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The purpose of this study was to examine individual differences in the effectiveness of learning objects in secondary school classrooms. Specifically, gender, age, grade, subject area, and computer comfort (self-efficacy) were examined in 850 students. Effectiveness was measured in terms of student attitude (learning, quality, and engagement) and student performance. No gender differences were observed between males and females with respect to student attitudes or performance. Age was significantly correlated with student attitudes and performance, however correlation coefficients were small. Grade 12 students were more positive about learning objects and performed better than grade 9 and 10 students. Science students had significantly more positive attitudes and performed better than mathematics students. Finally, students who were more comfortable about computers, appreciated learning objects more than their less confident peers, however performance was unaffected.  相似文献   

This study presents the findings from the first-year evaluation of the Round Rock Independent School District’s (ISD) Digital Learning Classroom project, an initiative focused on the improvement of English Language Learners’ (ELL) learning using interactive whiteboard (IWB) technology. An objective of the evaluation was to determine the extent IWB technology could foster performance parity in academic achievement between ELL and regular students, that is, reduce the student achievement gap between these two student groups in 3rd and 5th grade mathematics and reading. These grade levels and subjects were the primary focus of the project because students in grades 3 and 5 that do not pass the state’s standardized assessments in mathematics and reading cannot be promoted to the next grade level and therefore, these are “high stakes” tests for students. A second evaluation objective was to determine whether and the extent to which the Digital Learning Classroom could increase ELL students’ academic learning relative to that of ELL students in traditional classrooms (i.e., without IWBs). Using a quasi-experimental design, the results strongly indicate that IWBs can foster performance parity thereby closing the achievement gap between ELL and regular students while increasing ELL student achievement. Pedagogical implications for teachers of ELL students within the context of Digital Learning Classroom project implementation are presented, as well as recommendations for future study of the Digital Learning Classroom in ELL classroom settings.  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study investigates the effects of student attitudes and behaviours on the outcomes of learning mathematics with computer tools. A computer tool was used to help students develop the mathematical concept of function. In the whole sample (N = 521), student attitudes could account for a 3.4 point difference in test scores between individuals on a 10-point scale. General attitude towards mathematics positively predicted test scores. However, more able students who were well-disposed towards mathematical computer tools achieved lower scores. Self-reported behaviours were unrelated to test scores. Detailed observation of a small number of students (= 8) revealed that positive attitudes towards mathematics and mathematical computer tools augmented exhibited learning behaviours, and that both a positive attitude to mathematical computer tools and exhibited learning behaviours benefited tool mastery. Although tool mastery and test scores are intimately related, reflective processes appear to mediate this relationship. Promoting learning with mathematical computer tools needs to take several factors into account, including improving student attitudes, raising levels of learning behaviours, and giving sufficient opportunity for constructing new mathematical knowledge within meaningful mathematical discourse.  相似文献   

An interactive classroom communication system (ICCS) involves the use of remote devices that permit all students in a class to respond to multiple choice questions displayed on a LCD projector. After responses are clicked in, the results are instantly aggregated and displayed in chart form. The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in attitudes toward ICCSs for 659 secondary school students. The initial results suggested that male students had significantly more positive attitudes than female students with respect to student involvement, assessment, and perceived learning. However, a number of these differences disappeared when computer comfort level and type of use were added as covariates. Male students still perceived that ICCSs improved the overall learning process more than female students regardless of computer comfort level or type of use.  相似文献   

Previous research has examined factors influencing teacher decisions to integrate technology using between-teacher designs. This study used a within-teacher design to compare students who were assigned multi-media learning objects for learning fractions with students taught by the same teachers who were not assigned to the technology. There were two conditions: (1) teachers were asked to limit the number of assigned students to 25% of their class ( N  = 375 grade 7–10 students) and (2) teachers could assign as many students as they wanted ( N  = 149 grade 7 students). In the constrained decision setting, students assigned to the technology were more likely than students not assigned to score lower on a fractions achievement test, have dysfunctional attitudes towards mathematics learning, have low self-efficacy, exert low effort, and be male. In the unconstrained decision setting, 70% of students were assigned the technology and the only statistically significant predictor was prior achievement. Teachers' criteria were congruent with research identifying correlates of mathematics achievement and comfort with technology.  相似文献   

随着计算机和网络的广泛使用,传统的教学模式已经无法适应现代教学的需要。现代教学理念就是以人为本,教师在教学过程中起到引导和帮助学生的作用,学生才是学习的主体。当信息技术和学科教学的结合越来越熟练,人们发现信息技术不仅能为人们提供丰富的资源还可以是良好的学习工具。信息技术为学生和教材之间搭建了一座重要的桥梁,它不但提高了数学教学效率,还让学生主动参与到学习中来,激发了学生的探索精神和创新精神。  相似文献   

离散数学是计算机科学与技术专业的一门重要的专业基础课,它不仅是许多计算机专业课的必备基础,而且对于培养学生的抽象思维能力和逻辑推理能力也有着重要的作用。结合该课程具有概念多、方法性强、高难度、高度抽象等学科特点,作者提出了一系列教学方法,在实践中取得了良好的效果。这对于提高离散数学课程的教学水平和教育质量,改进学生的学习方法乃至对今后的教学实践均有着一定指导意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce an electronic collaborative learning environment based on Interactive Instructors of Recreational Mathematics (IIRM), establishing an alternative approach for motivating students towards mathematics. The IIRM are educational software components, specializing in mathematical concepts, presented through recreational mathematics, conceived as interactive, recreation-oriented learning objects, integrated within the environment. We present the architecture of the learning environment which integrates communication services that support the interaction processes of the learning community, through instant messaging, chat rooms, and multi-player math games. Through the environment’s interface of their personal workspace, students have access to several easy-to-use mechanisms that allows them to customize its content, its layout, and its appearance. At internal levels, the functionality of IIRM is enhanced with features supported by the environment infrastructure. We evaluated different aspects of the learning environment in three short, motivation-oriented math courses given to Mexican high-school students. The results indicate that the use of the IIRM-based electronic learning environment, positively affects student attitudes towards mathematics. We believe that this approach has the potential to promote the mathematics learning process, basically on its motivational aspects.  相似文献   

离散数学是计算机科学与技术专业的一门重要的专业基础课,它不仅是许多计算机专业课的必备基础,而且对于培养学生的抽象思维能力和逻辑推理能力也有着重要的作用。结合该课程具有概念多、方法性强、高难度、高度抽象等学科特点,作者提出了一系列教学方法,在实践中取得了良好的效果。这对于提高离散数学课程的教学水平和教育质量,改进学生的学习方法乃至对今后的教学实践均有着一定指导意义。  相似文献   

计算机数学作为计算机学科一门重要专业基础课程在计算机的教授与学习中起到承上启下的作用.随着网络时代的到来,企业、政府、个人都看到了计算机在生产生活中必不可少的作用,计算机成为生活中必不可少的东西.网络时代的发展也带动了计算机学科的发展,成为热门学科.计算机学科和数学是分不开的,因此也称为最有难度的一个学科.虽然很多学生选择计算机学科,但是在实际课堂教育中,学生的听课效率却不如预期,主要因为计算机数学内容理论性很强,而且一些概念知识很抽象,让学生很难理解,从而对学科内容不感兴趣.函数编程技术在教学中应用,对计算机数学的学习起到了辅助作用,让学生可以利用这种编程语言了解计算机数学的一些抽象性概念,更好的在实践中运用计算机数学.函数编程技术在计算机数学中应用,使得死板的理论学科变得稍显活泼,这回让学生对该学科更感兴趣,带动学生积极主动地学习.  相似文献   

Gender differences among university students in attitudes toward and involvement with computers were examined. Males were found to have taken more computer science courses, to be more knowledgeable about computer languages, to be more likely to want to major in computer science, and to have played video games more than females. There were no gender differences in reported nonvideo-game computer use or in exposure to computers in noncomputer science courses. Males and females did not differ on their reported personal interest in and enjoyment of computers. Consistent with previous research, however, males reported more comfort and confidence with computers and more positive attitudes toward mathematics than did females. Women believed more strongly than men that females should learn and are as capable of learning about computers and science as are males. It appears that these university women were as intrigued by computers as the men were. However, they were apparently somewhat inhibited from the pursuit of specialized training and careers in computer science. This inhibition may be linked to their anxiety about their own skills and to the communication, by male peers, of the attitude that women are less capable than men of learning about computers.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》1999,32(2):95-107
This paper estimates the effect of using Learning Expedition, an integrated learning system based upon computer assisted learning, on the performance of pupils in mathematics at ages 11 to 13. The study is based upon experience in one school during the first year of its introduction into the school curriculum. Multiple regression methods were employed to estimate the statistical relationship between the examination scores achieved by pupils at the end of the school year and the time spent using Learning Expedition, taking into account the influence of the initial level of attainment of each pupil as indicated by their NFER scores. Although initial level of achievement is the predominant explanatory variable of level achieved in the end-of-year mathematics examinations, time spent using the Learning Expedition computer programme was also found to improve performance significantly. The main conclusion is that ILS can lead to favourable outcomes through maximising the availability of this resource during the school day.  相似文献   

Previous research of adaptive learning mainly focused on improving student learning achievements based only on single-source of personalization information, such as learning style, cognitive style or learning achievement. In this paper, an innovative adaptive learning approach is proposed by basing upon two main sources of personalization information, that is, learning behavior and personal learning style. To determine the initial learning styles of the students, the [Keefe, J. W. (1987). Learning Styles: Theory and Practice. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals.] questionnaire is employed in our approach. To more precisely reflect the learning behaviors of each student, the interactions and learning results of each student are analyzed when adjusting the subject materials. Based on the innovative approach, an adaptive learning system has been developed; moreover, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of our approach. By analyzing the results from three groups of students using different adaptive learning approaches, it can be found that the innovative approach is helpful in improving both the learning achievement and learning efficiency of individual students.  相似文献   

Since its inception in 1995, the WebQuest instructional model has received substantial attention from educators who have applied it to teaching activities. However, WebQuest has seldom been applied to mathematical teaching. Therefore, exploring curriculum development and learning achievement in mathematical teaching that integrates the WebQuest model is necessary. The objective of this study is to explore using the WebQuest model for teaching the concepts of proportion in elementary school mathematics, and the subsequent effects on student learning achievements. Furthermore, this study endeavors to understand student learning attitudes and learning satisfaction regarding the WebQuest model. This study employed the quasi-experimental research method, and the participants were two sixth-grade classes with 52 students at a Taiwanese elementary school. The experimental group was taught using WebQuest, while the control group was taught by employing the traditional IT-integrated curriculum. The two groups completed a 5-week course on proportion concepts. The study results indicate the following: (a) Regarding learning achievements, students who learned with the WebQuest model demonstrated superior learning performance than students who were taught using the traditional IT-integrated curriculum; (b) no significant difference existed between the learning attitudes of students who were taught using the WebQuest model and those who learned with the traditional IT-integrated curriculum; (c) on the learning-satisfaction survey, the students who learned with the WebQuest model showed high learning satisfaction, selecting between agree and strongly agree for the 6 dimensions, including WebQuest teaching, IT capability, the assistance of mathematics curriculum, collaborative learning, learning reflection, and learning feedback. This indicates that the students were largely satisfied and identified with the task-oriented WebQuest learning curriculum that was designed in this study. Finally, specific recommendations are made based on the results, providing teachers and future researchers with a reference for integrating the WebQuest model in the mathematics field.  相似文献   

Many courses for elementary school are based upon teacher presentation and explanation of basic topics, rather than allowing students to develop their own knowledge. This traditional model may turn elementary-level lessons into an extremely theoretical, boring and non-effective process. In this context, research in mathematics elementary education in Mexico indicates the need to analyze alternative pedagogic practices and to find different ways to make mathematics education in early ages less difficult and more attractive. Constructivist theory can provide an alternative for developing pedagogic proposals. The objectives of this research were: (1) develop a computational platform to support the traditional Mexican method of education with practical mathematics problems simulated as part of the daily world environment and to increase the level of students' social involvement through direct collaboration, and (2) analyze how this computational tool affects student motivation, collaboration and discussion. An exploratory case study concerning dimensions of mathematics problem-solving using computer simulations was conducted with 6–8 year old elementary school children. After a theoretical class the children were involved in solving a series of verbal problems, using our computational platform. Sixty third-grade children participated in this case study and data were collected from their responses to questions and interviews in order to explore attitudes toward learning mathematics and assess self-efficacy in this area. The results obtained in this research indicate that the integration of computational tools into conventional method courses provides elements to improve student motivation, collaboration and discussion based on their own exploratory experiences. These results can assist other education programs to incorporate positive attitudes and their own knowledge creation from a constructivist approach using technology.  相似文献   

Projects using Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) are becoming of interest to all academic institutions World‐wide. STILE (Students' and Teachers' Integrated Learning Environment) is one such project which included four universities in the United Kingdom. The Open University implementation of the project was called M205‐STILE and it used a CMC environment with 110 students and nine tutors nationwide and in Europe. The participants were on‐line from February to October 1995 and the provision of these facilities allowed distance learning students to avail themselves of better communication with both their tutor and with fellow students. This paper discusses, from both the tutor and student perspective, how computer science students made use of a CMC environment created especially for them. It illustrates that students used the system to learn more about the subject area and about each other, and to sustain or motivate themselves throughout the learning period.  相似文献   

It is widely assumed that participation by females on the Internet is hampered by their attitudes towards computers, which in turn is reflective of their attitudes towards new technology. Research generally supports that females have less overall experience with computers and are more likely than males to have negative attitudes towards computers. Although limited, research on Internet experiences and attitudes has found parallel gender differences, with females reporting lower levels of experience and more negative attitudes. This paper explores whether Internet and computer experiences, skills and attitudes are related, using evidence from two studies of incoming college students, in 1989/90 and 1997. There were significant gender differences in many computer experiences and attitudes of incoming students in 1989/90. Males were more experienced with computers, more likely to have taken high school courses requiring computer use, and reported higher skill levels in applications such as programming, games and graphics than females. By 1997, incoming students were more experienced with using a computer than the earlier students. However, gender differences in computer experience and skill levels had diminished in some areas. The 1997 survey also assessed Internet experiences, skills, competence and comfort. Students had more exposure to computers than to the Internet. Males were more experienced and reported higher skill levels with the Internet than females, with the exception of e-mail. The overall competency and comfort level for students in 1997 was significantly higher for computers than for the Internet; 19% of the students did not feel competent and/or comfortable with the computer compared to 36% with the Internet, with females reporting higher levels of incompetence and discomfort for both. Competence and comfort levels with the Internet and computers were highly intercorrelated, and both predicted Internet skills and experiences.  相似文献   

This paper presents both the design and the pilot formative evaluation study of a computer-based problem-solving environment (named LECGO: Learning Environment for programming using C using Geometrical Objects) for the learning of computer programming using C by beginners. In its design, constructivist and social learning theories were taken into account. The general design has taken into consideration models of the learning process and subject matter as well as potential learner behaviour in dealing with fundamental tasks. The main emphasis has been placed on the role of: (a) multiple external representations in student learning, (b) motivation, through performing problem-solving activities taken from the familiar and meaningful context of drawing, using simple geometrical objects, (c) the active participation of students in their own learning by using hands-on experience, (d) appropriate feedback on the actions taken by students, to aid their self-correction, and (e) holistic, activity-based, multi-media, multi-representational and multi-layered content for the learning of basic concepts of programming using C. LECGO was pilot evaluated in the field through a qualitative and comparative study where nine 12th grade (18-year-old) students participated. In fact, students faced three similar yet not identical sets of four tasks across three learning environments, namely; paper and pencil (p–p), Turbo C and LECGO. The data emerging from this field evaluation study indicates that students gain better results within LECGO than in both the p–p environment and the typical programming environment of Turbo C, while performing similar activities.  相似文献   

The implementation of a computer game for learning about geography by primary school students is the focus of this article. Researchers designed and developed a three-dimensional educational computer game. Twenty four students in fourth and fifth grades in a private school in Ankara, Turkey learnt about world continents and countries through this game for three weeks. The effects of the game environment on students’ achievement and motivation and related implementation issues were examined through both quantitative and qualitative methods. An analysis of pre and post achievement tests showed that students made significant learning gains by participating in the game-based learning environment. When comparing their motivations while learning in the game-based learning environment and in their traditional school environment, it was found that students demonstrated statistically significant higher intrinsic motivations and statistically significant lower extrinsic motivations learning in the game-based environment. In addition, they had decreased focus on getting grades and they were more independent while participating in the game-based activities. These positive effects on learning and motivation, and the positive attitudes of students and teachers suggest that computer games can be used as an ICT tool in formal learning environments to support students in effective geography learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the educational software Frizbi Mathematics 4 on 4th grade student's mathematics achievement, retention, attitudes toward mathematics and attitude toward computer assisted learning. Two groups (experimental and control) of students from the state primary school in Gazimagusa, North Cyprus were used in this study. The control group was taught using a lecture-based traditional instruction and experimental group was taught using educational software, namely Frizbi Mathematics 4. The control group consisted of 26 students while the experimental group consisted of 29 students. The groups were compared on achievement of mathematics, retention, and attitude toward mathematics and computer assisted learning. The study included three units, Multiplication of Natural Numbers, Division of Natural Numbers, and Fractions. Scores on achievement tests were collected three times; at the beginning of the study, immediately after the intervention, and 4 months later. The mathematics attitude scale and computer assisted learning attitude scale were administrated only two times; at the beginning of the study and immediately after the completion of the study. A series of ANOVAs for repeated measures revealed significant difference between the groups on the post achievement tests and attitude scales in favor of experimental group. However, statistically significant differences in favor of the treatment group, on the retention tests were attained on the multiplication and division units but not on fractions. The evidence indicates that Frizbi Mathematics 4 for learning and teaching mathematics at the primary school level in North Cyprus is an effective tool.  相似文献   

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