until the maximum number of individuals has been created. We refer to this second method as the dynamic method for solving CSPs. Our results show hybrid evolutionary search performs exceptionally well in the presence of dynamic (incremental) constraints, then also illuminate a potential hazard with solving dynamic CSPs  相似文献   

A multiagent evolutionary algorithm for constraint satisfaction problems.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With the intrinsic properties of constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) in mind, we divide CSPs into two types, namely, permutation CSPs and nonpermutation CSPs. According to their characteristics, several behaviors are designed for agents by making use of the ability of agents to sense and act on the environment. These behaviors are controlled by means of evolution, so that the multiagent evolutionary algorithm for constraint satisfaction problems (MAEA-CSPs) results. To overcome the disadvantages of the general encoding methods, the minimum conflict encoding is also proposed. Theoretical analyzes show that MAEA-CSPs has a linear space complexity and converges to the global optimum. The first part of the experiments uses 250 benchmark binary CSPs and 79 graph coloring problems from the DIMACS challenge to test the performance of MAEA-CSPs for nonpermutation CSPs. MAEA-CSPs is compared with six well-defined algorithms and the effect of the parameters is analyzed systematically. The second part of the experiments uses a classical CSP, n-queen problems, and a more practical case, job-shop scheduling problems (JSPs), to test the performance of MAEA-CSPs for permutation CSPs. The scalability of MAEA-CSPs along n for n-queen problems is studied with great care. The results show that MAEA-CSPs achieves good performance when n increases from 10(4) to 10(7), and has a linear time complexity. Even for 10(7)-queen problems, MAEA-CSPs finds the solutions by only 150 seconds. For JSPs, 59 benchmark problems are used, and good performance is also obtained.  相似文献   

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