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就业中心与城市发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
理论和实证研究表明,工业的空间分布对城市经济与城市效率密切相关。就业与城市经济增长的关系表现在:(1)劳动生产率和要素的生产率一般与就业密度和城市规模成正比,这与大城市相对高的工资相一致;(2)工业行业的多样化也促进城市经济的发展;(3)工业就业集中有利于提高生产率,域市企业的数量,工业产量和专利的产生;(4)就业的空间集聚在很大程度上影响域市交通投资和成本。  相似文献   

伴随着城市化和市场化进程,我国城镇非正规就业人口迅速扩张。2000与2010年全国地级及以上城市的非正规就业人数已达0.92亿和1.40亿,约占城镇就业人口和常住人口的42%和21%。在城市人口增长的过程中,非正规就业人口的扩张快于正规就业人数的增加,非经济活动人口的增速又高于非正规就业人口的增速。其中,作为慢变量的正规就业人口是城市人口增长的决定性因素;而无论城市规模如何变化,非正规就业人口在城市人口中的比重始终稳定在20%~24%之间。因此,仅仅通过拆除城中村、疏解低端人口、取缔非正规经营等做法无益于解决大城市的人口膨胀问题。规划师应将非正规就业人口纳入人口预测、用地规划、公众参与等正规制度框架,尊重和顺应自组织机制在城市发展中的基础性作用。  相似文献   

城市规模与碳排放的相关性思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章利用灰色斜率关联度,对碳排放量与城市规模中的人口.经济和土地因素的关系进行了实证研究.结果表明人口与碳排放量存在一定正相关关系,随着人口规模的增加.新增人口的人均碳排放量高于存量人口:经济增长与碳排放量存在显著正相关关系,经济增长对碳排放变化具有增量效应;而土地开发密度与碳排放量存在显著负相关关系,土地开发密度越低.碳排放量越高。针对上述研究结论.提出了构建低碳南京的建议.以为低碳城市建设服务。  相似文献   

城市增长和城市最佳规模理论是城市发展的经济学理论基础,该理论对城市发展规划具有重要的指导意义.文章通过对有关城市增长的理论的阐述,分析了城市最佳规模理论对城市发展规划的影响,并通过中国西安城市发展状况实例的分析,得出了规划部门可以根据城市增长规模理论,统筹规划城市不同功能分区的建设规模和位置、确定城市基础设施和公共设施的建设规模、对公共与民间资本的投向进行合理的规划的结论,并根据城市增长理论与现实的矛盾,提出了在城市发展规划中应用该理论的建议.  相似文献   

北京城市发展与"摊大饼"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济建设的飞速发展,北京的城市建设在原有基础上规模不断扩大,交通环线从二环、三环发展到五环、六环.与此同时,对北京城市(主要指市区中心地区)发展建设的批评也接踵而来,认为北京的城市建设是在"摊大饼",或者说处于失控状态.就此问题我们想与大家进行探讨.  相似文献   

广州市就业次中心和多中心城市研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1980年代后期,一种新的城市空间结构现象--"就业次中心(Em-ployment Subcentre)"和"多中心城市(Polycentricity)" 出现在北美和西欧的大都市,并成为学者们的研究热点.基于2004年广州市第一次经济普查中的就业人员数据,运用空间分析方法对广州市城市空间结构研究,旨在揭示"就业次中心"和"多中心城市"已经在中国的一些大都市中形成,并解剖其后的动力机制.最后笔者认为"就业次中心"和"多中心城市"已经存在于中国大都市,其形成机制来源于第二产业,与西方的第三产业不尽相同.  相似文献   

屈红梅  柳金英 《建筑知识》2014,(1):127-127,129
随着城市经济的发展,土地资源也越来越紧张,城市综合体凭借其高容积率、功能多样、建设设计紧凑等优势获得了广泛而普遍的推广。随着城市经济的推进,城市综合体景观也日益朝着立体化、整体化、人性化、生态化、创新化的方向发展。  相似文献   

城市交通换乘中心的城市功能与管理方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文集中分析了城市客运交通中换乘中心对机动性发展的重要性,随后分析了换乘中心的城市功能以及它的三种管理模式。  相似文献   

刘云  李景泽 《山西建筑》2012,38(29):42-44
在探讨中心城市与卫星城市间交通模式选择时,引入了交通配置模式概念,将中心城市与卫星城市间交通模式的衔接涵盖其中。根据国际、国内大城市与卫星城市间交通模式及与中心城交通系统的衔接方式,把卫星城与主城间客运交通配置模式概括为六类十八种,并提出了中心城市—卫星城市间交通配置模式的确定内容和确定过程,具有很强的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

付彦 《山西建筑》2008,34(18):215-216
通过对我国人口规模结构变化的分析,找出不同时代、不同背景下的城市人口增长方式的内涵规律,提出了不同城市人口规模结构所面临的问题,反思我国过去推行的城市人口规模发展战略的得失,为当今我国城市化人口战略提供借鉴。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: It is universally acknowledged that Third World countries are experiencing rapid urbanization. Although the causes and effects of urbanization have been discussed in substantial detail, few scholars have examined public policy toward urban expansion in underdeveloped areas. Perhaps most important, Third World cities face a severe shortage of adequate employment and housing. This article discusses the urban policy followed by the Republic of Kenya with respect to these two problems. Overall, the data indicate that urban policies are biased in favor of economic and political elites. Although the Kenyan government has “officially” endorsed the creation of additional employment in both urban and rural areas, its policies have not facilitated these objectives. Similarly, the government has not allocated sufficient resources for urban housing, and resources that are allocated often subsidize a small elite. The findings for Kenya have broad implications for the study of urbanization throughout the Third World.  相似文献   

城市规划与城市经济发展   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
分析了城市经济发展的含义、因素以及城市规划的经济作用 ;阐述了城市规划与城市经济发展的理论联系 ;并对我国城市经济发展规划的进展、内容以及重点进行了讨论  相似文献   

This paper describes a powerful yet user-friendly large-scale model for urban and regional economic development planning, which is under development at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The procedure, called the Spatial Employment and Economic Development (SEED) procedure, currently gives a variety of labor-shed information. It can also provide the means to evaluate job-training and transportation system improvements.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 11th Pacific Regional Science Conference, Singapore, July 1989.  相似文献   

本文引伸城市地理学中“增长边缘”这一概念,探讨了城市边缘增长的宏观对策,并研究出一些具体措施,从规划到管理如何进一步对这一地区加强控制和引导。  相似文献   

城市生态系统与城市经济系统的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沈清基 《规划师》2001,17(1):17-21
文章围绕城市生态系统和城市经济系统进行了相关问题的研究,重点探讨了城市生态生产力、城市生态效益、城市经济生产力、城市经济效益及城市生态系统和城市经济系统的关系等问题。  相似文献   

The urban enterprise zone is an economic development concept that has been implemented by a large majority of state governments in the United States. Yet there is little evidence demonstrating that this concept is effective at generating new ecnomomic development at the local level. Nor does previous research on enterprise zones take into account external effects that may stimulate or deter economic growth within a zone. This article seeks to remedy these problems by carrying out a disaggregated analysis of new job development within an enterprise zone, and by presenting a method that enables external growth stimuli and industrial composition to be factored out of the enterprise zone evaluation process. This method relies on shift-share analysis to reveal the comparative advantage of an enterprise zone for generating economic growth relative to the larger metropolitan area of which it is a geographic component. The method is applied to the Evansville, Indiana, Urban Enterprise Zone. From this analysis we conclude that the enterprise zone concept can be a cost-effective local economic development tool.  相似文献   


Innovation is an elemental part of regional economic growth. In the past years, information and communication technologies (ICTs) have enabled new means for data collection, and analysis for the study of regional innovation systems. This paper investigates innovation and technology messaging in Twitter, which has been described as the SMS of the Internet. The concept of electronic capital (e-capital) is applied in order to find out how technology messaging relates to the economic situation in metropolitan areas. The recently introduced concept of e-capital is cultivated from the conceptualizations of innovation acknowledging that different forms of capital, including human, social, and economic, circulate and have an effect on each other. The analysis indicates that clusters of e-capital and potential growth clusters are identifiable by using Twitter activity. In Europe, e-capital agglomerates to previously identified clusters of the “Blue Banana” and the “Golden Banana” (or the “Sun Belt”). Based on spatial statistics, we apply Categories of Metropolitan Areas (COMAs) in order to classify Twitter intensive locations across Europe. We defined four COMAs and estimated their e-capital potential. The most problematic COMA lies in Eastern Europe whereas the strongest concentration is found in Western Europe.  相似文献   

Amenities Drive Urban Growth   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Studies of the city traditionally posit a division between a city’s economy and its culture, with culture subordinate in explanatory power to work. However, post–industrial and globalizing trends are dramatically elevating the importance of culture. Cultural activities are increasingly crucial to urban economic vitality. Models to explain the growth of cities from the era of industrial manufacturing are outmoded. Citizens in the postindustrial city increasingly make quality of life demands, treating their own urban location as if tourists, emphasizing aesthetic concerns. These practices impact considerations about the proper nature of amenities that post–industrial cities can sustain.  相似文献   

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