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Norcent(上海宏盛科技发展股份有限公司)新近推出的“禽龙” CRW1232是一款 12X写、 10X复写、 32X读的高速刻录机,采用理光公司最新研制的 Just Link技术,有效克服了“ Buffer Under Run”错误造成刻录失败的问题,突破了高速刻录的瓶颈,用户在记录数据时可以不用担心刻录失败而中断其它任务,甚至能从极不稳定的网上直接下传数据和刻录数据,真正为国内用户带来高倍速、高可用性、方便性产品,迎来令人兴奋的高倍速时代。   “禽龙” CRW1232的最大优势来自它的高可靠性。其内含的 Just Link技术和 BURN- Proof设计理念…  相似文献   

Banzhaf provides a portal to the subject of emergence, noting contentious concepts while not getting sucked into fruitless debate. Banzhaf refutes arguments against downward causation much as Samuel Johnson kicks a stone to ref ute Berkeley—by pointing to concrete examples in genetic programming, such as the growth of repetitive patterns within programs. Repetitive patterns are theoretically predicted to emerge from the evolution of evolvability and robustness under subtree exchange. Selection and genetic operators are co-equal creators of these emergent phenomena. GP systems entirely formal, and thus their emergent phenomena are essentially mathematical. The emergence of Lagrangian distributions for tree shapes under subtree exchange, for example, gives a glimpse of the possibilities for mathematical understanding of emergence in GP. The mathematics underlying emergence in genetic programming should be pursued with vigor.  相似文献   


This study is based on our belief that mathematics should be challenging in any classroom and that mathematical challenge is among the central factors that determine the quality of mathematics lessons. Choosing challenging mathematical problem for the students is central in teachers’ work while their conception of mathematical challenge can determine the quality of a mathematics lesson. At the same time, little is known about teachers’ views on mathematical challenge. Thus, we explored conceptions of mathematical challenge in two groups of experienced mathematics teachers. The first group (N1 = 9) was asked to define the notion of mathematical challenge and give examples of challenging mathematical tasks. Later the members of the group discussed these examples and definitions. A written response questionnaire was administered to a second group of teachers (N2 = 41) based on answers given by teachers in the first group. We found that the teachers have a broad conception of mathematical challenge and appreciate the relativity of mathematical challenge but are not always convinced that it is possible to incorporate challenging mathematics in everyday teaching in the classroom.  相似文献   


Research in mathematics education stresses the importance of content knowledge in solving authentic tasks in statistics and in risk-based decision making. Existing research supports the claim that students rely on content knowledge and context expertise to make sense of data. In this article, however, I present evidence that the relationship between content knowledge and statistical inference is bidirectional: it is true that students rely on content knowledge to make sense of data, but the converse also holds true. This claim is illustrated and supported by a case study of Grade 11 students (19 girls and 4 boys) as they determine the risk of nuclear power plant accidents. I present a conceptual model of society that emerges from the case study as students struggle to operationalize the concept of impact of nuclear power plant accidents. Findings suggest that the relationship between content knowledge and mathematical knowledge is complex. Finally, this research shows how authentic tasks in the mathematics classroom can be used to foster students’ sense of citizenship.  相似文献   

This response examines the context and implications of the comments to "On the Mapping of Genotype to Phenotype in Evolutionary Algorithms" that appears in this journal. The notion of metaphor is first considered and then the general themes of the commentaries addressed. The response subsequently focuses on representation and operators, noting that many of the comments support our basic premise.The main conclusion is that Sterelny's conditions do form a suitable basis for representation and operator design and that the collection of responses form an excellent basis for further discussion and research in evolutionary computation.  相似文献   


Conceptually rich classroom learning environments can only be supported by teachers with appropriate mathematical knowledge. A lack of clarity exists as to whether or how such teacher knowledge might go beyond knowledge of the relevant curriculum. This study contributes to the field by investigating further examples of what appropriate teacher mathematical knowledge might be, as rooted and contextualized in teachers’ daily classroom practices. Teacher journaling, individual meetings, and teacher focus-group discussions were used to identify relevant examples, and ultimately continue to collectively describe, in a specific, contextually based and practitioner-developed manner, the mathematical knowledge required for elementary teaching.  相似文献   


In this study, we examined the views of 10 experts and 10 novices on effective mathematics instruction in China. We found that all the participants valued students’ mastering of mathematical knowledge and skills and their development in mathematical thinking methods and abilities. Compared with novice teachers, expert teachers emphasized the development of students’ mathematical thinking and higher order thinking abilities and properly dealing with important and difficult content points. In contrast, novice teachers were particularly concerned about the effectiveness of teachers' guidance.  相似文献   

用精灵来形容"她"。一点也没有错。白色的外衣、轻盈的身形、处处都透露出的睿智……这就是华硕EeePC900,中文名叫做易PC900。婀娜的外观易PC900通体采用珍珠白的表面材质,既典雅又显得简洁。小巧的体积,不足1kg的重量,让其的便携性发挥到了极致。揭开顶盖,8.9英寸高达1024×600分辨率的屏幕  相似文献   

联想打印机“Just for green”理念,贯穿在联想打印机“绿色设计、绿色生产.绿色应用、绿色回收”的整个产品生命周期,这不仅是联想作为全球企业公民责任态度的体现.更是联想打印机从用户应用角度出发.为用户提供全程绿色低碳打印体验的最好证明。  相似文献   

This article explores how students' aspirations to study mathematics or physics in post-16 education are associated with their perceptions of their education, their motivations, and the support they feel they received. The analysis is based on the responses of around 10,000 students in England in Year 8 (age 12–13) and then in Year 10 (age 14–15). The students were first surveyed during 2008–2009 and then followed up in 2010–2011. t-tests revealed a decline in their perceptions of their mathematics and physics education. Factor analyses indicated subject-specific constructs that were associated with gender aspiration groups (i.e., high-aspiring girls, high-aspiring boys, low-aspiring girls, low-aspiring boys). High-aspiring girls were more likely than low-aspiring boys to be positive about mathematics/physics education, motivation in these subjects, and support received. However, high-aspiring girls were less likely than high-aspiring boys to be encouraged by their teachers and families to continue with these subjects post-16 and had lower self-concepts, intrinsic valuations, and perceptions of lessons. Low-aspiring girls reported the least favorable views of their mathematics/physics education of all four gender aspiration groups. Findings were generally similar for mathematics and physics, although students overall responded more favorably to mathematics than to physics. The quantitative findings are illustrated with extracts from longitudinal interviews (ages 15, 16, and 17) of two high-aspiring girls.  相似文献   

An important issue in geographic ontological research is the ability to design new ontologies. In this context, we first explore the desiderata of domain ontologies in terms of their constituting elements: i.e., the lexicon, concepts, relations, and axioms. Furthermore, we touch upon several characteristics of geographic concepts, which have puzzled geographic information scientists, and present critical topics of geographic ontological research. Based on the previous aspects of the problem, and guided by prior work of analyzing existent geographic ontologies, we have identified their qualities and deficiencies with regard to completeness and adequacy. This meta-ontological approach has guided us in presenting herein, a framework for generating robust geographic ontologies, which will comply with the semantics of the concepts of the specific domain.  相似文献   

Journal of Logic, Language and Information - This paper is based on Tarski’s theory of truth. The purpose of this paper is to solve the liar paradox (and its cousins) and keep both of the...  相似文献   

Work practices usually differ fundamentally from the way that organizations describe their operations in manuals, training programs, etc. This paper focuses on the way that certain work practices are supported at Xerox, and the conclusions of this effort are related to complementary investigations on learning and innovation. Here we propose that the combination of work, learning and innovation should be reconsidered within the framework of informal “communities-of-practice.” Information Technology tends to be used in order to reinforce the old work and study paradigms. This paper suggests a different use of IT, a use especially well suited to intra- and internets, with the aim of supporting informal structures rather than formal procedures. The case of Xerox Corporation is used as an example.  相似文献   

生活为设计提供丰饶的土壤,生活中潜藏着无数创意火花,当我们放飞奇思妙想,连机箱、适配器、排插、开关插座都会变得可爱起来……从现在起,让设计植根于生活,用  相似文献   

The presented program package “ExTHERM” consists of three parts: (i) cETD, a simple interactive open data bank module covering all types of metal alloys (over 150 binary phases and some ternaries), (ii) cMod, a module for algebraic conversion among different representations of excess data, and (iii) cM3_(KMS/ EMF/HTC), three interactive evaluation units suitable for overall best fits of experimental investigations expandable to mass spectrometric (KMS), EMF, and calorimetric investigations (HTC). The concept is based upon the multi-component TAPS (Thermodynamically Adapted Power Series) concept of excess quantities covering all types of solutions, includingn liquid alloys showing short range ordering. The data bank is based upon the Hultgren data of binary systems and on new experimental data. Individual supplements may be performed easily. The conversion module employs a modular concept procedure which makes the conversions independent of the actual system data. For all software modules contact the author.  相似文献   


This paper describes one library's experience of using the Internet in its delivery of service to users. It describes the scope and methods of usage of the Internet via ALISplus, the Library's universal information access workstation at California State University, Fresno. It discusses the results of user surveys which were administered during the 1992/93 and 1993/94 academic years at the Library to assess the users' general response to the newly implemented ALISplus, with a focus on the accessibility of the Internet resources. ALISplus has provided access to the Library's GEAC/ADVANCE OPAC, CD-ROM databases, as well as other resources available through the Internet since the Summer 1993. The collective efforts which went into the process of developing the University's World Wide Web home page, under the leadership of the Library, are also described.  相似文献   

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