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An error in calculating the first and second moments of the "exponential-Rayleigh" distribution appears in a recent paper; this correspondence presents the correct calculations.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Privacy protection is a fundamental issue in the era of big data. For personalized privacy protection, it is necessary to measure the amount or the degree of...  相似文献   

曾浩  王娅  凤林锋  刘玲 《信号处理》2013,29(1):38-43
自适应调零天线被应用于卫星通信和卫星导航领域,对于强干扰情况,方向图在干扰信号方向形成零陷,从而实现干扰抑制。利用自适应调零天线采用的功率倒置LMS自适应滤波算法,可以实现对信号的波达方向估计。新方法利用自适应调零天线实现过程中求得的权矢量,计算方向图,并把该方向图倒数定义为空间谱函数,该空间谱谱峰对应信号波达方向。观察空间谱图并对算法中的步长和信噪比进行分析,结果显示该方法可高分辨率地估计出DOA,并且步长越小,信噪比越大,估计误差越小。相对于已有的MUSIC谱估计方法,该算法无需进行信源个数估计,也无需进行信号协方差矩阵特征分解,实现更为简单。   相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In this article, we propose a Linear Minimum Mean Squares Error-Support Vector Machine regression (LMMSE-SVR) approach which is applied to Long Term Evolution...  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In this study, theoretical limits in position estimation in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) using a trilateration method are derived in the form of probability...  相似文献   

Multivariate density estimation is an important problem that is frequently encountered in statistical learning and signal processing. One of the most popular techniques is Parzen windowing, also referred to as kernel density estimation. Gaussianization is a procedure that allows one to estimate multivariate densities efficiently from the marginal densities of the individual random variables. In this paper, we present an optimal density estimation scheme that combines the desirable properties of Parzen windowing and Gaussianization, using minimum Kullback–Leibler divergence as the optimality criterion for selecting the kernel size in the Parzen windowing step. The utility of the estimate is illustrated in classifier design, independent components analysis, and Prices’ theorem.  相似文献   

信号检测与参数估计可为后续的信号解调分析提供依据,在电子对抗中起到重要的作用。针对复杂环境中跳频信号的盲处理问题,针对跳频信号模型进行分析,提出了一种基于滑动相关与小波变换结合的改进方法,更好地完成了检测与参数估计。该方法可较好地克服瑞利信道衰落和传播损耗的影响,检测性能良好,且跳频参数估计精度较高。最后,通过计算机仿真验证了改进方法结果的有效性,且正确率高,具有工程实用性,性能也优于过去的一些算法。  相似文献   

提出了一种用于室内用户定位的传播距离损耗模型,根据一些已知位置的相对接收功率值,可以估计出相应的室内路径损耗指数、遮蔽因子的均值和方差.然后由共轭梯度法搜索出目标函数的最小点,由此得到用户的位置估计;另一种方法是根据接收到的相对功率,用最大似然估计得到用户的位置.模拟表明,这两种方法都可以得到较为精确的室内用户位置估计,同时,后一种方法的估计结果偏差更小.  相似文献   

经过密集多径信道的直接序列超宽带(DS-UWB)信号形式变得非常复杂,这给信号的伪随机(PN)序列周期的盲估计带来了困难.基于信号功率谱二次处理,对信号的功率谱进行估计,然后将估计的功率谱作为输入再求取功率谱,最后得到的二次谱就会在接收的DS-UWB信号的PN序列周期的整数倍处得到一序列的尖峰脉冲,通过估计这些脉冲的间距就可以得到PN序列周期的估计.推导得出的接收的DS-UWB信号的二次谱的表达式表明了该方法的可行性,同时为了增强估计性能,使用了二次谱平均累积方法.仿真实验验证了该方法能够在较低的输入信噪比条件下良好地工作.  相似文献   

秦文兵  罗来源 《电子学报》2010,38(4):754-0757
 受天线高度的影响和远近效应的功率控制,CDMA2000移动台信号非合作接收中信噪比急剧下降从而很难获得定位参数。从分析理论模型出发,提出了一种数据辅助积累量的到达信号强度(SSOA)估计算法,详细推导了其算法原理并用空中采集信号进行了仿真。结果表明该算法性能随积累程度的加深而增强,在CDMA移动台信号频谱容限范围内几乎不受载波频偏的影响,并在-10dB以下的信噪比条件下优于循环谱包络算法,数据辅助最大似然比(DAML)算法和判决指向最大似然比(DDML)算法。  相似文献   

朱莹  张弓  张劲东 《雷达学报》2012,1(2):143-148
分布式压缩感知(Distributed Compressed Sensing, DCS)将单信号的压缩采样扩展到信号群的压缩采样,利用信号内相关性和互相关性对多个信号进行联合重构。统计多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)雷达系统通过多发多收配置,在发射机、目标以及接收机之间构成对目标的分布式探测系统。该文将DCS应用到统计MIMO 雷达中,通过对该场景中目标回波的延时在距离空间稀疏性的分析,提出联合所有接收信号重构目标场景的设想,建立了接收信号的联合稀疏模型,并实现了目标参数估计的联合重构算法。仿真结果表明与基于压缩感知(Compressed Sensing, CS)的算法相比,基于DCS 的算法在进一步降低采样数目的同时提高了参数估计精度,同时也验证了DCS-MIMO 雷达可以有效克服目标的雷达散射截面积(Radar Cross Section, RCS)起伏。   相似文献   

Capacity of Slotted ALOHA in Rayleigh-Fading Channels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fading channels may improve the capacity of slottedALOHA networks. Rayleigh fading and spatially distributed packet transmitters diminish mutual packet interference and thus reduce the average blocking probability of a shared receiver. A transmission model, combining Poisson statistics of the offered data traffic with Rayleigh statistics for the fading channel, is developed. Analytical and numerical results are presented, indicating significant improvements to signaling in cellular mobile networks and in packet radio systems with fading radio channels.  相似文献   

Location Estimation has become important for many applications of indoor wireless networks. Received Signal Strength (RSS) fingerprinting methods have been widely used for location estimation. Most of the location estimation system suffers with the problem of scalability and unavailability of all the access points at all the location for large site. The accuracy and response time of estimation are critical issues in location estimation system for large sites. In this paper, we have proposed a distributed location estimation method, which divide the location estimation system into subsystems. Our method partitions the input signal space and output location space into clusters on the basis of visibility of access points at various locations of the site area. Each cluster of input signal space together with output location subspace is used to learn the association between RSS fingerprint and their respective location in a subsystem. We have performed experimentation on two RSS dataset, which are gathered on different testbeds, and compared our results with benchmark RADAR method. Experimental results show that our method provide better results in terms of accuracy and response time in comparison to centralized systems, in which a single system is used for large site.  相似文献   

核回归方法是比较常用的一种非参数估计方法。讨论了核回归方法在一维信号估计中的理论与应用,实验比较了高斯核函数的平滑参数h及多项式阶数N对估计效果的影响。结果是在相同阶数N下,较小的h使所有的估计点都收敛到观察值,反之则是一个N阶多项式拟合。在相同h下,阶数N越大,误差越小,计算量也较大,但重构效果的提升并不明显。  相似文献   

The statistical dependence (redundancy) between three differentially coded color components of a video-telephone signal are explored by means of an entropy study. We measure the entropy of the differentially coded color baseband signals both jointly and as three separate signals. The source material consisted of a number of portraittype pictures. The color signal is treated in a format containing a baseband luminance channel and two baseband chrominance channels. Various orthogonal and nonorthogonal transformations, including the Karhunen-Loève transform, are applied to the chrominance signals to study the effect on the entropy. With a well-chosen format for the color signal, our results show that the redundancy resulting from using a separate encoding of the signals rather than a joint encoding ranges between 0.2 and 0.5 bits. The possible savings accruing from considering the relationship between coded color differential components was only about 1 percent of the total bit rate for most pictures and increased to a maximum of 4 percent for one particular picture.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the propagation characteristics of signal lines situated between a pair of mesh reference planes in a homogeneous dielectric. These mesh reference planes, which form the heart of high-performance multichip modules, provide a transmission-line environment for the signals carried between integrated circuit chips. A numerical solution that employs a set of rooftop functions to represent the current density is developed and used to find the propagation velocity and characteristic impedance in mesh plane structures where the conductors have zero thickness and finite sheet resistance. The telegraphist's equations are shown to apply, and are used to find the capacitance and inductance matrices in coupled fine configurations. The near- and far-end crosstalk are calculated when the coupled lines are on the same, and on opposite, sides of a mesh plane. The presence of conductors which run in a direction orthogonal to the signal lines, whether as an array of crossing signal lines or as part of the mesh planes, is shown to significantly affect only the capacitive parameters. The influence of such orthogonal lines on the propagation velocity, characteristic impedance, and crosstalk are given, and a detailed plot clearly indicates the circulating current flow in these lines.  相似文献   

王常健  毛卫宁 《电声技术》2006,(12):11-12,16
多径时延可用于估计水下声源距离与深度,由时延估计协方差矩阵可知这些时延存在一定的相关性,时延的相关性影响距离深度估计方差,仅利用独立时延可提高估计精度。分析了存在直达波与水面反射两路多径情况下时延估计相关性及其对距离与深度估计的影响,并给出了仿真结果。  相似文献   

Following the discovery of a fundamental connection between information measures and estimation measures in Gaussian channels, this paper explores the counterpart of those results in Poisson channels. In the continuous-time setting, the received signal is a doubly stochastic Poisson point process whose rate is equal to the input signal plus a dark current. It is found that, regardless of the statistics of the input, the derivative of the input-output mutual information with respect to the intensity of the additive dark current can be expressed as the expected difference between the logarithm of the input and the logarithm of its noncausal conditional mean estimate. The same holds for the derivative with respect to input scaling, but with the logarithmic function replaced by x log x. Similar relationships hold for discrete-time versions of the channel where the outputs are Poisson random variables conditioned on the input symbols.  相似文献   

在对BPSK调制信号特性分析的基础上,介绍了对符号速率估计的一种方法,即通过提取信号包络中的重复频率来获得符号速率。在实际应用中发现,这种方法在数据符号个数较少时,受到非线性变换带来的低端噪声的影响较大,直接对信号包络的幅度谱求最大值难以正确估计出符号速率。在对问题进行分析的基础上引入了一种改进的方法,对导致估计错误的背景噪声进行抑制,从而突显出符号速率谱线。最后着重阐述了改进算法的FPGA实现方案。  相似文献   

对称差分相移键控(Symmetrical Differential Phase Shift Keying,SDPSK)调制限带传输时包络起伏小,更适合在非线性信道中使用,因而日益受到重视。通过分析SDPSK调制信号特性,推导出码速率、载频等调制参数估计方法,并利用线性调频Z变换(Chirp-Z Transformation)算法对估计结果进行了修正,测量精度得到进一步提高。Matlab仿真试验表明,该算法参数估计精度高,运算量小,易于硬件实现。  相似文献   

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