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Price sensitivity of residential energy consumption in Norway   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The main aim of this paper is to test the stability of the results of a model which focus on the relationship between the choice of heating equipment and the residential energy consumption. The results for the income and energy price variables are of special interest. Stability in the time dimension is tested by applying the model on micro data for each of the years 1993–1995. The parameter estimates are stable within a 95% confidence interval. However, the estimated impact of the energy price variable on energy consumption was considerably weaker in 1994 than in 1993 and 1995. The results for two different income groups in the pooled data set are also subject to stability testing. The energy price sensitivity in residential energy consumption is found to be higher for high-income households than for low-income households.  相似文献   

In recent years, lots of efforts have been devoted to the identification of the factors influencing residential energy consumption. Many factors affect energy consumption at the same time, leading to the lack of precision when identifying which factors are significant. This paper reports the results of performing factor analysis for examining the factors affecting residential energy consumption. Data gathered through interviews and surveys with the residents and of housing units in Tehran (capital of Iran) are used for this purpose. The database applied comprises 56 predictors, for 2087 observations. Thirteen latent factors related to households’ energy consumption were shown by the data. Finally, a regression model was employed in order to recognise the most important factors. The amount of electricity and natural gas consumption was used as the dependent variable in the regression model. The results obtained can help prioritise efforts for modifying parameters in order to reduce the energy consumption in the residential sector.  相似文献   

Energy savings obtainable through effective interseasonal energy transfer are explored by means of a detailed dynamic computer simulation. The mechanism of interseasonal energy transfer is the solar assisted Annual Cycle Energy System (ACES). The operational concept of the ACES is discussed and the modeling methodology used in evaluating the system is presented. Annual energy consumption and associated costs are investigated for the Full, Minimum and Cost Optimized ACES in a variety of U.S. climates. The energy and economic effectiveness of the ACES is evaluated by comparing the ACES to four conventional heating and cooling systems. Results show that the ACES can be three to four times more energy efficient than the conventional systems investigated in this study. Under prototype equipment cost constraints, the residential ACES are not, in general, cost competitive with the conventional systems. However, with realistic projections on the cost of mature components, the residential ACES are far superior to the conventional systems.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the variation of building heating energy consumption caused by global warming in Tianjin, China. Based on the hourly historical and monthly projected future (B1/A1B emissions scenarios) meteorological data, the variation of those relevant meteorological parameters was first analyzed. A TRNSYS simulation model for a reference building was introduced to investigate historical variation of office building energy consumption. The results showed that the 10-year-average heating energy consumption of 2001–2010 had reduced by 16.1% compared to that of 1961–1970. By conducting principal component analysis and regression analysis, future variation of building heating load was studied. For B1/A1B emissions scenarios, the multi-year-average heating load was found to decrease by 9.7% (18.1%)/10.2% (22.7%) compared to that of 1971–2010 by 2011–2050 (2051–2100).  相似文献   

本文通过DeST软件模拟北京地区一栋典型住宅建筑的天然采光逐时照度,进而计算该建筑的照明能耗,比较在标准北京时间和实行夏时制时的照明能耗分布特点。通过分析可得出结论:对于北京地区的住宅建筑,夏时制可以节约照明能耗;夏时制的起止日期可以考虑从三月第四个星期开始到九月第三个星期结束;在此期间,采用夏时制可节约照明能耗7.95%。  相似文献   

楼宇冷热电联供系统节能性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以济南地区一幢六层住宅楼冷、热、电负荷计算为基础,对基于小型燃气内燃机和微型燃气轮机的楼宇冷热电联供系统进行节能性研究。对系统余热利用情况和一次能耗率PER值进行计算,并将计算结果与分供式能量系统进行了比较,得出楼宇冷热电联供系统的节能性。研究结果表明,系统余热利用情况和主要设备运行效率是影响楼宇冷热电联供系统节能性的主要因素,系统方案选择应兼顾考虑应用场合冷、热、电负荷需求比例情况。  相似文献   

As one of the biggest parts of total national energy consumption (TNEC), building energy consumption (BEC) catches public eyes and has been regarded as a crucial problem of the current society. For the past 20 years, BEC in china has been increasing at a high speed. To curb the rapid growing of BEC, china has enforced and implemented a series of policies. These include enforcing BEC constraints on new building projects, promoting more environment friendly building designs, establishing a more sophisticated legislation for building energy conservation, and increasing the total budget in the area of BEC control. This article analyzed china BEC situation and the challenges. As the main point, the measures required by China government to improve building energy efficiency were introduced as well.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to analyse the electric energy consumption behaviour of the residential sector in Mexico. This report includes an analysis of the states located in arid zones, as a reference for the case study in Mexicali, Baja California during the period from 1990 to 1998. A diagnosis was established in order to study the problem of high electricity consumption in arid zones.  相似文献   

空调系统的节能措施   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文针对空调系统能耗高,但节能潜力又很大的特点,探讨了在空调系统的设计和运行中可以采取的一些节能措施,并对这些措施的节能效果进行了简单分析。  相似文献   

高层建筑供水模式的选择与系统能耗分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
戎左峻 《节能》2001,(8):25-27
结合工程设计实例,对具有代表性的高层建筑供水模式及其能耗作了详尽 的技术经济比较和理论分析。  相似文献   

This paper presents the thermal performance, in the heating and cooling of a building, of a double hollow concrete slab, one of whose faces is exposed to solar radiation and ambient air while the other is in contact with room air at constant temperature. A blackwened network of pipes is laid on the top surface and glazed sutiably. the flow rate of water / air through pipes is kept constant. It is seen that there is a time difference of 10-12 h between the maximum/ minimum of the thermal flux extering the room and the solair temperature for any flow rate. the heat flux inside the room is reduced appreciably for higher infiltration when there is no water flow to heat the building. the effect of a water film on the performance of the wall/roof has also been discussed and found to be more effective for the reduction of the heat flux coming into the building.  相似文献   

DES/CCHP系统和区域能源利用效率计算方法及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
华贲 《中外能源》2012,17(3):18-23
天然气分布式冷热电联供(DES/CCHP)是中国“十二五”期间提高能效、保障经济发展的重要战略举措,其评价指标是能源利用效率、经济效益、碳排放.DES/CCHP实现高效的技术关键包括:把所有终端用能集成为一个“总能源系统”;科学用能,核心是尽可能减小每一级用能的(火用)损耗;尽可能安排多个冷、热、电、汽终端用户时空分布的最优组合;需要较大的系统规模.新区DES/CCHP系统能效是决定区域总能效的最主要因素,两者的区别在于交通用能、其他用能和外来电力,可在取得相应数据基础上计算得出.计算能源利用效率的一般公式是:能效=终端耗用各种能源总量之和/耗用的一次能源总量,CCHP能效计算的分子必须是全部终端用能,必须按照8650h/a不同负荷逐时累加求和计算,不能取设计工况数据;分母必须全部折算成一次能源.在计算出区域规划的能效、总能耗和一次能源构成后,便可按照规划目标年度的GDP数据,推算出能源强度、碳强度和二氧化碳排放量等低碳发展指标.影响区域能源利用效率的因素包括外部因素——天然气价格与上网电价,客观因素——产业格局、气候条件和实际进展与规划格局的差异,以及主观因素等,其中外部、客观因素是决定能效的硬性约束.  相似文献   

Current environmental concerns on nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions caused by diesel engines have led researchers to be interested in investigating vehicles with alternative power sources. Because of this reason, vehicle models with SI engine were adopted in the conducted study. Firstly, as an initial step, 1-D SI engine models were created with use of AVL Boost software. A four-cylinder engine model was created for conventional vehicle model, while a two-cylinder downsized engine was adopted as a subsystem of hybrid vehicle model. The models were based on experimental data obtained from a laboratory test setup with a single-cylinder engine. Subsequently, detailed engine maps on emissions and fuel consumption were generated with the developed ANN model. The fuel consumption and emission data, which were gathered from NEDC and WLTC simulations, were compared for conventional ICE, PEM FC and PEM FC + ICE powered vehicles with the help of the vehicle model which was developed by using Matlab Simulink software. Based on the results, it was concluded that there might be sufficient improvement in fuel consumption and significant improvement in emissions with the use of PEM FC that a hybrid driving system (PEM FC + ICE) can be utilized, and that emissions can be at 0 with the sole use of PEM FC.  相似文献   

Replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFLs) has traditionally been seen as a cost effective means of promoting energy conservation. Recently, however, the magnitude of energy savings associated with CFLs has been called into question. Specifically, recent findings suggest an “interactive effect” associated with the replacement of incandescent light bulbs with CFLs in the residential sector. In this scenario, the reduced wattage of CFLs, relative to incandescent bulbs, generates less heat, which in turn, requires additional natural gas usage during the heating season. Engineering studies suggest the magnitude of the effect is significant in energy terms, which implies that the energy savings associated with CFLs may be significantly overstated. In this paper, we use billing analysis to test for the presence of interactive effects. Our analysis is based on a comprehensive dataset that includes monthly household electricity and natural gas usage, the number of CFL bulbs installed, the installation date, and a set of household characteristics. Our results suggest that CFLs do indeed save electricity. However, we do not find any support for the hypothesis that CFLs cause increased usage of natural gas.  相似文献   

This study assesses gender role and participation in energy utilization at the residential household level in an advanced industrial country setting. Two hundred and twenty one (221) standardized surveys of single-family residential households in San Antonio, Texas – the seventh largest city in the United States of America – are collected and used as a test case. The objective is to highlight the role of women in improving household energy efficiency. By coupling the behavioral and analytical sciences, studies such as this one provide better insight for the effective deployment of targeted energy efficiency programs that can benefit both households and municipalities while reducing impact on environmental resources. Study conclusions highlight 80% higher per capita consumption in female dominant households versus male dominant households (p=0.000) driven by approximately double the gas consumption in female-headed households (p=0.002), and 54% more electric usage (p=0.004). The higher use in female dominant homes is examined through the socio-demographic impacts of education, income, vintage of home occupied and size of home occupied. The theoretical framework and test case presented in this study promote the need for market segmented energy efficiency initiatives that better engage women in energy demand-side management in industrialized populated cities.  相似文献   

中国居民生活用能现状及展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
居民生活用能分析是能源政策研究中的重要组成部分。文章运用活动分析法借助于LEAP模型,对1999年中国居民能源消费情况进行了描述和分析,总结出中国居民生活能源消费的特点,并且针对未来发展趋势,提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper introduces and evaluates a novel heating and cooling concept employing thermo-active building systems and environmental energy, harnessed from two 11-m3 rainwater cisterns for a 285-m2 residential building in passive house standard in Germany. The building strives for a significantly reduced primary energy use with carefully coordinated measures, such as high quality building envelope, by means of vacuum insulated panels, supply and exhaust air system with heat recovery, reduced solar heat gains (solar shading), and the integration of thermal solar collectors and photovoltaic in the plant system. On this premise, a comprehensive long-term monitoring in high time-resolution was carried out for the building for two years with an accompanying commissioning of the building performance. Measurements comprise the energy use for heating, cooling, and ventilation, as well as the auxiliary equipment, the performance of the environmental heat source and sink (rainwater cistern), thermal comfort, and local climatic site conditions.  相似文献   

To analyze the effect of energy conservation policies on energy consumption of residential buildings, the characteristics of energy consumption and indoor thermal comfort were investigated in detail in Tianjin, China, based on official statistical yearbook and field survey data. A comprehensive survey of 305 households indicates that the mean electricity consumption per household is 3215 kWh/a, in which annual cooling electricity consumption is 344 kWh/a, and the mean natural gas consumption for cooking is 103.2 m3/a. Analysis of 3966 households data shows that space heating average intensity of residential buildings designed before 1996 is 133.7 kWh/(m2·a), that of buildings designed between 1996 and 2004 is 117.2 kWh/(m2·a), and that of buildings designed after 2004 is 105.0 kWh/(m2·a). Apparently, enhancing the performance of envelops is effective in reducing space heating intensity. Furthermore, the results of questionnaires show that 18% of the residents feel slightly warm and hot respectively, while 3% feel slightly cold in winter. Therefore, the electricity consumption in summer will rise for meeting indoor thermal comfort.  相似文献   

能源问题以及环境问题是当前国际和国内社会关注的共同问题,更切实关系到可持续发展以及资源的合理利用。本文就集中供热系统中锅炉及管网运行中存在能耗偏高和运行浪费等问题进行了分析,并提出了解决高能耗建议和提高供热系统经济性能的一些实质性管理方法。  相似文献   

猪肉是我国消耗量最大的肉类品,尤其是冷鲜猪肉更受人们青睐。猪胴体冷却保鲜加工工艺既要满足优质猪肉的成熟条件,又要保证猪肉的安全卫生。猪胴体冷却温度和降温速度对保证加工工艺合理性和降低耗能都至关重要。在实测数据基础上经过判断、分析提出,在常规0~4 ℃冷却前先在-10~-5 ℃低温快速冷却猪胴体1 h从而更好地保证猪胴体的冷却效果。实验发现:猪胴体开始冷却时,内部温度先有2~4 ℃的升温,然后才会降温,因此需对热负荷计算进行修正;根据两段冷却过程中猪胴体的冷却降温特点,提出了对应的冷量要求,为配备冷却装置提供了依据。  相似文献   

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