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An explicit stress formulation for stainless steel applicable in tension and compression 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
K. Abdella 《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》2007,63(3):326-331
In this paper an explicit stress formulation for stainless steel is presented. The formulation is applied to both tension and compression and it is an approximation to the closed form inversion of an existing two-stage stress-strain relation which is based on a modified Ramberg-Osgood equation. The validity of the explicit expression is tested over a wide range of material parameters. The tests demonstrate that the explicit formula is in excellent agreement with the fully iterated numerical solution of the full-range stress-strain relation. By incorporating an existing expression for deformation capacity, the proposed explicit formula is also used to obtain an explicit formulation for the computation of local buckling stress and compression resistance in terms of cross sectional slenderness. 相似文献
Explicit full-range stress-strain relations for stainless steel at high temperatures 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
K. Abdella 《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》2009,65(4):794-800
This paper presents a new explicit stress-strain relation for stainless steel at high temperatures. The relation is an approximation of the closed form inversion of an existing two-stage stress-strain relation based on a modified Ramberg-Osgood equation with corresponding temperature-dependent parameters. This new expression for the stress σ, as an explicit function of the total strain ?, is obtained by making a modified power law assumption on the fractional deviation of the actual stress-strain curve from an idealized linear elastic behaviour. The validity of the inverted expression is tested over a wide range of material parameters and a wide range of temperatures. The tests show that the new expression results in stress-strain curves which are both qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with the fully iterated numerical solution of the full-range stress-strain relation for normal as well as high temperatures. 相似文献
Appropriate assessment of the fire resistance of structures depends largely on the ability to accurately predict the material response at elevated temperature. The material characteristics of stainless steel differ from those of carbon steel due to the high alloy content. These differences have been explored in some detail at room temperature, whilst those at elevated temperature have been less closely scrutinised. This paper presents an overview and reappraisal of previous pertinent research, together with an evaluation of existing elevated temperature stainless steel stress-strain test data and previously proposed material models. On the basis of examination of all available test data, much of which have been recently generated, revised strength and stiffness reduction factors at elevated temperatures for a range of grades of stainless steel have been proposed, including four grades not previously covered by existing structural fire design guidance. A total of eight sets of strength reduction factors are currently provided for different grades of stainless steel in EN 1993-1-2 and the Euro Inox/SCI Design Manual for Structural Stainless Steel, compared to a single set for carbon steel. A number of sets of reduction factors is appropriate for stainless steel since the elevated temperature properties can vary markedly between different grades, but this has to be justified with sufficient test data and balanced against ease of design — it has been proposed herein that the eight sets of reduction factors be rationalised on the basis of grouping grades that exhibit similar elevated temperature properties. In addition to more accurate prediction of discrete features of the elevated temperature material stress-strain response of stainless steel (i.e. strength and stiffness reduction factors), a material model for the continuous prediction of the stress-strain response by means of a modified compound Ramberg-Osgood formulation has also been proposed. The proposed model is less complex than the current provisions of EN 1993-1-2, more accurate when compared to test results, and the model parameters have a clear physical significance. 相似文献
The paper deals with the buckling behaviour of stainless steel members with the main focus on developing design formulae for use in the latest version of the European Standard EN 1993-1-4: Eurocode 3-Design of steel structures-Part 1-4: General rules — Supplementary rules for stainless steel. Brussels; 2005.It is based on numerical simulations of single span members of various section type, which are subjected to axial compression and bending. Both flexural buckling and lateral-torsional buckling are dealt with so that the buckling behaviour of both I-sections and hollow sections can be covered.On the basis of these numerical results interaction factors have been derived in context with the design model for member design in Eurocode 3-1-1. For statistical evaluation the test results available from other authors have been used.The outcome of this investigation has been incorporated in the present EN 1993-1-4 as a recommendation in restricted form. 相似文献
不锈钢材料的应力-应变模型 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
不锈钢材料与普通碳素钢的力学性能有较大不同,其应力-应变关系呈显著非线性,且各向异性,因此精确描述不锈钢应力-应变关系是不锈钢构件受力及稳定性分析等相关研究工作的基础.本文回顾了国内外关于不锈钢应力-应变本构模型的研究成果,通过介绍、分析和比较研究指出,Quach三段式应力-应变模型采用Ramberg-Osgood三参数表示,可直接应用现行规范进行结构设计,其准确性已得到相关试验和有限元分析证实.因此,Quach模型是目前可供选用的最佳本构模型. 相似文献
Residual stress analysis of structural stainless steel sections 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
R.B. Cruise 《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》2008,64(3):352-366
The magnitude and distribution of residual stresses in structural carbon steel sections have been thoroughly investigated. However, few residual stress measurements have been made on structural stainless steel sections. Stainless steel has differing material stress-strain characteristics and thermal properties to carbon steel, both of which influence the formation of residual stresses. This suggests that established carbon steel residual stress models may not be appropriate for stainless steel. With increased use of stainless steel in load bearing applications, it is important to establish the residual stresses that exist within structural members. An experimental program to quantify the residual stresses in stainless steel sections from three different production routes has therefore been carried out. Comprehensive residual stress distributions have been obtained for three hot rolled angles, eight press braked angles and seven cold rolled box sections, with a total of over 800 readings taken. This paper presents the experimental techniques implemented and the residual stress distributions obtained as well as discussing the assumptions commonly made regarding through thickness residual stress variations. In the hot rolled and press braked sections, residual stresses were typically found to be below 20% of the material 0.2% proof stress, though for the cold rolled box sections, whilst membrane residual stresses were relatively low, bending residual stresses were found to be between 40% and 70% of the material 0.2% proof stress. 相似文献
Jurgen Becque 《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》2008,64(11):1231-1238
The paper presents a complete set of direct strength equations for stainless steel members and sections in compression. The direct strength equations are based on recent research on the local, distortional and member bucking of stainless steel compression members, including the interaction of local and member buckling. The paper summarises the underlying research and presents the direct strength equations in a consistent format using a notation similar to that used in the North American Specification and the Australian Standard for (carbon) steel structures. Direct strength equations are proposed for local, distortional and combined local and member buckling, which fit within the framework of the Australian, North-American and European standards for stainless steel. 相似文献
The paper describes a test program on cold-formed high strength stainless steel compression members. The duplex stainless steel having the yield stress and tensile strength up to 750 and 850 MPa, respectively, was investigated. The material properties of the test specimens were obtained from tensile coupon and stub column tests. The test specimens were cold-rolled into square and rectangular hollow sections. The specimens were compressed between fixed ends at different column lengths. The initial overall geometric imperfections of the column specimens were measured. The strength and behaviour of cold-formed high strength stainless steel columns were investigated. The test strengths were compared with the design strengths predicted using the American, Australian/New Zealand and European specifications for cold-formed stainless steel structures. Generally, it is shown that the design strengths predicted by the three specifications are conservative for the cold-formed high strength stainless steel columns. In addition, reliability analysis was performed to evaluate the current design rules. 相似文献
A study of stainless steel cold-rolled box columns at elevated temperatures is presented, which is a part of an on-going RFCS project “Stainless Steel in Fire”, 2004-2007. Experimental results of six, class 4, stub columns at elevated temperature, tested by Ala-Outinen [Members with Class 4 cross-sections in fire: Work package 3, ECSC project stainless steel in fire. Contract no. RFS-CR-04048, Espoo, Finland; 2005], were used to evaluate the finite element (FE) model. The FE analysis obtained using the commercially available software, ABAQUS, shows that the critical temperature was closely predicted. Further, a parametric study was performed using the same numerical model. This was a basis to check the quality of prediction of a newly proposed improvement for design rules of class 4 cross-sections in fire according to EN 1993-1-4 [Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures — Part 1-4: General rules — Supplementary rules for stainless steels, CEN; 2006] and EN 1993-1-2 [Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures — Part 1.2: General rules — Structural fire design, CEN; 2005]. 相似文献
Nonlinear analysis of concrete-filled square stainless steel stub columns under axial compression 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Zhong Tao Brian UyFei-Yu Liao Lin-Hai Han 《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》2011,67(11):1719-1732
Concrete-filled stainless steel tubes (CFSST) can be considered as a new and innovative kind of composite construction technique, and have the potential to be used extensively in civil engineering. This paper employs a nonlinear analysis of square CFSST stub columns under axial compression. A three-dimensional nonlinear finite element (FE) model is developed using ABAQUS, where nonlinear material behaviour, enhanced strength corner properties of steel, and initial geometric imperfections are included. Close agreement is achieved between the test and FE results in terms of load-deformation response and ultimate strength. In light of the numerical results, the behaviour of stainless steel composite columns is compared with that of carbon steel composite columns. A simple model is proposed to calculate the ultimate strength of square CFSST stub columns. 相似文献
J.T. Pérez-Quiroz J. Terán M. Martínez 《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》2008,64(11):1317-1324
The aim of this study was to revise the factors influencing the service life of galvanic coupling between carbon steel and stainless steel reinforcements in simulated concrete pore solution, simulating the condition of a damaged structure repaired with stainless steel reinforcing bars. Numerous investigations have reported that austenitic stainless steel rebar, compared to carbon steel, when embedded in concrete, offer superior corrosion resistance in aggressive environments, especially chloride contaminated concrete. In concrete, contact with other metals should be avoided because of the risk of galvanic corrosion. When passive, both carbon steel and stainless steel have comparable corrosion potentials and the coupling of the two materials is of little effect on the corrosion behavior of either material. Galvanic current values measured between carbon and stainless steel are negligible. 相似文献
Recent years have seen an increase in the use of stainless steel in buildings, mainly owing to its corrosion properties and therefore long service life. Among stainless steels, ferritic and lean duplex grades are characterized by low nickel content resulting in a more cost-stable and economic material compared to austenitic stainless steels. These grades have comparable (or even higher) strength than carbon steel and good corrosion resistance at lower cost. That is why, lately, they have been more often used in structural components. In this paper, attention is first paid to the advantages associated with the use of stainless steel in recent construction projects in view of sustainability. Second, life cycle analysis and the background of the new European standard EN 15804 are introduced, including module D, which allows credits to be taken now for the eventual reuse or recycling of material in the future, at the end-of-life stage. Life cycle inventories of stainless steel products (cold-rolled coils and quarto plate) are presented. Depending on the fraction of material recovered at the end of the lifespan, two potential impacts (Primary Energy Demand and Global Warming Potential) are presented for four grades: 1.4301 (AISI 304) and 1.4401 (AISI 316) austenitic grades, 1.4016 (AISI 430) ferritic grade and 1.4462 (AISI 2205) duplex grade. The influence of module D is underlined. 相似文献
Nowadays, performance-based design methods are increasingly used for fire resistance assessment of structures. To implement these methods, it is paramount to determine the temperature development within a structural member exposed to fire as accurately and efficiently as possible. Numerical models are developed in this paper to simulate the temperature development in concrete-filled carbon and stainless steel tubes. It was found that the influence of the moisture content in concrete and the thermal contact conductance at the steel–concrete interface is significant. New models for thermal conductivity of concrete and thermal contact conductance at the interface are proposed in this paper. Comparisons of temperature development are made between numerical simulations and extensive experimental results. Improved agreement with test results is achieved when the proposed models are used in the heat transfer analysis. 相似文献
In order to study the constitutive relation of Chinese-made austenitic stainless steel S31608 (EN 1.4401, AISI 316) under monotonic and cyclic loading, different types of coupons were tested. Based on the Ramberg–Osgood model, modified by Gardner and Nethercot, parameters that described stress–strain relationship under monotonic loading were obtained. Comparison between data obtained using different types of coupons was made and the influences of welding and rolling directions were reviewed. Parameters of the hardening model of cyclic plasticity were calibrated from cyclic test data and the tests were simulated using ABAQUS finite element analysis software. The results show that stainless steel exhibits remarkable nonlinearity, and the stress–strain relationship may vary from different rolling directions. Under cyclic loading, with the increase of cyclic loops and change in strain amplitudes, stainless steel exhibits cyclic hardening behavior, and the simulated curves agree fairly well with the test curves. It is therefore recommended that the influences of welding and rolling directions on the stress–strain relationship should be taken into consideration and the constitutive relation under cyclic loading should be used if the component is subjected to cyclic loads. 相似文献
P.M.M. Vila Real N. Lopes J.-M. Franssen 《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》2008,64(11):1302-1309
This work presents a numerical study of the behaviour of stainless steel I-beams subjected to lateral-torsional buckling in case of fire and compares the obtained results with the beam design curves of Eurocode 3.New formulae for lateral-torsional buckling, that approximate better the real behaviour of stainless steel structural elements in case of fire are proposed. These new formulae were based on numerical simulations using the program SAFIR, which was modified to take into account the material properties of the stainless steel. 相似文献
A series of tests consisting of various cross-section geometries were performed on structural stainless steel circular hollow sections (CHS) subjected to bending. The test program comprised a total of eight tests on CHS in two grades of stainless steel, namely 304 and Duplex 2205. For each grade four sections, each with a different slenderness, were tested, in order to cover a range of structural responses. Measurements of overall geometric imperfections and material properties were conducted. The test strengths are compared with the strengths predicted using the American, Australian and European specifications for cold-formed stainless steel structures. In the light of the test results and code recommendations, strength and cross-section classification criteria for stainless steel circular hollow section members in bending are examined. 相似文献
This paper describes a test program on cold-formed lean duplex stainless steel members in combined compression and minor axis bending. The test specimens were cold-rolled from flat strips of lean duplex stainless steel grade EN 1.4162. In this study, square and rectangular hollow sections were compressed at different eccentricities, in order to obtain a beam-column interaction curve for each series of tests. Initial overall geometric imperfections of the members were measured prior to testing. The ultimate loads and the failure modes of each specimen were obtained. The observed failure modes include local buckling, flexural buckling and interaction of local and flexural buckling. The test strengths obtained from this study and other available data were compared with the design strengths predicted by the American Specification, Australian/New Zealand Standard and European Code for stainless steel structures. It should be noted that these specifications do not cover the material of lean duplex stainless steel. Therefore, the suitability of the beam-column design rules in these specifications for lean duplex stainless steel is assessed in this study. Generally, these specifications are capable of predicting the beam-column strengths of the lean duplex stainless steel test specimens, and the design rules in the specifications are considered to be reliable. It is observed that the European Code generally provides quite conservative predictions for the beam-column specimens compared to the American Specification and Australian/New Zealand Standard predictions. 相似文献
Experimental and numerical investigation of high strength stainless steel structures 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Ben Young 《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》2008,64(11):1225-1230
The paper summarises research on high strength stainless steel tubular structures conducted at the University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Square and rectangular hollow sections were investigated. The test specimens were cold-rolled from high strength austenitic and duplex stainless steel sheets. The material properties of the test specimens were determined by tensile coupon tests at normal room and elevated temperatures. The initial geometric imperfection and residual stress of the specimens were measured. The experimental and numerical investigation focused on the design and behaviour of cold-formed high strength stainless steel structural members. The results were compared with design strengths calculated using the American, Australian/New Zealand and European specifications for cold-formed stainless steel structures. 相似文献
Residual stress magnitudes and distributions in structural stainless steel built-up sections have been comprehensively investigated in this study. A total of 18 test specimens were fabricated from hot-rolled stainless steel plates by means of shielded metal arc welding (SMAW). Two grades of stainless steel were considered, namely the austenitic grade EN 1.4301 and the duplex grade EN 1.4462. Using the sectioning method, the test specimens were divided into strips. The residual stresses were then computed by multiplying the strains relieved during sectioning by the measured Young׳s moduli determined from tensile and compressive coupon tests. Residual stress distributions were obtained for 10 I-sections, four square hollow sections (SHS) and four rectangular hollow sections (RHS). Peak tensile residual stresses reached around 80% and 60% of the material 0.2% proof stress for grades EN 1.4301 and EN 1.4462, respectively. Based upon the test data, simplified predictive models for residual stress distributions in stainless steel built-up I-sections and box sections were developed. Following comparisons with other available residual stress test data, the applicability of the proposed models was also extended to other stainless steel alloys. The proposed residual stress patterns are suitable for inclusion in future analytical models and numerical simulations of stainless steel built-up sections. 相似文献