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A practical object-oriented model for the planning and control of housing construction is presented that can generate efficient schedules and determine the time and cost performance of a housing project at three levels: (i) entire project, (ii) particular housing unit and (iii) an individual subcontractor. The model comprises five major components: (1) input module, (2) scheduling module, (3) database module, (4) control module and (5) reports module, and incorporates 18 classes that are designed to address the main requirements in planning and control of housing construction. The model is implemented as a user-friendly prototype software system using Visual C++ 6.0 and Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC). The prototype software is named ‘Residential Planner’, and runs in Windows 2000 and NT. An example of an application is analysed to illus8 trate the use of the developed model and demonstrate its practical features.  相似文献   

Key applications are identified by the authors which include decision support systems for managing real life construction firms and projects as well as tools and devices for teaching theoretical concepts in construction management, training and team building.  相似文献   

Quality Management Systems (QMS) are being operated in some sectors in Turkey but it is rare to meet these systems in construction industry. There are many hinderances that make it difficult to apply these systems effectively due to the nature of construction and therefore, no objective way of measuring the effectiveness of these systems exists in construction industry.  相似文献   

As buildings are now taller, larger, and more complex, it has become increasingly more difficult to secure stockyards for materials and to resolve the surrounding traffic problems, creating an increased need for Just-In-Time (JIT) delivery. To support JIT delivery, it is necessary to build a framework that can facilitate the collection and share of information on construction components and material flow throughout the whole supply chain process. Many researchers have suggested that radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless sensor network technologies could improve the effectiveness and efficiency of JIT management. In addition, service-oriented architecture (SOA), the services of which enable the interfacing of a heterogeneous system environment of parties involved in the supply chain management process, is suggested in the manufacturing industry as one of the solutions for effective collection and sharing of information in supply chain management. However, the construction industry has limits in applying the framework suggested in the manufacturing industry since the supply chain process in the construction industry is extremely dynamic due to frequent changes in the design and plans of construction projects. Therefore, the objective of this research is to develop a seamlessly integrated information management framework that can provide logistics information to project stakeholders for their decision making. The pilot test of the framework developed in this research showed that it can improve time efficiency by about 32% compared to the traditional supply chain management. The result of this research is expected to be utilized effectively as a basic framework to manage information in RFID/WSN based construction supply chain management (CSCM) environments.  相似文献   

The building construction industry has adapted well to the need to overcome traditional problems of safety, productivity, and quality on construction sites. Advanced technologies and systems developed outside the building industry are also being introduced to meet the new demands of today's challenges. In particular, the high-tech robots used in the erection of structural steel frames in high-rise buildings in order not to expose human workers to unsafe conditions. In addition, an automated construction system based on improved bolting robots has been developed in Korea. However, the harsh environment of construction sites adversely affects the various sensitive machines, sensors, and devices that comprise the robot construction systems. To minimize the effects of the adverse environment on robot performance, it is believed that a Construction Factory (CF) is required. This is a special workspace providing a stable and favourable work environment for the construction robot. In this study, we developed several CF alternatives for the realization of more desirable automated construction environment, and evaluated them from the aspects of wind speed and air temperature using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. The results showed that a CF with a closed roof and bottom was the best CF option for robot construction, and it can be helpful to reduce the potential cost overruns and time delays for CF construction.  相似文献   

Construction time performance (CTP) and flexibility in approaches to project time planning have been shown to be significantly associated. This raises interesting questions about how effective planning and control to facilitate flexibility in overcoming unexpected problems may be achieved. Case study data were used to explore links between planning and flexibility. This paper reports upon a recent study of two highly complex projects, a mental and forensic health hospital and a very large freeway/bridge/tunnel urban infrastructure project. The authors investigated planning flexibility using a framework of project team understanding and knowledge transfer to provide a model that contributes to our understanding of mechanisms and drivers that delivers flexible behaviour that may affect CTP. We conclude that both ability, supported by organizational and team competence, and commitment to explore construction method options in a flexible manner, i.e. responding to unanticipated problems, are necessary to facilitate good construction time performance.  相似文献   

周友军  张明 《四川建材》2013,(4):228-229,231
项目管理是反映企业管理水平高低的窗口,是建筑企业形象的体现。项目管理是施工企业其他各项基础管理工作的出发点和落脚点,是建筑施工企业经济效益和社会效益的源泉。项目施工水平的高低、施工质量的优劣、文明施工的好坏与项目管理有直接的关系,所以,建筑企业应把项目管理作为企业管理的重中之重。  相似文献   

Execution schedule and 2D drawings are generally used for hazards identification in the construction safety planning process. Planner visualises 2D drawings into a 3D model and mentally links its components with the respective activities defined in the schedule to understand the execution sequence in safety planning. Sequence interpretation and accordingly the hazards identification vary with the level of experience, knowledge and individual perspective of the safety planner. Therefore, researchers suggest the use of four dimensional (4D) modelling or building information modelling (BIM) to create the simulation of construction process by linking execution schedule with the 3D model. Both however lack in the features like: generation and updating of schedule, 3D components editing, topography modelling and geospatial analysis within a single platform which is now a major requirement of the construction industry. This work facilitates 4D modelling, geospatial analysis and topography modelling in the development of safe execution sequence by using geographic information systems (GIS), both 3D model along with its surrounding topography and schedule were developed and linked together within the same environment. During safety review process if planned sequence results a hazard situation, it may be corrected within the GIS itself before actual implementation. Paper also discusses the use of GIS in the development of safety database from which safety information are retrieved and linked with the activities of the schedule or components of a building model. 4D modelling along with topographical conditions and safety database in a single environment assist safety planner in examining what safety measures are required when, where and why. Developed methodology was tested on a real life project in India, lessons learned from the implementation have been discussed in the potential benefits and limitations section. At last, paper highlights major research areas for further improvements.  相似文献   

Construction project management (CPM) is a technical-oriented service for construction project clients. Evaluating the performance of service providers is beneficial both to purchasers, enabling them to appraise the services received, and to providers, helping them to improve their services. However, no appraisal system for such services exists. This study developed a novel customer satisfaction evaluation model for CPM services that was developed using a questionnaire-based survey and statistical analysis. Test results show that the developed model is a feasible system. Research using this model reveals that CPM services in Taiwan are satisfactory with acceptable performance for clients. The developed model is a good reference for evaluating and assessing CPM performance.  相似文献   

Various economical crises have affected Turkish economy during the last decade and construction industry has always been among the hardest hit; giving the idea that a comprehensive approach to crisis management is unavoidable. However, literature showed no findings related with crisis management applications by construction companies. Thus, a questionnaire survey was undertaken by the top management of 120 construction companies to investigate the degree of crisis management applications throughout the industry, mainly focusing on the outcomes during the economical crisis in 2001. Frequency analysis, Likert scale of comparison, Thurstone's paired comparisons, Pearson's chi-square test and Fisher's exact test were used to evaluate the results.  相似文献   

High-rise construction sites, especially those situated in spatially-constrained urban areas, have difficulties in timely delivery of materials. IT-driven management techniques can be further benefited from state-of-the-art devices such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags and Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN), which have resulted in notable achievements in automated logistics management at the construction sites. Based on those achievements, this research develops USN hardware toolkits for hoists, which aims to automate the vertical material delivery by sensing the material information and routing it automatically to the right place. The gathered information from the sensors can also be used for monitoring the overall status. To support the system, a hoist-mountable intelligent toolkit was developed. Its feasibility test was conducted by applying the implemented system to a test bed and then analyzing efficiency of the system and the toolkit.  相似文献   

毋文彦 《山西建筑》2010,36(36):209-210
结合工作实践和太原市市政总公司现有的相关管理措施,探讨了项目工程现场文明管理方面的具体措施,分别阐述了施工现场管理,机械和材料管理,环保文明施工等方面的要点及方法,以期规范施工现场施工秩序,提高生产效率。  相似文献   

Waste is a great problem in the world of construction. If dealt with appropriately, there can be many benefits, including lower overall cost, faster production, a higher quality and more sustainable buildings. There are many solutions available for minimizing waste during construction. However, a great amount of waste still exists, whether in residential, commercial, industrial, infrastructural or other constructions. The purpose of this investigation is to ascertain key sources of waste, and whether generation varies with the type and size of the constructors. A sample of 30 general contractors was studied, and several null hypotheses on waste generation and minimization differences among sectors were tested using the Kruskal–Wallis H‐test. Although subtle shifts were observed in the aspects of waste behaviour that seemed predicated on construction sectors and capital base, to some extent the proposition that the construction type and size can influence waste generation and minimization was validated. Based on this study, some solutions are provided as viable avenues to managing and minimizing construction waste across sectors.  相似文献   

刘建玲 《山西建筑》2009,35(14):181-182
针对施工现场材料管理的重要性,就如何做好施工现场的材料管理进行了探讨,并提出了施工管理中应重点注意的问题,以做好施工现场材料管理工作,做到既不浪费又不影响施工进度。  相似文献   

Explored in this paper is the topic of designing a construction management (CM) data visualization environment with emphasis on its use for supporting the time management function during the planning and execution phases of construction projects which are characterized by sizeable volumes of data of different types. A brief overview of recent construction data visualization work is first provided. Then, as part of a top-down design approach, we introduce concepts and useful terminology related to a structured way of thinking about analytical reasoning and visual analytics, and their relationship with construction management functions. The focus of the latter then shifts to how a construction data visualization environment can support project participant analytical reasoning needs for the management of time, specifically planning/predicting and monitoring/diagnosing/controlling construction conditions and time performance. A case study of aspects of an actual project examined using the construction data visualization environment developed to date is then presented. Purposes served include demonstrating the breadth of support that can be offered for reasoning by such an environment, and providing a test case for demonstrating the kind of evaluation process one should engage in to assess how well an environment conforms to the requirements set out for it. Time management functions treated for this case study include assessing quality of a baseline schedule, assessing actual vs. planned construction conditions and time performance, and assessing reasons for deviations. An evaluation of the current environment is then made to assess conformance/non-conformance with the requirements established for it and to identify worthwhile extensions to it. The paper concludes with a discussion of lessons learned from work performed to date, and their application to create a more comprehensive visualization environment that supports multiple CM functions.  相似文献   

本文通过工程项目施工规划的分析,提出在施工规划时考虑合理有效措施加强造价管理的理念,以达到事前控制造价的目的,强调运用这种理念对工程项目降低施工成本,控制工程造价的重要意义。  相似文献   

浅析信息化在建设工程检测管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑穗 《福建建筑》2009,(9):137-138
随着建设工程检测业务的大幅度增加,检测单位数量也迅速增加,如何应用先进的信息化管理模式来为建设工程检测管理服务是一项当务之急的任务。本文论述了工程检测质量管理信息化系统的要求、优点及管理内容,并以福建省为例,阐明信息化在建设工程检测管理中应用的必然性和优越性。  相似文献   

新一轮科技革命和产业变革背景下,虚拟仿真教学为工程管理专业提供了全新的信息汇总渠道和高质量的实践操作模块,拓展了实验教学的深度和广度,实现了实验教学与信息技术的融合。为深入了解新工科背景下工程管理专业建设虚拟仿真教学项目的建设情况,本研究面向全国工程管理专业教师开展问卷调查,收集了当前工程管理专业中虚拟仿真教学项目建设数据,通过了解工程管理专业虚拟仿真教学项目建设意愿,分析了建设虚拟仿真教学项目的阻碍因素,并提出了对策和建议。数据显示,仅有22.54%的受访者申请或参与了虚拟仿真教学课程建设,超过90%的受访者认为虚拟仿真教学对工程管理与工程造价专业人才培养来说很重要或比较重要,并认可其作用。其中,影响教学建设意愿的主要阻碍因素包括缺乏资金、技术支撑和相关资源支持等。研究结果对推动工程管理专业虚拟仿真教学项目建设具有重要实践意义,相关建议和对策可为高校相关专业教学建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

The authors indicate that EDMS will not replace, but complement existing facilities and thereby enhance the management of documentation within construction organizations. It is hoped that client confidence and satisfaction can be enhanced by better communication.  相似文献   

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