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介绍了湿法炉保护的作用原理,YZ-101防腐阻垢剂的使用方法、注意事项以及使用后所带来的经济效益。  相似文献   

冲天炉熔化是铸造生产中主要环节之一。据资料统计,冲天炉每熔化1吨铸铁要排出废气600~800米~3,其中含有大量的粉尘及有害气体一氧化碳、二氧化碳、二氧化硫及氟化氢等。对污染环境、危害农作物和人体健康都极为严重。为了解决这一问题,我厂于1980年在新投产的3吨热风冲天炉中设计了湿法除尘及炉气净化处理装置。通过一年来的生产实践取得了一定效果,现总结于下。一、设计方案选择依据1.粉尘的组成及其粒度分布冲天炉排出的粉尘随着炉料的情况和炉前的操作方法不同而差异很大,焦碳的大小、灰粉的高低、铁料氧化程度以及风量风压的增减,都会使排出的粉尘浓度发生波动。冲天炉废气中含尘量为5600~12400毫克/米~3,大颗  相似文献   

本文概述了湿法喷涂施工的方法、特点及使用的优越性。特别是在水泥行业开拓性的使用,填补了国内在该项目上的空白,对改善施工条件上具有划时代的意义。  相似文献   

介绍了水泥立窑湿法除尘系统的工作原理,结构特点,系统布置,使用效果及使用中应注意的问题。这种除尘系统适应立窑烟气性质及假烧工艺,无二次污染,水循环使用,除尘效果好,投资省,可在我省推广。  相似文献   

水泥立窑湿法除尘系统的开发应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何其昂  王根渝 《云南建材》1998,(1):20-22,17
介绍了水泥立窑湿法除尘系统的工作原理,结构特点,系统布置,使用效果及使用中应注意的问题。这种除尘系统适应立窑烟气性质及煅烧工艺,无二次污染,水循环使用,除尘效果好,投资省,可在我省推广。  相似文献   

乌兰水泥三线是一条2500t/d熟料生产线,分解炉为TDF炉,分解炉使用国产三风道喷煤管。使用中未发现有大的弊病,唯独不足之处是使用约两年后有变形、烧损等现象,更换一套所需费用约15万元,劳动强度也较大。我区煤炭资源丰富,但美中不足的是蒙煤中含有一定量的结晶水,仅靠现有的煤磨烘干工艺是难以消除的。煤粉水分偏高,通常均在4%~6%左右。实践证明,  相似文献   

全国湿法水泥厂枝改和节能情报交流会议,9月15日在柳州召开,本题为会议内容综合报道之一。在全国湿法窑情报交流会议上,共有七个水泥厂介绍了湿法窑使用耐热钢链条的经验。  相似文献   

李新皇 《山西建筑》2005,31(7):212-213
结合某隧道工程实践,介绍了湿法喷射混凝土的工作原理,对湿法喷射混凝土的施工工艺及操作方法进行了详细阐述,并提出一些注意事项,经实践证明,使用该法喷射混凝土,社会、经济效益显著。  相似文献   

由湖北省鄂州市建材设计研究院研制的HFZZ 型沸腾炉于1989年2月在江西省永丰县年产8.8万吨水泥厂试烧成功,投入生产后使用情况至今良好。HFZZ 型沸腾炉在φ2.2×14米回转式烘干机上配套使用,设计中采用减少底部蓄热量,  相似文献   

一般冷库或食品工业的发酵车间等,都需砌双层墙,其内表面还要抹水泥砂浆找平层,然后做二毡三油防水层,防水层做好后即填稻壳,以满足保温隔热的要求。在一般情况下,卷材防水层必须待基层干燥后才能施工,否则粘结不牢。但双层墙内面或地下室的找平层完全干透后再做防水很费时间,往往影响工期。我单位在某工程中根据防水油能闭水、闭潮的原理,在找平层上刷一层用防水油、水泥和水配成的混合剂,即可把潮湿封闭住,马上能做防水。这种湿法防水施工,经过一年来的实践,粘结牢固,效果很好。一、混合剂的配制使用425号普通硅酸盐水泥,天津产新建牌防水剂和普通自来水配制混合剂。其配  相似文献   

建筑是一部人类文明史,建筑装饰艺术是其中最精美的语言,它记载着科学技术的发展和文化艺术的进步,它描绘出风土人情与时代风尚。本文主要论述了建筑外形式装饰艺术的涵义及设计要点,对建筑装饰艺术的形态构成、造型与装饰、装饰的视觉效应以及建筑外形式装饰艺术的个性和设计中应注意处理好的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文探讨了作为电影和建筑中的一个主要空间构成主题——景框理念。对空间的电影几何关系和建构几何关系的设置.体块、空间、视角、景观、相机和演员的相对位置和组织等.会产生特殊的张力、关系和动态——所有这一切都指向景框所带来的触媒作用和示能作用。电影与建筑中的空间是许多潜在的力量和相互作用的动力场,它涉及对空间景框、机制和策略的部署与调控,由此实现构成的、语义的和叙事的目的。景框建立了边界,但也促进并提醒可能会遇到的那些模棱两可、针锋相对与制约的突破.以及一种呈现怪诞特征的潜力。  相似文献   

为了研究支护用锚杆在极限应力作用下力学特性,建立了锚杆托盘及螺母的有限元模型,采用ANSYS程序对螺母及托盘的应力、位移进行了数值仿真分析。研究了托盘及螺母在极限应力下的接触特征;绘制了托盘及螺母的应力云图,得到了托盘及螺母内部的应力、位移分布情况。结果表明,托盘边缘及托盘内部大小圆盘连接位置较为危险;螺母中间位置由于受托盘的挤压容易发生破坏;加肋可以提高锚杆的极限承载力,为结构的优化提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A whole-landscape approach is critical to ensuring conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in farmed landscapes. Although existing agri-environmental schemes are constrained by property boundaries and voluntary take up, the potential for adopting a whole-landscape approach to planned countryside management is currently favoured by a number of factors. These include economic uncertainty in some agricultural sectors; the introduction of a reformulated rural development policy; increased understanding of relationships between biodiversity and management; and the introduction of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology that allows future landscapes to be visualized by stakeholders. Ecological and socio-economic aspects of whole-landscape planning in a study covering 31 neighbouring farms in west Oxfordshire are reported. A baseline was first compiled that included information on: property boundaries; land cover; relationships between hedge and field margin management and key taxa; and farmer socio-economics and attitudes towards agri-environmental measures, conservation and sustainable agriculture. Future scenarios of integrated wholelandscape management were then developed, designed to deliver amenity, environmental and biodiversity benefits. These scenarios were presented and interpreted to farmers and conservation and amenity stakeholders with the aid of GIS-based maps and three-dimensional virtual reality visualizations. Farmers' responses are reported and the potential for implementing whole-landscape planning is discussed .  相似文献   

在20世纪末期.欧美的博物得变成了一种“加法动物”不断进行着改建、扩建和加建.从而涌现出大量风格方式不间的建筑实例其中既有失败.也有成功。本文选择了部分典型案例如以分析,特别肯定了托马斯·毕比和西萨·佩里的设计概念和方法,并提出了未来的改.扩建将面向未来不断发展的观点。  相似文献   

The paper reviews various options adopted in the UK for engineered protection measures aimed at preventing pollution to the environs of landfill sites. The advantages and limitations of both natural and synthetic lining materials are discussed, recognizing the constraints posed by the geometry and geology of prospective landfill sites. Particular attention is given to the Environmental Safety Centre experience with techniques designed to minimize both leachate and gaseous emissions, and hence prevent pollution of ground and surface waters, and reduce hazards to nearby property. Options for operational practices and restoration procedures are discussed in relation to the control of degradation processes and polluting potential. Included in these options are design and operation of leachate and gas collection/treatment systems, phasing of landfilling operations, and progressive restoration of sites. Monitoring requirements are emphasized as a vital measure of the success or failure of site designs and operational practices in ensuring that appropriate environmental protection is achieved and maintained.  相似文献   

Magnetoelastic Measurement of Prestressing Force in Civil Structures The knowledge of the tensile force of prestressing steel elements and its reliable and non‐destructive determination are of essential importance for the assessment of the structural health condition of prestressed concrete structures and tie‐back systems in terms of structural safety, serviceability and durability. For the evaluation of the prestressing force in steel tension members, the measurement technique presented in this contribution is using the magneto‐elastic effect (ME‐effect) of ferromagnetic materials. This effect describes the reverse‐proportional correlation between the mechanical stress and the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials. The cylindrical coiled sensors pushed over the tendon and the measuring device developed and practically optimized at the iBMB/MPA of the TU Braunschweig enable a fast and reliable measurement of the prestressing steel force after an initial calibration. In this contribution first the state of the art of prestress measurement techniques for steel tension members is presented. Afterwards, the ME‐measuring method with the basics and merits of magneto‐elastic prestressing force identification is shown. Further recent research results as well as several building applications will be discussed.  相似文献   

This paper considers the nature and significance of town and village greens within the landscape of England and Wales. It reflects on problems of definition and on the limited availability of data concerning the origins and geographical distribution of greens. The paper draws attention to the registration of greens following the Commons Registration Act 1965, and summarizes information collated from the registers subsequently prepared by local authorities. Details of numbers of greens and their spatial density at county level are presented, and reference is also made to rights of common on greens, and to the ownership of the greens themselves.  相似文献   

One of the striking features of Kerala state is the continuous chain of lagoons or backwaters existing along the coastal region. The backwaters support rich and diverse life forms and provide crucial nurseries for shrimps and fishes as well as habitat for oysters, clams and mussels which later enrich the ocean and make Kerala the principal exporter of marine products amongst the states of India. The shallow fringes of the backwaters and the channels drawn from them are used for retting of coconut husk. It adversely affects the productivity of the backwaters and is harmful to marine fisheries. The retting of coconut husks in backwaters is brought about by the pectinolytic activity of micro organisms especially bacteria fungi and yeasts degrading the fibre binding materials of the husk and liberating large quantities of organic matter and chemicals into the environment, including pectin, pentosan, tannins, polyphenols, etc. Consequently hydrogen sulphide, phosphate and nitrate contents increase while dissolved oxygen and community diversity of plankton decrease in the ambient waters during the retting process. The present study is to evaluate pollution due to coir retting activity and its influence on quality of water and estuarine flora and fauna.  相似文献   

针对堆土加卸载与基坑开挖叠加效应导致既有地铁隧道变形较大的问题,建立考虑加卸载叠加效应影响的三维空间分析模型,研究不同堆土加卸载叠加基坑开挖卸载模式对邻近地铁隧道变形规律的影响,探讨隧道在堆土加载、移土卸载再叠加基坑开挖下的变形规律。结果表明:正上方堆土加卸载对隧道的竖向位移影响较大,是侧向堆土加卸载的3倍~5倍; 在经历堆土加卸载后,隧道会残留不可忽视的变形,其残留竖向位移约为加载后位移的62%; 堆土加卸载叠加侧方基坑开挖时,隧道变形受基坑开挖深度的影响较大,大于隧道埋深的开挖阶段会加剧隧道变形; 4种叠加模式中,正上方堆土加卸载-侧方基坑开挖卸载隧道最终竖向位移最大,约17 mm,侧方堆土加卸载-异侧基坑开挖卸载隧道最终水平位移最大,约8 mm,邻近隧道施工时应充分考虑叠加效应的影响,尽量避免这两种情况。  相似文献   

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