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分析了三种不同类型的商业太阳电池片-P 型铸造多晶硅太阳电池,定边喂膜生长硅(EFG)太阳电池 和单晶硅太阳电池的光谱响应(外量子效率EQE),光束诱导电流(LBIC)和暗电流-电压(I-V),光照I-V 曲线。在I-V 特性测试中,利用太阳电池的二极管等效模型从测量数据中得出重要的电池参数,例如串联 电阻,并联电阻,二极管理想因子,暗饱和电流等。通过光谱响应和LBIC 测试,分析影响这些参数的可 能性缺陷。在铸造多晶硅、EGF 太阳电池中影响电池参数的主要缺陷是晶界以及位错以及材料中杂质,而 对于单晶硅来说,主要的却是存在于体内的金属杂质等。  相似文献   

采用特制的不锈钢网布,细栅部分100%开孔,栅线线宽50μm,网版寿命可达6万次,并实现了高度均匀、高的高宽比的栅线;采用process B方案,通过主栅和副栅两次印刷,降低了银浆耗用量从而降低了成本;最终采用较高的发射区方块电阻、较多的栅线条数,太阳电池的串联电阻下降0.002Ω,平均效率同比提高0.2%-0.3%,批量电池平均转化效率达到了17.5%。  相似文献   

为了快速、精确地测量薄膜与小组件太阳电池的光电特性参数,建立了太阳电池测试系统,研究了测试系统的控制模式与测试精度.选取DSP芯片TMS320LF2407为主控芯片,采用模块化与总线结构的设计思路,使系统具有较快的响应性与扩展性.运用高精度运算放大器等电子元件,研制了程控电子负载,可精确测量太阳电池的短路电流与开路电压...  相似文献   

为了获得太阳电池的I-V特性曲线及特性参数,利用Visual C++语言开发出基于Windows平台的太阳电池测试软件系统,并对基于补偿原理的I-V测试电路参数匹配进行了详细分析。电路中串联电阻及桥式直流电源对电池的暗特性影响变化不大,但可使光特性I-V曲线发生显著变化。通过参数匹配的调整与优化,测量数据与电池的标准数据基本吻合,其误差仅为1%~2%,表明该测试软件系统满足实际使用要求,为电池性能分析提供了准确的依据。  相似文献   

研究湿度传感器的过程中,湿敏元件电学性能参数的测试是一项基本而重要的工作,利用GPIB卡组建由ZL5型智能LCR测试仪与计算机构成的测试系统,并基于VB开发出系统控制软件,既可通过API函数实现串口通信,又发挥VB数据库的功能及其生成界面快的特点,从而使得系统操作简单、实用性强;已经应用于针对不同温度下烧结得到的纯TiO2薄膜的湿敏特性研究的试验中。  相似文献   

基于ADAMS的太阳电池阵动力学模拟参数化建模系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据太阳电池阵的特点和ADAMS软件二次开发功能,制定了太阳电池阵动力学特性模拟系统的程序构架.太阳电池阵由驱动机构、摇臂架、帆板、连接铰、锁定机构和同步机构组成.编制了相应的软件模块,包括主界面、初始化模块、间隙铰模块、构件模块和机构模块,初步实现了对太阳能帆板动力学模拟的参数化建模,采用编制的模拟系统对帆板展开机构...  相似文献   

空间太阳电池用光学薄膜   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了光学薄膜在十八所研制的空间太阳电池上的应用情况。通过高温高真空蒸镀的方法,制备出单层增透膜M gF2,双层增透膜T iOx/S iOy、T iOx/YOy和T iOx/A lOy;通过高真空离子辅助沉积的方法,制备出带通滤光膜。通过应用单层增透膜M gF2,太阳电池的输出功率提高2%;通过应用双层增透膜,太阳电池的短路电流提高36%~48%(硅太阳电池的短路电流提高近48%,砷化镓太阳电池提高近36%)。通过应用带通滤光膜,太阳电池的吸收系数降低0.06。  相似文献   

加拿大多伦多大学的研究人员日前发明了.一种柔性塑料太阳电池。有关方面介绍说,这种电池比目前以转换方式生产的类似电池的效率高5倍多。  相似文献   

缺陷太阳电池EL图像及伏安特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于电致发光(Electroluminescence,EL)的理论,利用红外检测的方法,通过CCD近红外相机实验检测出了晶体硅太阳电池中存在的隐性缺陷,如隐裂、断栅、电阻不均匀、花片等,并将可见光下电池图像与EL图像进行对比。对存在缺陷的太阳电池进行了伏安特性测试,得出隐裂缺陷对太阳电池伏安特性、填充因子、效率等性能的影响,也证明电致发光技术检测太阳电池缺陷的准确性。  相似文献   

Photovoltaic module measurements are predominantly taken by using pulsed solar simulators. However, significant errors can be generated when the existing simulators are applied to current high-efficiency crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules. This paper presents the design and implementation of a novel solar simulator featuring reflection-type light source and single long-pulse flash. The analysis and experimental study of the capacitance effect and the technical details of the simulator including reflection-type lamp house, xenon flash lamp power supply, and source-measure unit are introduced. The results show that the complete system achieves Class AAA performance in accordance with the international standard. The proposed simulator outperforms other similar products on the market and has been adopted by some well-known photovoltaic module manufacturers. The practical application demonstrates that this high-performance and cost-effective simulator is quite suitable for photovoltaic module production line.  相似文献   

为了建立太阳电池的标准测试规范流程,对影响太阳电池标准测试不确定度的各类因素进行了评价和筛选。基于太阳光模拟器、分光感度仪、IV测试仪、标准太阳电池等二级太阳电池标准测试设备与器件,开展了多项标准测试技术的研究。对电池测量过程中太阳电池模拟光源的空间不均匀性、时间不稳定性、仪器测量重复性、扫描方向导致的不确定度、电池反射率和透射率、面积测量不确定度、量子效率等各类影响因素进行了测量,给出了高效晶体硅太阳电池测量不确定度的测量流程,最终导出在现有实验室测量条件下的扩展测量不确定度为±3.94%。基于对常规太阳电池测试数据的比较,对常规电池测量方法进行了改进,将测量不确定度降低了0.19%。最后,提出了双面电池的精确测试流程和方法,为其它双面光电池的标准化测量提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

The photovoltaic effect in silicon solar cells were investigated by using a near-field scanning microwave microscope (NSMM) technique by measuring the microwave reflection coefficient at an operating frequency near 4 GHz. As the photoconductivity in the solar cells was varied due to the incident light intensities and the wavelength, we could observe the photoconductivity changes at heterojunction interfaces inside the solar cells by measuring the change of reflection coefficient S11 of the NSMM. By measuring the change of reflection coefficient, we also directly imaged the photoconductivity changes at heterojunction interfaces inside the solar cells.  相似文献   

为了提高硅太阳能电池制备过程的成品率、生产效率和自动化程度,基于对硅太阳能电池生产工艺的分析研究,并从产品质量控制的角度出发,建立了新型质量控制体系。体系由基于全自动光学检测设备的质量监控系统和基于统计过程控制技术(SPC)的质量分析评估系统组成,经过监控系统采集生产线质量信息数据后由质量评估系统对数据进行质量判定、缺陷分析和工艺评价等分析处理,实现了自动生成报表、辅助修改工艺和实现远程管理等功能,从而达到了提高产品质量、稳定生产和提高生产效率的目的。  相似文献   

The first part of this paper describes basic parameters for the determination of the conversion efficiency as well as the energy loss of solar cells. The second part contains different methods for solar cell calibrations: four direct methods and the absolute differential spectral responsivity method. In the last part, space- and terrestrial applications of photovoltaic solar energy generators are given.  相似文献   

Smoothly polished single-crystal silicon plates were cut by wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) in water and in oil in order to investigate the effect of WEDM on the polished surfaces. For cutting in water, polished surfaces near cut sections have chips and cracks, and are extremely rough; the rough regions are upheaved. Examinations suggest that the upheaved region is silicon dioxide and results from oxidization of the surfaces by WEDM. Moreover, the polished surfaces far from the cut section are somewhat rough. For cutting in oil, polished surfaces near a cut section are smooth and almost flat although they have chips and cracks. These findings indicate the WEDM in oil is better than that in water for cutting polished single-crystal silicon to obtain high-quality surfaces.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of cutting by wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) on the shape accuracy of polished single-crystal silicon. Single-crystal silicon plates are polished, and then contoured in deionized water or in oil by WEDM. The shape accuracy of the polished surfaces is measured with an interferometer. As a result, the polished surfaces are deformed into convex shapes by WEDM cutting. The polished surfaces tend to become flat as the roughness of the cut sections decreases, and the flatness is independent of the type of cutting liquid. Cutting in oil is advantageous for maintaining the smoothness of polished surfaces. These findings confirm that, in the contouring process of polished single-crystal silicon blocks, smooth and high-accuracy surfaces are achieved by conducting rough- and finish-cutting WEDM processes in oil.  相似文献   

We discussed a method for cutting smoothly polished single-crystal silicon surfaces by wire electrical discharge machining to obtain a high-quality surface. To cut out parts with smooth surfaces from the plates by rough-cutting in water while maintaining the initial smoothness of the surfaces, several kinds of masks were applied to the polished surfaces before cutting. It was found that although the application of resin masks is effective for obtaining smooth surfaces far from the cut section, the surface smoothness near the section cut in water is less than in the case of cutting in oil. Next, finish-cutting in oil was performed to remove cracks and chips generated by rough-cutting in oil. As a result, although a few chips were generated at edges of the cut section, cracks were successfully removed by finish-cutting, so that the surface quality was successfully improved by finish-cutting in oil.  相似文献   

太阳能是一种重要的新能源,提高太阳能电池的光电转换效率、降低生产成本是大规模开发和利用光伏太阳能的关键。多晶硅太阳能电池市场占有率最高,对多晶硅表面织构化有利于降低表面反射率,提高转换效率。对多晶硅太阳能电池绒面制备主要方法(化学腐蚀、反应离子刻蚀、激光刻蚀和电化学腐蚀)的研究现状进行论述和分析,并在此基础上得出其发展趋势是:低成本、低反射率、高效率和低污染。  相似文献   

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