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This paper compares progress (learning) curves for a task that requires high manual dexterity where information is obtained from a video display unit (VDU) to a manual assembly line task. Sixteen volunteer subjects either assembled peg-boards or performed a task on a VDU. Subjects were randomly assigned to a task or control group for each task. Each subject performed their assigned task for approximately two hours. The peg-board assembly simulated a very low cognitive but highly manual task, and the VDU task simulated a high technological industrial operation. There were no statistical differences in learning between the control and test group for either task. The progress curve rates were 95 percent for the pegboard and 91 percent for the VDU. Steady states for the peg-board and VDU tasks were reached at the 25th and 30th iterations respectively. Subjects then were tested four weeks later. During this 28 day period the test group refrained from participating in any activity that would approximate their assigned task. The control group maintained proficiency by practicing 45 minutes per week. There was no difference between the control and test groups for the peg-board task. Thus, there was no significant forgetting. However, there was a significant difference between the control and test groups for the video task. For the control group (VDU) the cycle time for the first iteration was reduced by 68.0 percent. The group's progress curve rate was 97.4 percent and steady state was reached at the 23rd iteration. Though the test group did improve their cycle time for the first iteration, it was only 33 percent of the control group's improvement. The test group's progress curve rate was 94.5 percent and steady state was reached at the 33rd iteration. This significant difference between the two curves is explained by forgetting. The forgetting rate decrease in learning for the VDU was 3.2 percent. This rate gradually decreased until the 45th iteration where there was no significant differences in cycle time between the two groups. Thus, forgetting occurs in the earlier iterations. To maintain its competitive edge in the world marketplace, industry has begun to implement many processes that rely heavily on VDUs. Inherent in these processes are shorter production runs and multiple set-ups. Traditional curves developed from low cognitive tasks do not reflect the forgetting that occurs in more typical modern industrial tasks. This impacts on industrial engineers and production managers whose operations require information obtained from VDUs. To set standard times for these type tasks, more consideration should be given to forgetting rather than relying totally on the more traditional models.  相似文献   

微课程是一套以微视频为核心,辅之以相应的教学资源,通过移动终端使学生自主学习的新型教学方式。本文通过对数据结构现有课程教学体系的分析,对数据结构的知识点进行切割,设计了一套完整的数据结构微课程系统框架,以指挥微课程的制作,利用微课程辅助学生进行课程的自主学习,与课堂教学相结合提高教学质量。  相似文献   

本文通过对常用课件制作工具的介绍,分析和比较了它们各自的特性,提出了在高职课堂教学中选用课件制作工具几种策略和建议。  相似文献   

在我国当今的室内设计领域中,有机形立面区别于几何立面而成为一种崭新的装饰手段被开始应用于室内设计之中,在有的放矢的使用中,有着其无法替代的优越性,并将成为当今室内设计的发展方向,但同时也应看到其也存在着阶段性的实际困难。作为设计师应把握时代的潮流,立足于现有条件,在实际工作中合理运用有机形立面这一设计语言,从而设计出优秀的室内设计作品。  相似文献   

MOOC的发展引起了政府、大学和教育工作者的广泛重视。文章从教师、学习者、教学内容、学习环境四要素分析了MOOC教学过程各要素的裂变,指出MOOC的经验对课堂教学中的教师、学习者、学习环境构建的启示。这正是基于翻转课堂、微课等促进传统课堂教学改革所急需的。  相似文献   

课堂教学信息实时测试反馈系统是计算机管理教学(CMI)的一个重要组成部分。本文给出一种基于多媒体计算机(简称MPC)的课堂教学信息实时测试反馈系统的设计,主要论述了系统总体设计、硬件设计、软件设计和系统实现的关键技术等问题。  相似文献   

一种用于体育运动仿真分析的"虚实"对比方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人体运动的计算机仿真与分析在体育运动分析领域有着广阔的应用前景.提出了一种用于体育运动仿真分析的“虚实”对比方法.能将仿真分析系统中虚拟运动员的标准运动与实际运动员的训练视频显示在同一个屏幕上,并自动调整虚拟运动员的运动显示,使观察虚拟运动员的视点和实际视频拍摄的视点保持一致.这样,就可以直观、准确地比较出虚拟运动员执行的标准动作与视频中所记录动作之间的差异,帮助运动员提高训练效果.  相似文献   

高校教学局域网的组网策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了当前高校教学局域网存在的问题,论述了高校教学局域网应具备的软硬环境;在对传统教学局域网的网络性能和特点分析的基础上,探讨了当前高校教学局域网的组网策略,并给出了相应的参考方案。  相似文献   

该文以VF数据库建表这节课为例来说明,当采取合适的方法组织、设计教学课堂,并能有效地解决课堂中一些实际问题时,自主合作探究模式教学法应用于中职计算机课堂是十分适合的。  相似文献   

Testing has long been in need of mathematical underpinnings to explain its value as well as its limitations. This paper develops and applies a mathematical framework that 1) unifies previous work on the subject, 2) provides a mechanism for comparing the power of methods of testing programs based on the degree to which the methods approximate program verification, and 3) provides a reasonable and useful interpretation of the notion that successful tests increase one's confidence in the program's correctness.  相似文献   

色彩对人们的生活有着直接的影响,色彩与产品也有着密切的关系。本文着手于对家具设计中色彩表现的研究,试图总结出一套用色彩完美表达产品价值的方法,以达到提高人们生活质量、让设计美化生活的目的,这也将有益于人们的自我色彩定位和审美观的提升。  相似文献   

对大兴安岭的林火气象遥测自动站网试运行期间所获得的数据进行了抽样研究,以期对遥测自动气象站系统及传感器的研制、改进和为日后器件的更新提供技术参考依据.  相似文献   

We propose Chunks and Tasks, a parallel programming model built on abstractions for both data and work. The application programmer specifies how data and work can be split into smaller pieces, chunks and tasks, respectively. The Chunks and Tasks library maps the chunks and tasks to physical resources. In this way we seek to combine user friendliness with high performance. An application programmer can express a parallel algorithm using a few simple building blocks, defining data and work objects and their relationships. No explicit communication calls are needed; the distribution of both work and data is handled by the Chunks and Tasks library. This makes efficient implementation of complex applications that require dynamic distribution of work and data easier. At the same time, Chunks and Tasks imposes restrictions on data access and task dependencies that facilitate the development of high performance parallel back ends. We discuss the fundamental abstractions underlying the programming model, as well as performance, determinism, and fault resilience considerations. We also present a pilot C++ library implementation for clusters of multicore machines and demonstrate its performance for irregular block-sparse matrix–matrix multiplication.  相似文献   

In order to discuss the kinds of reasoning a visualization supports and the conclusions that can be drawn within the analysis context, a theoretical framework is needed that enables a formal treatment of the reasoning process. Such a model needs to encompass three stages of the visualization pipeline: encoding, decoding and interpretation. The encoding details how data are transformed into a visualization and what can be seen in the visualization. The decoding explains how humans construct graphical contexts inside the depicted visualization and how they interpret them assigning meaning to displayed structures according to a formal reasoning strategy. In the presented model, we adapt and combine theories for the different steps into a unified formal framework such that the analysis process is modelled as an assignment of meaning to displayed structures according to a formal reasoning strategy. Additionally, we propose the ConceptGraph, a combined graph-based representation of the finite-state transducers resulting from the three stages, that can be used to formalize and understand the reasoning process. We apply the new model to several visualization types and investigate reasoning strategies for various tasks.  相似文献   

研究不同中心频率吸波材料的吸波性能,目前实际工作中,很难找到一种工程实现较简单且全频段吸波性能较好的吸波材料,而多次尝试容易导致材料的浪费和工程效率的下降。为解决上述问题,提出了对不同中心频率和不同阶数的切比雪夫吸波材料建模,并对其吸波特性进行分析对比,在仿真软件Ansoft HFSS进行分析,进而得到最优化的切比雪夫吸波材料,并将应用于工程实践。仿真结果表明,含碳量较高的三阶切比雪夫吸波材料是目前工程实现最容易且全频段吸波性能最理想的。  相似文献   

本文通过对现有通信机房布局方式的分析,通过理论模型与实例分析的不断完善和修正,建立通信机房布局优化的数学模型,对今后的通信机房布局提供理论参考.  相似文献   

In the last ten years, libraries, individual departments, and professors have experimented with screen-capture software to develop edited tutorials, record in-class lectures via presentation software, and record think-aloud rationale for difficult problem sets. Moreover, screen-capture software has been used to provide visual/audio feedback for student writing. Currently, there is scant research on visual/audio feedback via screen-capture software in writing courses. The present study examines student perceptions and attitudes about two different modes and media of teacher feedback: Microsoft Word comments versus visual/audio commentary. The results indicate that the mode and medium of teacher feedback had an impact on students’ perceptions about the rhetorical context of the revision process and perceptions about the teacher/student relationship. Students who preferred the visual/audio modality of the teacher commentary videos cited their conversational quality, clarification of expectations, and reference to more global issues in writing. On the other hand, students who preferred the Microsoft Word comments were more apt to discuss its indexical quality in that students could easily revise surface level features or locate the “problem” sentence. The results also indicate that an either/or approach to teacher feedback is not necessary. Students articulated the relevance of using a combination approach in which Microsoft Word comments and the teacher commentary videos could be used for different elements or stages of the writing process. As instructors transition to teaching within online contexts and experiment with new technologies, it is important to examine the significance of the mode and medium of teacher feedback in student perceptions, participation, and writing practices.  相似文献   

Spectrum sensing is one of the major concerns in reaching an efficient Quality of service (QOS) in the advanced mobile communication system. The advanced engineering sciences such as 5G, device 2 device communications (D2D), Internet of things (IoT), MIMO require a large spectrum for better service. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is not a choice in advanced radio due to the Cyclic Prefix (CP), wastage of the spectrum, and so on. Hence, it is important to explore the spectral efficient advanced waveform techniques and combine a cognitive radio (CR) with the 5G waveform to sense the idle spectrum, which overcomes the spectrum issue. The demand for spectrum is ever increasing; however, spectrum is limited and is an acutely scarce resource. To alleviate the issue, techniques like Cognitive Radios (CR) have been devised. However, such techniques are non-standardized, and many variations of CR algorithms have been tried and tested. This paper details the several spectrum sensing methods tailored for CR. We explain the benefits, uniqueness, and drawbacks of the various techniques to provide a comprehensive review of the scene, including all recent and novel techniques of CR. Finally, we provided experimental results for the performance of the CR for key 5G and beyond modulation techniques to elaborate the dependency of the CR techniques for CR applications and provide a competitive review of their performance. Experiments show that the CR integrated with NOMA shows better performance as compared with existing techniques.  相似文献   

in the information age, the course of Computer Application Basics plays a fundamental and instrumental role, but there are a few researches on the learning needs of students in the existing literatures. Based on the classification of students with different learning experiences, the article studies on their learning needs for the course content. The results confirm that the correlation be- tween the learning needs of the four types of students with different basic levels and the current course content settings gradually de- creases. Aiming at the problems reflected in the research process, such as, the current curriculum adopts the non-discriminatory teaching in a unitary standard, which makes it impossible to achieve the teaching effect that "teachers teach students according to their aptitude and students take what they need", it puts forward improvement suggestions for reference.  相似文献   

数学形态学腐蚀膨胀运算的快速算法   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
详细介绍了一种二值数学形态学腐蚀膨胀运算的优化实现方法。图像处理中常常利用二值数学形态学开闭运算对分割出的区域进行边缘平滑和内部填充处理等,但当结构元素较大时运算速度变得很慢。由于开闭运算的基础是腐蚀和膨胀运算,文章重新对这两种运算做了优化,有效地提高了数学形态学用于二值图像处理的速度。该方法较之结构元素分解的方法有理论基础简单、优化思路简捷、实现方便等优点。  相似文献   

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