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Most wind turbines within wind farms are set up to face a pre-determined wind direction. However, wind directions are intermittent in nature, leading to less electricity production capacity. This paper proposes an algorithm to solve the wind farm layout optimization problem considering multi-angular (MA) wind direction with the aim of maximizing the total power generated on wind farms and minimizing the cost of installation. A two-stage genetic algorithm (GA) equipped with complementary sampling and uniform crossover is used to evolve a MA layout that will yield optimal output regardless of the wind direction. In the first stage, the optimal wind turbine layouts for 8 different major wind directions were determined while the second stage allows each of the previously determined layouts to compete and inter-breed so as to evolve an optimal MA wind farm layout. The proposed MA wind farm layout is thereafter compared to other layouts whose turbines have focused site specific wind turbine orientation. The results reveal that the proposed wind farm layout improves wind power production capacity with minimum cost of installation compared to the layouts with site specific wind turbine layouts. This paper will find application at the planning stage of wind farm.  相似文献   

风力机的选型是风电场建设的重要内容,它对风电场建设造价、投产后的发电量以及运行维护成本等有直接影响。文章在给定风资源的情况下,综合考虑风电场的容量系数和实际发电量,以风力机性能指数作为选型的依据,针对采用常规方法进行风力机参数线性化求解的缺陷,采用智能化的改进粒子群算法对风力机参数进行寻优。与常规计算方法相比,该方法寻得的风力机性能指数更优。结合具体实例计算候选机型的风速加权标准差,选出最优风力机。该研究结果为风电场的风力机选型提供了一种有效可行的方法,具有一定的应用参考价值。  相似文献   

D. Medici  P. H. Alfredsson 《风能》2008,11(2):211-217
The frequency of wind turbine wake meandering was studied using wind turbine models with one, two and three blades. The one‐bladed turbine did not give rise to any meandering motion, whereas meandering was observed for both the two‐ and three‐bladed turbines at high enough rotational speeds. It was shown that both the thrust of the turbine and the tip‐speed ratio influence the meandering. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To advance the design of a multimegawatt vertical‐axis wind turbine (VAWT), application‐specific airfoils need to be developed. In this research, airfoils are tailored for a VAWT with variable pitch. A genetic algorithm is used to optimise the airfoil shape considering a balance between the aerodynamic and structural performance of airfoils. At rotor scale, the aerodynamic objective aims to create the required optimal loading while minimising losses. The structural objective focusses on maximising the bending stiffness. Three airfoils from the Pareto front are selected and analysed using the actuator cylinder model and a prescribed‐wake vortex code. The optimal pitch schedule is determined, and the loadings and power performance are studied for different tip‐speed ratios and solidities. The comparison of the optimised airfoils with similar airfoils from the first generation shows a significant improvement in performance, and this proves the necessity to properly select the airfoil shape.  相似文献   

Actuator line model has been widely used in wind turbine simulations. However, the standard actuator line model does not include a model for the turbine nacelle which can significantly impact turbine wake characteristics. Another disadvantage of the standard actuator line model is that more geometrical features of turbine blades cannot be resolved on a finer mesh. To alleviate these disadvantages of the standard model, we develop a new class of actuator surface models for turbine blades and nacelle to take into account more geometrical details of turbine blades and include the effect of turbine nacelle. The actuator surface model for nacelle is evaluated by simulating the flow over periodically placed nacelles. Both the actuator surface simulation and the wall‐resolved large‐eddy simulation are conducted. The comparison shows that the actuator surface model is able to give acceptable results especially at far wake locations on a very coarse mesh. It is noted that although this model is used for the turbine nacelle in this work, it is also applicable to other bluff bodies. The capability of the actuator surface model in predicting turbine wakes is assessed by simulating the flow over the MEXICO (Model experiments in Controlled Conditions) turbine and the hydrokinetic turbine of Kang, Yang, and Sotiropoulos (Journal of Fluid Mechanics 744 (2014): 376‐403). Comparisons of the computed results with measurements show that the proposed actuator surface model is able to predict the tip vortices, turbulence statistics, and meandering of turbine wake with good accuracy.  相似文献   

Michael J. Werle 《风能》2016,19(2):279-299
An engineering model is presented for predicting the performance of a single turbine located in an incoming turbulent, sheared, wind velocity field. The approach used is a variant of the well‐known and documented Ainslie eddy viscosity approach as also employed in the Direct Wake Meandering model. It incorporates a new and simple means of representing the rotor's loading profile, initializing the calculations, simplifying the wakes' shear layer mixing model and accounting for wind shear effects. Additionally, two figures of merit are employed for assessing the reliability of all data used and predictions provided. The first, a wake momentum‐flux/thrust parameter, is used for quantitatively assessing the accuracy and utility of both measured and/or computational wake data. The second, a rotor swept area wake‐averaged velocity, is employed as a single quantitative measure of a turbine's impact on its downstream neighbor. Through detailed comparisons with three independent state‐of‐the‐art Computational Fluid Dynamic generated datasets and a field‐measured dataset, the current model is shown to be accurate for turbine rated power levels from 100 kW to 2.3 MW, wind speeds of 6 to 22 m s?1 (corresponding to turbine thrust coefficient levels of 0.14 to 0.8) and free‐stream turbulence levels from 0% to 16%. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, hydrogen generation is maximised by optimising the size and the operating conditions of an electrolyser (EL) directly connected to a photovoltaic (PV) module at different irradiance. Due to the variations of maximum power points of the PV module during a year and the complexity of the system, a nonlinear approach is considered. A mathematical model has been developed to determine the performance of the PV/EL system. The optimisation methodology presented here is based on the particle swarm optimisation algorithm. By this method, for the given number of PV modules, the optimal sizeand operating condition of a PV/EL system areachieved. The approach can be applied for different sizes of PV systems, various ambient temperatures and different locations with various climaticconditions. The results show that for the given location and the PV system, the energy transfer efficiency of PV/EL system can reach up to 97.83%.  相似文献   

As more floating farms are being developed, the wake interaction between multiple floating wind turbines (FWTs) is becoming increasingly relevant. FWTs have long natural periods in certain degrees of freedom, and the large‐scale movement of the wake, known as wake meandering, occurs at very low frequencies. In this study, we use FAST.Farm to simulate a two‐turbine case with three different FWT concepts: a semisubmersible (semi), a spar, and a tension leg platform (TLP), separated by eight rotor diameters in the wind direction. Since wake meandering varies depending on the environmental conditions, three different wind speeds (for all three concepts) as well as two different turbulence levels (for the semi) are considered. For the below‐rated wind speed, when wake meandering was most extreme, yaw motion standard deviations for the downstream semi were approximately 40% greater in high turbulence and over 100% greater in low turbulence when compared with the upstream semi. The low yaw natural frequency (0.01 Hz) of the semi was excited by meandering, while quasi‐static responses resulted in approximately 20% increases in yaw motion standard deviations for the spar and TLP. Differences in fatigue loading between the upstream and downstream turbines for the mooring line tension and tower base fore‐aft bending moment mostly depended on the velocity deficit and were not directly affected by meandering. However, wake meandering did affect fatigue loading related to the tower top yaw moment and the blade root out‐of‐plane moment.  相似文献   

Wind turbine performance and condition monitoring play vital roles in detecting and diagnosing suboptimal performance and guiding operations and maintenance. Here, a new seismic‐based approach to monitoring the health of individual wind turbine components is presented. Transfer functions are developed linking key condition monitoring properties (drivetrain and tower acceleration) to unique, robust, and repeatable seismic signatures. Predictive models for extreme (greater than 99th percentile) drivetrain and tower acceleration based on independent seismic data exhibit higher skill than reference models based on hub‐height wind speed. The seismic models detect extreme drivetrain and tower acceleration with proportions correct of 96% and 93%, hit rates of 91% and 82%, and low false alarm rates of 4% and 6%, respectively. Although new wind turbines incorporate many diagnostic sensors, seismic‐based condition/performance monitoring may be particularly useful in extending the productive lifetime of previous generation wind turbines.  相似文献   

In this study, the aerodynamic noise characteristics of Savonius wind turbines were investigated using hybrid computational aero-acoustics techniques, and low-noise designs were proposed based on the understanding of the noise generation mechanism. First, the flow field around the turbine was analyzed in detail by solving three-dimensional unsteady incompressible Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations using computational fluid dynamics techniques. Then, the aerodynamic noise radiating from the wind turbine was predicted using the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings equation with the obtained flow field information. Two distinct harmonic noise components—the blade passing frequency (BPF) and harmonics with a fundamental frequency that is much higher than the BPF—were identified in the predicted noise spectrum. The origin of the higher harmonic components was found to be related to vortex shedding from the rotating turbine. Based on this finding, the proposed low-noise design for Savonius wind turbines uses S-shaped blades. S-shaped blades were found to reduce the noise levels of Savonius wind turbines by up to 2.7 dB.  相似文献   

Rolf‐Erik Keck  Ove Undheim 《风能》2015,18(9):1671-1682
This paper presents a computationally efficient method for using the dynamic wake meandering model to conduct simulations of wind farm power production. The method is based on creating a database, which contains the time and rotor‐averaged wake effect at any point downstream of a wake‐emitting turbine operating in arbitrary ambient conditions and at an arbitrary degree of wake influence. This database is later used as a look‐up table at runtime to estimate the operating conditions at all turbines in the wind farm, thus eliminating the need to run the dynamic wake meandering model at runtime. By using the proposed method, the time required to conduct wind farm simulations is reduced by three orders of magnitude compared with running the standalone dynamic wake meandering model at runtime. As a result, the wind farm production dynamics for a farm of 100 turbines at 10,000 different sets of ambient conditions run on a normal laptop in 1 h. The method is validated against full scale measurements from the Smøla and OWEZ wind farms, and fair agreement is achieved. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sheared velocity profiles pervade all wind‐turbine applications, thus making it important to understand their effect on the wake. In this study, a single wind turbine is modeled using the actuator‐line method in the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. The tip vortices are perturbed harmonically, and the growth rate of the response is evaluated under uniform inflow and a linear velocity profile. Whereas previous investigations of this kind were conducted in the rotating frame of reference, this study evaluates the excitation response in the fixed frame of reference, thus necessitating a frequency transformation. It is shown that increasing the shear decreases the spatial growth rate in the upper half of the wake while increasing it in the lower half. When scaled with the local tip vortex parameters, the growth rate along the entire azimuth collapses to a single value for the investigated wavenumbers. We conclude that even though the tip‐vortex breakdown is asymmetric in sheared flow, the scaled growth rates follow the behavior of axisymmetric helical vortices. An excitation amplitude reduction by an order of magnitude extends the linear growth region of the wake by one radius for uniform inflow. In the sheared setup, the linear growth region is extended further in the top half than in the bottom half because of the progressive distortion of the helical tip vortices. An existing model to determine the stable wake length was shown to be in close agreement with the observed numerical results when adjusted for shear.  相似文献   

A wind tunnel experiment has been performed to quantify the Reynolds number dependence of turbulence statistics in the wake of a model wind turbine. A wind turbine was placed in a boundary layer flow developed over a smooth surface under thermally neutral conditions. Experiments considered Reynolds numbers on the basis of the turbine rotor diameter and the velocity at hub height, ranging from Re = 1.66 × 104 to 1.73 × 105. Results suggest that main flow statistics (mean velocity, turbulence intensity, kinematic shear stress and velocity skewness) become independent of Reynolds number starting from Re ≈ 9.3 × 104. In general, stronger Reynolds number dependence was observed in the near wake region where the flow is strongly affected by the aerodynamics of the wind turbine blades. In contrast, in the far wake region, where the boundary layer flow starts to modulate the dynamics of the wake, main statistics showed weak Reynolds dependence. These results will allow us to extrapolate wind tunnel and computational fluid dynamic simulations, which often are conducted at lower Reynolds numbers, to full‐scale conditions. In particular, these findings motivates us to improve existing parameterizations for wind turbine wakes (e.g. velocity deficit, wake expansion, turbulence intensity) under neutral conditions and the predictive capabilities of atmospheric large eddy simulation models. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wakes and wake interactions in wind turbine arrays diminish energy output and raise the risk of structural fatigue; hence, comprehending the features of rotor–wake interactions is of practical relevance. Previous studies suggest that vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) can facilitate a quicker wake recovery. This study experimentally investigates the rotor–wake and wake–wake interaction of VAWTs; different pitch angles of the blades of the upwind VAWT are considered to assess the interactions for different wake deflections. With stereoscopic particle image velocimetry, the wake interactions of two VAWTs are analysed in nine distinct wake deflection and rotor location configurations. The time-average velocity fields at several planes upwind and downwind from the rotors are measured. Additionally, time-average loads on the VAWTs are measured via force balances. The results validate the rapid wake recovery and the efficacy of wake deflection, which increases the available power in the second rotor.  相似文献   

Many researchers have focused on the layout design of a wind farm using the computational methods. Most of previous researches focused on relevant large cell size and using same hub height wind turbines. In this paper, the authors investigate the possibility of using different hub height wind turbines in a wind farm. A limited area (2?km?×?2?km) with constant wind speed and direction is considered as the potential wind farm area, and a nested genetic algorithm is used as optimisation algorithm. Two different hub height wind turbines are introduced with two different cell sizes. Power output, cost, payback period, and total profit are selected as evaluation criteria when comparing the layouts with same hub height wind turbines with the layouts with different hub height wind turbines. The results demonstrate that it is feasible and possible to use different hub height wind turbines in a wind farm.  相似文献   

Wei Tian  Ahmet Ozbay  Hui Hu 《风能》2018,21(2):100-114
An experimental investigation was conducted for a better understanding of the wake interferences among wind turbines sited in wind farms with different turbine layout designs. Two different types of inflows were generated in an atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel to simulate the different incoming surface winds over typical onshore and offshore wind farms. In addition to quantifying the power outputs and dynamic wind loads acting on the model turbines, the characteristics of the wake flows inside the wind farms were also examined quantitatively. After adding turbines staggered between the first 2 rows of an aligned wind farm to increase the turbine number density in the wind farm, the added staggered turbines did not show a significant effect on the aeromechanical performance of the downstream turbines for the offshore case. However, for the onshore case, while the upstream staggered turbines have a beneficial effect on the power outputs of the downstream turbines, the fatigue loads acting on the downstream turbines were also found to increase considerably due to the wake effects induced by the upstream turbines. With the same turbine number density and same inflow characteristics, the wind turbines were found to be able to generate much more power when they are arranged in a staggered layout than those in an aligned layout. In addition, the characteristics of the dynamic wind loads acting on the wind turbines sited in the aligned layout, including the fluctuation amplitudes and power spectrum, were found to be significantly different from those with staggered layout.  相似文献   

Guanghan Bai  Brian Fleck  Ming J. Zuo 《风能》2016,19(8):1519-1534
It has been observed that a large variability exists between wind speed and wind power in real metrological conditions. To reduce this substantial variability, this study developed a stochastic wind turbine power curve by incorporating various exogenous factors. Four measurements, namely, wind azimuth, wind elevation, air density and solar radiation are chosen as exogenous influence factors. A recursive formula based on conditional copulas is used to capture the complex dependency structure between wind speed and wind power with reduced variability. A procedure of selecting a proper form for each factor and its corresponding copula models is given. Through a case study on the small wind turbine located in southeast of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, we demonstrate that the variability can be reduced significantly by incorporating these influence factors. Wind turbine operators can apply the method reported in this study to construct a stochastic power curve for local wind farms and use it to achieve more accurate power forecasting and health condition monitoring of the turbine. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using electric storage systems (ESSs) is known as a viable strategy to mitigate the volatility and intermittency of renewable distributed generators (DGs) in microgrids (MGs). Among different electric storage technologies, battery energy storage (BES) is considered as the best option. In unit commitment (UC) module, the set of committed dispatchable DGs along with their power, power exported to/imported from macrogrid and status and power of ESS units are determined. In this paper, BES degradation is considered in UC formulation and an efficient particle swarm optimisation with quadratic transfer function is proposed for solving UC in BES‐integrated MGs, while the uncertainties of demand, renewable generation and market price are considered and dealt with robust optimisation. UC is formulated as a multi‐objective optimisation problem whose objectives are MG operation cost and BES degradation. The resultant multi‐objective optimisation problem is converted into a single‐objective optimisation problem and the effect of weight factors on MG operation cost and BES lifecycle are investigated. The results show that by consideration of BES degradation in objective function, BES lifecycle increases from 350 to 500 and the minimum depth of charge increases from 5.5% to 34%; however, MG operation cost increases from $8717 to $8910.2. The results also show that by consideration of uncertainties, MG's operation cost increases by 8.22%.  相似文献   

Structural loads of wind turbines are becoming critical because of the growing size of wind turbines in combination with the required dynamic output demands. Wind turbine tower and blades are therefore affected by structural loads. To mitigate the loads while maintaining other desired conditions such as the optimization of power generated or the regulation of rotor speed, advanced control schemes have been developed during the last decade. However, conflict and trade‐off between structural load reduction capacity of the controllers and other goals arise; when trying to reduce the structural loads, the power production or regulation performance may be also reduced. Suitable measures are needed when designing controllers to evaluate the control performance with respect to the conflicting control goals. Existing measures for structural loads only consider the loads without referring to the relationship between loads and other control performance aspects. In this contribution, the conflicts are clearly defined and expressed to evaluate the effectiveness of control methods by introducing novel measures. New measures considering structural loads, power production, and regulation to prove the control performance and to formulate criteria for controller design are proposed. The proposed measures allow graphical illustration and numerical criteria describing conflicting control goals and the relationship between goals. Two control approaches for wind turbines, PI and observer‐based state feedback, are defined and used to illustrate and to compare the newly introduced measures. The results are obtained by simulation using Fatigue, Aerodynamics, Structures, and Turbulence (FAST) tool, developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), USA.  相似文献   

This paper presents a contribution to wind farm ouput power estimation. The calculation for a single wind turbine involves the use of the power coefficient or, more directly, the power curve data sheet. Thus, if the wind speed value is given, a simple calculation or search in the data sheet will provide the generated power as a result. However, a wind farm generally comprises more than one wind turbine, which means the estimation of power generated by the wind farm as a function of the wind speed is a more complex process that depends on several factors, including the important issue of wind direction. While the concept of a wind turbine power curve for a single wind turbine is clear, it is more subject to discussion when applied to a whole wind farm. This paper provides a simplified method for the estimation of wind farm power, based on the use of an equivalent wake effect coefficient. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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