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We have developed a unique computational environment for use in teaching introductory mathematics. Our system, calledNewton, runs on Macintosh computers and consists of a user-friendly interface to the symbolic mathematics package Maple, supplemented by an extensive library of our own Maple code. Formulas are easily constructed and modified, appearing like those in textbooks; multiple windows allow users to see and work with several formulas at once. Formulas, graphs, and text can be intermixed in collapsible sections on worksheets. Users do not interact with Maple directly and need know nothing of Maple's syntax and command structure. Mathematical operations are selected from menus, with the added bonus that this makes it possible to document solutions. Originally designed for use in conjunction with the two semester introductory calculus sequence, the system has been extended for multivariate and vector calculus, linear algebra, numerical analysis, and differential equations.  相似文献   

One obvious aspect of the relationship between architecture and mathematics is the nature of the actual places designed by architects for the mathematical community. The School of Mathematics of the Città Universitaria was designed by Giò Ponti. Claudio Presta examines Ponti’s design to see how architecture can create an appropriate space for doing mathematics. What is the meaning, if there is one? What are the motives that drove the architect to create a building expressly for the School of Mathematics and not a simple/complex building in which the School could simply be housed? Ponti provides an answer by following the shape of the Greek theater for one part of the building, while the dimensions of the other part tend towards the Golden Section.  相似文献   


Schoenfeld's theory of teaching (Schoenfeld, 1998 Schoenfeld, A. H. 1998. Toward a theory of teaching-in-context. Issues in Education, 4(1): 194. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], 1999 Schoenfeld, A. H. 1999. Models of the teaching process. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 18: 243261.  [Google Scholar]) describes, explains, and predicts teacher practice and, more specifically, teachers’ decision-making processes, in terms of their knowledge, beliefs, and goals. On the basis of this theoretical model of the teaching process, we designed a workshop with the purpose of providing mathematics teachers with analytical tools with which to reflect upon their own practice. Two rounds of this workshop were implemented with teacher leaders and mathematics educators. Participants collectively watched videotapes of teaching practices that included examples of a range of teacher decisions and actions. The tapes served as stimuli for both spontaneous and guided conversations about teacher knowledge, goals, and beliefs. Initially, two main kinds of comments predominated: evaluative and research oriented. As the workshops progressed, a third and potentially more productive mode of analysis of teacher practices evolved. We briefly describe the design of the workshops, their implementation, and the main “watching modes” and comments. It appears that teachers and researchers can be induced to think about why other teachers (and perhaps themselves) make particular instructional moves, and that they can engage substantially with the roles of knowledge, goals and beliefs in shaping instructional choices.  相似文献   

A variable-free, equational logic $\mathcal{L}^\timesA variable-free, equational logic based on the calculus of relations (a theory of binary relations developed by De Morgan, Peirce, and Schr?der during the period 1864–1895) is shown to provide an adequate framework for the development of all of mathematics. The expressive and deductive powers of are equivalent to those of a system of first-order logic with just three variables. Therefore, three-variable first-order logic also provides an adequate framework for mathematics. Finally, it is shown that a variant of may be viewed as a subsystem of sentential logic. Hence, there are subsystems of sentential logic that are adequate to the task of formalizing mathematics. This paper is an expanded version of a talk given by the author at the Special Session on Automated Reasoning in Mathematics and Logic, held March 8–10, 2002, at the Georgia Institute of Technology, during the Joint Southeastern Section MAA/Southeast Regional AMS Meeting. The session was organized by Johan G. F. Belinfante.  相似文献   

建立了基于坐标旋转下高斯分布函数的土壤表层重金属污染物点源扩散模型,并利用MATLAB中的非线性极小拟合方法得到模型参数,进而求得污染源的具体位置。以2011年高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛A题数据为例,计算结果表明,旋转后的高斯分布函数拟合精度显著提高,从而为准确探究污染源及位置提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

刘革辉  王平 《数字社区&智能家居》2007,2(6):1426-1426,1447
在不断强调提高学生素质,拓广学生知识面,加强学生实践能力的课程改革过程中,现代教育技术与数学教学的整合引起了不少从事数学教育工作者的研究兴趣。随着数学软件的成熟,使得计算机技术与数学教学结合更加密切。  相似文献   

实施全面的新课改以后,我国的教育模式在不断发生改变。针对现在信息技术教学中存在的问题和固定的教 学模式的问题,3D创客教育与高中信息技术教学相融合的教学方法开始流行起来。通过以往的教学经验,结合学生的学习特 点,为学生打造一个个性化的多元化教学课堂。3D创客教育的提出,对高中信息技术教学具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

多媒体计算机的出现,给教育教学带来了无限生机。计算机辅助教学已成为当今教学改革的核心。多媒体计算机辅助数学教学,有助于突破教学难点,使教学形式多样化,进而提高教学效益。计算机辅助数学教学中应处理好人机和谐关系、媒体互促关系和主导与主体的关系。  相似文献   

Voice-recognition technology (VRT) promises ease of use in responding to student writing, but its impact on writing processes and the quality of teacher commentary is unclear. This article details the results of a study undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of VRT in responding to student writing. Over the course of two semesters, in response to texts written by students in his first-year college composition course, one of the authors composed 58 end comments, alternating between two methods of composition: typing on a keyboard and dictating directly into text by means of VRT. While his writing processes in the respective modalities differed dramatically, particularly in terms of revision, the quality of the resulting texts appeared roughly the same: A detailed content analysis of the comments, using Richard Straub and Ronald Lunsford's (1995) typology, revealed significant variation in only 1 of 25 variables, measured as a proportion of total words. Meanwhile, students surveyed indicated they found few differences between the typed and dictated comments in terms of their usefulness, clarity, and tone. These findings, along with a comparison of time on task and user impressions of the two modalities, indicate that VRT represented a valuable tool for producing end comments that the user was able to dictate fluently, but that the technology was ineffective for the limited editing and revising attempted within the design of the study.  相似文献   

由于受到"艺术至上论"和"技术至上论"两种不良教学思想的影响,使得我国高校服装设计教育出现毕业学生综合素质较差,学生知识结构单一,设计思路狭窄,与社会实际需求脱节现象严重等等弊端,我们要不断深刻反思,加以改进。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展,运用多媒体技术进行教学当前已经比较普遍.文章分析了高中数学学科的特点以及在高中数学学科中运用多媒体技术进行教学的作用并简要分析了运用这项技术获得好的教学效果的途径.  相似文献   

西部高校艺术设计专业办学应该转变传统的效仿观念,从地域文化、发展空间、发展机遇三方面所具有的办学优势出发,探索适合自己的独特办学思路。通过"学研产"相结合实现优秀人才的培育,通过开办特色专业促进地方经济的发展,通过学习研究民间美术实现地域文脉的传承。  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of Activity Theory for the evaluation of user behaviour in immersive virtual environments. Specifically, the study of user behaviour focuses on interactivity, which is argued to be one of the most important processes that take place between a user and the system in virtual reality. The ultimate intention is to study the role and the effect of interactivity on learning and conceptual change and to examine how interaction and conceptual learning are related in the context of virtual environments developed primarily for informal educational settings. As a first step to this study, a set of exploratory experiments was carried out with children aged 7–12. The children were asked to complete tasks, such as the assembly of ancient columns from parts, which were designed to promote constructivist learning and explore the methods of carrying out in-depth experiments with children. This paper describes the analysis of these exploratory case studies from an Activity Theory perspective.
Maria RoussouEmail: URL: http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/M.Roussou/research/

在中职数学教学中结合数学的学科特点对学生进行思想教育,对于提高学生的综合素质,促进学生全面发展具有重要意义。本文从数学的文化性、数学思想方法的引申、数学中包含的德育、美育因素和劳动思想等几个方面,提出在中职数学教学中渗透思想教育的做法。  相似文献   

随着计算机科学的迅猛发展,计算机教育已经成为高等学校全面素质教育中重要的一部分.而高等数学教育又是计算机教育的重要组成部分.高等数学作为计算机教育的基石,能够优化学生的思维方式,提高学生的创造性能力,从而应用于计算机科技领域.  相似文献   

以高中数学新教材正弦和余弦函数的图象和性质为例,通过教学使学生掌握正弦函数和余弦的性质,能正确运用这些性质去分析和解决一些问题,从而培养学生的观察能力、归纳能力,逻辑思维能力等.  相似文献   

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