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[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 37(2) of Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes (see record 2011-08162-003). There was an error in Figure 3, which is described in the correction.] Four experiments showed that the preference normally established to a neutral flavor cue that was paired with maltodextrin was attenuated when that cue was conditioned in compound with another flavor—overshadowing. Furthermore, two experiments showed that the preference for a neutral flavor conditioned as part of a compound was further attenuated if the other element in that compound was separately paired with the reinforcer—blocking. These results stand in contrast to a number of previous compound flavor preference conditioning experiments, which have not revealed reliable cue competition effects. These discrepant findings are discussed in terms of the effects of within-compound associations and a configural perspective on potentiation. Modeling of this configural perspective predicts that a compound of two separately trained cues will elicit a similar response to the individual cues themselves—absence of summation. Two experiments confirmed this prediction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats learned discriminations in which 2 familiar compound visual stimuli AB and CD were nonreinforced, whereas less-familiar compounds (EF, GH, IJ…) were reinforced (constant-negative paradigm). Such discriminations can in principle be acquired through elemental (nonconfigural) learning. Three different types of compound—object/object, object/position, and shape/fill-pattern—were used, and the number of familiar compounds extended to 3 or 4. In all cases, when rats were tested for the first time with previously unseen recombinations of the familiar elements—for example, AC, BD—they preferred these to the familiar compounds, implying that they had encoded configural information during the original training. Moreover, preference remained constant despite extended exposure to configural training in the test phase. The findings extend the evidence that configural representations are formed independently of explicit configural training. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments with rats examined the effects of a context switch on inhibition that was acquired during a feature-negative discrimination. A target CS was paired with food when it was presented alone but occurred without food when it was combined with a feature stimulus. A context switch following training did not disrupt inhibition conditioned to the feature. However, responding to the target was more difficult to inhibit when it was tested in a different context. It is suggested that both the target and the feature acquired inhibition, as well as the target's inhibition, were especially sensitive to the context. The feature may inhibit responding to the target by directly suppressing the representation of the food and by activating the target's own inhibitory association with food, which is at least partly context-specific. Implications for theories of inhibition and negative occasion-setting are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, rats received preexposure to 2 compound contexts: AB and CD for the congruent group and AC and BD for the incongruent group. Subsequently, all rats received a configural discrimination in which separate placement in contexts A or B indicated that presentations of stimulus X would be followed by food and presentations of Y would not, and separate placement in contexts C and D indicated that Y would be followed by food and X would not. In both experiments, rats in the congruent group acquired the conditional discrimination more rapidly than those in the incongruent group. These results are inconsistent with conventional associative accounts of either stimulus preexposure effects or configural learning and instead provide support for a connectionist account. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the possibility that failures to show discriminative acquisition with the feature on negative trials could reflect a deficiency in control of performance rather than a lack of learning. Five experiments with 124 naive White Carneaux pigeons supported this possibility. Ss that had yielded little or no evidence of learning (with distinguishing features like a small white square on the response key or a tone located some distance away) revealed clear differences between keypecking to the formerly positive and negative stimuli when all food was removed from the situation. Other procedures for decreasing the positive predictiveness of the most informative stimulus element also unmasked feature-negative learning, whereas general and specific contextual changes did not. Incompletely mastered feature-positive discriminations improved during extinction. A sign-tracking analysis could not completely account for the results. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, pigeons were trained with an ABC+ BCo discrimination, in which three stimuli, A, B, and C, were presented together and paired with food, and the compound BC was followed by nothing; they were also trained with a DEF+ Eo Fo discrimination in which stimuli E and F were presented separately and followed by nothing, whereas the compound DEF was paired with food. On completion of discrimination training, test trials with the feature A consistently revealed a higher rate of responding than with D. In Experiment 4, reinforced presentations of D were intermixed with the DEF+ Eo Fo discrimination. Test trials revealed that E enhanced responding when it was paired with F, but it had the opposite effect when paired with D. The results are seen as being more consistent with a configural than an elemental model of conditioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In two causal learning experiments with human participants, the authors compared various associative theories that assumed either elemental (unique cue, modified unique cue, replaced elements model, and Harris' model) or configural processing of stimuli (Pearce's theory and a modification of it). The authors used modified patterning problems initially suggested by Redhead and Pearce (1995). Predictions for all theories were generated by computer simulations. Both configural theories and the unique cue approach failed to account for the observations. The replaced elements model was able to account for part of the data, but only if the replacement parameters could vary across discrimination problems. The Harris model and the modified unique cue approach, assuming that the salience of stimuli decreases with an increasing number of stimuli in a compound, successfully accounted for all of our data. This success implies that attentional factors should be explicitly taken into account in associative learning theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in Cue interactions in flavor preference learning: A configural analysis by Dominic M. Dwyer, Mark Haselgrove and Peter M. Jones (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 2011[Jan], Vol 37[1], 41-57). There was an error in Figure 3. The X-axis of both panels of this figure should be labeled “3-trial block” and not “trial.” The analysis of the simulations presented in Figure 3 are unaffected by this change. The corrected figure is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2011-01268-001.) Four experiments showed that the preference normally established to a neutral flavor cue that was paired with maltodextrin was attenuated when that cue was conditioned in compound with another flavor—overshadowing. Furthermore, two experiments showed that the preference for a neutral flavor conditioned as part of a compound was further attenuated if the other element in that compound was separately paired with the reinforcer—blocking. These results stand in contrast to a number of previous compound flavor preference conditioning experiments, which have not revealed reliable cue competition effects. These discrepant findings are discussed in terms of the effects of within-compound associations and a configural perspective on potentiation. Modeling of this configural perspective predicts that a compound of two separately trained cues will elicit a similar response to the individual cues themselves—absence of summation. Two experiments confirmed this prediction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, Sprague-Dawley rats and homing pigeons received training with an A+ AB0 BC+ discrimination, in which food (+) accompanied trials with A and BC. Food was not presented (0) on trials with the compound AB. Subsequent test trials revealed that responding during C by itself, or the compound ABC, was slower than during either A or BC. Responding during the ABC compound was also found to be slower after training with the A+ AB0 BC+ than an A0 AB+ BC+ discrimination. We argue that these findings demonstrate the importance of configural associations in discrimination learning. Two accounts for the way in which these associations exert their influence are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Little is known about the conditions that encourage animals to learn to use configural associations to guide their behavior or the consequences of such learning for transfer. This study provided some information about these issues by examining how rats solve the transverse-patterning problem, which requires a configural solution (K. W. Spence, 1952). Animals had to concurrently solve 3 simultaneous visual discriminations, represented abstractly as A+ vs B–, B+ vs C–, and C+ vs A–. Exp 1 indicated that rats use a configural solution even when the problems have an elemental solution, provided that the significance of 1 element (e.g., B) shared by 2 problems is ambiguous (e.g., A+/B–; and B+/C–). Exps 2 and 3 suggested that, when stimulated to use a configural solution by solving the A+/B– and B+/C– problems, rats transfer the configural solution to problems that have no ambiguous elements. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 3 human predictive learning experiments, the authors examined contextual control of responding in discrimination reversal learning. In Phase 1, a discrimination between 2 stimuli (A+, B-) was trained in Context 1. During Phase 2, participants received discrimination reversal training (A-, B+) in Context 2. Testing occurred in Context 1 and Context 2 (Experiments 1A and 1B) or in Context 1 and Context 3 (Experiment 2). During the test phase, performance in Context 1 and Context 2 reflected the contingencies trained during Phase 1 and Phase 2, respectively. When testing occurred in Context 3, there was no discriminative responding between A and B. In addition, the experiments demonstrated that discriminating stimuli with a consistent reinforcement history were also affected by contextual manipulations. Results indicate that each training context acquires the ability to control performance. Unique-cue and configural approaches account for a major part of the results. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

2 classes of experiment on the role of attention in discrimination learning are reviewed: (a) Investigations of the effect of attention on the amount learned about different cues have been interpreted as disproving noncontinuity theory (according to which animals attend to only 1 cue at a time). The fact that animals learn something about a 2nd cue, however, does not prove that attention has no effect on learning, and more recent evidence shows that it does. (b) If animals do not automatically attend to all cues, part of what they must learn in order to solve a discrimination problem is to attend to the relevant cue. Experiments on the acquired distinctiveness of cues, transfer along a continuum, and reversal learning provide evidence for the importance of such classificatory learning. (155 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) learned a series of visuospatial configural discriminations in which particular discriminative stimulus objects were rewarded only in particular spatial locations. For example, object X was rewarded if it was on the left but not if it was on the right. After ablation of part of the dorsal prestriate cortex they were impaired in learning discriminations of this kind. The same animals were not impaired in learning visual object discriminations in which spatial position was irrelevant, nor in learning spatial discriminations in which object identity was irrelevant. The results were compared with previously reported results from fornix transection in the same tasks; the deficit following dorsal prestriate ablation in visuospatial configural discrimination learning was similar in severity to that which followed fornix transection. The results show that the dorsal prestriate area has a more general role in visuospatial processing than was known hitherto, and they suggest that it interacts with the hippocampal formation and fornix in visuospatial memory tasks.  相似文献   

Using the fear-potentiated startle paradigm in rats, 4 experiments examined whether the inhibitory effect of a feature is evident after its offset following serial feature-negative discrimination training (A+ and X?→?A–). When startle probes were presented shortly after the offset of X on X?→?A test trials, the inhibitory properties of X were observed immediately after its offset. Furthermore, trace reinforcement of X (X?→?+), but not delay reinforcement (X+), disrupted the ability of X to inhibit fear-potentiated startle on X?→?A trials. Trace conditioning to X was also retarded after A+ and X?→?A– training. These results suggest that the inhibitory properties of the serially trained feature are present after its offset and raise the possibility that either temporal information regarding nonreinforcement or poststimulus attributes of X acquire inhibitory properties. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the temporal specificity of learning in operant serial feature positive discriminations (feature?→?target+/target–). Test performance was better when the target cues were presented at their customary times after the features than when they were presented at earlier or later times. When features trained with one feature–target interval were combined with targets trained with another interval, performance was best when the test interval was the same as the interval associated with the feature, suggesting that the temporal information was coded with the feature cue. Finally, the temporal specificity of the responding controlled by occasion setters was unaffected by feature extinction. Implications for the nature of learning in occasion setting are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Participants initially completed a discrimination task (D1) involving categorization of patterns with multiple common features, each feature being partly predictive of the correct response. In a subsequent target discrimination task (D2), these features were redistributed across new discriminative stimuli. The relative predictiveness of the features in D1 was either maintained in D2 (i.e., features were equally informative in D1 and D2) or switched (i.e., more informative features in D1 were made less informative in D2, and vice versa). Differential performance on D2 suggested that features most predictive of the correct D1 responses became more highly associable than features that were less predictive in D1. This finding suggests that the associability of individual stimulus elements changes as a consequence of their role in discrimination learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated the behavioral aging effects of Japanese macaques in 3-object discrimination learning tasks: learning-set (LS) formation, go/no-go discrimination learning, and multiple discrimination reversals. Aged monkeys showed deteriorated performance in these tasks compared with younger controls. Hypothesis analysis of LS showed that aged monkeys had difficulty learning the lose-shift component of the hypothesis win-stay-lose-shift with respect to object. Deficits in go/no-go successive discrimination were clear in no-go trials only in the first 2 pairs of 5 tasks. Performance of aged monkeys was severely disturbed from a chance to criterion level in discrimination reversals. These results are attributed not only to increased tendency for perseveration but also to difficulty in associating the reward and the object in aged monkeys and may be related to the decline in the functions of the ventral frontal cortex. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied visual recognition memory for the size of circles for evidence of active memory change in 3 experiments with 34 paid volunteers and 83 undergraduates. In Exp. I the remembered difference in size between 2 circles which had been discriminated on the basis of size increased, while the remembered difference in size between the same 2 circles discriminated on the basis of brightness did not. In Exp. II, the remembered size of the smallest of 4 circles discriminated by size changed from 1 day to 1 wk. Each S in Exp. III inspected either 1 or 2 circles and was asked to remember their size. There was more memory distortion when 2 circles were remembered, but the distortion did not change over time. The evidence suggests that memory will actively change after a visual discrimination task. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study investigated age-related differences in discrimination and reversal learning for olfactory and visual stimuli in 6-month and 24-month-old rats. Rats were trained to discriminate between two pseudo-randomly selected odors or objects. Once each animal reached a criterion on discrimination trials, the reward contingencies were reversed. Young and aged rats acquired the olfactory and visual discrimination tasks at similar rates. However, on reversal trials, aged rats required significantly more trials to reach the learning criterion on both the olfactory and visual reversal tasks than young rats. The deficit in reversal learning was comparable for odors and objects. Furthermore, the results showed that rats acquired the olfactory task more readily than the visual task. The present study represents the first examination of age-related differences in reversal learning using the same paradigm for odors and objects to facilitate cross-modal comparisons. The results may have important implications for the selection of memory paradigms for future research studies on aging. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article describes a novel connectionist model of perceptual learning (PL) that provides a mechanism for nonassociative differentiation (J. J. Gibson & E. J. Gibson, 1955). The model begins with the assumption that 2 processes—1 that decreases associability and 1 that increases discriminability—operate during preexposure (S. Channell & G. Hall, 1981). In contrast to other models (e.g., I. P. L. McLaren, H. Kaye, & N. J. Mackintosh, 1989), in the current model the mechanisms for these processes are compatible with a configural model of associative learning. A set of simulations demonstrates that the present model can account for critical PL phenomena such as exposure learning and effects of similarity on discrimination. It is also shown that the model can explain the paradoxical result that preexposure to stimuli can either facilitate or impair subsequent discrimination learning. Predictions made by the model are discussed in relation to extant theories of PL. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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