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In 3 experiments, the authors investigated the impact of goals and perceptual relations on graph interpretation when people evaluate functional dependencies between continuous variables. Participants made inferences about the relative rate of 2 continuous linear variables (altitude and temperature). The authors varied the assignments of variables to axes, the perceived cause–effect relation between the variables, and the causal status of the variable being queried. The most striking finding was that accuracy was greater when the slope-mapping constraint was honored, which requires that the variable being queried be assigned to the vertical axis, so that steeper lines map to faster changes in the queried variable. The authors propose that graphs provide external instantiations of intermediate mental representations, enabling people to move from visuospatial representations to abstractions through the use of natural mappings between perceptual and conceptual relations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Relational being: Beyond self and community by Kenneth J. Gergen (see record 2009-10534-000). The primary plea of the book is that psychology consider a relational rather than individual (much less subindividual) conception of its phenomena. Gergen encourages us to "treat what we take to be the individual units as derivative of relational process" (xxi). This notion of a fundamentally relational subject is one that the reader is invited to explore and to test against other, more traditional, ways of constructing being. It is a proposition entertained and evaluated in terms of its implications but it is not presented as the real, true, or most factual account of human experience. Throughout the text, Gergen attempts to replace the individual or monological expositional style with a more dialogical, plural kind of textual negotiation. The book is constantly questioning and coming to terms with itself, its critics, and its limitations. The book is, as Bakhtin (1973) might have it, multivocal. Gergen invokes his own authorial voice, but also his voice as an embedded, historical being. Each chapter is peppered with anecdotes and personal reflections woven into the overall narrative as concrete counterpoint to the abstractions of theoretical argument. In the process, Gergen is surprisingly intimate, personal, and generous with his private life and history. The book also becomes something more human, narrative, and funny than is usual in theoretical exegesis. This style is quite inviting, partly because it is rooted in everyday life but also because it explicitly invites, and even voices, the critic, the question, and the doubt. Ultimately, what is compelling in the pages of Relational Being is what is fundamentally compelling about relationalism itself—namely, the way that it displaces abstract system as the core of meaning and replaces it with embodied relation. This displacement has the potential to redress some of the essential distortions at the heart of Enlightenment reason—particularly that venerable tradition of riding one’s chosen theoretical hobby horse into the face of concrete, lived experience (and into the face of the doubting, suffering, demanding other that stands in the way). Relational practice moves us away from the distortions that inevitably come when we make everything we encounter instrumental to some idea that we cherish (and, in the process, become blind to whatever lived truth first made that idea sing for us). Relational practice asks us, instead, to continually return to the lived relation and so continually rupture and remake the narratives by which we understand it. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Building on P. H. Allum and L. Wheeldon (2007), the authors conducted 5 experiments to investigate the scope of lexical access during spoken sentence production in Japanese and English. Speakers described pairs of pictured objects, and on critical trials, 1 object was previewed. In Japanese, sentence onset is speeded by the preview of each of the 2 pictures used to elicit a sentence initial coordinated noun phrase (Experiment 1). When the same displays are used to elicit an alternative Japanese listing structure, onset latencies are speeded only by the preview of the first picture to be named (Experiment 2). The findings of Experiment 1 were therefore not the result of stimulus design. Experiment 3 replicated the findings of Experiment 1 in English. Experiments 4 and 5 tested a subject phrase consisting of a noun phrase modified by a prepositional phrase in English and Japanese. In both languages, only preview of the first picture to be named speeds responses, irrespective of whether it occurs in the head phrase (English) or not (Japanese). These results suggest that prior to utterance onset, only access to the nouns for the first phrase to be produced is required, even if this is not the head phrase. The implications for speech production models are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Interactions between conceptual and procedural knowledge influence the development of mathematical competencies. However, after decades of research, these interrelations are still under debate, and empirical results are inconclusive. The authors point out a source of these problems. Different kinds of knowledge and competencies only show up intertwined in behavior, making it hard to measure them validly and independently of each other. A multimethod approach was used to investigate the extent of these problems. A total of 289 fifth and sixth graders’ conceptual and procedural knowledge about decimal fractions was measured by 4 common hypothetical measures of each kind of knowledge. Study 1 tested whether treatments affected the 2 groups of measures in consistent ways. Study 2 assessed, across 3 measurement points, whether conceptual and procedural knowledge could be modeled as latent factors underlying the measures. The results reveal substantial problems with the validities of the measures, which might have been present but gone undetected in previous studies. A solution to these problems is essential for theoretical and practical progress in the field. The potential of the multimethod approach for this enterprise is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the responses of a bottlenosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) to "normal" (semantically and syntactically correct) sequences of gestures and to anomalous sequences given within an artificial gestural language highly familiar to the animal. Anomalous sequences violated the semantic rules or syntactic constraints of the language. The dolphin discriminated anomalous from normal sequences in that rejections (refusals to respond) occurred to some anomalous sequences but never to normal sequences. Rejections rarely occurred, however, if the anomalous sequence contained a subset of gestures that would comprise a normal unit if joined together. Such units were typically perceived by the dolphin and responded to even if they consisted of gestures that were not sequentially adjacent. All semantic elements of a sequence were processed by the dolphin in relation to other elements before the dolphin organized its final response. The results show the importance of both semantic properties and semantic relations of the referents of the gestures and of syntactic (ordering) constraints in the dolphin's interpretations of the anomalies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling is a comprehensive, flexible approach to research design and data analysis. Although in recent years there has been phenomenal growth in the literature on technical aspects of structural equation modeling, relatively little attention has been devoted to conceiving research hypotheses as structural equation models. The aim of this article is to provide a conceptual overview of clinical research hypotheses that invite evaluation as structural equation models. Particular attention is devoted to hypotheses that are not adequately evaluated using traditional statistical models. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the stop-distance procedure for measuring personal space, using maximum likelihood estimation of structural equation models. Three data sets previously described by the author (see PA, Vols 67:5708 and 68:1091) were examined. Results challenge the factor model underlying recent estimates of the reliability of the stop-distance procedure and convincingly demonstrate the reliability of stop-distance measurements. About 97% of the variance in observed distances arose from sources other than structural measurement error. About 8% of the variance in measured distances was due to sources that reflected unidentified causal determinants of spacing. The repeated failures of the factor model and the repeated successes of the simplex model require a fundamental shift in the conceptualization of personal space. The failure of the factor model implies that momentary spatial preferences should not be considered as merely reflecting a stable underlying preference or as a repeated and momentary construction based on stable situational features. Personal space should be considered as a dynamic process that is continually open to modification but that shows considerable stability due to the persistence of previously maintained distances. (French abstract) (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developmental differences in children's metamemory about the influence of conceptual relations on free recall were examined. First, third, and fifth grade children memorized two lists of words, a two-category (items blocked by category) and an unrelated list. On both lists, four metamemory measures were obtained from each subject. These were estimates of recall performance, estimates of the cognitive effort associated with that recall performance, causal attributions about recall, and reports of strategy use. At each grade, subjects recalled more words on the related than the unrelated list and demonstrated reliable clustering at recall for the related words. Metamemory about the influence of conceptual relations was demonstrated at each grade level, but the nature of that metamemory changed with age. Even the youngest children realized that their recall performance would be superior on the related list but they did not understand how or why their recall was facilitated. With age, children attributed superior recall of the related material to the categorical relations in the stimuli, reported using categorical organization strategies, and demonstrated increasing awareness of the facilitative effects of conceptual relations on cognitive effort. Older children used their metamemory to direct their use of organizational strategies and to enhance recall on the related list. However, the four aspects of metamemory were not well coordinated at any grade level. The findings are discussed in terms of the importance of developing comprehensive, well-elaborated models of metamemory development.  相似文献   

Three chimpanzees with a history of conditional and numeric token training spontaneously matched relations between relations under conditions of nondifferential reinforcement. Heretofore, this conceptual ability was demonstrated only in language-trained chimpanzees. The performance levels of the language-naive animals in this study, however, were equivalent to those of a 4th animal—Sarah—whose history included language training and analogical problem solving. There was no evidence that associative factors mediated successful performance in any of the animals. Prior claims of a profound disparity between language-trained and language-naive chimpanzees apparently can be attributed to prior experience with arbitrary tokens consistently associated with abstract relations and not language per se. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The theory of syntactic bootstrapping proposes that children use the syntactic frames in which verbs are presented as a source of information about their meaning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which maternal type and diversity of verb frames are consistent with the requirements of that theory. The uses of 25 common verbs in the speech of 57 mothers to their 1- to 2-year-old children were tabulated and parsed for syntactic frame. Analyses revealed 2 major findings concerning the use of verbs in child-directed speech: (a) Verbs in different semantic categories appear in different syntactic environments, and (b) individual verbs are distinguished by the set of frames in which they appear. These findings support the plausibility of the syntactic bootstrapping hypothesis by demonstrating that children's input provides the structural cues to verb meaning that the syntactic bootstrapping procedure requires. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

24 16-35 yr old acute schizophrenics with either good or poor premorbid histories were compared with control groups of 24 undergraduates and 12 6th-grade children on their sensitivity to syntactic structure in speech perception. Ss listened to strings of unconnected words, sentences with clicks embedded before, in, or after a clause break, and a passage of connected discourse that was interrupted at specific intervals after either a l- or 2-clause sentence. During designated test pauses they wrote down as many words as they could recall and indicated the location of the click in the sentences. The schizophrenics showed poor overall recall but did not differ from the control groups in the proportion of recall attributable to syntactic structure. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Information" has become a widely used term in psychology, especially within cognitive psychology. However, despite its status as a technical term, the word now rarely receives explicit definition. By contrast, when information entered the vocabulary of psychologists in the late 1940s, it had an explicit mathematical definition largely derived from developments in information theory. This article examines how information entered psychology, how its meaning changed, and how it remained a technical term in the vocabulary of psychologists in the second part of the 20th century. "Information" became a term that was required to speak to ever more diverse theoretical concerns and its earliest definitions in psychology could not sustain such uses. As a consequence, "information" became a term whose technical uses became increasingly difficult to differentiate from its everyday meanings. I argue that this has not necessarily made "information" a worthless term but one whose lack of specificity may now be unsettling to some psychologists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We describe the treatment of 2 patients with extensive midfacial defects by using a customized composite flap. Autogenous bone was transferred from the iliac crest, revascularized by the rectus muscle, and then transferred as a complete unit by microvascular technique to provide a vascularized bone graft to this area of difficult reconstruction. The bone was shaped and customized to fit the osseous defect. Although the rectus muscle was relatively bulky at the time of harvest, its hearty blood supply permitted trimming and contouring to fit the gap. This technique was based on the principles proposed previously by other authors regarding the vascularization of a free bone graft and its transfer as a composite flap. This technique requires more research and refinement, however this clinical demonstration shows the feasibility of revascularizing a composite flap and the extent to which this technique can be performed.  相似文献   

Three studies investigated how three personality prototypes (K. York & O.P. John, 1992) relate to J. Loevinger's (1976) stages of ego development (ED). Study 1 examined their conceptual similarities, and Study 2 their relations in a sample of adult women. In both studies, the personality prototypes mapped onto regions defined by multiple ED stages: The Individuated prototype was most likely to reach the high region of ED (Individualistic, Autonomous, and Integrated); the Traditional prototype was most likely to function in the middle region (Conformist, Self-aware, and Conscientious); and the Conflicted prototype was more likely to remain in the low region (Impulsive and Self-protective). In addition to these between-prototype differences, Study 3 explored whether differences in life outcomes within the prototypes are also related to ED; findings suggest that personality prototype and ego development may interact in shaping the life course.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the question whether hierarchical relations and word order can be separated in sentence production. In two experiments, we assess whether subject-verb agreement errors (such as 'The time for fun and games are over') require linear proximity of a so-called 'local' noun ('games' in the example) to the verb. In the first experiment, we found a proximity effect when participants were asked to complete sentential beginnings of the kind: 'The helicopter for the flights'. In the second experiment, we asked participants to produce a question such as 'Is the helicopter for the flights safe?'. The syntactic relation between the subject noun and the local noun is the same in the two experiments, but the linear position of the local noun is different. The distribution of agreement errors was similar in the two experiments. We argue that these data provide evidence for a stage in language production in which a syntactic structure is built prior to a stage in which words are assigned to their linear position. Agreement is computed during the first stage.  相似文献   

Replies to commentary by M. K. Surbey (see record 1995-08478-001) on D. Wahlsten's (see record 1995-08480-001) original article regarding heritability analysis. The author maintains his position that heritability analysis, the dominant paradigm in behavioral genetics, is weak at its foundations and actively misleading to the nonspecialist. He finds that Surbey's commentary lacks coherence and reflects doubts about heritability analysis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Intimacy has rarely been discussed in the psychoanalytic literature, although clinicians recognize that problems with intimacy are universal. In this article, intimacy is defined, and the sociocultural factors that serve as obstacles to intimate relatedness are discussed. Closely examined are the intrapsychic conflicts that inhibit the development of intimacy, such as a fear of fusion, a fear of object loss, paranoid-schizoid anxieties, and sexual anxieties. Because analysts help to create an environment where problems of intimacy can best be studied, understood, and treated, implications for psychoanalytic treatment are discussed. A clinical example from the author's psychoanalytic practice is offered to illustrate some of the concepts discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated depth-of-processing effects on conceptual priming by comparing incidental (implicit) and intentional (explicit) tests of word association. In Experiment 1, depth of processing at study influenced priming of weak and medium associates but not of strong associates. In Experiment 2, depth of processing influenced priming of weak associates but not of compound phrases (e.g., coathanger), whose preexperimental association strength matched that of weak associates. In Experiment 3, the same pattern persisted when study was auditory and test was visual, ensuring that priming was conceptual and not perceptual. In all experiments, in matched intentional tests, depth-of-processing effects occurred for all association strengths and for both phrases and associates, suggesting that the incidental tests were uncontaminated by voluntary retrieval, because they showed depth-of-processing effects only for some materials and not others, within the same participants and tests. Because depth-of-processing effects on involuntary free-association priming depend on the presence versus absence of a cohesive preexperimental representation, the memory-systems and conceptual/perceptual processing approaches to memory-test dissociations require modification to account for component processes of conceptual priming. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychologists and other mental health specialists have yet to capitalize on the enormous potential of computers as "clinical assistants." Many therapeutic uses of computers reflect overly ambitious if not naive uses of these machines, such as providing warmth and understanding to hurting persons. The present authors review previous applications of computers in health care, the nature and scope of computer resistance, the relative merits of people and machines in performing different kinds of tasks, and the ethical–legal issues involved when psychological services are provided by computers. Also presented is a relatively simple algorithm for an automated psychological service delivery system that provides, in response to specified complaint statements, low-level inference evaluations, concrete clinical advice, and modest referral information. The use of this computerized assistance, referral, and evaluation (CARE) system in a college community is described. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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