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Alsop, S., Bencze, L., & Pedretti, E. (Eds.). (2005). Analysing Exemplary Science Teaching. Maidenhead: Open University Press. ISBN: 0–335–21311–1  相似文献   

The two separate projects described have examined how teachers exploit computer-based technologies in supporting learning of science at secondary level. This paper examines how pedagogical approaches associated with these technological tools are adapted to both the cognitive and structuring resources available in the classroom setting. Four teachers participated in the first study, undertaken as part of the InterActive Education project in Bristol; all of them used multimedia simulations in their lessons. The second study presented was part of the wider SET-IT project in Cambridge; 11 teachers in eight schools were observed using multimedia simulations, data logging tools and interactive whiteboards. Teachers were interviewed in all cases to elicit their pedagogical thinking about their classroom use of ICT.  相似文献   

Computational science is based upon numerical computing and, consequently, requires excellent knowledge of floating point computer arithmetic. In general, the average computational science student has a relatively limited understanding of the implications of floating point computation. This paper presents an initiative to teach floating point number representation and arithmetic in undergraduate courses in computational science. The approach is based on carefully designed practical exercises which highlight the main properties and computational issues of finite length number representation and arithmetic. In conjunction to the exercises, an auxiliary educational tool constitutes a valuable support for students to learn and understand the concepts involved. Simpler formats are used as an introduction to the IEEE 754 standard, with the aim of presenting the fundamentals of the floating point computation and emphasizing its limitations. This approach could be included in courses related to computer organization, programming, discrete mathematics, numerical methods or scientific computing in computational science curricula.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》1988,12(1):119-124
In the light of current staffing problems in Universities there is a need to examine to what extent the principles of computer aided learning can be applied objectively in small group activities where repetitive tuition is necessary. In the Engineering curricula this approach is particularly relevant to laboratory classes where much of the information to be communicated often relates to the use of complex testing equipment and where it is desirable that a full understanding of the instrumentation is obtained before testing commences. Such stringent requirements lead to the concept of an un-manned supervising computer, with which the students interact, and which can monitor learning rates and reiterate instructions if wrong responses are obtained.This paper examines current teaching psychology and concludes that there are certain vital elements in CAL. Firstly a need to recognise that students are individuals and learn at different rates, and, in particular, need to be motivated to learn. Secondly that the design of instructions should take into proper account the level of entry from previous knowledge.The laboratory experiment chosen was the uniaxial tensile testing of different engineering materials to obtain comparative data on strengths, ductility and modes of failure.A comprehensive software package was developed to run on a BBC micro-computer. The program contains all the information previously included in laboratory handouts together with question and answer routines which test understanding and control the rate of progress. Extensive use is made of graphics to represent the instrumentation in symbolic form and the computer monitors the behaviour of the apparatus and warns of improper use. Plotting of data is performed automatically.The effectiveness of the new teaching technique was examined quantitatively by obtaining critical reactions from individual students.It is concluded that student understanding and report quality is greatly improved within the original time slot for the experiment by the use of CAL techniques and that considerable savings in staff time could be obtained if such techniques were applied across the board.  相似文献   

数学思想在计算机教学中的体现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据程序语言课教学的特点提出了该课程的教学应与数据结构课的教学有所区别,重在强调思维过程。  相似文献   

While different approaches to evaluation will yield different results, depending on the purpose of the evaluation this article describes an evaluation approach that was aimed at investigation the mental models of users of the programme. The study was driven by questions about the differences in mental models of the instructional designers and the learners, the time learners spent working through the program and the observable changes in their mental models. In this design experiment, a program was developed to teach basic principles of electricity. Three boys and three girls one each of high, medium and low achievement in science were selected from an advantaged urban school, and a similar sample was taken from a disadvantaged rural school. They were asked to draw their impressions of various concepts of electricity and then allowed free access to the program, where they could visit any section even if they had not completed a previous one. Afterwards they were asked to draw sketches again. Other instruments included an opinion questionnaire and observation of the learners working with a “think aloud” protocol. It was found that there were considerable differences in the mental models of the learners and designers about what to expect from computer-based learning. While navigational freedom allowed fast learners to move through work that they knew already, weaker learners tended to get lost. The sketches that learners made before and after exposure to the program provided valuable insights into the growth of their understanding of the concepts.  相似文献   

本文以计算机专业双语教学课程为例,分析总结了双语教学当前面临的问题,提出了相应的改革措施和最终改革目标。  相似文献   

The use of the analog computer in teaching engineering and science has become increasingly widespread.

The reason for this vogue is that the analog computer can easily solve differential equations, linear and non-linear, which characterize so many physical systems.

However when the mathematical model requires decision making logic switching, timing, memory or individual mode control of analog components, the need to add parallel logic to the analog computer becomes self-evident.

This paper intends to show how it is possible to extend the capabilities of the analog computer by the addition of parallel logic.  相似文献   


This paper explores the complexity of matching approaches to teaching to the preferred learning styles of learners. Differentiation among learners can be undertaken in a growing number of ways and the range of approaches to teaching is expanding. The act of matching cannot have a simple rationale because learners in any one class may be sufficiently diverse that it requires awareness and subtlety to meet their many and various needs. Nor can there be an easy approach to the alignment of curric‐ular goals to learning outcomes: Any one approach to teaching can meet a range of goals and generate numerous outcomes. The need is for an orchestrated approach, which involves knowing and understanding particular groups of learners and appreciating the spectrum of congruent approaches to supporting their learning. The metaphor of the orchestrating learning and teaching is explored for its range of convenience.  相似文献   

Although there is no universal approach for offering distance learning courses over the Internet, nonetheless distance learning has emerged as a formidable way to offer instruction for many types of courses. One approach that has been successfully used for teaching introductory statistics and management science/operations research courses in a College of Business is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a combination of approaches to provoke deeper comprehension in various topics in computer architecture details to computer science students. It also presents the outcome of this effort. The proposed educational approaches apply to a sequence of two courses on computer architecture and organization. The first course explains basic notions of execution on a processor, as well as hardware details. The tools used are simulation, assembly language and C programming. The second course deals with more advanced matters of computer organization. There, the authors introduced building a simple Linux device driver as a new approach for getting hands-on experience, on issues related to interactions of the operating system kernel with the memory, I/O, peripherals, and bus system components.  相似文献   

随着时代的飞速发展,信息技术成为时代进步绕不开的话题,在进行高中信息技术教学中渗透计算机科学史的教育时,需要培养学生的学科意识,树立学科精神,提高学科素养﹐为计算机信息技术的长远发展奠定基础。文章针对目前高中阶段的信息技术教学现状进行分析、探究,提出了相关策略,希望以促进计算机科学在高中信息技术教学中的渗透,提高教学效率,促进我国信息技术的长远发展。  相似文献   

This study reports research findings on the use of animated cartoons in a multimedia application meant to evaluate their effectiveness in supporting teaching and learning in science. The researchers have developed a cartoon-style multimedia application whereas animated cartoons where designed from scratch using appropriate programs. The study was carried out in various elementary schools of Athens, Greece, and 179 pupils aged 10–11 years participated in it. The research results provide evidence that the use of animated cartoons significantly increases the young students’ knowledge and understanding of specific science concepts, which are normally difficult to comprehend and often cause misconceptions to them.  相似文献   

It is suggested to teach mathematics for engineering and science students as exploration of mathematics-related classes. Similarity with classes and objects of object-oriented programming is demonstrated. In the framework of the suggested approach, each relatively self-contained unit of mathematics curriculum is assigned a data type and is considered a class. In such setting, a theorem proof may be viewed as an assignment of values to object properties. The approach augments the role of recognition of mathematical objects, their properties and methods (operations) and diminishes the value of comprehensive study of rigorous proofs. The approach emphasizes the importance of development of mathematical intuition and combines conceptual and operational approaches to teaching and learning mathematics. Prospective implementation assumes using of computer-based systems of formal proof.  相似文献   

Why has technology become prevalent in science education without fundamentally improving test scores or student attitudes? We claim that the core of the problem is how technology is being used. Technologies such as simulations are currently not used to their full potential. For instance, physiology simulations often follow textbooks by sequentially exposing individual systems such as the circulatory and respiratory systems one at a time, leaving out essential comprehension of system interactions. Moreover, the standard computer lab hides students behind large monitors and ignores the social aspect of learning. We have created a new kind of infrastructure, called Collective Simulations to provide engaging inquiry-based science learning modules that uniquely combine social learning pedagogies with distributed simulation technology. This infrastructure creates immersive learning experiences based on wirelessly connected computers and enables radically different classroom learning experiences that engage students and teachers simultaneously. Collective Simulations allow students to learn about the intricacies of interdependent complex systems by engaging in discourse with other students and teachers. As part of our Mr. Vetro Collective Simulation, students learn about physiology through technology-enhanced role-play. Each group controls physiological variables of a single organ on their computer. A central simulation gathers all the data and projects the composite view of a human. In an example activity, the heart and lung teams collaborate to adjust parameters and reach homeostasis. Results from formal evaluation studies demonstrate a positive impact on scientific inquiry, student learning, and students’ interest in personal health issues. This article describes Mr. Vetro and its underlying architecture and presents the evaluation results.  相似文献   

Abstract  In this study, constraint-based argumentation scaffolding was proposed to facilitate online argumentation performance and ill-structured problem solving during online discussions. In addition, epistemological beliefs were presumed to play a role in solving ill-structured diagnosis–solution problems. Constraint-based discussion boards were implemented to scaffold pre-service teachers' online discussions about behaviour management (diagnosis–solution) problems. The scaffolded discussion group generated more evidence notes and also generated more hypothesis messages and hypothesis testing messages as well as problem space construction messages. There was a relationship between epistemological beliefs and ill-structured problem solving. Simple knowledge, omniscient authority, and fixed ability significantly predicted problem-solving performance. A significant negative relationship between simple knowledge and individual problem-solving performance was found. This implies that individuals who believe in simple knowledge may be less inclined to explore more solution alternatives. However, contrary to prediction, omniscient authority and fixed ability beliefs were positively associated with problem-solving processes.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,网络教学作为一种新型的教学形式得到了日益关注,将支架式教学模式恰当地融入到网络教学中是当前有关支架式教学研究的一个重要方向。本文将从课程内容、教学设计、技术设计这三个维度对网络型支架式教学进行评价。  相似文献   

Small-group medical problem-based learning (PBL) was a pioneering form of collaborative learning at the university level. It has traditionally been delivered in face-to-face text-based format. With the advancement of computer technology and progress in CSCL, educational researchers are now exploring how to design digitally-implemented scaffolding tools to facilitate medical PBL. The “deteriorating patient” (DP) role play was created as a medical simulation that extends traditional PBL and can be implemented digitally. We present a case study of classroom usage of the DP role play that examines teacher scaffolding of PBL under two conditions: using a traditional whiteboard (TW) and using an interactive whiteboard (IW). The introduction of the IW technology changed the way that the teacher scaffolded the learning. The IW showed the teacher all the information shared within the various subgroups of a class, broadening the basis for informed classroom scaffolding. The visual records of IW usage demonstrated what students understood and reduced the need to structure the task. This allowed more time for engaging students in challenging situations by increasing the complexity of the problem. Although appropriate scaffolding is still based on the teacher’s domain knowledge and pedagogy experience, technology can help by expanding the scaffolding choices that an instructor can make in a medical training context.  相似文献   

为顺应教学改革工作的要求,中学计算机教师要积极对基于项目的学习模式进行分析和应用,确保学生可以在基于项目的计算机基础学习中更好地掌握计算机知识,发挥学生在计算机基础课程学习中的主观能动性。基于项目的学习在中学计算机基础教学中的应用,能够在一定程度上提高教学工作水平,以及较好地培养学生的学习能力,有助于学生未来的发展。  相似文献   

There is a wealth of evidence that collaboration between learners can enhance the outcomes for all concerned. This supports the theorization of learning as a socio-cultural practice, framed by Vygotsky and developed by other researchers such as Rogoff, Lave and Wenger. However, there is also evidence that working collaboratively may not be a spontaneous response to working in a group, and that teaching learners how to collaborate, and in particular how to work together to negotiate meaning, is a necessary part of the process of learning collaboratively which can enhance outcomes further. A question for the computer supported collaborative learning community then arises as to whether learning to collaborate can be scaffolded through the use of digital tools, and what such tools might look like. This paper reports on the design of a digital system that aims to support the practice of face-to-face collaboration on open-ended tasks. Findings from trials of the system in classrooms in the UK and Chile show that the model is welcomed both by teachers and pupils, and met its objectives of ensuring greater interaction between class members who did not normally work together, and involvement of all individuals in discussion based activities.  相似文献   

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