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Analyzes the mechanism of catabolite repression of grampositive and gramnegative bacteria. The role of cyclic adenosine monophosphate and CRP protein, forming a complex, is shown. Contribution of ATP kinase to manifestation of the catabolic repression phenomenon in grampositive bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

Whole serum complement (CH50) and C3, C4, and C3PA plasma values were studied in 48 patients: 9 with nonseptic shock; 20 with sepsis; 14 with septic shock caused by gram-negative bacteria; 5 with septic shock caused by gram-positive bacteria. All were compared with a control group of 25 healthy individuals. Determinations were made upon admission and again 48 and 96 h later. No significant differences in complement values were found between the patients with nonseptic shock and the control group. In the patients with sepsis, decreased CH50 (p less than 0.001) and increased C3PA (p less than 0.02) values were observed, while C3 and C4 remained unaltered. In the patients with septic shock, markedly decreased levels of CH50, C3, and C4 were seen (p less than 0.001, and p less than 0.001, and p less than 0.001, respectively) without changes in C3PA levels. There were no differences between septic shock due to gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, or between patients who died and those who survived. After 96 h, the altered values returned to the normal range. This underlines the transitory activation of the complement system through the classic pathway and suggests its possible role in the pathogenesis of septic shock in man.  相似文献   

We present three experiments which serve to identify carbon and proton sidechain resonances in 13C-labeled proteins. The first is an improvement on the previously published H(C)CH-COSY experiment and comprises the application of gradients for coherence selection and a reduction in the phase cycle. The second experiment is a new (H)CCH-COSY with two carbon dimensions. The (H)CCH-COSY presents several advantages over the H(C)CH-COSY experiment in terms of better sensitivity, improved resolution and easier identification of amino acid spins systems. The third experiment is a 2D proton-edited (H)C(C)H-COSY that allows suppression of methylene resonances. All three HCCH-COSY experiments show good sensitivity and excellent solvent suppression. The 2D version can be acquired in as little as 45 minutes and the 3D versions acquired overnight. The experiments are demonstrated on a 13C-labeled sample of the second PDZ domain from human phosphatase PTP1E in H2O solution.  相似文献   

The in vitro activity of each of two oral [cefatrizine (BL-S640), cephalexin] and three parenteral (cefamandole, cefazolin, cephapirin) cephalosporin antibiotics was compared with that of cephalothin against 168 clinical isolates of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria selected as resistant to 20 mug of cephaloridine per ml on the basis of agar dilution susceptibility test data. Each of the five other cephalosporins inhibited a greater percentage of gram-negative bacillary isolates than did cephalothin or cephaloridine, with minimal inhibitory concentration values ranging 2- to 50-fold lower. Significant differences between minimal inhibitory concentrations of the compounds tested were also observed in tests against strains of Streptococcus faecalis and of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Potential advantages of including more than a single cephalosporin antibiotic in the panel of antibiotics used for routine susceptibility testing, suggested by these observations, are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent studies have implicated rodent mast cells in the innate immune response to infectious bacteria. We report that cord blood-derived human mast cells (CBHMC) obtained from culture of cord blood progenitors phagocytozed and killed various gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and simultaneously released considerable amounts of tumor necrosis factor alpha. Overall, the extent of the endocytic and exocytic response of CBHMC correlated with the number of adherent bacteria. Thus, human mast cells are intrinsically capable of mediating microbial recognition and of actively contributing to the host defense against bacteria.  相似文献   

catA86 is the second gene in a constitutively transcribed, two-gene operon cloned from Bacillus pumilus . The region that intervenes between the upstream gene, termed the leader, and the catA86 coding sequence contains a pair of inverted repeat sequences which cause sequestration of the catA86 ribosome binding site in mRNA secondary structure. As a consequence, the catA86 coding sequence is untranslatable in the absence of inducer. Translation of the catA86 coding sequence is induced by chloramphenicol in Gram-positives and induction requires a function of the leader coding sequence. The leader-encoded peptide has been proposed to instruct its translating ribosome to pause at leader codon 6, enabling chloramphenicol to stall the ribosome at that site. Ribosome stalling causes destabilization of the RNA secondary structure, exposing the catA86 ribosome binding site, allowing activation of its translation. A comparable mechanism of induction by chloramphenicol has been proposed for the regulated cmlA gene from Gram-negative bacteria. The catA86 and cmlA leader-encoded peptides are in vitro inhibitors of peptidyl transferase, which is thought to be the basis for selection of the site of ribosome stalling. Both leader-encoded peptides have been shown to alter the secondary structure of Escherichia coli 23S rRNA in vitro. All peptide-induced changes in rRNA conformation are within domains IV and V, which contains the peptidyl transferase center. Here we demonstrate that the leader peptides alter the conformation of domains IV and V of large subunit rRNA from yeast and a representative of the Archaea. The rRNA target for binding the leader peptides is therefore conserved across kingdoms.  相似文献   

Patients with unexplained cytopenias often present a diagnostic dilemma with minimal morphologic or cytogenetic changes to identify the underlying disease process. We have used multidimensional flow cytometry in a study of patients with cytopenias and found that this technology established, changed, or refined the diagnosis in 17/121 patients. Using the flow cytometric technique of CD45 and right angle light scatter (SSC) gating with two additional markers in a three-color analysis, eight of 121 patients were found to have hairy cell leukemia (HCL), in the absence of definitive morphologic findings of HCL. Two additional patients were found to have non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). Myeloid abnormalities, myelodysplasia (MDS) or acute leukemia was detected in seven of 56 patients with unexplained pancytopenia. Six of 65 patients identified with cytopenias resulting from lymphoid neoplasms had been referred for bone marrow transplantation (BMT) with a presumptive diagnosis of MDS, with subsequent deferral of BMT upon correct diagnosis. The screening technique is incorporated into an extensive immunophenotyping scheme to identify hematopoietic abnormalities using multidimensional flow cytometry (MDF). HCL cells (detected as low as 1.3%) reside in the same position as normal monocytes in the CD45 and SSC plots but could be distinguished from monocytes based on the expression of HLA-DR without CD11b, and expression of CD19. Further phenotyping of the abnormal population confirmed immunoglobulin light chain restriction, CD11c, and CD25 expression. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was detected as aberrant mature lymphocytes expressing B lymphoid markers, CD5 and light chain restriction. Myeloid abnormalities were identified in the myeloblast or maturing myeloid cell fractions. The flow cytometric scheme described can be used in primary diagnosis. The technique is definitive, sensitive, and stresses the importance of distinguishing lymphoid from myeloid etiology of cytopenias.  相似文献   

1. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential of various preservation solutions, orginally designed for solid organs, to protect muscle function during cold storage. 2. The soleus (SOL) and the cutaneous trunci (CT) muscle from the rat were isolated and stored for 2, 4 or 8 h at 10 degrees C. The solutions used, listed in order from an intracellular to an extracellular-like composition, were: University of Wisconsin (UW), Euro-Collins (EC), HTK-Bretschneider (HTK), reversed St. Thomas' Hospital (ST2) and Krebs-Henseleit (KH). After cold storage, the muscles were tested by direct electrical stimulation to obtain the maximum twitch tension (Pt) and the maximum tetanus tension (P0). Subsequently, the muscles were prepared for morphological analysis. 3. In general, storage at 10 degrees C caused a gradual decrease of Pt and P0 with time. After 8 h of storage in the extracellular-like solutions KH and ST2, the P0 was about 50% (SOL) and 35% (CT) of control. Eight hours of storage in intracellular-like solutions resulted in a P0 of 50% of control for HTK, in a P0 of 40% (SOL) and 67% (CT) for UW, but in a P0 of 5% (SOL) and 26% (CT) for EC. These findings corresponded well with the morphological observations. 4. It is concluded that the effects of 10 degrees C storage on skeletal muscle function are not predominantly determined by the intra- or extracellular-like composition of the solutions used. Both UW and HTK were most effective (P0 > 50% of control) in preserving muscle function.  相似文献   

The compound [[Pt(trpy)]2Arg-EDTA]+ is synthesized in five steps, purified, and characterized by 1H, 13C, and 195Pt NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, UV-vis spectrophotometry, and elemental analysis. The binuclear [[(Pt(trpy)]2Arg]3+ moiety binds to double-stranded DNA, and the chelating EDTA moiety holds metal cations. In the presence of ferrous ions and the reductant dithiothreitol, the new compound cleaves DNA. It cleaves a single strand in the pBR322 plasmid nearly as efficiently as methidiumrpropyl-EDTA (MPE), and it cleaves a restriction fragment of the XP10 plasmid nonselectively and more efficiently than [Fe(EDTA)]2-. The mechanism of cleavage was studied in control experiments involving different transition-metal ions, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glucose oxidase with glucose, metal-sequestering agents, and deaeration. These experiments indicate that adventitious iron and copper ions, superoxide anion, and hydrogen peroxide are not involved and that dioxygen is required. The cleavage apparently is done by hydroxyl radicals generated in the vicinity of the DNA molecule. The reagent [[Pt(trypy)]2Arg-EDTA]+ differs from methidiumpropyl-EDTA in not containing an intercalator. This difference in binding modes between the binuclear platinum(II) complex and the planar heterocycle may cause useful differences between the two reagents in cleavage of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate HER-2/neu-specific antibody immunity in patients with breast cancer, to determine the rate of occurrence of serum antibodies to HER-2/neu in patients with breast cancer, and to relate the presence of specific immunity to overexpression of HER-2/neu protein in primary tumor. METHODS: The antibody response to HER-2/neu protein was analyzed in 107 newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. Sera was analyzed for the presence of HER-2/neu-specific antibodies with a capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and verified by Western blot. Sera from 200 volunteer blood donors was used as a control population. RESULTS: The presence of antibodies to HER-2/neu correlated with the presence of breast cancer. HER-2/neu antibodies at titers of > or = 1:100 were detected in 12 of 107 (11%) breast cancer patients versus none of 200 (0%) normal controls (P < .01). The presence of antibodies to HER-2/neu also correlated to overexpression of HER-2/neu protein in the patient's primary tumor. Nine of 44 (20%) patients with HER-2/neu-positive tumors had HER-2/neu-specific antibodies, whereas three of 63 (5%) patients with HER-2/neu-negative tumors had antibodies (P = .03). The antibody responses could be substantial. Titers of greater than 1:5,000 were detected in five of 107 (5%). CONCLUSION: The presence of HER-2/neu antibodies in breast cancer patients and the correlation with HER-2/neu-positive cancer implies that immunity to HER-2/neu develops as a result of exposure of patients to HER-2/neu protein expressed by their own cancer. These findings should stimulate further studies to develop the detection of immunity to oncogenic proteins as tumor markers, as well as the development and testing of vaccine strategies to induce and augment immunity to HER-2/neu for the treatment of breast cancer or prevention of recurrent disease.  相似文献   

A 55-year-old woman was admitted because of progressive jaundice. Blood examination on admission revealed markedly elevated serum levels of CA19-9 and SPAN-1. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a large tumor in the head of the pancreas. Although the patient's jaundice and elevated CA19-9 decreased after percutaneous franshepatic cholangio-drainage, her SPAN-1 level remained elevated. Open biopsy of the pancreatic tumor revealed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) (diffuse medium, B cell type), Complete remission was obtained after one course of CHOP therapy. This case suggests that pancreatic tumor with elevated serum CA19-9 and SPAN-1 levels may involve NHL, and may be curable with chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Deinococcus radiodurans R1 and other members of this genus share extraordinary resistance to the lethal and mutagenic effects of ionizing radiation. We have recently identified a RecA homolog in strain R1 and have shown that mutation of the corresponding gene causes marked radiosensitivity. We show here that following high-level exposure to gamma irradiation (1.75 megarads, the dose required to yield 37% of CFU for plateau-phase wild-type R1), the wild-type strain repairs > 150 double-strand breaks per chromosome, whereas a recA-defective mutant (rec30) repairs very few or none. A heterologous Escherichia coli-D. radiodurans shuttle plasmid (pMD68) was constructed and found to be retained in surviving D. radiodurans R1 and rec30 following any radiation exposure up to the highest dose tested, 3 megarads. Plasmid repair was monitored in vivo following irradiation with 1.75 megarads in both R1/pMD68 and rec30/pMD68. Immediately after irradiation, plasmids from both strains contained numerous breaks and failed to transform E. coli. While irradiation with 1.75 megarads was lethal to rec30 cultures, a small amount of supercoiled plasmid was regenerated, but it lacked the ability to transform E. coli. In contrast, wild-type cultures showed a cell division arrest of about 10 h, followed by exponential growth. Supercoiled plasmid was regenerated at normal levels, and it readily transformed E. coli. These studies show that D. radiodurans retains a heterologous plasmid following irradiation and repairs it with the same high efficiency as its chromosomal DNA, while the repair defect in rec30 prevents repair of the plasmid. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that plasmid DNA damaged in vivo in D. radiodurans is repaired by recA-dependent mechanisms similar to those employed in the repair of chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Within the past few years, considerable progress has been made in the understanding of the molecular genetics of methane and methanol oxidation. In order to summarize this progress and to illustrate the important genetic methods employed, this review will focus on several well-studied organisms. These organisms include the gram-negative faculative methylotrophs Methylobacterium extorquens, Methylobacterium organophilum and Paracoccus denitrificans. In addition, the obligate methanotrophs Methylococcus capsulatus and Methylosinus trichosporium are discussed. We have chosen not to discuss the genetics of methanol oxidation in the yeasts or in gram-positive bacteria. Likewise, the genetics of related topics (for example, methylamine oxidation and carbon assimilation pathways) are not reviewed here. Broad host range conjugatable plasmids have enabled researchers to complement mutations and clone genes from gram-negative methylotrophic bacteria. More recently, 'promoter probe' derivative plasmids have been used to elucidate aspects of gene regulation. Also, alternative gene-cloning techniques are proving useful in circumventing problems in the genetic studies of the obligate methanotrophs, the group of bacteria that is the most refractory to traditional methods.  相似文献   

We report a caroticocavernous fistula (CCF) treated by an endovascular procedure in a young woman with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV, with severe bilateral carotid and vertebral artery dysplasia. The CCF, which appeared after minor trauma, was successfully occluded by a detachable balloon introduced into the venous side by an arterial approach. Six previously published cases are reviewed, five successfully treated. The difficulties and risks of the endovascular procedure due to the vascular changes, are emphasised. The possibility of the venous approach is discussed.  相似文献   

To evaluate the significance of chromosomal aberrations in renal cell carcinoma, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to determine its prevalence and correlation with clinical parameters of malignancy. In addition, correlation of chromosomal aberration with Ki 67 expression was analysed. We performed FISH with chromosome-specific DNA probes, and the signal number of pericentromeric sequences on chromosomes 3, 7, 9 and 17 was detected within interphase nuclei in touch preparations from tumour specimen. The incidence of loss of chromosome 3 was significantly higher than those of chromosomes 7, 9 and 17 (P < 0.001, P = 0.03 and P < 0.001 respectively). Hyperdiploid aberration of chromosomes 3 and 17 was significantly correlated with tumour stage (P = 0.03, P = 0.02 respectively), whereas hyperdiploid aberration of chromosome 9 was associated with nuclear grade (P = 0.04). Disomy of chromosome 7 was correlated with venous involvement (P = 0.04). Ki 67 expression was significantly associated with hyperdiploid aberration of chromosome 17 (P = 0.01), but not with aberration of chromosome 3. There was a significant relationship between hyperdiploid aberration of chromosome 7 and Ki 67 expression (P = 0.01). In conclusions, gain of chromosome 17 may reflect tumour development, and aberration of chromosome 7 may affect metastatic potential of malignancy, whereas loss of chromosome 3 may be associated with early stage of tumour development in renal cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

We have examined, by protein binding assays, thermal denaturation, and circular dichroism, the possible effects of histones on nonhistone chromosomal protein (NHCP) interactions with DNA. For these studies, we have fractionated mouse Krebs II chromosomal proteins into three discrete fractions: Mo, 5 M urea-soluble NHCP; M1, 5 M urea-1 M NaCl-soluble NHCP from 5 M urea-extracted chromatin; and M3, 5 M urea-3 M NaCl-soluble chromosomal proteins from 5 M urea-1 M NaCl-extracted chromatin. These fractions contain heterogeneous populations of NHCP, and were found to differentially affect histone binding to DNA by methods of reconstitution, or by direct binding of M0, M1, or M3 to urea-salt reconstituted DNA with histones. M0 was found to exert a unique effect on the thermal denaturation and circular dichroic spectra of DNA-histone complexes. M0 from Krebs II chromatin was also found to complete for DNA sites in the presence of M0 from mouse liver chromatin. In addition, in 5 M urea, pH 8.0, histone binding to DNA reached saturation at 1.85 mg/mg of DNA, higher than the in vivo ratio of 1.00 mg/mg of DNA. Saturation of histone binding to DNA occurred only in the presence of 5 M urea, resulting in a reduction of nonspecific histone-histone interactions on DNA.  相似文献   

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