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We have used a spin column assay to study the detergent-solubilized levamisole receptor, a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The receptor can be successfully solubilized in detergent solutions of Triton X-100, Lubrol PX, or sodium cholate. Centrifugal gel filtration assay using the tritiated ligand [3H]meta-aminolevamisole ([3H]MAL) provides a greater signal and a better signal-to-noise ratio for soluble levamisole receptor binding than either polyethylene glycol precipitation or DEAE filter assay with the same ligand. As for membrane-bound receptor, the detergent-solubilized levamisole receptor consists of more than one affinity state. Detergent solubilization appears to increase the affinity of all states for [3H]MAL (Kd for the highest affinity solubilized [3H]MAL binding state, 41 +/- 5 pM). Data is presented on the equilibrium binding and the association and dissociation reaction rates of the receptor. The similar relative efficacy with which various compounds inhibit specific [3H]MAL binding and deficiencies in solubilizable high affinity specific [3H]MAL binding in two receptor mutants show that the solubilized receptor is the same nicotinic acetylcholine receptor that is detected by assaying membrane-bound specific [3H]MAL binding. The detergent-solubilized levamisole receptor is stable at 0 degree to 4 degrees C, making receptor purification feasible.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether the neuronal nicotinic subunit beta3 can participate in the assembly of functional recombinant receptors. Although beta3 is expressed in several areas of the central nervous system, it does not form functional receptors when expressed heterologously together with an alpha or another beta nicotinic subunit. We inserted into the human beta3 subunit a reporter mutation (V273T), which, if incorporated into a functional receptor, would be expected to increase its agonist sensitivity and maximum response to partial agonists. Expressing the mutant beta3(V273T) in Xenopus oocytes together with both the alpha3 and the beta4 subunits resulted in the predicted changes in the properties of the resulting nicotinic receptor when compared with those of alpha3 beta4 receptors. This indicated that some of the receptors incorporated the mutant beta3 subunit, as part of a "triplet" alpha3 beta4 beta3 receptor. The proportion of triplet receptors was dependent on the ratios of the alpha3:beta4:beta3 cRNA injected. We conclude that, like the related alpha5 subunit, the beta3 subunit can form functional receptors only if expressed together with both alpha and beta subunits.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine, the agonist for the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, has been observed directly when bound specifically to its binding site in the fully functional receptor-enriched membranes from Torpedo nobiliana. High-resolution solid-state, magic angle spinning 13C NMR methods have been used to observe selectively N+(13CH3)3 acetylcholine bound in as few as 20 nmol of receptor binding sites, against a background of natural abundance membrane resonances and excess acetylcholine in free solution. The specificity of the binding has been demonstrated to be pharmacologically significant through the use of the competitive inhibitor alpha bungarotoxin which selectively displaces and prevents binding of acetylcholine to the membrane-bound receptor. The chemical shift assigned to N+(13CH3)3 acetylcholine in solution and crystalline solid is 53.9 +/- 0.04 ppm, and it changes by 1.6 ppm (p < 0.05) for agonist when bound specifically in the receptor binding site. Through the use of computer simulations of chemical shifts carried out on acetylcholine bound to the acetylcholinesterase, we propose that the cause for this change is the presence of aromatic side chains lining the receptor binding site. It is suggested that the binding of acetylcholine to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is mediated primarily through the interaction of the quaternary ammonium group of the acetylcholine with the pi bonded systems in the aromatic side chains. Longitudinal relaxation time measurements show that the residency time for the acetylcholine observed in DDCP experiments is long (> 200 ms) with respect to the longitudinal relaxation time of other assignable resonances within the spectrum from the lipid and protein and confirms that the acetylcholine is protein-associated, and not free in solution or nonspecifically bound.  相似文献   

A paralytic peptide, psi-conotoxin Piiie has been purified and characterized from Conus purpurascens venom. Electrophysiological studies indicate that the peptide inhibits the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). However, the peptide does not block the binding of alpha-bungarotoxin, a competitive nAChR antagonist. Thus, psi-conotoxin Piiie appears to inhibit the receptor at a site other than the acetylcholine-binding site. As ascertained by sequence analysis, mass spectrometry, and chemical synthesis, the peptide has the following covalent structure: HOOCCLYGKCRRYOGCSSASCCQR* (O = 4-trans hydroxyproline; * indicates an amidated C-terminus). The disulfide connectivity of the toxin is unrelated to the alpha- or the alphaA-conotoxins, the Conus peptide families that are competitive inhibitors of the nAChR, but shows homology to the mu-conotoxins (which are Na+ channel blockers).  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) are activated by ACh binding to two sites located on different alpha subunits. The two alpha subunits, alpha gamma and alpha delta, are distinguished by their interface with gamma and delta subunits. We have characterized the formation of the ACh binding sites and found, contrary to the current model, that the sites form at different times and in a set order. The first site forms on alpha gamma subunits during the process of subunit assembly. Our data are consistent with the appearance of this site on alpha beta gamma delta subunit tetramers soon after the site for the competitive antagonist alpha-bungarotoxin has formed and delta subunits have assembled with alpha beta gamma trimers. The second site is located on alpha delta subunits and forms after AChR subunits have assembled into alpha2 beta gamma delta pentamers. By determining the order in which the ACh binding sites form, we have also identified the sites in which the delta and second alpha subunits associate during subunit assembly.  相似文献   

Specific binding of 125I-labeled alpha-bungarotoxin to a 34800 X g pellet of a whole rat brain homogenate has been obtained at levels of 2 pmol toxin per g of whole brain with a Kd of 8-10(-9) M. Binding is reduced 90% by 10(-5) M (+)-tubocurarine chloride and 10(-4) M nicotine, whereas concentrations of 10(-4) M choline chloride, atropine sulfate and eserine sulfate have essentially no effect on toxin binding. These results compare closely with those obtained from binding studies with 125I-labeled alpha-bungarotoxin and soluble acetylcholine receptor protein preparations from Torpedo nobiliana; suggesting that this mammalian receptor protein is nicotinic in character. Extraction of the 34800 X g pellet with 1% Emulphogene yields a soluble fraction with specifically binds 125I-labeled alpha-bungarotoxin with a Kd of 5-10(-9) M. Nicotine and alpha-bungarotoxin at concentrations of 10(-5) M abolish toxin-receptor complex formation and carbachol and (+)-tubocurarine chloride reduce complex formation 35-40% at similar concentrations. Eserine sulfate, atropine sulfate, decamethonium, and pilocarpine had no effect on complex formation at concentrations of 10(-5) M.  相似文献   

Rapsyn, a peripheral membrane protein of skeletal muscle, clusters nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) at high density in the postsynaptic membrane. The mechanism of nAChR clustering by rapsyn was analyzed by expressing nAChRs in HEK293T cells with various fragments of mouse rapsyn fused to green fluorescent protein. Membrane targeting of rapsyn is conferred solely by its acylated N terminus, as the myristoylated N-terminal 15 amino acids of rapsyn are sufficient to target green fluorescent protein to the plasma membrane. However, neither N-terminal myristoylation nor the conserved N-terminal amino acid sequence is essential. Membrane targeting, self-association, and nAChR clustering are preserved when the first 10 amino acids of rapsyn were replaced by those of src, which also contains a consensus sequence for N-myristoylation, or by those of GAP43, which contains a palmitoylation sequence. Rapsyn1-90, containing two tetratrichopeptide repeats is sufficient for self-association. Rapsyn1-360, lacking the cysteine rich domain, clusters nAChRs, while rapsyn1-287, containing seven tetratrichopeptide repeats, does not cluster nAChRs. We identified rapsyn298-331 as a potential coiled-coil domain, and established that mutations disrupting coiled-coil propensity prevent nAChR clustering. Thus the structural domains of rapsyn necessary for membrane targeting, self-association, and nAChR clustering are distinct, with nAChR-rapsyn interaction mediated by a previously unrecognized coiled-coil motif.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine which nicotinic receptor subtypes are involved in antinociception and their site of action. For that, the antinociceptive effects of several nicotinic receptor ligands were evaluated in the tail-flick test both after s.c. and intrathecal (i.t.) administration. Nicotine and other nicotine agonists increased tail-flick latencies in a dose-dependent manner after both routes of administration. Epibatidine enantiomers were the most potent agonists examined. Cytisine, a potent nicotinic ligand, failed to elicit antinociception when injected either i.t. or s.c. Despite some similarities in the effects of nicotinic agonists after i.t. and s.c. injections, their rank-order potency was different. In contrast to the s.c. results, the stereoselectivity of nicotine's effect after i.t. administration was minimal. When various nicotinic antagonists were compared after i.t. and s.c. administration, the results showed that mecamylamine and dihydro-beta-erythroidine differ in potency and their degree of antagonism of some of the nicotinic agonists given i.t. These data suggest that different subtypes of nicotinic receptors may exist in the spinal cord. A good correlation was found between binding affinity to [3H]-nicotine binding sites and analgesic potency after i.t. (r = 0.82), suggesting the involvement of alpha 4 beta 2 receptor subunits. In contrast, studies with MLA and alpha-BGTX suggested a minimal role for alpha-BGTX-sensitive receptors in the antinociceptive effect of nicotinic agonists.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) presents two very well differentiated domains for ligand binding that account for different cholinergic properties. In the hydrophilic extracellular region of both alpha subunits there exist the binding sites for agonists such as the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) and for competitive antagonists such as d-tubocurarine. Agonists trigger the channel opening upon binding while competitive antagonists compete for the former ones and inhibit its pharmacological action. Identification of all residues involved in recognition and binding of agonist and competitive antagonists is a primary objective in order to understand which structural components are related to the physiological function of the AChR. The picture for the localisation of the agonist/competitive antagonist binding sites is now clearer in the light of newer and better experimental evidence. These sites are mainly located on both alpha subunits in a pocket approximately 30-35 A above the surface membrane. Since both alpha subunits are sequentially identical, the observed high and low affinity for agonists on the receptor is conditioned by the interaction of the alpha subunit with the delta or the gamma chain, respectively. This relationship is opposite for curare-related drugs. This molecular interaction takes place probably at the interface formed by the different subunits. The principal component for the agonist/competitive antagonist binding sites involves several aromatic residues, in addition to the cysteine pair at 192-193, in three loops-forming binding domains (loops A-C). Other residues such as the negatively changed aspartates and glutamates (loop D), Thr or Tyr (loop E), and Trp (loop F) from non-alpha subunits were also found to form the complementary component of the agonist/competitive antagonist binding sites. Neurotoxins such as alpha-, kappa-bungarotoxin and several alpha-conotoxins seem to partially overlap with the agonist/competitive antagonist binding sites at multiple point of contacts. The alpha subunits also carry the binding site for certain acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as eserine and for the neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine which activate the receptor without interacting with the classical agonist binding sites. The link between specific subunits by means of the binding of ACh molecules might play a pivotal role in the relative shift among receptor subunits. This conformational change would allow for the opening of the intrinsic receptor cation channel transducting the external chemical signal elicited by the agonist into membrane depolarisation. The ion flux activity can be inhibited by non-competitive inhibitors (NCIs). For this kind of drugs, a population of low-affinity binding sites has been found at the lipid-protein interface of the AChR. In addition, several high-affinity binding sites have been found to be located at different rings on the M2 transmembrane domain, namely luminal binding sites. In this regard, the serine ring is the locus for exogenous NCIs such as chlorpromazine, triphenylmethylphosphonium, the local anaesthetic QX-222, phencyclidine, and trifluoromethyliodophenyldiazirine. Trifluoromethyliodophenyldiazirine also binds to the valine ring, which is the postulated site for cembranoids. Additionally, the local anaesthetic meproadifen binding site seems to be located at the outer or extracellular ring. Interestingly, the M2 domain is also the locus for endogenous NCIs such as the neuropeptide substance P and the neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine. In contrast with this fact, experimental evidence supports the hypothesis for the existence of other NCI high-affinity binding sites located not at the channel lumen but at non-luminal binding domains. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

1. The Drosophila melanogaster gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor subunits, RDLac and DRC 17-1-2, form functional homo-oligomeric receptors when heterologously expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The subunits differ in only 17 amino acids, principally in regions of the N-terminal domain which determine agonist pharmacology in vertebrate ionotropic neurotransmitter receptors. A range of conformationally restricted GABA analogues were tested on the two homo-oligomers and their agonists pharmacology compared with that of insect and vertebrate iontropic GABA receptors. 2. The actions of GABA, isoguvacine and isonipecotic acid on RDLac and DRC 17-1-2 homo-oligomers were compared, by use of two-electrode voltage-clamp. All three compounds were full agonists of both receptors, but were 4-6 fold less potent agonists of DRC 17-1-2 homo-oligomers than of RDLac. However, the relative potencies of these agonists on each receptor were very similar. 3. A more complete agonist profile was established for RDLac homo-oligomers. The most potent agonists of these receptors were GABA, muscimol and trans-aminocrotonic acid (TACA), which were approximately equipotent. RDLac homo-oligomers were fully activated by a range of GABA analogues, with the order of potency: GABA > ZAPA ((Z)-3-[(aminoiminomethyl)thio]prop-2-enoic acid) > isoguvacine > imidazole-4-acetic acid > or = isonipecotic acid > or = cis-aminocrotonic acid (CACA) > beta-alanine. 3-Aminopropane sulphonic acid (3-APS), a partial agonist of RDLac homo-oligomers, was the weakest agonist tested and 100 fold less potent than GABA. 4. SR95531, an antagonist of vertebrate GABAA receptors, competitively inhibited the GABA responses of RDLac homo-oligomers, which have previously been found to insensitive to bicuculline. However, its potency (IC50 500 microM) was much reduced when compared to GABAA receptors. 5. The agonist pharmacology of Drosophila RDLac homo-oligomers exhibits aspects of the characteristic pharmacology of certain native insect GABA receptors which distinguish them from vertebrate GABA receptors. The high potency and efficacy of isoguvacine and ZAPA distinguishes RDLac homo-oligomers from bicuculline-insensitive vertebrate GABAC receptors, while the low potency of SR95531 and 3-APS distinguishes them from GABAA receptors. The differences in the potency of agonists on RDLac and DRC 17-1-2 homo-oligomers observed in the present study may assist in identification of further molecular determinants of GABA receptor function.  相似文献   

We stably transfected human kidney embryonic 293 cells with the rat neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) alpha3 and beta4 subunit genes. This new cell line, KXalpha3 beta4R2, expresses a high level of the alpha3/beta4 receptor subtype, which binds (+/-)- [3H]epibatidine with a Kd value of 304+/-16 pM and a Bmax value of 8942 +/- 115 fmol/mg protein. Comparison of nicotinic drugs in competing for alpha3/beta4 receptor binding sites in this cell line and the binding sites in rat forebrain (predominantly alpha4/beta2 receptors) revealed marked differences in their Ki values, but similar rank orders of potency for agonists were observed, with the exception of anatoxin-A. The affinity of the competitive antagonist dihydro-beta-erythroidine is >7000 times higher at alpha4/beta2 receptors in rat forebrain than at the alpha3/beta4 receptors in these cells. The alpha3/beta4 nAChRs expressed in this cell line are functional, and in response to nicotinic agonists, 86Rb+ efflux was increased to levels 8-10 times the basal levels. Acetylcholine, (-)-nicotine, cytisine, carbachol, and (+/-)-epibatidine all stimulated 86Rb+ efflux, which was blocked by mecamylamine. The EC50 values for acetylcholine and (-)-nicotine to stimulate 86Rb+ effluxes were 114 +/- 24 and 28 +/- 4 microM, respectively. The rank order of potency of nicotinic antagonists in blocking the function of this alpha3/beta4 receptor was mecamylamine > d-tubocurarine > dihydro-beta-erythroidine > hexamethonium. Mecamylamine, d-tubocurarine, and hexamethonium blocked the function by a noncompetitive mechanism, whereas dihydro-beta-erythroidine blocked the function competitively. The KXalpha3 beta4R2 cell line should prove to be a very useful model for studying this subtype of nAChRs.  相似文献   

Temporary scapho-trapezoidal joint fixation with Kirschner wires was performed for stage IIIB Kienb?ck's disease in a 12-year-old girl. Preoperative evaluation with radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis. After 4 months of fixation, wrist range of motion was improved and pain was decreased. Postoperative magnetic resonance imaging revealed revascularization and fracture healing. Temporary scapho-trapezoidal fixation may be useful in the treatment of selected cases of Kienb?ck's disease in children.  相似文献   

A structure-based model for cytochrome P450cam-putidaredoxin interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Putidaredoxin (Pdx) is a Fe2S2 ferredoxin which acts as the physiological reductant of cytochrome P-450cam (CYP101). A model for the solution structure of oxidized Pdx has been determined using NMR methods (Pochapsky et al (1994) Biochemistry 33, 6424-6432). 1H-15N correlations and redox-dependent amide exchange rates have also been described (Lyons et al (1996) Protein Sci 5, 627-639). Data obtained from mutagenesis and kinetic measurements concerning the interactions of Pdx and CYP101 are summarized. A model for the structure of the homologous ferredoxin adrenodoxin (Adx) is also described, and data concerning Adx activity are discussed in relation to this structure. The structures of Pdx and CYP101 were used as starting points for molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations. Close approach between the metal centers of the two proteins and interaction between aromatic residues on the surfaces of the proteins are premised. The resulting complex exhibits three intermolecular salt bridges, five intermolecular hydrogen bonds and a 12 A distance between the metal centers. The first direct observations of interaction between Pdx and CYP101 (by two-dimensional NMR of 15N-labeled Pdx in solution with CYP101) are described. The results of the NMR experiments indicate that conformational gating of the electron transfer complex between CYP101 and Pdx may be important.  相似文献   

Water-soluble models of ligand-gated ion channels would be advantageous for structural studies. We investigated the suitability of three versions of the N-terminal extracellular domain (ECD) of the alpha7 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) family for this purpose by examining their ligand-binding and assembly properties. Two versions included the first transmembrane domain and were solubilized with detergent after expression in Xenopus oocytes. The third was truncated before the first transmembrane domain and was soluble without detergent. For all three, their equilibrium binding affinities for alpha-bungarotoxin, nicotine, and acetylcholine, combined with their velocity sedimentation profiles, were consistent with the formation of native-like AChRs. These characteristics imply that the alpha7 ECD can form a water-soluble AChR that is a model of the ECD of the full-length alpha7 AChR.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression of the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha8 subunit in cultured mammalian cell lines has revealed that the correct folding of this protein is dependent on the host cell type. The alpha8 subunit, which is able to form homo-oligomeric ion channels when expressed in Xenopus oocytes, could be detected in all transfected cell lines by both immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence microscopy with a monoclonal antibody that recognises a linear epitope. In contrast, the alpha8 subunit could be detected in some but not in all transfected cell lines with a monoclonal antibody that recognises a conformation-sensitive epitope or by nicotinic radioligand binding. It is interesting that although correctly folded alpha8 protein could be detected in transfected rat pituitary (GH4C1) cells, only misfolded alpha8 protein could be detected in a large subpopulation of transfectants (transient or clonal stable isolates). We have also found that the protein encoded by a chimaeric cDNA (constructed from the N-terminal region of alpha8 and the C-terminal domain of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor subunit) is expressed efficiently, and in a conformation that binds alpha-bungarotoxin, in all cell types examined. These results, together with previous expression studies with the homo-oligomeric alpha7 subunit and hetero-oligomeric nicotinic receptor subunit combinations, suggest that the cell-specific folding described here is a phenomenon that may be characteristic of homo-oligomeric nicotinic receptors.  相似文献   

Innervation of skeletal muscles results in expression of adult-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (alpha 2 beta epsilon delta) beneath the neuromuscular junction. This local expression is largely a result of selective induction of adult-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) genes in endplate-associated myonuclei. The molecular mechanism by which the nerve induces gene expression in these nuclei is not known. We have shown previously that ionophore-induced calcium influx across the plasma membrane preferentially decreases expression from the adult-type specific nAChR epsilon-subunit gene (Walke, W., Staple, J., Adams, L., Gnegy, M., Chahine, K., and Goldman, D. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 19447-19456). Here we provide evidence that the genes encoding adult-type nAChRs are specifically regulated by protein-tyrosine phosphatase activity. Orthovanadate, a specific protein-tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, caused increased expression of the epsilon-subunit gene in rat primary myotubes and was able to completely block the suppressive effects of increased calcium influx on epsilon-subunit RNA expression. Overexpression of protein-tyrosine phosphatases selectively decreased expression from the adult-type nAChR genes with no effect on the embryonic-type specific gamma-subunit gene. These results demonstrate that protein-tyrosine phosphatases regulate mammalian adult-type nAChR gene expression and suggest a mechanism by which muscle innervation selectively regulates gene expression in endplate-associated myonuclei.  相似文献   

An hypothesis is presented concerning the molecular structure of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor at the neuromuscular junction based on the actual amino acid sequence of the N-terminal segment of the alpha-subunit and the Chou and Fasman prediction of secondary structure from the primary sequence. This is mainly in the form of two alpha-helices cross-linked by four ionically bound complementary amino acids (arg/lys to glu). This structure (R) is complementary to a wide range of ACh agonists and to the antagonist beta-erythroidine. If the ionic cross-links are disrupted the two segments can separate by 2-3 A. This new conformation (R1) is now complementary to antagonists of the type of histrionicotoxin. A further separation (approximately 8 A) gives a conformation complementary to antagonist of the type of decamethonium. Experiments to test the hypothesis are suggested.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) are diverse members of the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily of neurotransmitter receptors and play critical roles in chemical signaling throughout the nervous system. Reports of effects of substance P (SP) on nAChR function prompted us to investigate interactions between several tachykinins and human nAChR subtypes using clonal cell lines as simple experimental models. Acute exposure to SP inhibits carbamylcholine- or nicotine-stimulated function measured using 86Rb+ efflux assays of human ganglionic (alpha 3 beta 4) nAChR expressed in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells (IC50 approximately 2.3 microM) or of human muscle-type (alpha 1 beta 1 gamma delta) nAChR expressed in TE671/RD clonal cells (IC50 approximately 21 microM). SP also acutely blocks function of rat ganglionic nAChR expressed in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells (IC50 approximately 2.1 microM). Neurokinin A and eledoisin inhibit function (extrapolated IC50 values between 60 and 160 microM) of human muscle-type or ganglionic nAChR, but neurokinin B does not, and neither human nAChR is as sensitive as PC12 cell alpha 3 beta 4-nAChR to eledoisin or neurokinin A inhibition. At concentrations that produce blockade of nAChR function, SP fails to affect binding of [3H]acetylcholine to human muscle-type or ganglionic nAChR. SP-mediated blockade of rat or human ganglionic nAChR function is insurmountable by increasing agonist concentrations. Collectively, these results indicate that tachykinins act noncompetitively to inhibit human nAChR function with potencies that vary across tachykinins and nAChR subtypes. They also indicate that tachykinin actions at nAChR could further contribute to complex cross-talk between nicotinic cholinergic and tachykinin signals in regulation of nervous system activity.  相似文献   

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