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在我国,熔炼炉的控制大多为传统的人工手动控制,不能满足生产工艺的要求,而且浪费能源的现象十分严重。本系统利用优化的PID控制算式的参数,实现自动控制熔炼炉三相电极电流平衡,从而达到节约能源、提高产品质量的目的。 相似文献
本文介绍微机在煤气生产调度及管网压力控制方面的应用,文章简要说明系统设计思想,微机控制系统的硬件结构及各子系统软件功能,最后,介绍了PID控制过程及程序框图。 相似文献
K. Kogan 《International Transactions in Operational Research》1999,6(3):263-273
An integrated dynamic model for discrete production scheduling and continuous capacity expansion is presented in this paper. The modeled manufacturing system, based on multi-level bills of materials, is characterized by flexible machines with negligible setups and production rates fixed for the current capacity. Make-to-stock formulation of the problem is studied and optimal behavior of the system is determined with the help of the maximum principle. A fast time-decomposition algorithm is suggested to locate the optimal solution. 相似文献
Nestor V. Queipo Luis E. Zerpa Javier V. Goicochea Alexander J. Verde Salvador A. Pintos Alexander Zambrano 《Engineering with Computers》2003,19(2-3):130-141
Typically, the optimization of oil production systems is conducted as a non-systematic effort in the form of trial and error processes for determining the combination of variables that leads to an optimal behavior of the system under consideration. An optimal or near optimal selection of oil production system parameters could significantly decrease costs and add value. This paper presents a solution methodology for the optimization of integrated oil production systems at the design and operational levels, involving the coupled execution of simulation models and optimization algorithms (SQP and DIRECT). The optimization refers to the maximization of performance measures such as revenue present value or cumulative oil production as objective functions, and tubing diameter, choke diameter, pipeline diameter, and oil flow rate as optimization variables. The reference configuration of the oil production system includes models for the reservoir, tubing, choke, separator, and business economics. The optimization algorithms Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) and DIRECT are considered as state-of-the-art in non-linear programming and global optimization methods, respectively. The proposed solution methodology effectively and efficiently optimizes integrated oil production systems within the context of synthetic case studies, and holds promise to be useful in more general scenarios in the oil industry. 相似文献
基于线性二次型的单神经元PID最优控制器设计及仿真 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
讨论了线性二次型最优控制理论在神经网络PID控制系统中的应用.将二次型性能指标引入单神经元PID控制器中,设计出单神经元自适应PID最优控制器,从而实现了PID参数在线自适应寻优.给出了完整的设计过程和学习算法,分析了其稳定性.最后,运用MATLAB仿真实现证明了该方法的可行性、有效性,并得到了较为理想的控制效果. 相似文献
本文对目前国内油气田的生产管理现状进行了分析,构建了油气生产物联网系统的总体架构。油气生产物联网系统由三个子系统组成:采集与控制子系统、数据传输了系统以及生产现场监控与管理子系统。油气生产物联网系统可对生产动态进行实时监控.对生产信息进行统计分析,对生产工况实时诊断,并具备关键告警集中展现、设备资产在线管理、生产调度指挥管理等功能。另外还有环境监控、气体监测、防盗防泄漏监控、故障预簧、系统管理、数据管理、物联设备管理等功能。该系统的应州町使油气生产过程实现精细化、智能化管理,便于决策者及时、准确地划油气田生产进行决策,优化生产管理流程和组织结构,从而为油气生产的精细化管理奠定技术基础。 相似文献
文章结合某油库自动化技术的应用实践,主要介绍了该油库自动化的设计思路、内容及要求,并提出了推广石油库自动化技术的建议,旨在有效地提出合理的建设方案,保证现场安装施工的质量。 相似文献
在钢铁联合企业的燃气厂里,为了充分利用能源及减少大气污染,把高炉煤气与焦炉煤气混合后输送给下游的各个煤气用户。混合煤气热值的控制即保持混合煤气的热值为一个恒定值十分重要,因为这直接影响到以混合煤气为燃料的加热炉的燃烧状况。但是,实际情况是在绝大多数的燃气厂中混合煤气的热值没有实现自动控制而是由人工进行配比操作,热值波动较大,导致加热炉难以实现稳定燃烧,影响产品质量:混合煤气加压站操作工人劳动强度大,本文将主要介绍实用煤气热值控制系统,着重介绍热值控制。 相似文献
Luca Grosset Author Vitae Author Vitae 《Automatica》2009,45(4):863-612
We propose the model of a firm that advertises a product in a homogeneous market, where a constant exogenous interference is present. Using the framework of Nerlove and Arrow’s advertising model, we assume that the interference acts additively on goodwill production as a negative term. Hence, we allow that the goodwill may become negative and we associate a zero demand with negative goodwill values. We consider a piecewise linear demand function and formulate a nonsmooth optimal-control problem with an infinite horizon. We obtain that an optimal advertising policy exists and takes one of two forms: either a positive and constant advertising effort, or a decreasing effort starting from a positive level and eventually reaching the zero value at a finite exit time. In the former scenario, the demand is always positive and the firm stays in the market in the long run; in the latter, the demand becomes zero in the short run, and afterward, the firm goes out of business. In both cases we have an explicit representation of the optimal control, which is obtained through the study of an auxiliary smooth optimal-control problem. It is interesting that the fundamental choice between staying in the market and going out of business at some time depends both on the interference level and on the initial goodwill level. 相似文献
为了实现对双输入非线性温度系统的控制,建立了船舶柴油机燃油温度系统的数学模型,并把该模型当作一类仿射非线性系统进行研究。运用滑模变结构控制理论,设计了一种针对仿射非线性系统的滑模控制器,实现了双输入双输出非线性耦合温度系统的控制。通过在组态王(KINGVIEW)环境下编制控制软件,实现了对柴油机高、低温燃油的温度控制。实验的结果显示了滑模变结构控制算法优于PID控制,并且有自适应能力强,动态、静态品质优良,鲁棒性好的特点。 相似文献
基于神经网络的回转窑建模及其优化控制设计 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
实现水泥回转窑温度稳定性控制,水泥回转窑熟料煅烧是一个涉及传质、传热和物理化学反应的复杂多变量、多扰动非线性过程。为了稳定回转窑烧成温度以提高孰料烧成质量,降低能耗,传统的控制方法,存在干扰大,稳定时间长等问题。在分析水泥回转窑工艺的基础上,采用Elman神经网络建立回转窑系统的模型,提出BP神经网络的PID控制方法,根据系统的运行状态,调节PID控制器的参数,以达到性能指标,设计了回转窑温度优化控制器,具有超调量小、动态性好、收敛速度快和控制精度高等优点。进行仿真的结果表明,回转窑烧成带温度逐渐趋于稳定,实现了对水泥回转窑的优化控制。 相似文献
张自友 《计算机测量与控制》2012,20(7):1837-1839,1863
研究了使用改进的PSO(Particle swarm optimization,粒子群优化)算法与PID控制器相结合实现对双转式永磁无刷直流电动机(PMBLDCM)进行控制的方法;针对传统PID调节器控制精度不高和鲁棒性差的缺点,提出了一种结合PSO优化算法和传统PID控制的新控制器;首先建立PMBLDCM的动力学模型,通过引入改进的PSO优化算法,提出了一种使用PSO优化PID控制器参数的模型,并定义了使用PSO优化PID控制器3个比例参数的具体算法;最后,使用Matlab/Simulink对PMBLDCM控制实例进行了仿真;空载和负载两种情况下的仿真结果表明:新的控制方法克服了PID控制器的不足,具有控制精度高、响应速度快、速度跟随准确等优点。 相似文献
M. J. Grimble 《Dynamics and Control》2001,11(2):103-132
The solution of an optimal control problem is discussed where the single degree of freedom structure of the controller is chosen to have a very simple form. The controller may be chosen to be of reduced order, lead/lag, or PID forms, and the controller is required to minimize an LQG cost-index. The optimization is based upon a cost-function which allows separate costing of the terms due to the feedback and feedforward controllers. The system model can be uncertain and can be represented by a set of linear models over which the optimization is performed. This provides a form of robust optimal control that might even be applied to nonlinear systems that are approximated adequately by a set of linearized models. The aim is to find a single controller that has a simple form and stabilises the full set of models. 相似文献
针对目前应用于煤炭行业的瓦斯发电预处理系统不能很好地满足煤矿安全要求及其自动化程度不高等问题,提出了一套符合煤矿安全规程的瓦斯发电预处理系统的设计方案,阐述了该系统的结构、各功能单元的实现方法及软件设计方案。该系统在结构和控制方法上对现有的瓦斯发电预处理系统进行了创新设计,即增加了阻火防爆单元、除湿单元增加了气水分离器和自动放水器、采用PID控制器对关键环节进行控制等。实际应用表明,该系统较现有的瓦斯发电预处理系统提高了发电机组输出功率和发电效率,延长了机组运行时间和寿命,且具有较高的安全可靠性。 相似文献
《Journal of Process Control》2014,24(12):7-17
In the presence of rate constraints in actuator, design of cascade controller based on the primary controller conditional integration can result into closed-loop system oscillations. Stability analysis, performed by the describing function technique and confirmed by simulation, demonstrates that the solution based on the Anti-Reset Windup Cascade Control System (ARW CCS) structure is successful. Design and tuning of the ARW CCS secondary controller is a standard ARW single-input single-output problem. In the present paper tuning is proposed for the ARW CCS primary controller. For the serial process modeling simple rules are derived and confirmed by experimental results, obtained on a drum type boiler of a 210 MWe lignite coal fired unit. General design of the ARW CCS is based on the parallel process modeling and optimization of the primary controller. Optimization is performed in the frequency domain, under constraints on the maximum sensitivity, multiplicative uncertainty bound and sensitivity to measurement noise. Simulation and experimental results on a laboratory thermal plant demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed optimization. 相似文献
An extensive study of robust and optimal tuning of PID controllers for stable non-oscillating plants is presented. It is built on a set of well defined criteria related to output performance, stability margins and control activity. Different interesting properties of the closed loop systems are observed. A set of simple tuning rules is based on these observations. These rules are compared to a couple of well established tuning methods and are shown to give well competitive results, especially when simplicity, low control activity and high-frequency robustness are emphasized. Derivative action is shown to improve performance significantly compared to PI control, with equal stability margin and a moderate increase of control activity, for most plants, including those with significant time delay. 相似文献
This paper describes a new controller design procedure and tuning method for a PWM buck dc‐dc converter. First, linear optimal feedback is designed using the LQR approach. Then the designed control law is implemented using a PID controller incorporated with a load‐decoupled PD compensator. The PID controller is tuned to achieve the optimal design based on the output error voltage directly, instead of using an estimator. When the proposed PD compensator is used, the converter is robust with respect to the input voltage and output current changes and the parameter perturbations. We also provide the conditions for the robust stability assurance of the closed‐loop system. 相似文献