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The effects of the small noncatalytic subunit of myosin light chain phosphatase (MLCPsr) on the Ca2+-induced contraction of smooth muscle were investigated in the Triton X-100-permeabilized porcine renal artery. The full-length recombinant chicken MLCPsr obtained by the bacterial expression system induced an additional contraction at a constant [Ca2+]i and shifted the [Ca2+]i-force relation curve to the left. A deletion mutant containing the N-terminal 78 amino acids of MLCPsr retained the full action, compared with the full-length MLCPsr, while the deletion of this region completely abolished its effect. The process of relaxation was also delayed by the fragment containing the N-terminal 78 amino acids. These results indicated that MLCPsr increases the Ca2+ sensitivity of the contractile apparatus while the N-terminal 78 amino acids are responsible for this effect in vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

The effect of nutrient restriction on serum concentrations of the gonadotropins, on the pattern of LH secretion, and on sensitivity to estradiol (E2) was assessed in orchidectomized sheep (wethers). Thirty-six wethers (initial weight = 42.3 +/- 0.6 kg) were fed to gain, maintain, or lose body weight (feeding groups G, M, and L, respectively; n = 12 wethers/group). After 7 wk of controlled feeding, G, M, and L wethers weighed 57.0 +/- 1.7, 42.5 +/- 0.6, and 36.6 +/- 0.8 kg, respectively. At the end of controlled feeding, serum concentrations of LH and FSH in M and L wethers were significantly higher than levels in G wethers. During Days 51-54 of controlled feeding, six animals from each feeding group received E2 or vehicle as a continuous infusion. The pattern of LH secretion was assessed 48 h after initiation of infusion. Although E2 infusion did not affect (p > 0.05) LH pulse frequency in G and M wethers, pulse frequency was reduced (p < 0.05) in L wethers receiving E2. These data indicate that serum concentrations of gonadotropins are increased in wethers fed to maintain or lose body weight. In addition, the negative feedback potency of E2 is enhanced during prolonged weight loss.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Very little is known about the pharmacokinetics of neuroleptic drugs in breast-feeding mothers and their infants or about possible adverse effects in the infants. METHOD: Twelve mothers who breast-fed their infants were prescribed haloperidol, chlorpromazine or trifluoperazine. Two methods, enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used to assay these drugs in samples from mothers, but infants' samples were assayed only by the more sensitive EIA. Repeated clinical and developmental assessments of the breast-fed infants were carried out up to 30 months of age. The control subjects were 18 bottle-fed infants whose mothers were also prescribed neuroleptic or mood-stabilizing drugs. RESULTS: The total concentrations of neuroleptic drugs and their principal metabolites in maternal plasma were correlated with concentrations in fore-milk. Infants were ingesting up to 3% of the maternal daily dose per kg body weight and small amounts of the drugs were detected in infants' plasma and urine. Concentrations of haloperidol in the adult range were found in plasma from 2 of 5 infants assayed by EIA but there was no evidence of any acute or delayed adverse effects. Three other breast-fed infants whose mothers were prescribed both haloperidol and chlorpromazine showed a decline in their developmental scores from the first to the second assessment at 12-18 months. CONCLUSION: More extensive longitudinal studies are needed but, in the meantime, there appears to be grounds for caution if breast-feeding mothers are prescribed doses of single or two neuroleptic drugs at the upper end of their recommended ranges.  相似文献   

The profile Romanov (R, ovulation rate = 3) and non-prolific Ile-de-France (IF, ovulation rate = 1) breeds were compared for their ovarian sensitivity to gonadotropins and IGF-I before puberty. For this purpose, the effects of in vivo immunization against GnRH on populations of ovarian follicles and in vitro sensitivity of granulosa cells to FSH and IGF-I were studied in prepuberal lambs from both breeds. Seventeen prepuberal lambs of each breed were actively immunized against GnRH between 3 wk and 6 mo of age. Relative to untreated lambs, FSH levels at 4, 5, and 6 mo of age were (respectively) 41%, 25% and 29% for IF, and 43%, 24%, and 36% for R lambs. In a first experiment, histological analysis of ovaries was performed. Immunization treatment decreased the number of small (100-390 microns in diameter) and large size follicles (< 1500 microns) in both breeds at 6 mo of age. In both breeds, gonadotropin (FSH-LH-hCG) treatment increased the number of large size follicles (< 1500 microns in diameter) and induced the formation of preovulatory follicles in immunized as well as untreated lambs. The ovulation rate was less in immunized animals, but it was not different between breeds. In a second experiment, the effects of FSH and IGF-I were studied on granulosa cells from follicles between 1000 and 2000 microns in diameter. In both breeds, IGF-I increased granulosa cell proliferation, but enhanced progesterone secretion was observed only in R lambs after FSH and IGF-I stimulation. Granulosa cell response to FSH treatment was lost by immunization, whereas response to IGF-I remained unchanged in both breeds. These results indicate that long-term immunization of prepuberal lambs against GnRH reduced systemic concentrations of FSH, follicular development, and response to gonadotropins in vivo, similarly in the prolific R and the non-prolific IF breed. However, granulosa cells from R lambs had higher steroidogenic capacities and were more responsive to FSH. In addition, these results suggest that IGF-I could play an important role in regulating growth of small follicles both in immunized and non-immunized lambs.  相似文献   

Within 13 days of the experimental infection of 15 oestrus-synchronised ewes with 2000 sporulated oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii at 80 to 90 days of gestation 11 had aborted. The infection induced pyrexia and specific antibody in all the ewes. One ewe resorbed its fetus, 11 ewes aborted and three delivered, at full term, live congenitally infected lambs whose pre-colostral serum was antibody-positive. Tissues from the aborted fetuses and placentae from the live lambs were examined for toxoplasma infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the B1 gene and by mouse inoculation. The live lambs were all shown to be infected by both methods, but there was no evidence of infection in any of the tissues from the acute phase abortions, suggesting that these fatalities occurred before the placenta or the fetus had been invaded by T gondii. Such toxoplasma-induced, acute-phase abortions are likely to be impossible to diagnose from fetal tissues. These results have implications not only for the diagnosis of naturally occurring ovine abortions but also for the understanding of the pathogenesis of toxoplasma-induced abortion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ménière's disease is a medical condition that involves hearing loss, tinnitus and attacks of vertigo. The attacks can be severely disabling with nausea, dizziness, and aural sensations. METHOD: Three scales assessing the correlates of vertigo attacks in Ménière's disease were developed and completed by 514 subjects diagnosed with the disease. The three scales measured were somatic sensations (SOM), psychological state (PSYCHOL), and situational characteristics (SIT) associated with an attack. RESULTS: Psychometric properties of the three scales were investigated showing Cronbach's alphas of 0.76, 0.80, and 0.62 for the three scales respectively. The results on the scales were related to disease progression. Principal components factor analyses showed that the SOM scale could be divided into two subscales: dizziness/vertigo/anxiety and sensations in the ear. The PSYCHOL scale showed an energy/awareness factor and a negative emotional state factor. The SIT scale, finally, showed two factors: environmental disturbances and stressful conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of somatic, psychological and situational premonitory characteristics of attacks in Ménière's disease could lead to improved therapy and counselling.  相似文献   

Stimuli consisting of large letters constructed from small letters were presented to 26 undergraduates for 10, 40, or 100 msec, and Ss were required to identify either the large letters or the small letters. At the 10-msec exposure duration, only unidirectional or global to local interference was observed. This finding is consistent with D. Navon's (see record 1978-11488-001) global precedence hypothesis. However, at the longer exposure durations equivalent global to local and local to global interference patterns were observed. Results limit the generality of any global precedence hypothesis, either perceptual or attentional, to conditions in which there are large discrepancies in the quality of the local and global information. (French abstract) (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To investigate the duration of a prodromal phase before the onset of the classic symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson's disease, the authors conducted a retrospective case-control study of 60 patients with Parkinson's disease and 58 age- and sex-matched control subjects, covering the decade preceding the onset of classic Parkinson's disease. The symptoms were derived from files of the patients' general practitioners. Compared with control subjects, patients pre-Parkinson's disease had more central nervous system, psychologic, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular (i.e., autonomic) symptoms. Patients pre-Parkinson's disease also made more visits to general practitioners and medical specialists. The results indicate that the onset of classic parkinsonism is frequently preceded by a prodromal phase lasting from 4-6 years.  相似文献   

Duration of visible persistence can vary inversely with stimulus intensity. This inverse-intensity effect is obtained by varying the intensity of the stimuli or of the background, provided that the variations extend into the mesopic range. A similar relationship—known as the Ferry-Porter law—holds for the critical frequency at fusion (CFF). The authors propose that studies of CFF, 2-pulse threshold, and visible persistence can be encompassed within 1 conceptual framework in which the effect is modeled by the progressive reduction in the temporal extent of the positive phase of the system's response as the level of light adaptation changes from scotopic to photopic. In this context, the authors present an integrative scheme in which G. Sperling and M. M. Sondhi's (1968) formal model and M. Coltheart's (1980) neurophysiological conjecture are shown to be compatible and complementary accounts of the effect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether the timing of ovulation induction during the follicular phase is a determinant of consequent luteal function. Ewes were treated on day 14 of the estrous cycle with PGF2alpha to synchronize luteal regression and 12 or 36 h later with an ovulatory dose of GnRH. Luteal phase serum progesterone concentrations of normal magnitude were characteristic of animals elicited to ovulate by GnRH injection 36 h after PGF2alpha treatment. Follicles stimulated at 12 h of the induced follicular phase formed subfunctional corpora lutea that were deficient in large steroidogenic cells. Endometrial gland development was attenuated in ewes exhibiting luteal insufficiency. The pathophysiology of the luteal defect was associated with a retrospective lack of granulosal cells in preovulatory follicles not adequately primed by estradiol. Preovulatory LH surges were not affected by the time of GnRH treatment. Corpus luteum rescue indicative of maternal recognition of pregnancy occurred in inseminated ewes that were injected with GnRH 36 h after PGF2alpha. Gonadotropic stimulation 12 h after PGF2alpha typically resulted in gestational failure; a marginal improvement in the pregnancy rate was attained by progesterone supplementation. We suggest that premature induction of ovulation compromises the estrogen-mediated succession of granulosal cell proliferative events that necessitate the formation of a fully competent corpus luteum.  相似文献   

To the practicing veterinarian, coccidiosis in the sheep is an enigma; further research is required into the pathogenicity of the parasite and the role of husbandry and nutritional factors.  相似文献   

The heat-affected zone (HAZ) hot-cracking behavior of Alloy 800 was investigated with hot ductility (Gleeble) testing during a simulated HAZ thermal cycle. Microstructural analyses were performed by optical metallography, fractography, electron microprobe analysis, and analytical electron microscopy on specimens that were water quenched from selected temperatures during this thermal cycle. Analysis of analytical electron microscopy (AEM) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) data suggests that incipient melting of the grain boundaries occurs at temperatures of 1300 °C and above. The HAZ hot-cracking mechanism was consistent with aspects of a constitutional liquation phenomenon involving a nonequilibrium eutectic-type reaction between grain boundary Ti(C, N) and the austenitic matrix. The extent of expected HAZ cracking would be low as the liquation of Ti(C, N) was localized and no lower melting intermetallic solidification products(e.g., Laves) were observed. The mechanistic observations were consistent with classical thermodynamic and solid state diffusion models.  相似文献   

Determination of tissue perfusion rates by MRI bolus tracking methods relies on the central volume principle which states that tissue blood flow is given by the tissue blood volume divided by the mean tracer transit time (MTT). Accurate determination of the MTT requires knowledge of the arterial input function which in MRI experiments is usually not known, especially when using small animals. The problem of unknown arterial input can be circumvented in animal experiments by directly injecting the contrast agent into a feeding artery of the tissue of interest. In the present article the passage of magnetite nanoparticles through the rat cerebral cortex is analyzed after injection into the internal carotid artery. The results are discussed in the framework of linear system theory using a one-compartment model for brain tissue and by using the well characterized gamma-variate function to describe the tissue concentration profile of the contrast agent. The results obtained from the intra-arterial tracer administration experiments are then compared with the commonly used intra-venous injection of the contrast agent in order to estimate the contribution of the peripheral circulation to the MTT values in the latter case. The experiments were analyzed using a two-compartment model and the gamma-variate function. As an application perfusion rates in normal and ischemic cerebral cortex of hypertensive rats were estimated in a model of focal cerebral ischemia. The results indicate that peripheral circulation has a significant influence on the MTT values and thus on the perfusion rates, which cannot be neglected.  相似文献   

In sheep, prenatal exposure to androgens during a critical period for sexual differentiation of the brain (30-90 days of gestation; 145 days is term) can advance the timing of puberty in females and prevent the preovulatory LH surge. The present study tests the hypothesis that in sheep, the timing of neuroendocrine sexual maturation is related to the amount of prenatal steroid exposure. In addition, we determined if different steroid requirements exist for sexual differentiation of the tonic and surge modes of gonadotropin secretion. Testosterone was administered weekly to three groups of pregnant ewes from days 30-90 of gestation at doses of 200, 80, or 32 mg/week. The resulting androgenized female lambs together with control males and females (n = 5-7/group) were gonadectomized at 3 weeks of age, and gonadal steroids were replaced with a SILASTIC brand estradiol-filled capsule. LH concentrations were measured from biweekly blood samples. Sustained increases in circulating LH were considered to reflect the initiation of neuroendocrine puberty. In male lambs, LH secretion started to increase at 8.3 +/- 0.9 weeks of age (mean +/- SEM). The two highest doses of prenatal androgen advanced the onset of neuroendocrine sexual maturation in females. In the 200 mg androgenized females, the pubertal LH rise (10.2 +/- 2.0 weeks) began about the same time as in males. In the 80 mg treatment group, LH concentrations increased at 16.2 +/- 1.5 weeks, which was later than in males, but well before that in normal females (27.1 +/- 0.7 weeks). For females treated with the lowest dose of androgen (32 mg), the pubertal LH increase (24.6 +/- 1.9 weeks) began about the same time as in normal females. To test the function of the LH surge system, LH was measured every 2 h for 60 h after an acute increase in circulating estradiol was produced by implanting additional estrogen capsules. All control females produced a surge in response to acute estradiol stimulation. LH surges did not occur in males, 200 mg androgenized females, or 80 mg androgenized females. Of six females from the 32 mg treatment group, two produced LH surges in response to the stimulatory feedback action of estradiol. We conclude that the greater the amount of prenatal testosterone, the earlier the initiation of the pubertal LH rise. Moreover, the finding that low doses of testosterone (32 mg/week) are capable of abolishing the LH surge without significantly advancing the timing of puberty supports our hypothesis that different steroid requirements exist for sexual differentiation of tonic and surge modes of LH secretion.  相似文献   

Two divergent lines of Romney sheep have been selected on the basis of differences in faecal egg counts (FEC) to natural poly-generic parasite challenge in New Zealand. However, it is not known if the expression of resistance or susceptibility extends to parasitic nematodes that were not a major part of the selection challenge. To examine this, the immune response to infection with Trichostrongylus axei was examined in these sheep lines. Changes in the proportions of CD5+, CD4+, CD8+, T19+ and CD45R+ lymphocytes and parasite specific antibody titres in peripheral blood were monitored each week in six resistant and six susceptible line lambs that were maintained indoors in pens during the course of 14 weekly infections with 10,000 T. axei larvae. No difference in FEC was observed. Similarly, no significant difference in T. axei specific antibody titre between sheep lines was seen although antibody titre increased steadily from Week 4. Significant increases in the proportions of CD5+, CD4+, CD8+ and T19+ cells occurred in both resistant and susceptible line lambs during Weeks 1-4 of infection. Following peak levels, proportions of CD5+, CD4+ and CD8+ cells fell with the rate of decline of CD5+ and CD4+ cells significantly greater in the resistant line lambs. Proportions of CD45R+ cells showed significant changes with time that were the inverse of those of CD5+, CD4+ and CD8+ cells. Susceptible line lambs showed higher proportions of CD5+ and lower proportions of CD45R+ cells than resistant lambs before infection with T. axei. Overall, during infection, these differences were maintained while CD4+ and T19+ levels were higher in the susceptible line lambs.  相似文献   

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