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计算机等级考试(CRE)中迫切需要网络收卷,但其收卷系统因不能很好兼容 windows NT4. 0操作系统而无法网络 收卷。笔者通过对考试系统的网络安装、网络答题处理,并对相关目录的共享权限和安全性权限作了相应的设置,特别是创建了 收卷系统的“超级”安装,成功地实现了网络收卷,并自始至终地运用在当年本院的省高校计算机等级考试中。  相似文献   

长期以来,各中短波台站的自台发射机播出效果一直采用人工收测方式,收测结果受人为因素较大,不能快速地记录收测数据并及时发现发射机停播,更不能发现发射机劣播和“三满”不足,这样的监测方式不能完全起到对发射机播出效果的监督作用,更无法满足未来信息化发展的需要。文章介绍了中、短波台站质量保证系统的开发原理,系统组成及该系统的性能特点。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种基于变频器和PLC并采用张力控制方式的收卷控制系统。简述了它的系统构成和配置;着重描述了收卷控制的原理,特别是有关收卷的参数计算、卷取张力控制和转矩补偿以及收卷过程的动态分析;最后介绍了该控制系统的调试过程。  相似文献   

近日,见不少媒体开始谈论起网上免费 E- MAIL的收费问题,这个问题的提出,我想并非偶然,只是个时间问题,从目前提供免费邮件系统的网站来说,千方百计想些办法找些生财之道来解决目前出现的“银荒”,是完全可以理解的 ,但我认为,免费电子邮件系统要收费,一个字:难!难在何处,主要是有二个问题解决起来很难:向谁收,收多少? 问谁收费   让我们先来谈谈“向谁收”的问题,这个问题提得可能有点愚蠢,当然是向电子邮件系统的用户收了,不错,可电子邮件用户是谁?你能完全搞得清楚吗?还是先让我们从免费电子邮件系统谈起。…  相似文献   

本文通过研究汽轮机组胶球清洗系统中固定式收球网在运行中存在的问题,结合我厂实际,对收球网型式提出了一种改进。通过此次改造,达到了节约了维修成本、保障发电系统的正常运行的目的。  相似文献   

作为英国最大的蛋品营销公司,Deans Foods每周需要处理6000多万只鲜蛋,并向各大超级市场供应。这涉及到从数百家独立的签约生产商处收蛋,然后对蛋进行分级,所有工作都要遵循操作规程,并在数小时内完成,以便及时交货并在返回途中继续收蛋。  相似文献   

目前工业线缆收卷采用收排线机和人工两种方式进行,收排线机工作效率高但缺少对线缆收卷缺陷的判断与修正,因此收卷质量远低于人工方式。因此,提出一种仿人识别和收卷控制的方法,对人工收卷中的观察识别和手动校正等环节进行模仿。基于模糊控制理论提出收卷控制系统,模仿人工收卷的“决策”过程,利用基于深度学习的视觉系统实现人工“观测”环节,排线横移速度的微调实现人工“校正”环节。经实验检验,多种神经网络对缺陷的识别准确率均达到94%以上,且经模糊推理以及增量校正后,排线速度能够实现稳定连续调节。实验结果符合人工控制特征,证明了该方法能够代替人工进行线缆收卷过程的缺陷检测和调整。  相似文献   

随着Internet应用普及,多项网络服务器站点建设日益具增,免费网络操作系统Linux倍收关爱,本文以Linux为例,介绍Linux的路由器和防火墙技术。  相似文献   

开发一套软件程序,再收几百万来安装和维护的时代已经一去不复返。云计算时代下,软件企业要重新梳理成功的秘诀。  相似文献   

提出了一种适合高品质、大卷装收卷的控制张力设计方法.首先,介绍了收卷机张力控制的主要结构及其工作原理.再根据弹性力学原理,分析了收卷张力与卷装内应力分布的关系模型.在此基础上,讨论了恒张力收卷、锥度收卷和恒力矩收卷模型,并计算了其卷装的内应力分布情况.最后,提出了一种应用单纯形法进行最优收卷张力求取的方法.实验结果表明...  相似文献   

软件项目开发中,其设计思想有以前的面向过程到面向对象,程序的规模和需要处理的逻辑越来越复杂,面向对象技术有时也显苍白无力。组件化的编程思想很好地解决了以上矛盾,以常用黑白打印机为例。  相似文献   

GIS and Transportation: Status and Challenges   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

This paper describes the development and application of a geometric dimension and tolerance (GD&T) model for use in both design and process planning. The model meets criteria for computability and compatibility with the Y14.5M standard. The model is first used to capture the designers GD&T scheme on a feature based design model, validate its completeness, and then transfer the GD&T to machining features extracted automatically by feature recognition. The model is based on relative degrees of freedom of geometric entities: feature axes, edges, faces and features-of-size. Dimension graphs are created based on the degrees of freedom for each control direction. Datum reference frames and standard tolerance classes are incorporated into the graph. The model allows dimension specification, dimension scheme modification, and dimension scheme validation. A methodology to automatically determine the GD&T of machining volumes obtained by feature recognition is also described.  相似文献   

CUDA和OpenGL互操作的基本方式是使用CUDA生成数据,再利用OpenGL在屏幕上绘制出数据所表示的图形。两者的结合可以通过使用OpenGL的PBO(像素缓冲区对象)或VBO(顶点缓冲区对象)两种方式来实现。描述了CUDA和OpenGL互操作的步骤并展示了一个使用PBO的实例。该实例运行结果表明,互操作的方式比单纯使用OpenGL方式快了7~8倍。  相似文献   

Considera distributed real-time program which is executed on a systemwith a limited set of hardware resources. Assume the programis required to satisfy some timing constraints, despite the occurrenceof anticipated hardware failures. For efficient use of resources,scheduling decisions must be taken at run-time, considering deadlines,the load and hardware failures. The paper demonstrates how toreason about such dynamically scheduled programs in the frameworkof a timed process algebra and modal logic. The algebra providesa uniform process encoding of programs, hardware and schedulers,with an operational semantics of a process depending on the assumptionsabout faults. The logic specifies the timing properties of aprocess and verifies them via this fault-affected semantics,establishing fault-tolerance. The approach lends itself to applicationof existing tools and results supporting reasoning in processalgebras and modal logics.  相似文献   

The current century has brought an unimaginable growth in information and communications technology (ICT) and needs of enormous computing. The advancements in computer hardware and software particularly helped fuel the requirements of human beings, and revolutionized the smart products as an outcome. The advent of wearable devices from their development till successful materialisation has only taken less than a quarter of a century. The huge benefits of these smart wearable technologies cannot be fully enjoyed until and unless the reliability of a complete system is ensured. The reliability can be increased by the consistent advancements in hardware and software in parallel. User expectations actually are the challenges that keep the advancements alive while improving at an unmatchable pace. The future of wearable and other smart devices depends on whether they can provide a timely solution that is reliable, richer in resources, smaller in size, and cheaper in price. This paper addresses the threats and opportunities in the development and the acceptance of immersive and wearable technologies. The hardware and software challenges for the purpose of development are discussed to demonstrate the bottlenecks of the current technologies and the limitations that impose those bottlenecks. For the purpose of adoption, social and commercial challenges related to innovation and acceptability are discussed. The paper proposes guidelines that are expected to be applicable in several considerable applications of wearable technologies, for example, social networks, healthcare, and banking.  相似文献   

低秩稀疏分解(Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition,LRSD)是一种被广泛应用于计算机视觉等领域的数据表示技术,通过将已知矩阵分解为低秩成分和稀疏成分,实现视频前背景分离、图像去噪等的实际应用。分析了这一技术的研究现状,针对11种经典低秩稀疏分解方法,给出了各种方法的模型及算法的优缺点。将各种算法应用于视频前背景分离和图像去噪实验中,视频前背景分离的实验结果包括使用各种算法提取的不同视频的前景效果图、视频前背景分离的F-measure值和运行时间,图像去噪实验结果展示了各种算法对不同图像的去噪效果图、PSNR值和FSIM值,从视觉效果和定量评价两个角度验证了各种算法在视频前背景分离和图像去噪这两个实际应用中的优缺点。  相似文献   

The paper identifies and assesses the implications of two approaches to the field of artificial intelligence and legal reasoning. The first — pragmatism — concentrates on the development of working systems to the exclusion of theoretical problems. The second — purism — focuses on the nature of the law and of intelligence with no regard for the delivery of commercially viable systems. Past work in AI and law is classified in terms of this division. By reference to The Latent Damage System, an operational system, the paper articulates and responds to conceivable purist (jurisprudential and AI) objections to such a program. The methods of the pragmatist are also called into question and refined. The author concludes that pragmatism within a purist framework is the only sound approach to developing reliable AI systems in law.  相似文献   

With the increasing processing speeds, there is a shift away from the paradigm of centralized, sequential storage systems towards distributed and network based storage systems. Further, with the new imaging and real time multimedia applications, it is becoming more than ever important to design powerful, efficient and scaleable I/O systems. In this paper, the requirements of storage subsystems in multimedia environment were presented. The storage system components relating to those requirements were analyzed. Current solutions were surveyed and classified. Then we proposed approaches to improve storage subsystem performance for multimedia. The first approach applies constrained layout currently used for single disk model to multi-disk system. The second calls for using a stripping unit that meets both media and storage system optimization criteria. The third uses a pool of buffers instead of single buffer per stream.  相似文献   

复杂的测控应用对于实时性的要求非常高.在硬件已经确定的情况下,实时系统的性能很大程度上取决于所采用的实时操作系统.分析了QNX RTOS v6.1和VxWorks AE 1.1的特性,对这两个操作系统的实时性能指标进行了对比测试,测试结果表明,QNXRTOSv6.1的实时性能优于VxWorksAE 1.1.  相似文献   

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