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基于多Agent的策略驱动网络管理体系结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张鹏亮  杨建刚 《计算机应用》2005,25(8):1753-1755
通过对基于策略的管理技术和基于智能Agent分布式系统地分析,提出了一种策略驱动的基于多Agent的网络管理体系结构,利用了策略和Agent多种特性,适合实现面向服务和自治管理的分布式管理系统。  相似文献   

A generic architecture for autonomic service and network management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yu  Ramy  Myung Sup  Alberto  James   《Computer Communications》2006,29(18):3691-3709
As the Internet evolves into an all-IP communication infrastructure, a key issue to consider is that of creating and managing IP-based services with efficient resource utilization in a scalable, flexible, and automatic way. In this paper, we present the Autonomic Service Architecture (ASA), a uniform framework for automated management of both Internet services and their underlying network resources. ASA ensures the delivery of services according to specific service level agreements (SLAs) between customers and service providers. As an illustrative example, ASA is applied to the management of DiffServ/MPLS networks, where we propose an autonomic bandwidth sharing scheme. With the proposed scheme, the bandwidth allocated for each SLA can be automatically adjusted according to the measured traffic load and under policy control for efficient resource utilization, while SLA compliance over the network is always guaranteed.  相似文献   

C^3I网络系统是一个结构非常复杂、实时性强、安全可靠性要求严格的高度分布式处理系统,是未来信息化战场的重要基础设施。阐述了现代C^3I系统的结构特点,分析了现有网络管理的体系结构及其在C^3I网络管理中的局限性,指出了基于SNMP协议的传统网络管理体系结构难以适应对C^3I网络管理体系结构的要求,在此基础上,结合分布式对象计算技术,研究在C^3I网络管理系统中应用CORBA技术,建立一种新的网络管理模型,使得C^3I网络管理系统具有分布、实时、可靠、配置灵活等一系列新特性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于服务的网络管理体系结构模型及其初步实现。定义了面向网管的领域本体库,提出了一种可语义搜索、跨域调用、按需组合和P2P模式网管服务发布的网管体系结构。  相似文献   

The task of managing information technology resources becomes increasingly complex as managers must take heterogeneous systems, different networking technologies, and distributed applications into consideration. As the number of resources to be managed grows, the task of managing these devices and applications depends on numerous system and vendor specific issues. To prevent the operators from drowning in excessive detail, the level of abstraction needs to be raised in order to hide system and network specifics. Policies that are derived from the goals of management define the desired behavior of distributed heterogeneous systems and networks, and specify means to enforce this behavior. A formal definition of policies is presented and examples of policies from network and systems management are given to illustrate the concept. An architecture is introduced to show how a policy system can be realized.  相似文献   

J2EE(JAVA 2 Enterprise Edition)是SUN公司提出的JAVA技术规范,它也是一个分布式系统的设计和开发环境,提供了基于组件的,以服务器为中心的多层应用体系结构.网络管理系统是对计算机网络、设备、软件等进行管理的软件系统,其主要功能包括性能管理、配置管理、故障管理、记帐管理和安全管理.在J2EE规范下实现网管系统可以很好的满足组件化、易于构建、分布部署等要求.针对J2EE的特点,根据TMN网管系统的要求,结合实例,本文探讨了如何在J2EE规范下进行电信综合网管平台的架构设计.  相似文献   

下一代网络综合网络管理体系结构研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对下一代网络综合网络管理的体系结构问题进行了研究,针对NGN的特点分析了NGN综合网络管理的必要性及其需要解决的问题;在此基础上设计了一种基于Web的NGN网络管理框架,并结合一个符合NGN特征的具体仿真网络实例设计了基于Web的NGN网络管理系统。  相似文献   

In this paper we describe an integrated set of procedures for bandwidth management and congestion control in IBM's broadband network architecture for high speed networks. These controls operate at two different time scales, at the connection level and at the packet or cell level. Major connection level controls are path selection, admission control and bandwidth allocation. These controls are applied at the connection setup time and are based on the connection characterization and the network state at that time. Packet level controls are access control, traffic monitoring and intermediate node buffer management. Because of their smaller time scale, they do not rely on any feedback information from the network. The main focus of this paoer is to reconcile the different time scales of these controls, and define how they interplay to ensure proper network operation. The ideas presented in this paper are being implemented and deployed in several test-beds and field trials for experimental validation.  相似文献   

Virtual private network (VPN) not only possesses the low cost, inexpensive fees, and excellent support advantages of the Internet, it also has the benefit of the security as the leased line. How to properly manage the VPN is an issue in which the enterprise IT engineers have to take seriously.

This research is based on the new network management technologies such as policy-based network management, mobile agent, etc., to design a VPN monitor and management system architecture that contains high level management with low network traffic load. This system architecture integrates both VPN devices and general network devices, such the feature can integrate the monitor and manage the VPN and Intranet at the same time.

The result of this research provides enterprises with a VPN architecture for monitoring and managing the enterprises, as well as to establish a prototype for the enterprise VPN monitor and management system. Such system architecture can effectively assist the semiconductor companies to monitor and manage their enterprise VPN in order to utilize the Internet resources, and to reduce the possible operation off time. The prototype system could proof the feasibility of the systematic architecture, it can automatically detect and activate the backup mechanism according to the preset management policy, and to achieve the effective and fast solution for the enterprise network problems.  相似文献   

Oleg Berzin 《Computer Networks》2009,53(12):2153-2181
Scalability of the network layer mobility management solution is one of the most important requirements for the mobility control plane. Mobility Label Based Network (MLBN) is a new approach to the network layer mobility management problem that relies solely on MPLS to provide both macro- and micro-mobility for IPv4 and IPv6 mobile hosts and routers. This new approach does not rely on the existing IP mobility management protocols such as Mobile IP and is based on the combination of Multi-Protocol BGP (MP-BGP) and MPLS. In the context of the MLBN the scalable control plane should be capable of efficient Mobility Label distribution while allowing the MPLS-based forwarding plane to deliver mobile traffic in an optimal manner. This paper presents a hierarchical mobility management system capable of both macro- and micro-mobility support without the use of Mobile IP and its derivatives and allows scalable Mobility Label distribution and MPLS label stack based packet forwarding in support of optimal traffic delivery between the communicating mobile users.  相似文献   

An abstract generic system model and methodology that form the Telecommunications Network Architecture (TNA) are described. The model represents controls and communication functions required for the transfer of information within a node or a network of nodes providing any service (message, packet, or voice). The architecture can be used to represent the most primitive switching mechanism. The methodology is intended to offer the system designer an appreciation of communication systems, and the ability to trace the impact of modifications.  相似文献   

低轨(LEO)卫星作为天地一体化信息网络中天地信息传输的重要枢纽,具有规模大、链路损耗小、传输时延低等特点,已成为天地一体化信息网络研究领域的热点。提出了一种基于人工智能(AI)的LEO卫星网络资源管理架构设计,基于天地一体化信息网络架构,在地面引入软件定义网络(SDN)实现对卫星网络资源状态信息进行实时观测,再结合网络大脑(Network Mind)并应用人工智能算法学习得到资源分配优化策略,实现高效信息传输。  相似文献   

The increasing scale, technology advances and services of modern networks have dramatically complicated their management such that in the near future it will be almost impossible for human administrators to monitor them. To control this complexity, IBM has introduced a promising approach aiming to create self-managed systems. This approach, called Autonomic Computing, aims to design computing equipment able to self-adapt its configuration and to self-optimize its performance depending on its situation in order to fulfill high-level objectives defined by the human operator.In this paper, we present our autonomic network management architecture (ANEMA) that implements several policy forms to achieve autonomic behaviors in the network equipments. In ANEMA, the high-level objectives of the human administrators and the users are captured and expressed in terms of ‘Utility Function’ policies. The ‘Goal’ policies describe the high-level management directives needed to guide the network to achieve the previous utility functions. Finally, the ‘behavioral’ policies describe the behaviors that should be followed by network equipments to react to changes in their context and to achieve the given ‘Goal’ policies.In order to highlight the benefits of ANEMA architecture and the continuum of policies to introduce autonomic management in a multiservice IP network, a testbed has been implemented and several scenarios have been executed.  相似文献   

论文提出了面向并行DSP应用并具备基于QoS控制路由器极大功耗的双路由多层Mesh片上网络互连结构,仿真结果表明该结构与单路由Mesh结构相比可减少功耗31.4%、时延30.6%。  相似文献   

The recent development of distributed databases by very large DP users has imposed demands on network architecture which do not exist in the more conventional situations where terminals are linked to a centralized database through a star-shaped teleprocessing network. The special requirements of the distributed database environment impose stringent constraints on both the distributed database management system (DDBMS) software and the teleprocessing network. The paper reviews the main factors which impact on network architecture.  相似文献   

ICA是一种含有中间件的网络软件体系结构,旨在以结构进化取得功能突破,据以全面支持来自用户的以及来自系统的各种应用需要。ICA的出台,表明国际上已建立起一种未来网定位新理念。ICA所代表的“信息通信”领域内的网络软件结构进化,立足于把未来网规范为三层结构,即“应用(Application)层”、“中间件(Middleware)层”和“基础(Baseware)层”。ICA的出现,对我国谋求新崛起是大好机遇,这不仅可以直接振兴我国网络软件产业,更可激励我国在新一轮的网络进化的进程中力争跻身“领潮国”的行列。“ICA融合了各种最新信息技术的长处”。ICA结构进化,标志着当今网络进化的时代特征。推进和实现基于ICA的未来网,有着较佳的可行性。  相似文献   

An RFID-based sensing system using a P2P network can play an important role in a ubiquitous environment. We developed a network capable of managing its own computing and network resources by combining computing devices with a wide variety of sensors. Context awareness is required to deliver the functionality of the sensing network described in this paper. We designed an RFID-based sensing system that receives contextual information about the user via a P2P network. The proposed system includes the basic RFID equipment needed to use and test an RFID system, which consists of a reader, 30 sample tags, and a sample middleware application for reading, writing, and testing RFID tags. It is able to recognize users entering and leaving a location, as well as determine the distance of a user from itself. It can also recognize the condition of the sensor installation. We designed, implemented, and analyzed a system that provides practical services with real-world educational applications. There were statistically significant differences between the control and test groups for user satisfaction, content learned, learning content composition, and user interface.  相似文献   

马燕 《计算机科学》2002,29(4):89-92
现有的网络系统基于“端到端”的模型体系,是1984年由H.Salzer、D.Reed和D.Clark提出来的。在这种网络中,相关的计算和控制是在发送和接收“端点”进行的,在网络的结点上不对包进行处理。虽然在网络中路由器和交换机可以改变包头,但是对用户的数据不做任何处理,因此目前的网络系统又称为是“被动网络”。 Active Network即主动网络,是1995年由DARPA(De-fense Advanced Research Projects Agency)开发由关于网络未来发展方向的讨论会议上提出来的。Active Network是对  相似文献   

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