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鸦胆子提取物对菜青虫幼虫取食和生长发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曾涛  黎柳峰  韦德卫  陈海珊  刘演 《农药》2006,45(3):196-198
测定了鸦胆子沉淀部分(Ⅰ)、氯仿、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇和水抽提物对荣青虫4龄幼虫的拒食、抑制生长发育和毒杀活性。结果表明,在10mg/ml浓度下,处理24h,除了水提取物活性较低外,沉淀部分(Ⅰ)、氯仿、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇抽提物对菜青虫4龄幼虫的拒食率和生长抑制率均在80%以上。处理48h,除鸦胆子氯仿抽提物对菜青虫4龄幼虫的拒食活性仍然保持高活性,拒食率达95.50%外,沉淀部分(Ⅰ)、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇抽提物活性的拒食率和生长抑制率有所降低,均在60%-75%之间。处理5d后,氯仿和乙酸乙酯抽提物的幼虫死亡率均为100%,化蛹率均为0,而水提取物与对照一样。  相似文献   

坡柳种子提取物对菜青虫取食和生长发育的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
秦小萍  赵红艳  杨美林 《农药》2007,46(7):494-495,499
研究了坡柳种子乙醇提取物对菜青虫4龄幼虫的拒食作用和生长发育的影响。结果表明,坡柳种子乙醇提取物对菜青虫4龄幼虫有显著的拒食活性,24、48h的非选择性拒食性AFC50值分别为742.14、1099.93mg/L;选择性拒食AFC50值分别为1081.15、1553.2mg/L;乙醇提取物对菜青虫4龄幼虫的生长发育抑制作用明显,随施药剂量的增加,生长抑制率增大,化蛹率降低,处理剂量为5000mg/L时,生长抑制率大于100%,化蛹率仅为13.33%。  相似文献   

青蒿素及其衍生物对菜青虫的生物活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以二氢青蒿素为原料合成了10种双二氧青蒿素醚和5种单二氢青蒿素醚,用常规的非选择性叶碟法测定了质量浓度为1.0 g/L的合成化合物、青蒿素和二氢青蒿素对菜青虫的生物活性.结果表明:双醚对菜青虫的拒食活性最为显著,处理后24、48 h的拒食率分别为85.4%~96.9%和90.9%~98.6%,单醚分别为45.5%~60.6%和50.9%~68.2%,二氢青蒿素为36.6%和42.4%,青蒿素为40.1%和47.0%;双醚同样具有较高的杀虫活性,其处理后96 h的校正死亡率为72.7%~95.5%,单醚为45.4%~54.6%,二氢青蒿素为49.9%,青蒿素的杀虫活性不显著.结合活性数据,初步讨论了青蒿素衍生物的构效关系.  相似文献   

Information available in the literature concerning the composition of lipids in wheat germ and in wheat germ oil is critically reviewed. After a brief introduction to the botanical and technological aspects of wheat germ, the yield of oil and its physico-chemical properties are described followed by the composition of fatty acids, acyl lipids and non-saponifiable components. The importance of distinguishing between dissected germ and commercial wheat germ and between germ oil and germ lipids is emphasised. The triglycerides account for the major part of the fatty acids, of which linoleic acid is the principal component, and the content of free fatty acids depends on the rancidity of the germ and also on possible post-extraction processing in the case of commercial oil. Polar lipids consist mainly of phospholipids and available information suggests that glycolipids are present only at very low concentration and that galactosyl glycerides may be absent from the embryo of the quiescent wheat grain. Most reports of tocopherol composition concern wheat germ oil and there is less information about the tocopherols of dissected wheat germ. α- and β-tocopherols are found in wheat germ but tocotrienols are probably absent from dissected germ and only occur in commercial germ as a result of bran and endosperm contamination. Wheat germ oil exhibits a range of sterols. 4-methyl sterols and triterpenoid alcohols, and β-sitosterol and campesterol are the major components. The hydrocarbon composition of wheat germ oil has been reported but the significance of the results is uncertain. Flavonoid pigments, xanthophyll and xanthophyll esters have been shown to be present in wheat germ. Most of the studies of the non-saponifiable fraction were based on germ oil and commercial wheat germ and little is known of the nature of this fraction in dissected wheat germ.  相似文献   

We experimentally reanalyzed the classic interaction between Pieris rapae, a specialist lepidopteran herbivore, and isothiocyanates (mustard oils) that are characteristic phytochemicals of the Brassicaceae. Previous investigations have suggested that P. rapae is unaffected by isothiocyanates. Using whole plants, root extracts, and a microencapsulated formulation of allyl isothiocyanate, we now show that isothiocyanates reduce herbivore survival and growth, and increase development time, each in a dose-dependent manner. Neither the substrate allyl glucosinolate, nor myrosinase, the enzyme that results in the breakdown of glucosinolates, negatively affected P. rapae. Thus, we present strong evidence for a role for isothiocyanates in plant resistance against the specialist herbivore P. rapae.  相似文献   

Pheromonally yours : The aphrodisiac pheromones of male Cabbage White butterflies were identified. The small butterfly uses the smaller molecule ferrulactone ( 1 ) to enhance its mating success, while the large butterfly uses the larger compound brassicalactone ( 2 ), which is a new natural product. Both compounds are active in combination with hexahydrofarnesylacetone and phytol.


[方法]为明确乙酰甲胺磷·噻虫嗪水乳剂、水分散粒剂和毒死蜱·噻虫嗪水分散粒剂3种新型复配剂的增效作用及增效机理,室内采用喷雾法测定了对菜青虫的增效作用;通过生化测定法研究了其对菜青虫体内羧酸酯酶(CarE)、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTs)和乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)活力的影响;采用石蜡切片显微观察法分析了3种复配剂处理后菜青虫中肠组织细胞的变化.[结果]3种复配剂对菜青虫都有很好的杀虫活性,处理48 h后的共毒系数分别为13110、459.04、204.94,都表现为明显的增效作用;乙酰甲胺磷·噻虫嗪水乳剂显著抑制CarE、GSTs和AChE活力,抑制率分别为90.04%、74.98%、71.59%;乙酰甲胺磷·噻虫嗪水分散粒剂对3种酶活力的抑制率分别为72.11%、74.98%、90.60%;毒死蜱·噻虫嗪水分散粒剂则仅抑制CarE和GSTs活力,抑制率为71.16%和88.55%;3种复配剂明显影响菜青虫中肠肠壁细胞的层次结构以及肠壁细胞中的杯状细胞形状及结构.[结论]3种新型复配剂可能是通过抑制菜青虫体内关键酶活性和破坏中肠组织细胞形状和结构,进而影响其正常的消化和吸收功能,达到增效和杀虫的目的.  相似文献   

陈敏  李凌云  栾炳辉  王洪涛  王培松 《农药》2020,59(4):300-302
[目的]为明确9.5%溴虫氟苯双酰胺悬浮剂对甘蓝主要害虫小菜蛾、菜青虫的防治效果。[方法]2018、2019年于山东烟台进行了田间药效试验。[结果]9.5%溴虫氟苯双酰胺悬浮剂15、20、24 g a.i./hm^2,药后7 d对甘蓝小菜蛾、菜青虫防效分别达90.79%、92.76%以上,防效随着剂量的增加而加强。[结论]9.5%溴虫氟苯双酰胺悬浮剂可作为防治甘蓝小菜蛾和菜青虫的高效理想药剂,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Behavioral bioassays have shown that volatile oviposition-deterring chemicals are present in the frass of Ostrinia zealis, O. furnacalis, O. scapulalis, and O. latipennis larvae fed on an artificial diet. These chemicals were extractable with acetone, and could be partitioned into a polar lipid fraction. This fraction mainly included palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids. No significant differences among the four Ostrinia species were found in the amount and composition of these free fatty acids. A mixture of the five authentic fatty acids of the composition found in the larval frass of O. zealis exhibited significant oviposition-deterring effects on all four species.  相似文献   

田间试验结果表明:4.5%高效氯氰菊酯乳油20 ml/667m2、2.5%溴氰菊酯乳油20 ml/667m2、20%氰戊菊酯乳油30 ml/667m2、25%杀螨隆乳油40 ml/667m2、85%甲萘威可湿性粉剂65 ml/667m2、20%甲萘威氰戊菊酯乳油50 ml/667m2等杀虫剂单剂和复配剂对甘蓝菜青虫具较好的防治效果,且持效期长,对蔬菜安全,药后2 d防效在88.52%~99.15%,药后7 d防效在94.25%~99.05%。  相似文献   

Scent and coloration of corolla were examined as floral attributes responsible for preferential visiting by the cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae, to rape flower, Brassica rapa. Floral volatile components that release the flower-visiting behavior of the butterfly were identified by chemical analyses, electroantennography (EAG), and two behavioral bioassays: proboscis extension reflex (PER) in response to odor and attraction to artificial flowers. GC and GC-MS analyses of the headspace volatiles from the flowers revealed the presence of six aromatic compounds, benzaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethanol, phenylacetonitrile, and indole in decreasing order of quantity. Of these, phenylacetaldehyde elicited the highest response in the PER assay. While benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethanol, benzaldehyde, and phenylacetonitrile evoked moderate responses, the PER-eliciting activity of indole was very weak. In two-choice behavioral bioassays, artificial flowers scented with any one of these PER-active compounds attracted significantly more butterflies than control (unscented) flowers, whereas those treated with indole were almost inactive. The EAG activities of the six chemicals were not high and were about the same at a low dose (1 g), but phenylacetaldehyde elicited a much stronger response from both sexes at higher doses (10 and 100 g). An overall profile of EAG responses at a dose of 100 g was analogous to that of PER performance, suggesting that floral volatiles may be involved in close-range location or recognition of flowers rather than long-range attraction. By spectroscopic and UV-photographic examinations of rape flower, the central part of the corolla was found to absorb UV rays in marked contrast to the other parts, which reflected near-UV rays (max = 350 nm). This indicates that the flower is endowed with a conspicuous nectar guide that is probably an important visual stimulus for attracting foraging adults of P. rapae. Consequently, the present findings strongly suggest that this elaborate pollination strategy of rape flower, characterized by its good combination of olfactory and visual attractiveness, accounts for preferential visiting by the cabbage butterfly to the flower.  相似文献   

Avoidance of some crucifer species by the crucifer specialist,Pieris rapae, has been attributed to the presence of oviposition deterrents in these plants. Studies on one such unacceptable plant,Erysimum cheiranthoides, have resulted in the isolation ofn-butanol-soluble deterrents from the alcoholic extract of foliage. The active fraction contained three cardiac glycosides, which were isolated by reversed-phase HPLC and by open column chromatography on silica gel. Chemical and spectral evidence (UV, [1H]NMR, and FAB-MS) led to the characterization of these compounds as erysimoside (1), erychroside (2), and erycordin (3). Erysimoside and erychroside were strongly deterrent toPieris rapae, but erycordin was inactive. Both active compounds have the same aglycone, strophanthidin (5) and the inner sugar in both cases is a 2,6-dideoxy hexose to which the outer sugar is attached at position C-4. These structural features, which are absent in the inactive compound (3), may represent specific requirements for oviposition deterrent activity.  相似文献   

生物农药2%苦参碱水剂对菜青虫的防治效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探索了生物农药2%苦参碱水剂不同剂量对十字花科蔬菜害虫菜青虫的防治效果,统计出虫口减退率及校正防效,结果表明生物农药2%苦参碱水剂对菜青虫防效良好,适宜使用剂量(商品量)为15-20g/667m2。  相似文献   

4.65%高氯·氟啶脲乳油防治菜青虫田间药效试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过 4 .6 5 %高氯·氟啶脲乳油对菜青虫的田间药效试验 ,结果表明 :4 .6 5 %高氯·氟啶脲乳油在药后第 1、3和 7d防效逐渐提高 ,至药后第 7d防效最好 ,6 0ml/ 6 6 7m2 最高防效为 96 76 % ,30ml/ 6 6 7m2 的最高防效为 93.5 5 % ,它兼有了高效氯氰菊酯的速效和氟啶脲的持效期长的优点。可以作为当前防治菜青虫的选择药剂  相似文献   

Oviposition byPieris rapae butterflies was deterred by spraying the plant secondary compounds coumarin and rutin on cabbage plants in greenhouse choice tests. In no-choice tests ranging from 5 min to 24 hr, acceptance of rutin-treated plants for oviposition increased with trial duration. Both coumarin and rutin deterred oviposition primarily by affecting prealighting rather than postalighting behavior, indicating that deterrence was mediated by noncontact cues.  相似文献   

BtA天霸防治小菜蛾与菜青虫试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应薛养  林明  潘兴杰 《农药》2000,39(12):27-28
1999年进行了BtA天霸防治小菜蛾和菜青虫的小区药效试验。结果表明,该药对上述二种害虫具有良好防治效果。药后1、5天,800倍液对小菜蛾防治效果均超过95%,显著高于20%杀灭菊酯1000倍 40%乐果500倍液和BrA天霸1600倍液。800、1600倍液对菜青虫防治效果,药后1天为86.90%~97.69%,药后5天为90.89%~100%,用800倍液可同时防治小菜蛾和菜青虫,应用BtA天霸对无污染蔬菜生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王利卿  阎绍峰 《辽宁化工》1999,28(1):53-54,60
介绍了麦芽油衍生物的特性,结构及其在化妆品配方中的应用。  相似文献   

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