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文章考察了乙醇加入量、温度等因素对氯化钾和氯化钠单独存在及二者共存时在水溶液中的溶解度的影响,研究结果表明:在不同温度下加入乙醇可使氯化钾和氯化钠在水中的溶解度均降低,但其降低的幅度不同;两种盐类在水中溶解度的差异将随温度的升高而减小。在此基础上,文章提出了利用溶剂分离氯化钾和氯化钠的新工艺初步方案。  相似文献   

Flavonols were determined in Shiraz and Chardonnay grapes throughout berry development. The predominant flavonols were quercetin-3-glycosides with trace amounts of kaempferol-3-glycosides detected in Shiraz flowers but not in developing berries. Flavonols were present in the skin of ripening grapes but were not detected in seeds or flesh. Flavonols were also present in buds, tendrils, inflorescences, anthers and leaves. The concentration of flavonols in flowers (mg/g fresh weight) was high and decreased between flowering and berry set then remained relatively constant through berry development. The total amount of flavonols in berries (mg/berry) was low until pre-veraison then increased during berry development, particularly before veraison, the onset of ripening, in Chardonnay and during ripening in Shiraz. Two cDNA fragments with homology to genes encoding the enzyme flavonol synthase (FLS) were isolated from Shiraz flowers. In the overlapping region of the two cDNAs, they had 80% sequence identity at the nucleotide level and both had high homology to FLS genes from other plants. VvFLS1 was expressed in leaves, tendrils, pedicels, buds and inflorescences as well as in developing grapes. Expression was highest between flowering and fruit set then declined, increasing again during ripening coincident with the increase in flavonols per berry. Expression of VvFLS2 was much lower than for VvFLS1 and did not change during berry development. The results indicate that two distinct periods of flavonol synthesis occur in grapes, the first around flowering and the second during ripening of the developing berries.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: This study reports on the effects that timing of saline irrigation has on leaf and wood tissue concentrations of Na+ and Cl and on juice composition. Methods and Results: Colombard vines on Ramsey rootstock were drip irrigated with saline water during any one of four annual growth stages: pre‐flowering, berry formation, berry ripening and postharvest. At other times, vines were irrigated with non‐saline water as was the control. Salts were annually flushed from the rootzone. Over six seasons, saline irrigation caused five‐ and sevenfold rises, respectively, in the leaf and juice Na+ concentrations and two‐ and fourfold rises in respective Cl concentrations. Saline irrigation raised juice pH and this was associated with a rise in juice Na+. Normalising responses for inter‐treatment differences in the seasonal salt load to isolate the effects of timing showed that juice Cl concentration was most sensitive to saline irrigation during berry formation and juice malate concentration most sensitive to saline irrigation pre‐flowering. Conclusion: Cl uptake was greatest when saline irrigation was applied early in organ formation, whereas Na+ uptake reflected seasonal salt load in irrigation water. Significance of the Study: In vines on the chloride excluding rootstock Ramsey, yield loss under saline irrigation was associated with high concentrations of sodium in the leaf.  相似文献   

Berries of Vitis vinifera L. cv Shiraz can undergo weight loss during later stages of ripening. Existing published views on how weight loss occurs are based on changes in capacity of the vascular system to import water during development (McCarthy and Coombe, Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 5, 17–21, 1999). One important element of these views is the proposed cessation of water flow through the xylem after veraison. We have now measured the water flow into berries of Shiraz and Chardonnay as they develop using the pressure probe and the high pressure flow meter (HPFM). The pressure probe connected to the pedicel of individual berries provided measurements of single berry hydraulic conductance. By systematic excision of tissue segments of the berry and pedicel we determined where in the pathway hydraulic conductance changed during development. The HPFM was used on whole bunches showing that berries (including pedicels) represent parallel high hydraulic resistances and that the hydraulic resistance of the bunch axis was rather small. The hydraulic conductance per berry could be determined from excision experiments. There was close agreement between the pressure probe and HPFM measurements. Both showed a ten‐fold reduction in hydraulic conductance of whole berries from veraison to full ripeness. Shiraz had hydraulic conductances that were 2‐ to 5‐fold higher than those for Chardonnay. Shiraz maintained a higher hydraulic conductance past 90 days after flowering than Chardonnay. The decrease in hydraulic conductance occurred in both the distal and proximal parts of the berry for both varieties. The pressure probe also provided measurements of the xylem pressure that non‐transpiring berries could develop. These pressures were –0.2 to –0.1 MPa until veraison and increased to zero when the juice osmotic potential reached about –3 MPa in Chardonnay and –4 MPa in Shiraz. The results suggest values of the reflection coefficient of the osmotic barrier around the xylem vessels of about 0.1–0.2 at veraison decreasing to 0 at harvest. It is suggested that in addition to changes in xylem anatomy, aquaporins in berry membranes may play a role in regulating hydraulic conductance. Water movement from the berry back to the parent vine via the xylem (backflow) may be an important component of berry weight loss in Shiraz, particularly if the phloem ceases functioning at high osmotic potentials near maximum weight. Backflow could account for a weight loss of 43 mg per day in Shiraz berries for a relatively small gradient of 0.1 MPa.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Within-site comparisons were made of rootstock effects on yield, and chloride and sodium concentrations in petioles, juice and wine of Shiraz and Chardonnay vines at sites with irrigation water salinities (ECiw) ranging from low (0.4 dS/m) to moderate-high (1.8 to 3.3 dS/m). It also compared consistency of yield performance of the various rootstocks with both scions over 8 years at one site with an ECiw of 2.1 dS/m. Methods and Results: Chardonnay and Shiraz on own roots and on Ramsey, 1103 Paulsen, 140 Ruggeri, K51-40, Schwarzmann, 101-14, Rupestris St. George and 1202 Couderc were compared. Ramsey resulted in better yields relative to most of the other rootstocks at three of the four sites for each scion. Exceptions were the low salinity site where Schwarzmann was best with Chardonnay, and Padthaway where 140 Ruggeri was best with Shiraz. Chardonnay wine chloride concentrations were similar to grape juice chloride concentrations, but Shiraz wine chloride concentrations were on average 1.7-fold higher than grape juice chloride. Conclusions: Shiraz on own roots, K51-40 and 1202C rootstocks carry some risk of accumulating unacceptable levels of chloride in grape juice and wine when the salinity of the irrigation water is at moderate to high levels. Rootstocks K51-40 (with Chardonnay and Shiraz) and potentially 101-14 (with Shiraz) should be avoided in situations of long term irrigation with moderate to high salinity water. Significance of the Study: The study identifies rootstocks with acceptable yields and grape juice chloride concentrations for potential use in regions affected by salinity.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: pH adjustment during winemaking is a significant cost to the Australian wine industry. This study addresses potassium (K+) concentration and pH inter‐relationships in grape juice and wine of Chardonnay and Shiraz. Methods and Results: Chardonnay and Shiraz on own roots, and on Ramsey, 1103 Paulsen, 140 Ruggeri, K51‐40, Schwarzmann, 101‐14, Rupestris St. George and 1202 Couderc were compared at Koorlong and Merbein (Victoria), and Padthaway, Nuriootpa and Rowland Flat (South Australia). Petiole K+ concentrations at flowering were a poor indicator of grape juice and wine K+ concentrations. The concentration of H+ ions in grape juice and wine decreased as K+ concentrations increased resulting in increased pH. The relationship between H+ and K+ concentrations was linear for Chardonnay but exponential for Shiraz, where K+ concentrations were higher. Wine K+ and grape juice K+ concentrations exhibited a positive linear relationship, with slope for Chardonnay about half that for Shiraz, indicating a net loss of K+ between grape juice and wine of 58% for Chardonnay and 13% for Shiraz. Conclusions: The study has linked higher wine pH to both higher juice soluble solids and K+, and to poorer wine colour hue. Loss of K+ during fermentation and cold stabilisation appeared higher for Chardonnay than for Shiraz. Significance of the Study: Rootstocks that lead to lower K+ concentrations and pH in grape juice and wine are identified. Differences in the K+ concentration dynamics between grape juice and wine of Chardonnay and Shiraz are described and quantified.  相似文献   

The release of anthocyanin compounds from berry skins into the wine is affected by several viticulture and oenological practices. Ripeness level seems to play a significant role. The study aimed to evaluate the extraction kinetics of individual anthocyanins from grape skins into wine under controlled conditions of small-scale vinification of Shiraz grapes, harvested at three ripeness levels (23, 25 and 28°Brix). The anthocyanin profile of intact berry skins, fermenting musts/wines and crushed skins during the period between crushing and pressing was analysed by HPLC. Ripeness level greatly impacted on the skin?/?juice ratio (ranging from 169?± 4.5?g?L?1 at 23°B, 185?±?7.2?g?L?1 at 25°B and 256?±?10.7?g?L?1 at 28°B) and on grape anthocyanin concentration (ranging from 0.80?±?0.13?g?kg?1 at 23°B, 0.78?±?0.07?g?kg?1 at 25°B and 1.21?±?0.13?g?kg?1 at 28°B) and profile (%) at harvest. In addition, it affected the rate and amount of individual anthocyanin extraction from skins into wine and their transformation during fermentation, consistent with the relevant chemical group classification (3-glucoside, 3-acetyl-glucoside, 3-p-coumaroyl-glucoside). At pressing, the anthocyanin concentration of the three wines was similar (319?mg?L?1, on average), but the anthocyanin profile was different, particularly the ratio of 3-glucoside?/?3-p-coumaroyl-glucoside derivatives, which was on average 3.55 at 23°B and 25°B and 2.6 at 28°B. Viticultural choices, such as to harvest earlier or later, influencing the chemical and physical composition of the berries, may influence the extraction kinetics of individual anthocyanins and their destiny in the fermenting must, offering to winemakers different basic wines suitable for the production of different wine products. These findings are valuable to improve viticultural and oenological practices for Shiraz wine production, allowing the improvement of wine quality and the purposeful creation of different styles of wine.  相似文献   

Shiraz grapevines on either their own roots, or on the rootstocks Ramsey, 1103 Paulsen, 140 Ruggeri or 101–14, were grown at two separate sites within the Murray‐Darling viticultural region with similar irrigation regimes but with an irrigation water salinity of either 0.43 dS/m (low salinity site) or 2.3 dS/m (high salinity site). Rootstock effects on grape berry development, ion concentrations, soluble solids and acidity were followed during one season. Wines were also made and compared using spectral analysis and sensory evaluation. Rootstock effects that were common across both sites were (1) a close relationship between K+and soluble solids accumulation in developing grape berries which commenced at the onset of veraison and was indicative of a link between K+and sucrose transport in the phloem, and (2), higher wine K+, pH and colour hue for all rootstocks with one exception, namely 101–14 at high salinity where 101–14 responded similarly to own roots. Juice K+, pH and loss of K+from juice during winemaking were highest for grapes from the high salinity site. Mean berry weight was smaller and the range in berry size across rootstocks was narrower at the saline site. The narrower range in berry sizes may have contributed to fewer rootstock effects on wine spectral characteristics at high salinity. There was no effect of rootstock on CO2 assimilation rate or stomatal conductance at either site, although intrinsic leaf‐based water‐use efficiency measured as A/g was 50% higher at the saline site. All treatments exhibited berry shrivel at maturity, but the extent was smaller at high salinity. Slower development of berry colour during veraison was observed on some rootstocks, for example 101–14, and while unrelated to canopy size per se, a higher leaf‐to‐fruit ratio for 101–14 may have been a factor. Slower berry colour development during veraison had no bearing on the colour density of wine made from the harvested grapes.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper was to examine the reduction of sodium chloride by partial replacing with potassium chloride and the influence on taste acceptability of meat burgers. Sodium chloride content in burgers produced with 1.5% of salt and half of partial replacement of sodium chloride with potassium chloride in burgers was 0.62-0.67% in fresh and 0.72-0.93% in grilled burgers. The best taste acceptability had burgers with 1.5% of added sodium chloride and burgers with 1.5% salt and 50 g of added onion, in which the partial replacement of sodium chloride with potassium chloride was one half.  相似文献   

Ripening of cheese with three kinds of salt treatment was studied using MgCl2, NaCl or a mixture of the two. Proteolysis was followed by determination of TCA-soluble nitrogen and quantitative electrophoresis. A rapid one-step method for free fatty acids was used to determine short and long-chain fatty acids. In the presence of magnesium, proteolysis increased, even with NaCl, which seemed to delay the magnesium activation. Lipolysis was retarded by NaCl, which decreased the level of free fatty acids. An imbalance between proteolysis and lipolysis could be responsible for the unpleasant flavor of the cheese containing both MgCl2 and NaCl.  相似文献   

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