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Telecommunication and broadcasting systems using radio-relay/base stations on board the high altitude platforms are expected to create the largest business market among its possible applications. They could also be integrated with satellite- and terrestrial-based systems in the future to construct the more powerful mobile and/or broadband networks. Prototype onboard equipment and ground equipment are being developed on schedule in the fixed, mobile, and broadcasting services. The performance of them will be demonstrated and evaluated in the preliminary flight tests planned in 2002 using alternative aerial vehicles: a helicopter, a jet, and a solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), before flight tests using the high altitude airships. This paper presents activity in Japan on the R&D of wireless access systems using high altitude platform stations and the detail of the preliminary flight test program. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

遆晓光  韩放 《电光与控制》2009,16(12):22-25
工作于距海平面20~30 km高度的高空飞艇,虽然可以避免雨和暴风雪的影响,但依然受风和大气紊流的影响.为了克服这些外部扰动的影响,处于定点悬停阶段的高空飞艇,需要消耗大量的能量,而高空飞艇所能提供的能量是有限的,系统能耗将直接影响高空飞艇的负载能力和驻空时间.针对大气紊流对高空飞艇定点悬停阶段姿态调整的影响,利用内模控制设计原理具有通过设计内模,可以将扰动信号反馈到系统的输入端,由此便可以直接对扰动进行控制的特点,设计了高空飞艇纵向姿态控制器,仿真结果表明,所设计的内模控制器可有效地抑制大气紊流的影响.  相似文献   

以高空军用飞艇测控与信息传输系统为主要研究对象,阐述了测控与信息传输系统在飞艇应用中的重要作用,提出了飞艇测控与信息传输系统功能结构,总结了其技术特点及需要解决的主要技术问题,并提出了初步解决思路。  相似文献   

This paper compares the performance and complexity of two methods of steering an array of aperture antennas on a high altitude platform for the provision of broadband fixed wireless access using cellular type frequency reuse. The first method is to steer all antennas individually to maintain the boresight at the required cell centre. The paper also presents a second method of compensating for aperture antenna pointing error due to lateral and vertical displacement of the platform from the nominal station using only four actuators plus a gimbal that can correct for roll, pitch and yaw of the platform. Results for signal strength, CIR and handovers are given for both scenarios and conclusions drawn.Myles Capstick received his B.Sc and Ph.D degrees in Electronics from the University of Wales, Bangor, in 1987 and 1991, respectively. His current position is as a Senior Lecturer at the University of York and he has also been a Lecturer at the University of Wales in Bangor and at York. His research interests are centred in RF, microwave and mm-wave circuits and systems. More specifically, mm-wave and microwave filters, diplexers and planar array antennas and the design and modelling of broadband, multiband and compact antennas for MIMO communication. He has particular expertise in the area of EMC for RF and microwave circuits and systems, research that extends into the design of the dosimetry equipment for human exposure to EM fields used in human volunteer trials within the UK’s Human Health and Mobile Telecommunications Research programme. He has been an invited speaker at several conferences and seminars in the fields of mobile communications and EMC. He is a member of the IEE.David Grace received his M.Eng degree in Electronic Systems Engineering D.Phil degree from the University of York, UK in 1993 and 1999, respectively. His D.Phil thesis dealt with ‘Distributed Dynamic Channel Assignment for the Wireless Environment’. Since 1994 he has been a member of the Communications Research Group at York, where he is now a Research Fellow. He has worked on a variety of research contracts including several from the former Defence Evaluation and Research Agency. Current research interests include radio resource management for broadband communications, particularly from high-altitude platform and terrestrial ad hoc networks. He is now Principal Scientific Officer for CAPANINA a major European Framework 6 project that is developing broadband communications from high-altitude platforms. He has been an invited speaker at several conferences and industrial locations in the fields of HAP systems. He is also a nominated Researcher in the European NEWCOM Network of Excellence, and a Director of SkyLARC Technologies Ltd, a York based company, specialising in broadband communications from aerial platforms. He is a member of IEE and IEEE.  相似文献   

彭平 《电子设计工程》2011,19(22):69-71
将雨刮电机作为驱动机构,设计相应控制电路,组成一种新的飞艇涵道驱动设备,可用来驱动中小型无人飞艇涵道的偏转,从而确保无人飞艇起飞和降落的安全。经多种无人飞艇使用表明,该驱动设备具有控制简单、重量轻、体积小和成本低廉等特点。  相似文献   

高空通信平台的系统方案探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴波洋 《电信科学》2002,18(3):23-26
高空平台通信系统可与卫星和地面通信系统互补,是实现宽带无线通信的一种重要手段。本文简要介绍了分别采用飞艇和飞机作为载体的两种高空通信平台,并就高空平台通信系统的载体方案、工作频段和系统结构等方面提出了一些具体的设想。文中建议利用反向C频段开发我国的平流层通信系统,并就高空平台通信与卫星和地面微波通信在C频段的共存问题作了探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a method to estimate the capacity of the wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) scheme using High Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS), and demonstrate the results. This is to validate that the HAPS system is one of the most effective solutions to provide high quality wireless communication services, such as IMT-2000 services. We use a practical system model which describes the HAPS system most appropriately, and this leads to realistic estimation results. We estimate the reverse and forward link capacity of the HAPS WCDMA system and compare it to that of the terrestrial system. The estimation results show that the capacity of the HAPS WCDMA system is about 1.2–1.67 times larger than that of the terrestrial system.  相似文献   

现代平流层飞艇要求飞艇能够安全、平稳地抵达平流层目标高度。首先分析了平流层飞艇高度控制与压差控制的关系, 然后针对平流层飞艇的特点提出了一种前馈式高度控制的方法。仿真结果表明,前馈式高度控制器具有一定的局限性, 不能同时满足高度和压差的控制目标。为此,提出了压差控制器以及两种解决高度控制器与压差控制器融合问题的方案, 最后的仿真结果表明, 限制高度控制权限的方案能保证飞艇安全平稳地到达目标高度。  相似文献   

朱子行  梁俊 《通信技术》2009,42(6):174-176
信道是设计一个通信系统需要考虑的重要因素。介绍了高空平台站通信的概况,提出了一种基于三状态马尔科夫过程的高空平台站通信信道模型。利用数值分析的方法给出了郊区和森林衰落环境下接收信号功率的概率密度函数和系统的误比特率,并与仿真结果进行了分析和比较。对于当前高空通信平台的开发和研究等方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A new broadband telecommunication system has been recently proposed for provision of fixed, mobile and personal services adopting the use of high altitude platform stations placed in a fixed position in the stratospheric layer at heights from 15.5 to 30 km. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has allocated a pair of 300 MHz of spectrum in the V band for these services, which is already in use by geostationary satellite and wireless terrestrial systems as co-primary allocations. This paper addresses an in-depth co-channel interference analysis and proposes a C/I (carrier-to-interference) calculation model applicable to all the interference propagation paths as well as sharing criteria between HAPN, GEO satellite and wireless terrestrial systems extracted from simulations performed in urban, suburban and rural environments. By evaluating the interference density cumulative probability distribution functions, sufficient geographical separation distances between the ground stations are proposed which guarantee the harmonic co-existence between the three broadband systems. Maintaining the platform stable in the stratosphere is a key issue, and in this paper the effect of the three different stratospheric platform’s movement models (ITU, HELINET, HALO) appearing in the literature, on C/I levels is estimated.Vasilis F. Milas {received the Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 2000. From October 2000 until October 2001 he joined Space Engineering S.P.A in Italy (Rome) as a field practicing engineer where he was mainly involved into the design and realization of satellite telecommunication systems. Since November 2001 he is a member of the Mobile Radiocommunications Laboratory at the National Technical University of Athens working towards his Ph.D. degree with focus on high altitude platform systems and interference characterization on wireless communication systems.Philip Constantinou {received the Diploma in Physics from the National University of Athens in 1972, the Master of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in 1976 and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1983 from Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. From 1976 to 1979 was with Telesat Canada. In 1980 he joined the Ministry of Communications in Ottawa, Canada. From 1984 to 1989 he was with the National Research Centre Demokritos in Athens, Greece were he was involved on several research projects in the area of Mobile Communications. In 1989 he joined NTUA where he is currently Professor. His current research interests include Mobile Satellite Communications and Interference Problems on Digital Communications Systems.  相似文献   

由于飞艇惯性大,响应时间长,机动性低,为了提高机动性,采用基于LMI线性矩阵不等式的方法设计控制律算法,为了验证飞艇控制律的性能,在Matlab的XPC实时仿真平台基础上,搭建半物理仿真平台,研究了宿主/目标机和飞控计算机及地面操作站之间通过串口和反射光纤组成的反射内存网实现宿主/目标机和飞控计算机及地面操作站之间的信息通讯。系统实时仿真的结果表明,该系统能直观有效地验证各种控制律算法的性能,为飞控算法移植到工程应用中提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

This paper looks into the relatively new field of high altitude platform stations. HAPS is seen as a ‘middle ground’ between the terrestrial and satellite cases, and aims to exploit of the advantages of both types of system. Since HAPS is such a new field, this paper focuses on the technology behind a HAPS communications system, how this has developed, and compares it to the terrestrial and satellite equivalents. One important area that is being investigated is the applications for which HAPS should be used. This is a critical issue if a significant business case is to be made for HAPS. Worldwide HAPS projects and research issues are also highlighted. Finally, the review concludes with the remarks on the future of HAPS for wireless communications systems.  相似文献   

In the World Radiocommunication Conference 2000 (WRC-2000), use of the 31 GHzand 28 GHz bands was permitted for the fixed service (FS) by using highaltitude platform stations (HAPS) in some countries. This paper examines thesharing and compatibility of the HAPS-based FS with the other services usingthe same and adjacent frequency bands and establishes the conditions of thecoexistence with those services. Feasibility of dynamic channel assignment(DCA) scheme among the different communication systems to facilitate thecoexistence is also studied.  相似文献   

韩军 《无线电工程》2003,33(7):43-44,64
卫星通信系统,由于覆盖区域广,遭受域外干扰和远距离干扰的概率非常大,成为卫星通讯系统应用、尤其是军事应用的一个薄弱环节,虽然采取各种抗干扰措施,但是由于技术、资金等问题,很难在根本上解决卫星广域上受攻击的处境。本文提出了一种HAPS(High Altitude Platform Station)转发器作为卫星转发器遭受干扰后的应急转发器来实现HAPS覆盖区域内应急卫星通信的思路。由于HAPS通信系统较之卫星的有限区域覆盖性,其遭受域外干扰和远距离干扰的概率大大降低。本文分析了卫星通信抗干扰的措施和在抗干扰、抗摧毁设计中的技术复杂性,指出了HAPS通信系统的机动性、抗干扰性以及低成本非常适合作为卫星通信系统转发器的区域备份,实现HAPS区域内卫星站的应急通信。  相似文献   

无人飞艇系统仿真在飞艇系统工程研发过程中起着非常重要的作用.在分析了飞艇系统组成和工作原理的基础上,提出了基于HLA的无人飞艇系统仿真设计方案,并具体阐述了联邦成员及联邦成员间信息交互的设计,给出了联邦成员间信息传递关系的示意图.最后,描述了仿真试验的初步结果.  相似文献   

为评估空空导弹捷联惯导系统对准和导航精度,研制平台式主惯导半实物模拟系统进行捷联惯导系统对准和导航性能试验。该模拟系统模拟两种国产平台式惯导系统的功能、性能、逻辑时序以及总线接口形式等,可接收外部按一定格式编排的飞行轨迹参数,或者系统自动生成飞行轨迹,包括飞机各种典型的机动动作。经过精确计算后,系统通过1553B/429总线输出各种导航参数、控制信息及状态信息。实现了惯导测试中模拟系统与实际平台式主惯导的可互换使用。  相似文献   

High Altitude Platforms may offer high spectrum efficiency by deploying multi-beam, multi-cell communications networks. The properties of the antennas carried by the HAP payload are key to the effective exploitation of these benefits. This paper compares different models for the antenna sidelobe region and quantifies, in each case, the carrier to interference ratio for a 3 channel re-use plan. Networks of 121 and 313 cells are compared. We show how the ITU recommended pattern for the 47/48 GHz band leads to pessimistic results compared to an adapted pattern which fits that of measured data for an elliptic beam lens antenna. The method is then extended to consider other radiation patterns. Spectrum sharing issues are explored with reference to further ITU recommendations and comparison with measurement data. Finally, an ITU type cellular layout which uses the same antenna for each cell is compared to an alternative hexagonal layout where each cell has equal size. John Thornton is a physics graduate of the University of York, UK, obtained an MSc. in microwave physics from the University of Portsmouth, UK, in 1995 and a PhD from the UK's Open University in 2002. He has held research posts at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, developing sub-millimetre wave solid state sources and receivers, and at the University of Oxford, on projects including passive radar transponders, array antennas and superconducting filters. In 2000 he returned to York to join the Department of Electronics as a Research Fellow, where his research interests include microwave techniques, wireless broadband and scanning antennas. David Pearce BA(Cantab), DPhil(York) MIEEE, AMIEE, is a lecturer in the Department of Electronics in the University of York and has worked in the field of Fixed Wireless Access schemes for the last five years. Prior to this he worked developing new copper-based local area network schemes in both academia and industry; including heavy involvement in the standardisation work for ISO-8802.5 token ring. Current research interests are focused on media access schemes for multimedia traffic and adaptive techniques for optimising the bandwidth efficiency of wireless networks. David Grace received his MEng in Electronic Systems Engineering and D.Phil from the University of York, UK in 1993 and 1999 respectively. Since 1994 he has been a member of the Communications Research Group where he is now a Senior Research Fellow whose current interests include radio resource management for broadband communications, particularly from high-altitude platform, and terrestrial ad hoc networks. He is Principal Scientific Officer for CAPANINA, a major European Framework 6 project developing broadband communications from high-altitude platforms. He has been an invited speaker at several conferences and industrial locations in the fields of HAP systems. He is a nominated Researcher in the European NEWCOM Network of Excellence, and a Director of SkyLARC Technologies Ltd, a York based company, specialising in broadband communications from aerial platforms. He is a member of IEE and IEEE. Masayuki Oodo received B.E., M.E., and D.E. degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, respectively in 1992,1994, and 1997. In 1997, he joined the Communications Research Laboratory (CRL), now part of the National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT). Since July 2004 he has been a visiting research fellow at the University of York. His research interests are array antennas for wireless communications and frequency-sharing between HAPS and other systems. Dr. Oodo received the Paper Presentation Award from IEEJ (The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan) in 1995, the Young Scientist Award from URSI in 1996, the Young Engineer Award from IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) of Japan in 1997, and the Young Engineer Award from IEEE AP-S Tokyo Chapter in 1998. Konstantinos Katzis received his BEng degree in Computer Systems Engineering in 2000 and his MSc in Radio Systems Engineering in 2001, both from the University of Hull, UK. Since 2001 he has been a member of the Communications Research Group at York where he has been working on Resource Allocation Techniques for HAPs for his PhD degree. Currently he is a Research Associate working on Radio Resource Management for the European project CAPANINA. His current research interests include Resource allocation and spectrum management, multiple access schemes and medium access control protocol modelling. Tim Tozer MA(Cantab), CEng, FIEE, MIEEE, is Senior Lecturer in Electronics at York, since 1987, and leader of the Communications Research Group. Research interests include: wireless access techniques; multi-user, satellite and High Altitude Platform communications. He has held numerous grants and research contracts from industry, government and international organisations, and is a named author on over 180 technical publications. He is active in the IEE Professional Network on Satellite Systems and Applications. Tim is a regular invited presenter at international conferences, workshops and tutorials, in the fields of VSAT and HAPs communications. He has previous experience in industry, including work on military satellite systems at DERA (now QinetiQ). Tim is also Managing Director of SkyLARC Technologies Ltd.  相似文献   

城市交通隧道污染物风塔高空排放研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采用三维CFD数值仿真和大型环境风洞试验相结合的方法和手段,对城市交通隧道内废气在不同风塔结构尺寸、废气射流速度以及相应的大气环境气象参数下的排放,进行了深入研究,给出了污染物在不同工况下的扩散衰减情况及对应的主方向线方程.  相似文献   

根据生瓷带打孔机对运动平台的特殊要求,设计了高速精密运动平台方案,分别从高刚度机械结构、直线电机及同步控制、运动误差补偿等三个方面详细阐述了具体的实施方案及解决措施,并采用三种方法对平台的性能进行了验证.通过验证证明,平台达到很高的加速度和定位精度,达到了平台设计的预期目标.  相似文献   

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